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THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOR W)H THE PAST, lilli' FOR IHE PRESENT, HOPE TOR lill. FUTURE. VOJ x VI,| FARMVILLE, 7A. FlilDAY, Jl LY 17, No . TOWN DIRECTORY ii i ii i .-TORY 'a Leo & Thompson Attorneys ;tt Law |"vt ve, Ya. I ?- Kt ICK, '.. IRIEYSf-TUI, N \i i ,1 Conni)', Vi. it> a'nl Federal. .V. C FRANKLIN \ 1 I. WV, HAVE YOU EYES H YOUR HEAD./ Pltijii'll) lilt.'il g] will du nw .i\ willi nil I .-ii m.' ami - tin . All tbe :ti -|>. c i .-\ .? gi? k> [ii in -I'H-k W. T. BLANTON. anil Optician. Itch Cared Bl ONE M'l'l.h \| lu.\ .11 Dr. D.i\ id's Sanative \\ in i mun \i i \i I'EH l'i i' VVaah lt il Hell ,> i,, per? in ll || youl a re hun ril PRK - v Hui l ll. \i : ?.Ills I.I Owens & Minor I rug To. Richmond, Va. i "you; I'.v I W t M. .i,.,xn ing mn NEW bINE SPRING HAWES HATS Eclipse Shirts Ed. \ Price & t * i li bi n. -i tailor made cloth ink' B. Davidson, Iii ? ht. i I >i King* Nen I .ile I'iIIk I.,i several yean, aud dud Iheui Mi \ \ ? t ll;ilii?v lille, N . Ni va I.Ile Pilla relieve without Iheleasl 'il? ia,mi it. lieut remedy fur conatl|mllon ,n,i malari i v i ,, , drill" -tm.-. Help lol Tlu.s,- Who ll its Sf.'iniali .tale. Vier iloctorinfl for ai, nit ? ?|K'inliiiL' nearly live hundred dollars i.'t medicine and il 1 pur - hun's ral l.ivi-r tablet*, vt tiled did liei mi luueli '.-."'.I the continued to u?e them and they have : : I han al! ll the liie.l ielne I li s v mi i. l;.,v i ir, I'.,ls,,m. I,nan lins iii.-.|it-iiu- is fol ,- v\ liiston Hrui* < " Yea's. il deal til ,h anti,,. , i ti r.-, ii - lum ~ mil. timi i 'ham? il nd < holli:, c. wai Ural hrouKhl lulu une lt . "i tr.-ilin, for Ihir a , ? maintained iimi reeonl I toni ri Minali hewitt Ililli* y |,iii >,r ilie I lilted .staten and In tn 1113 .-minti , a ill recommend it vv hen llieiroiiinluii have other .1 pnv I helli , il. ll eau alwayrt lie deiienden U|mhi, .'. .-ll III Hie ll ? 'I 'lint.', lolls VV Mist..11 I Ifll. Hst .mir la.rm. h i,'i youl arm, 1 price, im laney price, bul 1- worth, and waul lo sell 1'nickly, I mn in thc poaltinn to handle a \ui mal ilty <>f large ,ii-t.i-r- im any num* lici it tin- |-t I.*-- are right, moal of them will pay cash. Coat you not lilli Lia! them willi \\ m. VV. Jack min, Mem VV. K, It. I rn in lg ra lum Association. Manager Southside ithern I.-uni l 11 ma Hie, Va. Phone ir. apl. lt C 11 ? , . ri.'li,-e. V. M. Ilanli 1 Hy, North 1 molina, *.i\ s 'I lin.I I ai ellie Hitter* iloex all that s ela 11 neil foi it. For , ll K Idney I loni,le il emil lie heat. I In . lr let I il rm,I lin,I M 1 la-si ot nil Imo foi weakness, lame ill rundown conditions. a Sold , A t .,., drug Htore - My little boy, c.ur j ears old, had ? ittack ol dysentery. We had two pi. v sieiriiis; both of them gave him up. V\ e then gave him Chamberlain'! t, < 'holera aud dial rhot a remedy vt hieh euri.I hun and ..elieve thal saved lu* lite William ll. Ht roi ing, Hill. Ala. There Itt no doubt hui ihi- reiiieiiv Raven the lives ..f a h year, (live ll nilli, lo the phill pniiii .I direct.- and cure ia le h.V I he W Hist,111 l>l!l; Ihe world Affords. ie unbounded pl. - recommend Huck len'*! Arnica Salve." sav .1 VV, .1. nhill*. .,M Impel Hill. S. C. "I am bomInoeil ii'? 1 ? !'ls. 11 cured 1 felon on mv thumb, rm.I ii ii>" it trtil* t,< heal ie. hum or wound to vv hlch lt 1- appin White A < >.., drug store. Wouldn't You Like To Be Sure snug **mn of reidy cash Twenty Years From Now |ii-t winn you tu asy riiul . life ? . . . Life Insurance is the Lest provision for an in dependent ..1.1 lt 1- .'!-?-. immediate provision for I hi si ness and family interests, , .11 --In-uili die. INSURE NOW THEN, in the .MBRICAN NATIONAL Lil E insi kami: company in ullin::. Vi Garland & Martin MIHI V..I \ I* 1 VRMVII LE. VA Wood's High-Grade ..needs. Crimson Clover The Kin** of Soil Improver s. ..l*.o m.ikes splendid fall, winter .ind sprint* t-i.tzini:. Hie e.iilic?.t j-reen feed, or n jjood h.iy crop. CRIMSON CLOVER will In ? he,-?s ,,f the tl ni twenty imus a une amount commercial fcrtiliaein Caa be 1 al Wood's Trade Clover 8 ? ' ' t.w. woodT&sons, Seedsmen, Rici.mond. Va. K->*>->->-?CCO0*^ae-3OOCOCOO0CC*j* I Belinda Deals I k My M.ILIL CRAVY CU l.MORE ?X?COCCOCOCOOCaCOCOOCOOOo6< I The quarrel had - Both had mihi hitter thin lld hare - n Inch to tha nther I. a not until Wurr' ? bind liim thal Be a the lit' '. ? v nml with $1" willi, v. : done ? I it. Why, th, ?? Creighton, hi ? 1, who had taken hall n In half tin- til,. vain tl his In. wcnhl ? ' ' ? Ami Inevltal standpoint, ! ?? ?al affection. When a full 1.., i ? return!] - np," Bi linda -at .!" 'im.- in ttieir her this v her far I ,o dried her eyea with i a bil for Bl -ion he ? ? la,ni" tu hu,, amt (,f spunk mi l> Th" pr raped "f tl ri. how I - lier BBI thought - Templeton Ihat would laal him a lifo ? coming . nr im pl.nain- him. lint he Could I. and tho I for him. lt required leal than I tunk.- Inr h eah to take her to ttl" had d If hurriedly In a simple dark trnve b a lit ? n turhan ri -tun; on I curls. A thick veil wai ? Hy conceal her featur k np her grip ari.I . coming np with a n,it>\ Inti lier. la recognised her hr. law's handwrillng at a glance nml iddenljr aajy hands. - I he's got In lome trie! jump. I've dune all 1 could lo i to qui! ani ; like a crazy man. Unleai I .?tty si ii >n, he's. _t r ? If you ia,nhl : thing equally urgent, he' . I think vv. ; in saving lomethlng from the I'll.I.Y " Bellnd ? was tho cause of all this -abe! The a, tlif tl'iar m.-nt. slie stood cling rall fur I Ile thc ? Jerked ! ? ? .?" ? la'" Ile I It's ton || np Ilk** fury: '? bought md and bough! till he'd pul ? 1 n't ho iml- iml Hie n the : I 'ther half point lowt "Well?" "That $1,0 ling In rust for ni", until I'm tl. If y,m ? TH do wi He -lunn; ii|? thc ??1 pale and panting ? Hand on Ure l?i, k of a chair. What f rh, | shOO i ?'- Bil I " sh.-'.i han ?id her Iif. Hal re [H-ntame W ter hu IV hy h., . lon in ' 'el' all ?? te anything but despise hor? nill that she deserved lt! While she waa still B-UHhen shrilly at her J.-rkoal ap ? mid ap; ' car. "That la?" | .lek!" * alloqiiy which ci . !, n with al? ternating f.-ar and l BB she finally got at the troth nf the in Hilly. The first thing she did was to burry ? ange ner go lt was liter train time; besides, th.-;. ? a learned In a nindi a ind 1 -"ne hy him. ? o'clock, thi latch t-lh ked. Delinda ran stairs tn the front dour and I the holt. ren!" Young Templeton's face was ashen; his oj - ? and his halt iff his hat and loaned lt on Hie rack, showed damp and dis!,' Belinda tiled to put her anni lr In the old way, hut he thrual BOC flt I ri ymir He flung hia ' ' ly Into a chair and drop; his shaking 1 "Wrr -i lt?" "We're ruined," 1 > "Iv. ' Belinda leaned "v.-r his chair and with h.-r own little wnrtn ' ll wa hit her fault, yet he I shouldering Hie Mai mie word nf reprolii'h fa "It ? ll man "But, little ghi." h.- protested in a a root ort I I imt univ sunk Ile :. trat borrowed li r.-'S that little Futll Billy ton ls liol,ling in tlil-t t rely, mal] amonnl hk.- that won't ? I want lt tn rem i'm in trust tor couldn't touch lt." "Wa' ? 'liing In h> ?ok quickly Into bli !. smiling fa." Ht ? i va Ph a queer, | "i ive heen dealing li self," Bbl il" tly. In?lr, know." ? ?ij, with a ' limply in the depths of lils cl ' said sh". . little white t ia, 1?1 * GAVE UP THE WITNESS. Very Evidently There Was Nothing to Be Got Out of Him. Two kinds of \i encountered In courts of Jns'i unwilling witness and th- too-willing witness. Hero Is one who seem to come under either _ il - ineeutlng i Hansel thus ad him: "Mr. Harks, state, If you : Hie defendant, to your know] edge, has h sion " "Ile has heen ar ! hare known him." ?? Vh! a professor nf rn "A professor of rell^l ' You don't mdt Mr. Parka What does he do?" "Well ? va imt la.- pl "Mr. Harks, this kind of prevarloa lion will not do hero X bow the defendant supports himself." "I ssw him last night sn; Mav it pl- a?e Your lordship, this witness shows sn ? with tho court." "Mr. Harks," says bl if von know anything shout it. what tho defendant's occupation ipatlon, <!!?! slr?" ration," sahl the what ls his ? "If I am not mistaken. 1 - d.n Town." "That's all, Mr Part ; Do I under stand you to affirm that the i ant ls a professor ol ll" ls." - his praeta - ,] arith his profession?" "I neva-r beard "f an-. r hiter of any kind " ' You said somer ? is pro for dilnkli ? ' No, slr. I think he drinks a Bil You have known the def. n.hint a long rime. What ate his hal.Its -to ' I think the ono he lias on now ls auder tho arms, li . talnly t Ion." ? can take your mat, Mr ' -Tit Hits. Korean English. Tho foOowlni gean of English as it I IO Us ,af mir repmt.-is this morning day last one of the families ?g I'yung Chun made a loud inc. tl! ' ? a isk",| tl Accounted For. Hill- , scien? tifically IllVO- 'et..Sit inr Information ls given that an adult feeds only once In fron. lt) hours. Jill?That is why so n . 'iln In some ,s"s, I suppose?Yonkers I man. Punishment. Head Imniisitor?You were the r-hauff.ur, I holit-ve, who was con? tinually lettliiL* vile sniok" como out af the rear of your machine. I.ato Arrival Toa, i-lr. "Well, go and swallow a cup of helling cyllnd- ten minutes, until I can think of some punishment to flt your case."?1.1 fe. Artificial. Her hair I* fal??. ?>ie ls pall lama's ti., . mixture, h?>r '. ar* Iks mr Unit f??th*r she wear* In h.r 1-__?t, wrier* the |>ni?r r..n?? M - t ai la a not L*--?r. BRYAN and kern . kan N . ut od WILD siN'TimsiASM FOLLOWED Indiana Man Was Nominated By Acclsmstion For Vice President After Others Withdrew ? Extracts Frcm the Platform. ? tts lah sting Willi. dent. Bl Mr. I ng, after WILLIAM .J BRYAN. pi - I ? : I ? 1 h K./..? ?_~4j*tW..I,.tf J .MUN W. KI ballot v i in 1,1s ' for Ills ; tm the call of - ? ? ; -'a ia - I nf thc I a ring ? ' srs of ! ' Extracts From the Platform. Th" i : : tarill rt if a n, * relating I measiir, ; r rrlal bj lt all Ju with righi lt: |nnctlona i in any esses In which Injunctions would not mired. We favor th* *!h jovernm-'nt w s gen r - We i ? a de? partment of ia We favor tho Imo the tariff hy ? Hon with tr... -latortal re should be tr ._# tariff uo'-n tb. necessaries of life. ' i.lth s ?han at ng any Ung I ii ampalgn ndlrldu im snd prorldlng I mini mum a- . sa ind tho ' ? EOYERTOWN HORROR SUITS Two Mrn Who Lost Wives In Fire As'-t $20,000 Damages. I JOLT FOR BLACK H Men Get a Sample of R sey Justice. ? In pi - ? - and blackmail, lr ? Canoe Overturned; Two Drowned. ? ? I ? ?-. .. $200,000 Residence Burned. '"rm whit h | ? Bled to Death After Ball Hit Him. 100 Shocked By Lightning. en cm $1050 Pearl In Clam. ' ? ' ? (h.imherlain's C ' tttti ? ea Kemedy Would Hav,- sered Him *100.00. "In I ,.. and Diarrhoea Kerned) w bk prout pl . won III lai doctor's bill." - W ni? si,ui Dm medjThat Dr h s.-iv- Mr- K. ll. I' aili,urn ninl lin univ. ,-,,lilli,:. health. FOUR DROWNED in Launch Blows Up and Burns In Buzzard's | TWO 8DEVIVOR3 RESCUED Cleveland Leaves Estate to Wfe and Children ? Negro Shot Dead By Posse?Killed By Lightning In Steel Boat?Shot By Mother-m-Law. - by un ? were . ? - ? ? and pr. ? I ?n. was ? ? : I ' I as lo ? ? " - ? Swallowed Ten Inch Table ss*. - i ? I ? * in tho ? Killed By L - ' lg him i .av* attracted the light: - SCORES I-.; i'ARTIES .mi Bryan D 'in Pro _. DRAFT Off THE PLATTORI Declares Fer the Suppression of Hil Saloon, the Trafie In Girls. Abusi cf Sunday and Gambling?Roosevelt Policies Endorsed. . . murial bali - iiigrt.ld. III aairman, std at Ht tsiino'it, Fraakl ? the i un a -., ., . ** cried ? of the fiv .1 LwMtS "f sp a I ' ttl! orer all. and ar. m*t hen ,.? shouts of v I, tory u; iu> ?) t.i fa., .* wlih ths ?plata i Btocratla and I ' ll til* gi ink lu th* Republli an na in "i> affirming on. Itepuhll. an .1 ". tun* pro B the hirth of Ho? wes a mahon of a plank I platform of l?7. Igbta ol Scores Taft and Bryan. meed William II snd peraUoa ian ul ? , ? - a alliaaea ot ? A '.on I : -nk In ihe , at form I "We reaffirm on ind pledg. our to] slty to tin prim I pies of our party," orbit h . . Mr Patton. In. laded tin Mary plank tn tin Bryna lil a pul,; a iou ng and making si . B hil OW! state . i that In his campaign s oka foi all of ? -.nh,n hut the pm ? ? fi, in the fact that bl , , intel ?? :? w m. d tc Bf ? ir,-ie local la Bl <-'" . what bops ll ;. . il giro any aid tu this cause! I the organisation ?f Un ,' lin**! and d' me when ths ? . foi md <u i; ail,,I." The Platform. . ? i " if! nf tha plat ' ' I i---",Inline I - nf Hil I will In all probability Un peofM - SB that ? with ' ! internals -i aak'.-aslos,' ai. I 'hat at ' t-a piOlll' ? form; and B| ? ri a:,-. Halal ls ' ll of s .: ls a dan ll at most be ? Binti '. i ?? v v nun liable b thad - raising ol itippiemeoted hv il. will ,**ible. .? i,ti,,n livorce agaa. ? it eeerj state ling all Inti na II,piora. Ik par ?!" not ' ? ll ? ' i *? ? ' liss n In ? <? I gislatlog ' I pra rafi apb fealty. "We 'a nary sulTrs. . Hon of prate* ? *,,Ung, .. . i vol ut ? Ile "t ? * Twenty . , Peace. ? ase, i? al