Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONI i ill PAW Hi LP i"i mi PKI -i M. i il Kl. -OL. XVIII. FARMVILLE, VA FRIDAY, JULY flo40. CC. TORY i 11Y Lee & Thompson Att< tw V \. WA . 1 ? iv >< K - i. Edvard bul] tar*S<i tl C I ANKLIN ?? i I. WV HAVE YOU EYES IN YOUR HEAD? l'|i.'..|l, tilt.-.I If] will tin away willi nil that, ('.ill "ii nu' anil Iel in. -. - m Isi' i- i lu matti! at !...?. All tli. kept W. T. BLANTON. Jen der and Optician. Itch Cared l ION <?I Dr. David's Sanative Wish IS I'll I KT i Ml ,.f Itch .a.l.lilU* in per? il Ann I >-u ul - l'i:!' I , rs >i I 1.1 \i iJriiK |M 'u rn, Owens & Minor ! raj fo. Richmond, Va. you by ri Ills ? ? atv show m-s; our NEW blNE SPRING HAWES HATS ,-i ( M Eclipse Shirts Ed. V Prici & < ns i itt.I tailor made cloth A ing N. B m. T a a 111. Ill I,.Ill I'll III Mi \ \ Ille, N *i \. a ililli ?i|,alana I TIGHT ENOUGH BEFORE. a , I hare Wouldn't Go. Ile cuni go tlif ? Very Mean of Him. i u.I n ela. Ht i ; Suspense. be mar nd tlu-ir Answered. lu .Villi - ? Sill. lt vail- til lilis lilli.' Illili I . mul * Indera ll rn! brough! mi., une li -lui iii.n'mvother ? ?,i liiii? linell ii,ail ill Billi a. pail III lill' silial Stair- mill lu in ?mintit-. Niueiln iii len '?uiui. nil il m li'ii ,,|,insin have other ? ; prof ? 'I |ieiiilen u|.<ni. ?I .lilli.', lull i he w lii-ton Drug S.\ ll|.|HSS i.|llln. Ill- I rrtl like -?*. a; ! ??|s .-I ilia- 11*1 Iran ks -nilli' mell s for walking in is.- - row path When :. ssin ili.i-n i care how Irla - ! lu- iiin-l annoying linn::- is u- whim i- Ihe unreasonable! ? a,I-U' ? hms M>u annoy , a ,a nil ? -it tin- lit-t Ullin: -h.- pink-, in her mik i- lui i Killi.I S. , ,| A comfortable linns riSiuit l uealiou in bow nuperioi 'i make* s, |,ts.|,|i- wlm .1.. l,< liff Illili, Ul Willi.Ult Bl \\ inn ;i woman nu I..issi ijiiestioiit) ?I hus!.innl - judgment nhl I'l.Ita wsit - Ism. Karly i !alls timi are eaay lo - iii li) \ iiiii-i-mi I irur ' Kennedy's Laxative lough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out the system through a copious and althy action of the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing the icous membranes of the throat, chest i bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar" hildren Like It For BACKACHE-WEAK KIDHEYS Try fitts Kldnej md Bladder Pills-Sure and Std Livery And Sales Stables. ''??.OEKYJITX'j-y* ''"*'- 0%' ',;,,,,! In inlmni th. lilllie thal III .?.uineitimi u ith my T ALL HOURS I'rouipl at* I, ali iirdert anil the beni I i iiiie-lly li ii \..ur pall :tiul. I'., W. VAUGHAN. ii, ii, lin SI ,li? ta! ( .ila I r Ins Ol sill hoi lila I liln Bal A Ill/a by coo HS'I tool 'nu. .lill. \ Um boa T Um .m.i bm! Kill, pp The Taifun By r. II. LANCASTER looi ut hi* s hrisk iv and Brand t ? - : knew Ul..nus it wns. and h. out pr, ? The much i up lo astnlilsli "And ail the manhood the 111,111 Minni Ol 111 llinl ure. "I limit wan! tn talk '" aboul no llvei s't matter ? Brandon tunk i - ? ai aa.uit to ? lill,Ult on one Bide ol mj uidei a rib. l tried ' righi and ? -tit." Brand ? wns uili Hut win n rom. ll - then rrupted. Hu' from Hun Olomer higher ' nu. nt hut ut temi . ul, III 1 tempera! s, he ts , .' natured. ?lu n .link. I lu- l; lamala, take nf ? ? leering . "1 give Ul"' ' I Ililli I.)! Ul '1 Ililli tunk I,,wu a book h.- dol ' "Wi-a arther round I ii, through sharp fiance at tba big, quiet fel iw, failed m make anything of bia ? on tinta a but fill! nf innis "Exactly," Glomer put in quietly nd Itrnmhsi realised that the issn ? mi notion. mi...I hy torrential rains, h. .itv mul.-, thunder nml lightning ??? sit inns, nae wind ".'," Qlomer repeated ami ,-il controlled tuns. "And you formula there fur steering through wind al -'" said just nsw" role?'" "That Is what I want " "Here you ar.'- ls Buy? Rallol'i ?al with yuin band t nu either side ami ymir back tn B wis-: your h-ft hand.' " That is all?" Olomer questioned. tl* thal Issi Hi au n been a woman be would prol m fallen upon his Mend's neck ami smi.lil him tu 1st lilli' lappoli ti i.h-iit lu- iiuii.1 only sllentl) al Ul.- hunk. Ul,SHIT tn"k S front his ; ! thc law. 'A hut ls lt al! about, Uh,m. lifted himself a little I I .-ll," >k Ills ! ? ' I Intend tn man ? When 1 ninny, I rn nc. hut If I am t I mit il half the timi'. I hail betti gie A hum.- that lc milt half a irdlng le thanked Brandon fur bia with Inls law In I. um-,situ,I), ut in it fa'. I thal I! ll ,1 HIS lal- tills Hil, 'lin lt tot wita or m. wife Il all ? - ii home tfully. Ar i-i ly : "If my hume ? ' by To SS' ,,! , I-lr a a ]\ loo I Sn pm anti M Ol i.-u sim ll his Iif ?s uf happs. whetrei I np* a bouse WOO that lu- Issi tu: tn '1 ?ll- Vt Iff Val a ui th borne of Ms ,uml brilliant worn* mil hi'itiitlful mus wlm eoulil look ful young i-u- 1": li othi I I'S and nils nus lilli ,,l tl I ill I", I \\ la - - And ? loved hei fuss tl ute ol lld nut - - priv ? ?an- tills flash ,,i temi don; s made him cling t', tbe belief th human 01 di , by a ItlWI il:, .ns. nt ii ? , m thal kept bl on bia 1 a,V.-Inpi- Wi ; little ol the law i! will hi- nu > a lill || ? True enough, th. a the St.,! lil Ballot's law, Olomt ol tin fat t until a . 1) from the windon "Whal Mr. Olomer gol np, went window seat and banded lope ? "Hals ,| wsi, nut H.a T< bim; "it overlook ulm! Bbl] > ' ? ? "l thought ii wa ? ?ould han ii ii, a 1 looked e held ami niikiai al ?! the ???'? lt had ltd! In lls 1 he spoke h>-. sid nut !? a "No," Ind lt .mild lint ba ' Sa lind , hum.' In any place wh, ri ? I hiul ome 'i ? ? lulu Mis- Han* '?ls! fill I mi: "Then ls snothei lan 1 hv" .'.mi know it?' Olomer ut "I think I Olomt; ut his nmis around ber, And we is have a hom. .' fi 1 sough fur me ' with In ld. ' If ) -ai v-lll let ie keep this alwaya," ant , "l think thal wc sm hart Profits in Broken Glass. aw made useful. In a fit.-1 ? 1 placed fra ul.sis colors, whl. ? , a temperature. Thc coherent a sit ti ul cut Into beautiful mottled I ba, forming an artificial n ? D 1 In relief ran 1 a while the 11 ti 1 ru broken sallied ? indow san be made bj 1 thou) the ordinary sion \ ? in the final fulfillment of ll lilian! - ible commodity ll I) bandied and attila Protecting Eagles. thal a heavy fine, lo ipture aa ww ? ? ? wing and eapta ? ?? 1 1 - id nu attention was called ?? lera! law, which is nut pew Bj it win be returned to Ihe md There are fuiir nm" I [aland. dal : ? ? nt to public parks to liuld iptlvltr. _ h.-imberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrtea Remedy Would aved Him JlOO.OO. In IMI liarrhoea," says ll N Karrai ol' it in.I. 1.1 I "i -1 iial ?? ? - unable lo do myth lng. On M i -,i;. I |i:nl :i -innlril :illri,-k. Mini inetlriiu's 1 olia*, I h.ileiri ami la | I rmi-nler lt one ol thc ,-- ,,f ii- kimi m the world t had l used ll In lani I lu iiil have hundred rlol* ill. .-.SI bj I Se W in i Urn: ? Th- Bt-Wfl] That Dues - \,? Disco' dy thal 'I.*- Ihe healing bi omise bul fmi i" perform, - \ii- i lt. Pierson, ot Xuiuiru tn- I'm. "Ii i- curing me ..f ilir,.nt rouble of inns' standing, I nenin redie, cl only temi I*. Mew I) ?h good thal I feel ooiiliilenl Its tiiilleil Sse lur ri rerisMUMldf ll me will re-1, ue meta per feel health. - it now ned eough and cold timely Mini hm- healer li Si A I 0 il bottle WOULD LYNCH GIRL'S KIDNAPER Ghas.Hemphiil Narrowly Escaped Death al Giassboro, N. J. ABDUCTED 7-YEAR-OLD CHILD Seven Killed In Mine Explosion Ncnr Pottsville. Pa. ? Ex Preach! ? Dead For Revenge?False Clue In ms Murder Mystery - York Brokers Insuring Again f Bryan?Labor Leade For Contempt?Alia Died Denounc? ing the Priesthood1. - - ol tbi ; : ? - a an Immedl - ll n Shot Dead On Street For Rev" ? ? Threatened to Slay *v" I fol n A. Val n ten Into I iii"! li Negroes In Court. ? ii nunli i woman. "Mrs Ar nil u ' ihem. ? id ..ut iii iht DIES OF SNAKE BITE Copperhead Bit Boy Who Was Picking Ber Death In Rattlesnake's Bite. MURDERED ANO ROBBED - Confess Luring Victim From a Ti - ' - THREE KILLED IN DYNAMITE BLOW-UP Placing 50-Pound Charge Willi Iron Rod Caused Explosion. - - ? ? FIRE PANIC IN SCHOOL | Paper Stampedes 150 C1 In Pittsburg. ? ? Live Wire Kills Three al il.Uni: li ? i Ou?t Middy On Drink Charges. - ?: me. ? tb< I ol I - il I I ! r anylb BISHOP POTTER PASSES AWAY Venerable Churchman Dies After Lingering illness. FAMILY WAS AT BEDSIDE Death Was Due to Embolism * Leg. Fellowing a Long Attack of Liver and Stomach Ti Suffered Relapse On Mon: j's Oxygen Was Given, Hs De I Was 'ul and Quiet?1: Life. ' I ', - ' ' l * irk of Senator Knox's Brother Dead. Pittsburg. ' ' I I ne-Pound Baby; Nine Inches Tall. s .? ali'cit a b-moa. QUEBEC CHEERS PRINCE OF WALES Royal Visitors Formally Open tile Celebration. ftRRIVED ON BATTLESHIP c.ture King and Princess Welcomed By Hundreds of Thou? sands, Including Many Titled Per? sons?Vice President Charles W. Fairbanks Represents the United -Salutes From the Warships of Three Nations Greet the Prince's Arrival. ? Prince I ? iiuully opes . Ol t lu? lu loasltable ,, -Slime ' . ' 11 , !:,!? and Hritir.ii war * clint; guns nf Um nation Of war .: i'll. rt'.I part] ? . ' I : i is . : SI. 111. Wita linly ', ' ll ac ||, un I,),, || t< ? al . o arith color, v,\t\ - and I ! ? r | ,,_! ,i,,| an! . - \iill Nalll SHERMAN, ILL, MAY DROP OUT OF RACE He Declines Second Place Committee Can Fill lt. rh. ra h a ? rafi ,,i iii I ? .lilli ly Boara, cf Until aa lill ll f ll S ? I ll dil ? - ' ' ,' il , Bl ? ? :," nc , Mangled In Machinery. ' ? al tlc ll . M. lill ll - ? Sim he wa Will Wed S Count. I ' t ur??r ? ? of the .sle. and ? i . ? ?