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THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOH I ki: lill PAH. lill.I' POH MIK I'KEHKNT, HOPI FOI Ul! li UKI-. (), xV||| KA KM VI M.K, VA FRIDAY, AIMU81 H KO 43 TO*^ > Y u i ii i COJNTY DIRI CTORY. A. A. Lee & Thompson Attorneys al Law : Va. dhru.i.a- _ KOCK, ?MWMETSATUl, ? , aVlNd \l'|ti,.s KY ATI (mn Bu, Prinn Edward County, Va. (-ros , '1 Federal. .V C FRANKLIN , \T LAW. HAVE YOU EYES IN YOUR HEAD? l'i..].. li .-ill ?Si III" .-Hill I III Al! iii. ". I. BlAi. kvekt and Optician. H. a mira t Itch Cored Phil VTION OF Dr. I).i\ Id's Sanath e Wish IN I ll ll; IS MIM Tl ni llcli , uni ing in per? il!* IHIi lill Ht a I'.<? IT LE Al ilrug Oleos & Minor Pruft Co. Richmond, Va. si hv a il . hr. 'I Ills. -I INI Wc iff gnow ing our NEW HINE SPRING HAWES HATS Eclipse Shirts L| V. Price & ( i.\. Wlebrated tailor Bade ? loth ing "- B. i? idson. Receiver For Thaw'-. I a nh,, ia i I., I ' '. K ! : \ I a ' : ' : ' ' n ? ? ? _. * * N i <ssi,ni,1. -' '> ! | Strikers Fire On Train: Three Killed. ?hom will ; ... ? ni* nun snii'ii ns n ts the Blocton mine, under a (in the Into tho top, Silt ? ? : put on lui ? ? ' ? ? un pru . . ? , Right ne ? Bit) Fish Draws Man to Death. trolling I"' un Hs Schuylkill rlvei helow the llilll?.t. ? he Inst ii ? ? : him (low ii ? ? t reet brid gi ki I ? could reach him ir Mangled By Train at Deal Beach. Wins Arthur. tor, lott i and ii I! under the Both h . in Ihnt Hu v liiitl tu tn> ? ant the ? alii probably live onl; .mi tba train a thal be thought Ms- .lan, ? Torn Artery ls Cleaned and Tied. An opt ration that was pi a Hill ss. , .sss Pa be tbe its kimi In a:in, rm a ind tied ti. which was badly ton inn, al iwollen tn i Sy tho Family Killed By Lightning. family it Rdmonds, ten ghtntng. "'muk Mm|ila Ife anil ,n were In tbe s ii down : ? Suicide In Rowboat. Henry Weiner, ? carpel ld, was found d< ad in a ? ali,nu tb( Busqut Il lia.lS all'l It IS ihat he drank h to rommlt ? rwo Men Kicked to Death By Broncho is law, ,, d by a broncho ,t Bloomington, Ind . whl Irlvlng. Tin' animal suddenl* stopped .?all tO KS I Ki'illl* hr..iiis't. tis dashboard an.! crushing s,,th m. n Irove Nail Into Brain, But Still Lives. lng a hammer and 'ir' i ins Innis with OB Chenango Bridge, I v tried bo ead his I .? fruin nervous touhlo. Tho u kl'.'W 11- \i'ii\ l..f. ut rural route **? She \u husl-aml, James m,ly i? mem his lilt' to the rn ., , i ls King's Nt w I 'laen erj His ii aflected timi i iinsumption seemed lne> Itatile, when _ .ruled N.'w l"-' I, and il? lili I,, iierfeel hfrillh " i?i King's " lem Discovery ls the King "f throat * mi luugremed Boughs and lo ,,,11'ti The Awl --..i.i undi i I l rial bottle "? BRYAN NOTIFIED OF NOMINATION The Ceremony Tock Place at Lincoln, Neb. WAS A NON-PARTISAN AFFAIR ? y Cheer vard to | Kern Con Predictions. ? : ' ; CAPITOL i ? ami M' The Three Important Features. 'I : ? nil l? ed wltl ? ? il s new ? high li ' -_*, BRYAN RECEIVING Ills NOTIF1 ION M r i which greeted his ' wbea Mi Bi ll IUI| ' .trfct Hon ol ti. -rn Mr. Bryan's Orstorlcal Powers. Mr. ind hil "tiflss .?uiui Mr I ? anal promlni of Ne am! other nnl.lo ir "il building whore n on*' nf tin* loplslatlvo el ti>an h.'i'l aa Informal i Lincoln mayo] ith tts ? and banting ,1 In th.* I M r ? 111 . .1! ? ? police Kern Confident of Success. ? s ? ? BIG COMBINE FOR WILMINGTON The Harlan and Bethlehem Steel Cos. to Build Steel Cars. ^ Hollingsworth i ? : ' ? I TRADE UNIONS MUST FIGHT ? it of Federation Says Most Effective Gun ls Spiker). I ? ' I ' ? ? s. on the , ? ii iii' ty In th.1 ' ? 0 (lu Ul Two Girls Drowned at Cape May. ' it Ihe Hotel ' rsa not found. A Faithful Friend. Inilem and IH ibllc III lunn,I om ' w hen aimer il is. Stet", trip lit tittil flies.I. -nv* li - Sk rt k Ih ii. I, I nd. I er V. lu . for thirty-i (lows it- ? niue and ls competent lo I St Wlllstt.ll Diarrhoea Cured ??Mv : , troubl l wits and tried ure, without luIm ll /srkle. ol Phil pi \\ Va ll' ? I in the Philippi Itepi sm t. irj it. ih. .Ute isirt-l lum and lie has no) Iwillil sith*. : .kiln; Hu- n.'Iv li? ll, ii nuw -uilinl id well, ilthough -i\t\ \ man dd bj l he w Inaton Dru POLITICAL FEOD STIRS ATLANTIC Charges and Counter Charges ol Grail. BUSINESS MEN ALARMED Declare Seashore Resort Will Be Hurt Irrep-i. ih'y If Revelations Shall Con ? Said Officials Have Be Wealthy?Gambling ls Protect ? ed Other Forms of Have Paid Large Sums For i ? .tion ? Reform Element Sub ' ra Between Warring "Bosses." ? Ith the r ? ipplanl Louis ? - s bli li make , a pro as tin ?muse ei ? m pp an du '!?'I in Will ins mil nu! all ? ? I him ? ' ' :? i'l thal ha* ? by the | i Cull CONFESSES HE STOLE TO ELOPE 3risoner Taken From Bride-to-be While Looking Foi Minister, ? sm ind wll ped to Indi ? ls lp ls lei ? lng he ? at Hi.' hun ' a Mr ? a ' ' Embezzler Railroaded to Jl ni He ? ? i thf What is Best tt.r Indigestion V NI r \ troubled fur yean ? its iiiineiiils I'liam ? . "tin ? ? I wll illus give thea ? ?rtiiis ' ? .m's ,1 Uld Ol I"-' I- nut ie km.I timi '" make. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS Thursday, August 6. 'y throe I ?ire. R J and i isl.lien, ni drowned in ? ? a, who N J ? Friday. August 7. 1 trw Nat ? OB I i|< lf| ' ' ?lil V.)V ll Sis upon which the mt ? ll be dedicated, his . -day, August 8. nias ,T. ' : a ' ii Hit ksvllS ? Iill'lli'll Ware tali' lured when a double tenement bios n i|, Si ,|\ nainlt,'. -??> iitlun of Funs ls M s.i daugtt Fairmount park, Philadelphia, .ind then tried salt Ide Monday, August 10. Fur assaulting a three-year-old esl, banged it Memphis, Ti sn Suns., from a burning tobai i o ware ' ' ': indred tuen won i uf big ? gunning for groundhi i Milton iiur ? llnlislv W hill uf Pty land "IS- itl Si la I ? .inly killed Tuesday, August 11. c .' is,i,v waa appoli ? ui tin' United stat''- in ihe ? .'aller Moulton, thi1 iu t ta stir an ill:. ? ?uiiii. about aili' woman . uf tba , onventlon "f the I', sn ? S lie ln-1,1 in ? s Hie Live Stn.ii Breed . .IK lilli. ?: Wednesday, August 12. ? ail'l'l, dropped 'i i huller tbe plant ol who iliank a ball Phlla .Is'il frni" ? Ure In i doned build dated Ice rompan ll upon I him MARKET QUOTATIONS The Latest Closing Prices In the Principal Markets. Pilli.AUKI.I'HI \ I HYK ll .1 H 14 CORN ? PORK tins PoULTIO Uve iii * BUTTER Hus a 11 IKS t ? ? dalry Live Stock Markets. 1'insiti ic 'j snd com I I take Kodol in l a lltill'ks of lljsj , ivoided, bul if you allon iitm k* lo go '- will luke .odol a hinger Um* lo pul youi M.itie i f Kodol today S..LI by An - ate the bowel ll, raid ...I S ? World i I EN DEAD IN EXPLOSION Boiler Leis Drive in Big Rolling Mill al York, Pa. NEARLY A SCORE INJURED Strikers Fire On Train Load of Non? union Men and Kill Three?Big Fish Draws Man to Death?Harry Thaw ls a Voluntary Bankrupt?Coat of Mail Saved Sultan's Life?Torn Ar? tery ls Cleaned and Tied?Family Killed By Lightning?Two Men Are Kicked to Death By Broncho. i ? i wh..nt db ? ? I during an HR mill Tis whlcb ? Iii r in the 11 stir ut the niili which which was undergoing rt ? ?il thou and i mis. plants i l ? lng for tl*.- s ninler tl ? i other vi i their injnii' attention i's . is iiiniiiiii Brenner, Columl a -11111 k. Columbia, Pa ; John Blossman I ? Tulum The mil! b i ?ry Hie ns n M' : in makin* repairs to the ; Will,uni a Bona nt ii al wmk were able s ? of Hs' mill iiir ia I othei mlasllea in all Si Illili " -sill, milly dan standing In front of tba York Cold plant ns ill road siiiis Well [lill ..ll! (lt and wain,, n in lhal vi, Inti ' 's k ami tn lure,I Tin earthqu ? r the The i Nts Hi Q from tbe mill of the i Two Killed By Lightning. ra killed un.I two ly Injured i t lei tiii al Stol tn that swept rn i rn Pi ?a bavo. ; uni in ?tautly killi .'. I'a., while wi and killed :. i ii ? ited undi i ? lightning, v. hen ? boll blt ih ol the bon - ? the floor and tl lightning is'ike thi ndered the trio unron - ripped the feet of 11 ?hort tins bul Mi I for sum,a time an I l? I il! from sin,, k Om tell ii"!' lights Coat of Mail Saved Sultan's Life. A minor | tlnopli ' him In ill which the sultan I ind up rm him and hlH ! ! attempt iltan'i life. ? to f.siii a min Survives 11,000 Volt Shock. i work lila I ra Slimed Granulated Sore Ejes Cured -? nf gran ulai Martin lloyd, of ll, lo try I liriiu it ami ii IA in-ton Dm I mit t<> !.?? about th. tbiagi thai could i TREES FOR ROADSIDES. Preservative Effect of Shade on IFrsneh Highways. In rs ? - ' lt li ? <1 siller ti Ot the I * , , ? -. ? cold. V kliade 1 U ? but In Iheiu ? ? ,1 lllilt I dry Minis : ? I - t . ' cold. I ' ... ,,f the public i of the 1 IMS . . en the wis.I. . Ni w Y,,rk ? iai 'flied If I willi ti Ung a ?' . ' ,-r. that ? ?Illy snell -hi,lilli I ? ll hitit ? ling i 1 l'si"t, .hil tngfaaaat uml fermer Hie lairem! uf hrl.l . ' ? bera ihe cthaata is (lamp i | ;e]isll, lal tn ot ? bu ays, as s uf the air iilnl the illy Si!,' uf the Boil, Ill I ? Slier halal, fury s , innhi triltl the roadbed is a state of i a, la ted rn Ith ns the piiplar. tlie flin, Hie ash, ninl ll,.y ?hould !?? planted gi h. rally upon the of H.,, i . Si ii and at ii! i i, a meter I 1'j I,,.-teri (-|'.l_ ind ahonld ba tiissse.i tn a belgtil ..f'.''.. uss thora ? .'"?St I.eWll plant, ?! :, .,',,1 Nu '?Iv after (he lhli.1 l thereafter until Heir per nianent growth appears aaaured. SuihII tren, bes ' iM be dlrei ted toward tha ne Ult UM (ree Itself 11 trimmed annuailj turing th* NO MAIL ON BAD ROADS. Rural Delivery to Be Discontinued on Highways Not In Good Condition. In n|ii. i, Un, i .is i|e lller ls I ? s Hint mall will ins he dellv ii'isi un roads whi, ii ure imt kept in ' sal is.! Of lillies Of '1 I I rural delivery from their od-Caa nml : -.- ll,,ii ? ' lg that rn: livery ? In , ondlt-O fa, mty nml aafety nt mi ?IT' re, J,I, si? ll in Kin, attention to th.- roadi ni l/SC. r. niles of i Success of Prison Labor on Rosds. Af. I- tha am Ani mes . :il prlson gbway (wilding lu tha Pana the -iii katoa if municipal cord. rd. w hi. li ri*rently s. Hint : illunie s aa hil ll uf Hut f r Hie I led Rursl Carrier* snd Roads. :>? right tl 'I au 'a our ? 'ravid. ' ftc ' I , kelleved. Mt i nilen t, Wil