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THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HUNOH FOR lill. )'.\.-l. UKI.I' FOR lill: PRKHENT, HOPE KOl I"HJ m lil:! VOI-. XVII- KA UM VILLI*;, YA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, !908. MU. T.VA/N a _-_-_-------! ' i |NTy TORY Lee &. Thompson Attorneys al Law :'-**a_-__--___________________| [-KINS 4 I IH ?ATTORHtYS AI LAW. i, CrMo Biy. I" ' 'sillily, Va. l-TCcw il Federtil ?r c r?AN ? ?, 1 LAW H_^_-_-___._-_-_-_____-_-_l HAVE YOU EYES HEAD? h..-.. ? Ult li rill ns (Hill till' .\,i tlif I. T. BLANTON, Jeweler and Opik ian. i VA Itch Cured I. .I'I'I.M \l ION ol Dr. Du id's Sanative \\ IN I ll I III . MIM ll Iteli ?IlIlL' i, a.I ll Al I - - to Oleos & Minor I rug fo. Richmond, Va. ' ynll |,\ In. : Ills. I (NI We are show ing our NEW hlNE SPRING HAWES HATS Eclipse Shirts I il. \ e & I i.ititi tailor made cloth? ing N. i GOMPERS ENDORSED bar In Session At Trenton. ? liv a ' ? ' ' ' ' . n 1 Will, ll I ? ' ' ' ll I ? I BANKER A SUICIDE Left Note Saying Hr Was Neither Drunk Nor Insane. Bank crime, : A I U ir.KKI.Y SOUGHT A BURGLAR; FOUND EXPLOSION Woman's Lighted Kalch Set Eas Afire and Caused Firs V 1 14 Jobi ? - ' Order of Buffaloes Elect Officers, n ol the Order ,,f Bul : Qrand bison. T. M ('ls Prisoner's Fast Fatal. ' ' uili in! nh 15, winn ? ?li to trlnI overnor Upholds "Unwritten Law." IS Illl.t.llSilia 'Ililli ? ' ? ' itten By Spider, She Loses Finger. .gull Ol '? "ll Ul.' "ii. ll tv Fran ? ")nly Americans Wanted For va A 'if lix lllvlll, , ? ' taratan labor wll Chronic Diannne- Kelitved. Ml I a !| Hie intent, i mr n bottle >>f i iilic.i i.nlerH and Dlar* check , old , hr,sn,' dial -. .1 it - iso' Kial tmif and cur I nialia .'ll .sn tutui- tv! - Siller Wild iih Rutherford ll Hayes and Wii? tin Mtkiiili ?-. im-lin*.ml, and have no ailment i ? pl cl a llii ? in \\ Inaton Dru. I PROHIBITION NOTIFICATION Eugene W. Chatin Told ot Nomi? nation tor the Presidency. ARRAIGNS THE OLD PARTIES Address of Notification Was Made Dy -tor Charles Scanlon, of Pitts At Music Hall, Chicago. Who Candidate "ls Not Asked to Lend a Forlorn Hope" ? Leading Members of Party From All Parts cf Country Were Present at the Ceremonies. 41 Mimi- hall, in : , ,i, ass el ' III BU I fl I sails, ni iss nomination f..r :, par t> Ihe addreaa formally initiivin*; Sill Ht blS Ml' ' t It'll il- t EUGENE W. CHAFIN. roblbitlon ts U<t aral marte tty Bennion, ot Pitt mmlttee tm no ii appointed al the national ? Columbv 0 .!':l> Itt IV fl',,lia Illln.ilts Mi, Iilsan. Wisconsin. Ohio, In ,tti :.s, d St Bl ? platform were the national lanai n chairmen ol minitte< tha eora ,,n notification aad prominent Prohibit! .atman ol the nmtttsN called thi i: lion of Bamoel Dickie, praaldeat ol Alls,all \ 'Sss Mit h.. I I -1ii. lim Ms I>i I B brief addreaa snd Hun ls r,i with appli ' ? wa hia nott tying addreaa, ami thronghont bli ? . .: terrupti d bj i rtdew ? ol approTal of Ma raraarka "You ar,' not aaked." aald Mi loa, turning to Mr Challa whs nccu ? ,* s tha iilatform. "t?> li I I a forlorn hopi', Tl of dil? ls nut nuw nor? in doubt The prlndplt I,I',its,ii patty are as to prevail hs tims ls to continue." Mr Bennion concluded nmhl an ont ? channing winn it has sub si led ba handed Mr Chafa aa t lab i ied copy ot the Prlblbl platform adopted at Co . ? ? : b) ida chalmM I Mi ?? d the bone ii,unins' ? mom D-tnutM ba abut to tiiiitins,- is Mr Chnlln In lng, dwelt mi thc party still' tar tl ika ?t ob Killed In Gasoline Explosion. ll Hauy Wild i ia killi rt Un r men were ?erlouely tallowing nil expli-li'la aaopa of tha V, inroad enmpany, In !h> WU a-is who was foreman, . ? . nra or a loeomo ?liiii- was onad to genei ato the iras Timi hlj*h ft pressure was ? . i wild the burning ftuld, , rh all] hsrn, ,i tn ,i, nth st,.,?[.( lo alr:i|< the bod| less whit li followed the shock Bert Wlldaaia, a brother "f the foreman; and William Stash wera Girl Killed By Lightning. . seel,sri;, lad . kag ll Dn*** ? -t.,ns tho bara of A lam v. || ? | was struck by ?sr nf his tlan-lit. i ma nf them wa- in- nt nt Iv killed. The mtiers were it ndered loui The Lam raiiKht Ire Imt Salim i lag daughters and rc moved the bodj of th-* drat! e!rl. rish Boat; Doctor Drowns. Tupia. ? N V Aa. Il ls re nf Cincinnati, was ? in Big Tuppal laka willie I lam! a lar.e pit k tinat nail capsized. Ur. Kt. uU not swim. Why James Lee Got Well. I od] "i ZanM, Illa,'? I lira! B ?'Mt bmband. Jamel we- In- lila tn tlie \ v DISCO cry. Hil unus wen h several* affected that -n med ine\ ital,lo. when I Ines.I lecsiirncisletl New 1 H.-t't.t ely. !,i, and u- ii-e ha- restored mn in ?. ir,it benlth." l?r. King's \, aa i ss,-..', iv I* ibe King "f md lung remedies Kui coughs and ?ns!- it tins im equal I ss Brat doac i n it! Bold iiinler guar ? I nal bottle '? CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS Thursday, August 13. Stephi n Bocheek was kllle.l an! Fido lintern k fatally Injured hy two runaway ft.ight oars on the H ni Ins rallwny at Coatesville, Ps., which sa hei into a cmpany of mon nn th. work. ,rrt Kaiser, of New York, was HIS I and James J. Johnson, nf Wilkos-Harre Pa . painters, was prob at,U Cat-lly Injured st F.lmira. N Y winn a staffnld nu which th. wnrklng save way. Ia vi Fan nan. sevontythroe yoars of t and fatally Injured his wife. Mn. rn ? t nrt\ ii,i, ?? yeai ? of ?< rarely injured his Ifteea-yeai-otd daughter Kffie ead thmi aadad his own lil*- :it his homo In Dallafihurg, U. Friday, August 14. William ll Taf! itnrt William J. Bryaa i I to attend tho c, \ i; rmrampmonl iii Toledo, 0- thc . ia is Beptember. lel.'.ates to the International Typographical onion convention a' llaiSt,,|| aS (lilli tO htllrt tile | I ? BtioO Bl St Iona ph MO Bwiaualag off Um beach at Mar Mich , Ch-ll ali 1\ i, , n yean Of age, and Harry Rom, r*ia..-<i linn t,fi., wara drowaed .!? ifiii donner, BMd nits y.'.'irs. was drowned in the Hwataia erne! aeai Middletown i's. within aeveaty-five ben his father was working Saturday, August 15. The Now fork Democratic state convention win be held al Roi s. pt ll Rear Admiral .Tamo* Kola. | weil. U B, N- retired, is Mad at Jack , Pla sn n wore killed ami nearly rt ?In/, ti nf ht i k B.ri tcamo In a nias bole ot the Empire Ctty Babway cum pany In New York hy gas from a leila lag nsiln Crased with Jealousy, stephen Pe trik. tweat] two roan of age pr,ai. ably fatally ihot Marta Petrtk, nigh tech years nhl, hl-1 Isl.le nf s, fl fl weeks at their home In Cleveland, 0 and then i oautfttod suicide. Monday, August 17. Ti n thousand Indiana coal minors ? ike oi ? i the Us, barta ,,t i mule driver. Several mltns have sus Told hv her doctor, sho would dh' ;i or Mrs Robert Arthur killed s.,'1 al sh,epehead Buy, it I. Lockjaw, canned bj stopping on a rusty nail, hinught almut the death of Alien s. Miller, an oadertal I BchMfferatowa, Pa A raaload iif articles believed tn bave h'sn stolen from the malls dur !ni" three years, were found In the ronni ni Mall Wacmi Drivel A Nolan, under Bireal Bl Nev York. Tuesday, August 18. Tho National mel is Ita twent] third annual turi VI stum at SI lani. Minn Twai nun were killed ins! tl ly Injured t.y the expln-lnn of the Imil. i at William It. I.!'- sawmill n>-ai Caldwell eonaty, N 0 The annual pnlo tournament fm tbl r and West Cheater cups began on the gronada of tat ['hester Cnuntry flu!, at Newport, Il I William S St Clair, an actor, dlel n St Vincent's hospital. New Y'.rk ? i had rei eniiy been oj in for oanoer of the stnmach. Mr St :'lali, who was fifty yean old, hart ai> i'itieal fre(|ii. ntly In productions In nany cities throughout the country, Wednesday, August 19. Stanley Retchell knocked ?!>>?? Thom ts i,iif in the fleeond round al Sar; ?'rain ill National Bhorthaad it.; laaodatton hagan l's tenth annual oon ration at Milwaukee, v. "Hilly" Papke, ol min.,is. had the '. a rough six round hon! Sailor'' Barta Of New York, al 'In (attona! Athletic Clafe In New Yolk Siviii huislreil Italian tiai k lah.s rs .an the Northan Pacific ri real oa strike for higher wagea. Neal I the entire PaetlC division ls nf . ? s ! Tis hume nf Wofford Tweed, on .aurel Mountain. MU QraaMbOW N. '.. was ali ti,av,-rt by Aro, snd his wlfo holr threo children and Mrs " 'weeai wi re karand ta loath uni thi ir lt I ld tl"' ll ? MARKET QUOTATIONS he Latest Closing Prices In the Principal Markets. PHILADELPHIA ri.di! stead) ?Intor extras, new % ylvanla mllm, cl. ar. $i I ucy, i''.'a*< ii. KYK H ti ad] . pur dbl fl 1004.10 WI I KAI rm; No i red western. MtyftlTc mts steady: No 2 rellos local, M'S dull. Nn. 2 while lipped, ll ' lnwor grades. :,; {.* steady; timothy, larg, bales, |15 i iltK firm: famll*. pei barrel, fis 50. I bama pet l.airol _'7*i 28 POULTRY": Live nun (Vii 11. . old rooatei- in. i eady; i hoi, ,? fowls is . old BUTTER (Inn, e_tn Ut'.C.- Hun, a trtiv. Ile , weat! m Iii I'i i I \ ( HIS Arm, now, uer hun. . J BALTIMORE wll KAT stead/; No. J BOOt, ! ft 92V.O.; southern. I ORN firm, mixed sp"'. Ile . south OATS unsettled white N'.. mixed o. 2. 6sc . No 3, f,M_r,l*. Ill'Tl I ;i; isler; creamery separator I ? lr . held 186 20c ; prints. 21 j Bryland nnrt Pennsylvania dalry -Int*. I'i's 17c ROOS Arin, fancy arylainl. Pennsylvania. Virginia snd ' virginia. 19c . southern, ls. Live Stock Markets. riTTSni'ru*. (Dntou Stock Ysrds) ? ATTI.R Mead*. , (bartie I ?tine. |60C35 SH HEP steady; orlmn ethers 14 40(94.50; culls snd c.,tn on. I2jj:i, lambs. |3RO06; veal ,lvos, |i<_r7.75. HO<;s lower: pr'ni" isvIps snd mediums, 1 ?aw Y.irksrs. |? 75. light forker* .5006 7": pigs. 15 506 5 76, roughs. 06 per ion pounds. if ynii take Kodol is the beginning s i.mi attack- of Drapepeia will be I, bul if you allow llif-o little tack- tn gu unheeded it will take txlni ? longer time t" pul ymir -tniii ii in good c.s.las,ii again. Ceta .nit* cfKodol today s.i.i hy Aa r-oii lMs_ I .,. I hate Seen -uinew lint cn-lr.e, l.ut ann's Reajuleta gave jual tbe result wired I int set mildly ami recs ie the I lit- I'.. nisse Kit. Walnut tve., AI toona, Pa. ; ns.I N 'i World $1.00. THREE FIREMEN LOSE THEIR LIVES Caught Under Collapsed Floors ot Burning Building. FIRE CHIEF ONE OF VICTIMS Firemen Were In Cellar, Trying to Get At Source of Flames, When First and Second Floors of Building Crashed Down Upon Them, and Those Who Were Not Instantly Killed Met Death By Drowning. Loss Was $50,000. Loadoa, Oat, Aug. 19?Ti, i. klll.-d and a fourth was eely bart winn thi Boon of a Isiiiiliic hulldilig fell upon tle-m Th.- Chlei I. Clark. Plrt fl urn. rile !,rok. ont III ' ? af Wi ?atman's hardware (tore Tin fireast b wt rt la thi twa Boan ?? ol the I ti the Iii-' through nil Ifs D tire ,]. ,,, hurnlni nn the lop tl.sir. Cockburn, who ls a ?? rgeant ..f tie Seventh retha, with the . iii. r wh.-n be us t 'i be < ? had -rack water In it. an.i if the men eran aol laatantlj klll.-.i lint le ? i -nn, ta hn was hurt In as? tin- crash, was taken to a bi ? will be $ Two Laborer* Killed On Pennsy. Philadelphia. Att| wen killed Injured bj thi blowing ont of a cylln Ml lieaal on a lot i iwlng fl New 1 ?ylvaala railroad, near Brlatol, a suit uili. Th.- accident <>. curred a gnni: ol la' on the roadbed Tin awe wei mir .linnie tbl ' itting fair lil? li als ti, pass w hen the i > Undi blew ont The laboen wen ..Ter ila laiialti \ nf .ml'. Kngai was sn llijiinrt that !,.? s -lest while, arsi Um ed hy IM Itt nm asl bl ll ? \t the tune sr tho m ddeat the train i alag al thi ia'' i nrt> miles bi Kill* His Long-Long Friend. Philadelphia, Aug ll ? killel la the lowei of tri.- . its b) Paul Jessup ai ty Ive years, a Hie lung friend. Tho . -up tn apis, i Inti Blou -? of a Joke. At a family aral ls | lonee threw a cup of bi sup's heart. A moment Inter, while langi lag al h I when sjhsi Jeeaup di ? a * ?.lui . I,using Balouse fr,atc I shot him dead. Jeerap n I ?ly enptnred aft,s ? ?. Tarantula Bites Man's Lip. Philadelphia, Aug ll Aa ?rt. proprietor ..f ? . 1011 Weetmoreland I nroHefl Hp, thc reaall of a blt. t t ri i ;i ii I ul.-, which Jims nils h 'at liitnanas whit h he a lng The Mg ils ans ami ho felled This fr . ??? 'a- : laal im tht .aslact ,,f potatoes nml fell to the Moor. ? altering bi.i In ai ions in ?very direction Eckert wns m ?ha1..' off th. Ins. et until lt ha lim on Um Hp Illa swollen || neted at Un Bamarttan h. Old Injuries Caused His Death. i kneel bOUtl Ul njnriea received In a ! ng centra on the I . team and In a "rlmiiia. if his rs nlss ?! th" lung ttl ? .I a i io anal Ai lama a ? I Ini nd not finding lt ? Rock Rolls Down Bank On Train. Cumberland, Md- Am ali'- hreadth a west!,, rain ,,n the llalllmore & (Ihi .?lng wrecked near Mani ll vi' ta in rock Which rolled down Int" rut. Passenger* In tha I'ullman hair oar. Un- last car on the trills aw the rook coming, ani tl rlld si : ? :,| tho front of ths rain Tho boutdi r ton BU B] ti.. nd did other damage. Boy Spun Like a Whirligig. Columbia, Pa, Aug ll Al \ b nvotl lag -Sar' fl ' k' lirnugh the wall of !!? >' if old Kdward Kohnadli liss, If .lix,n lt In an Instant otn? whirled around b - io ground a' iutlon. The tlaae I ls life, but he was seriously li Choked to Death On Olive Seed. Wt, Aug tl IvTl le eating Be nf tho sods loalg.-.l in the iroat Of Mildred Bvaai ld. of Sliaron, and she ehol oath hefore a physic lan rank Opluskl, fifteen atontl I ,'cst F.nd choke,| io death on I f bologna sausage. Granulated Sore Eyes Cured "I ,s : > ,f grannlnted ami I art In Bord, ol Henrietta, Ki ebruary 1MJR, rt gentleman asked me i try < -tami ? I lougln sc I,..\ and need about two-thirds of Hilt! lo ? not i.'i\eii D nulile -nice. Ile- r -alf y The w in-toii Di - lt i- ; oi aa it i- I,, timi fault willi lum, ni pee-ple aaaai i" di OB fruin lt. Wlrele** 'Phone At lae*. Th, ? - ind Men ? i np to ? ? aa imi ? York Shot to Death As Result of Feud. a ? tnllv >a tlsr ,s ' commit! < 'i Dildo ? ? Cordova Released Frc rm.I wi. 'I romain In take hs Old Girl Weds Veteran of 72 sinned school li ? M, Kb ? i; F round Dies As Result of Swallowing Karri I. in Rei ? through th" ? ? W.tter Famine May Cause Beer r famine liours ,? Ii mw ls. ?alleged Mail Robber Held Foi lurg. l'i lelll fo? al Stat li i HntTmat mm Phliadeli' ? lathers Drowned At Bowers B niles hr hing nm! * oyonrt tl us carnal at thia ; iovernor Magoon te Vis ' nrt rtist liss tht M -. ? , Diarrhoea Cured tl Wit: ml ili il witi. I ,si-til' ' |0 il- Ha villi lit I be v. THE SHERMAN NOTIFICATION ;!iee Waits On Republican Vice Presidential Nominee. CEREMONY AN ELABORATE ONE Ita to Fight Speaker Cannon. I Released From Prison. .' tooee Away?Boiler -salis Ten Fifteen Year Old Girl Wed* Veteran of Seventy two?Die* As Result of Swallowing ?Wireless 'Phone At Last. Cid Fencing Master Dies. .ont in t as dhl -? in ate helped to mli the ?k the of tOd : Ml i ? ? n an. and tl. Kiths ' mitten, ani ? ? ? tl e affair ls a grand ' V Methodists to Fight Speaker Cannon. . - who will als ts <m tho lott '. a I : ? with autis ? ? rs nami>d by th i ' rrin an active iddr ? -a | m fl :?' ra of I ,- ' ont I which bai at h^ust five ? - 'o which lt ls Women Praying Beside Corp**, tl ?'? lt, fl pl la I'sllart. ' ? ' ? rm h's itt lng atm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ' li Ira D. Sankey Passes Awiy. was In bil ' ? ? ? B who ?0 many hearts ai ? souls. Old Fencing Maater Diea. master wt ll ? e .: try In . - was What is Best tor Indigestion t I - ..a, jilin On ? y are isa 111 Wm ?f tin LET ALL PULL TOGETHER. Then Maybe That Prospective Fac? tory Will Come to ths Town. Nothing helps ii, I up n iisiicr.l.'illv (hali Hie In, Bl "lu our ii.'..' to I,nil,I np s . .,ploy Ill lui". |se Blight enough to tak-- ? pan in !? ? Ida tn tho \i Milty of the town and continua ? I from n Hrs, thal rn tata ? two na re factory site s. ? \ \ willi a guarantee i nploy C lilly men, the 4} S.'iitlln ) sairk- whit !, f slur town tn the I ? Md :ii_ and a tba new indi, "So long aa t et ksklll W.t.- divided Um t I. rees \\ :.? r, tl ? i "Et cry t itv lu th similar history. Industries do no! ?a.'. "I 'old Spring lins ? or Hire fa, tories through tech of a I of her titi petty Jealousies and unite to ll, lp each other and to upbuild th.nuaantt) I \\ ? would nil be the galnen from Bach ? policy, gainers not only lu money tad In poi,illation, Imt gah,, . will. In hope, lu pulrtli- sj,lilt ,-ui.l lu all that for communal Improvemenl and for Individual tie refrain. ? l- it not I ["?tt> mlsnndentandlng and factional lam and Join to lulim industries ami IdeUtfl tn Hie tOWal let tile motto 'Tillie for th.- common | MUNICIPAL CLEANING. Excellent Practice That Shoo Made Permanent Custom. ii quilt ? fad ls Boothera ?'allforata to proclaim and t.lln tin. Capet lally maller . Mee. our ton ss ami Dil 111,-,' da;.-a tba 1 council, ? 'h ur oatltuted power <s authority ? I the resident- to dena op Undi' yalda aad the sin,ss and ? abutting, to Iwautlfy their i.r. i plant ainl caa Strive ll) every Wit to lunka- theil muiiity uiui,. attractive and healthful innl therafon more valuable from rt Int of rtew The I! slioiilil 1st. ciitvuriigoil lt. ? ibUfl WOtfcM] I sh,ail.| 1 Barred lu every community ls mir lund anti abo* flatting n-trte OM dat elia h BM0th Ot I Rich quarter In Which nil -I.M ulm (0 make Hie | Ms nh lpn! health arni hi ? fl Mltfa both ell,-, tlv.-ly ami ls,li', l.liinlit , ira let illira' ted by dtrtj mal slovenly municipal housekeeping Cleenllneea dmum oe ls capital, i im- been abai Li- l? ell ls,. s ' . mont healthful aad ? ?. ami this throe TOWN MADE BY GOOD ROADS. A (Mo.) Banker Says Hu VS lags ls a Success Too. (O-Hl 1 Ililli!. r<> fiirtuers thal lu OM r.>\s n l sniiri tii<* fan ? toa fl to or der at the place wi. ? a afar. at, only It'll ' ' ram "iTla." ,ii the i aaa n in gad 171 \\ I Hs ks, tim! ? i mun . other nioriiliiK ninl says tl. lt the town ' , igta our population la only ? -is ,.f grata ? with n t' ' I Hospitals For Tress. "Tie I Shel lend from th.- hot -ss. yon walk nader ?l_*iu ls ? a <lu-k. '11 uni da ? ?p Ita With all sorts of Hs ' H-a-r-l, the ran I ill op ' nally in P faded " i radi <1 tmee alike In ' Which We ciill transplanters dr: ? Hu nully up lind ? Ths Fight For Niagara Falls. ? rails aad i our 'ounrtlnics, for Hie abott! I ' md (lsant In ike praaarva fl] beauty. A Faithful Pl "lha .Ile III ??7*_, sin! bavi tl by it- "ss '? ?isl tra il (lils, ?aklaii'l, Ind Its' \\ hes anil III lo in ol a rel ls