THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOll mu: lill iss.-l Mi I KAI.MYILI.K , A PRID _Y, ALHtUS. WI 45 TOWN OrV ii i ? ? tt M CO'JN CTORV. ? Lee & Thompson Attorney at Law I'tKM l Va. WA ? BROCK -AHOI-SKYSAT LAW, . S Wi' Green Ray. Woo Ueui Counly, Vd ?ari.'" XV C FRANKLIN LAW, HAVE YOU EYES N YOUR HEAD U'ill tl" .S\\il\ wit li all a,:; m. anil ht is Ille All tlif W. T. BLANTON. Jeweler and Optician. Itch Cared ONK s I ION Ol Dr. I).i\ id's Sanative Wash MINI I hs ~ Dr. I) ss t-li ls s Hell i I ( 11 ll PRK Owens fi Pino. Frog Co. ? I, Va. , In i Ills W . are show in^ our NEW LUNE SPRING HAWES HATS Eclipse Shirts Ed. V. Prio -\ < im.I tailor made t loth ing N. !',. Davidson. PERSONAL hilt I YOU MU l\ family and Vt M thc American National Life Insurance Company Lynchburg, Va. vnlilf ? I lhal .ll thi li ill hm ? profits I ?*.-*-.- m live Fm tin pi Garland .\ Mai tm STONE JARS JUGS and CHURNS AT Stokes & Davidson's TOBACCO AND CORN KNIVES AT Paulett & Bugg's. Smm I illus tllris CROQUET . Isun Ila a j I ll Hie IIIHIIt HAMMOCKS Chappell Stuart & Lcstoorgeon I IN RODI I KS ' ASK REHEARING IN REBATE CASE Bonaparte Strikes at Grosscup and Defends Judge Landts. CALLS FOR A HEW FINE ng $173,000 From ' States Sub-Treasury In Chi Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee Notified?Failed to Wed, Girl ls Sued ? Judge Ermentrout Dead?Pennsylvania Pure Food Law d Unconstitutional?Baptists Form a Bible Conference. iii,"I in iii takes by tbs aisl lt) rhf court ot ? ? :ih the ? si com i ? ul In I lt. lt' * ? in ts, the ms oil con . inrlcted aunt.'il ? ss nt ul tin tty th, ll :.itt,si in S' \!l 111' ll . ul Uta ? 'llril ni ? 'nilli r a To Take Mount Rose's Temperature ? .uti. ni the ? . ttl '. will ll' nf thf .ns In K.uiii' Fails to Wed, Girl li Sued. sty Mro a ttliltiw nf nu, flisiat I riiiintiiv Pure Food Law Unconstitutional. llltf nt sui In h 'In Bell ri mIcIp 1. ? ; 1 , a ' ? a Will hf sa little I Inks i let s hollie ? I Kofi i ,, ? lill It-nlt ' 'I UTI! torfe I'.. ti Charged With Stealing |17. 00 fruin ila ll ? red I ? ? rei ss t tho tims ..f th. theft I, ? irlt that Inti reet un Mm ti ttas'k a. 17 2 ?* i a 111 ttl, hf cnvi'inm | allowing ss Thf thiSr hroughoul ts. t isl l . loldenweck imm liability, alts ? il Mi nutt hilt | if thr Yenni ? ited in the rlthont ? ted to Fltsi * (i Mr s ipecnlal sith the size nf i ? n tracing stolen funds ie Inrt'ia i,i,s.ii,ii ?ordlng tn Mi ?? ' iiilinrl) Ol preached, ai it his h h ni tis lim tvi? John W. Kern Nots if th.- notabl '? ? lins mute nf Mr li : ..Bel ? nilou. an! inS vit'1,1 stylv t.r unit.a; SS'In ii Mr Koin ?.lc,, tii. high bonoi WM irita :. inly slightly hm which irs then thi ai with lils I ? ilm by tho Denver eon inr. In being l in nn ' aliliian par* ndltlon In the li if monopoly, auder which th ? a ? HW ni I if til" I i number nf tl an. Ml l's as ? ilm wits a stt, liing ? va? long ? triumph fi Noted Ball Player Dead. In- Albert i Btu taeeball cati in r whi ;t Louts Brawns and tl fains. . luahong waa. horn I ? ami In th- ? ? sith "King" Kell] for tia . ag nt* the pi Idow, Helped Organlie the Republican Pa ty SVillsim Si tl,, it. niS' nf th. lc i deleg mali in Pittsburg n - ? mir t, Judge Ermentrout Dead. t.rks "ninty an.! tho bead "f I ?minty polltli I Baptists Form Bible Conference. ? Aiisna Bli ? lerasanenl aesot tallon na I.uko i ? r bull,Un? ' ipproxs mg. Granulated Sure Eyes Cured "Fol twtsilt tsar- I -u ' , .,f L'rassl il tl arlin Boyd, "( Ht <> Uv ( hmm mr boa ami uaed about t?n tl ? i.nilalf since ls ? y lin SS inst,iii | ir H t.i S'S ?. ,'I'IM IM si I UK BBB. AL] Mt h KA laMVIl.' 1 ALLEN WINTER WINS $30,000 Unique Handicap Trotting Race at Readville, Mass. THE PURSE WAS $50,000 Horses Were Placed at Marks Behind Point On a Handi? cap Based On Their Records?20,000 i Were Present and Approved cw System?Sweet Marie, 2.05. Bul Gets a Share of the Money. n : ' . - COULDN'T WORSHIP AMERICA'S TRINITY Suicide Preacher Leaves a Rimatkable Letter. ? ? i Cured STOCK BROKERS FAIL I Did Heavy Trading Goei ?? ? ? - I iW many ? EARLE ASSAULTED HIS "SOUL MATE" Artist ot Affinity Fame Goes to Jail as Wife Beater, in tis ? ? RUM AT OCEAN GROVE l Place Has r-ment Licenses. ? ? ? t As Car Strikes Her. ? ? I matlo Hand Eaten By Hog. I He Warned I ROSENBLOOMS GO TO WINDBER Wile and Daughter o! Murdered Man Waive Extradition. MADE MORE ADMISSIONS Not Only Knew Her Husband Had Been Murdered By Her Son, But Knew the Body Had Been Placed In a Trunk and Concealed In Cellar cf Her Home?Police Believe They Aided In Crime to Secure Life In surance ? Daughter Admits She Struck Her Father. Usn trunk ? . ??nu, In the il taiu Purni b M Mullen, of Wlndber, Pa- ani ; ihi- Baltlm. : lated thal susi hail lu .si n. ?lil.Mim, bul that aha kaeu ?? ly hail si a trunk amt t un twenty ? . Imltted that -Im knfttr nf that I ant!! their I I two fl iiial I., ob tin tran. ? SS'hi. in ats) 1st ? ni til.' ir. | '.' ? :, Ih" hmi-e, li. >i lt ,s deny that n. , do with tin- actual kiuitik. i. iti< ti rh. ' '?lilli,si. '? ? bavin* Ition ? abloom worn ? 1 anything tn do with 11 st that leith ran ly plas : :, s !., - In r ? ilnation ? nail ' ? : li.n! tri..1 tu In in ais! - ni upon th, in. thal be re ? . ,* they quarrel, 'i. thal lui . . abort!) before tl a k isa father In tl I .11.1 strike liim," aald tb i bloom mihi that after Al bl r that Ii, bad insi'lii i it ti. i mi,i had pul Hu s lb be tt. is am! I ...ula Kr1< r. \S'h' ll about tho murder i" i Sst ut ant ? The ' Camden, al which . . ? .>k it to tia linn they t ? .? at lng here with Chief nt Mc Mullen, ol Wind tn r Pa Mi* loom at kn, si porting tn ... . , ? iheequenl to th,., timi * ',? rk, Hairy I him. Died of Broken Heart. In St rytng -re waa a! Richard K ni'!, who h , (af a broken heart He ? i and is good ,1.11! Inly ,n his SH that shilled physttla.ii* could do did nnt ? r his misery. Three Year Old Girl to Swim In Race. ? iwhmaalng ? .??inlay Will be Imr :m SS'llkls ?i. a riv . an<1 ha* all ? Ing |M-oI at Robbed Sixteen Stages snd Escaped. fl lt who - ? I ?au to re? ed this ??. i sesrebing party of cavalrymen." Wbat ir. Best tor Indigestion? if liruni'i:i led foi yeai i,- i ' them a trial ? . ' law as nil all CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS Thursday, August 20. : i ledg% Two mlr? ' burK 't The machs road b. ?strike, but .-ff " John .vine at An Friday, August 21. .lltaace s tania held UlnKhnnitnii N V. , s ni,!, at. . sailor fnr moro than half a cont nra, li. li M ? Lulu S' i nlil kill N Saturday. August 22. ? ' ' s N I .John s merchai I iiaii I.- ? n head of tbe Mi ? well a N ? t Ila phaUt, 1 ' Hf toppled Monday, August ?4. hennery at smith Betblebena, Pu an! - ? ,.m.hi a tool In a Riiarl rall on tbe ll Itt ll ami klllorl. To Inaugurate a campaign of ed? cation on its- Injun ? ? |io,| on a With billed , m. !'isnk lln I Plehlon, of lt (mit. ? 25. Pall, a Hungarian, was li ? 1 ii.- bathing!, Th, I' rsl Sttlilburn, salle,1 from San Fran t ii. ii fnr Honolulu, towing lift i \molal one ?nilli nt tull i Han church in Hi.- south, als'I while i n not ' at a funeral. s. s.m. ono ly fatally, ?bile Nfteral :iti> stoving ii Wednesday, August 26. ? n|,| ?ii,' ill ASnis ainto] ? Hm un a Lumber compaoj Richweed, near Ctarkaburg VI \ i who ' (hair, di tl.m In Hf county Jail at Chit Clifford : "My lim lint. hu.ah," ininmltte* aulddl ?' ng lllniiilnatiiiR lils !. MARKET QUOTATIONS The Latest Closing Prices In the Principal Markets. PHILADELPHIA FLOl R 1', ns ' whim ? 6ic HAS' - larg.. ? | lisms. i ? I Liv.) h. tern, 1 .holli ? 1 1-iC lim . Ii tr. ' I ? ? ? ans < Live Stock Mar PIT I I prills | ' ? ? , Ult t 111 - j that an.I hr ?