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PA-HHVILLE UER Ul*. i ss-isi'i i; i in i ii,t\ a ll. SI , SI ' Luiilriliiilliiii-, tn Hu: Ili'i!!in:r,tlii: |l,lil|l! I uml. inderi!'** I* ii is \. Il I iSinkui Walton l* V. I I il I) i I.H'k Vd on ? I 1 1 nu I IHI 1 IN. I li? ll UK SI' (JUN. Mi. i ? ?ii la-t I ? SI, tin.- ni'.-t lui portent which is involved lu t the tanti'. Ht t* < nt thi- in- treated in a mas terlj de.nst rating iii ature ol Un ? st tarin and making plain tht relying upon the Republicen relief. Protection i tlif battle cr* ol oui "friends tl mt Ssl-, tlll-t IllalS, the u < t P. in power, ami -, long il? illi*. I- -n plutocrales mul protection : will cooil td. people in Imp sit Hie Intereati ..f Sank depositor* ami .si Un- f. q ,st nii|i..r tant auabjes i .. i oiit in, uncertain sound I i.e ut? terly faulty s Hie work ..t tlie Republicans, will it? ali I-fill- al.itt mg .le? mana will bc tm thc rule nt thc i .?must thal..I tlie i.1 nt... peofde pay the laxenand will not bur-|i 'len Hit in-t I .?- nm,. . ! |u,_s pal minify m banka and w.,ni,i fwl ??if attfi ibe ilf|nsit hm llif monet- nf thc country li theil money ami lint ttnsi Hie beal known uili nml enough i.*t the nnls of legitimate bnali ? 1 lie liu'lit opens auspiciously dom triumphantly. "?? '?? the Hot bar-room wea -doned, ass unless ih, i, ut- a bach door entrance ' noi <? sr ttss diotreeeingl) lin- speech ol acceptanoe of Mr sa- proved a veritable ; ? u lo the Republican i i he blows hate fulled to leave any impreeelon mi that document ami an.I blunted. Booh.? bas -abed where the four ?tin. went t.. ll ,i Hpriuga tn beni lad can we don't ia'. poatoflleea, Ural second ts barth flu-- ,.i thc excel numbai ol holden ol rederal |obsof various bindi m Hu- slate imt we don't timi,, Ni winni: ttl,en tte -;.t lint I , alionl Unit iinmsii In virgil ..we linn bread lo federal pain i bal tarli] spent h ol Bryan's might ?me ri. ll Urovei iteel champion ot a (anil i,,i revenue only that thi- ooun aeen. Thc Re| - .- hardly behind Hie Dem,.eran. ii fninineiiilaliiiii If \| r R-j <an beep this elnar, oona* thoughtful irsl mk..rmi- line nf talk in int lu- apeeeheo, the White Houaad.- ttiii be open i.> him Uki iii en "I -ll tl, ? -r ?i lol -I Mi Si pa ? S'h int. ?abeu tis advice ol tin- Herald and goth n in cloat tt ult Democratic som 'isth ?'Hupreme lu ? I there i- no need longer North nf the I*.it.ii, Un whole helli ni iu rn a liam Dispatch i- a bettei sett-. I i!" I than ll r , Call;,, mitt ihat tint papei ha- gone bach on WC wami,I nu? tt illi,hutt tbeii support an.I tin- "Hupren nla" -,, Ihc sew- ami fm poUUl follow. lu itu i Slr.'-s tn ti ; ins pul|tidal persuasion at lint rmt only ,1s litest imt mortification, lt waa la the i nf the i.'fpsiilifinii thought nor dlotlon Ittthei iii.-iif),ni.I. 11 no wrong ll it ti bal -tr ikes ns with th, the ftml ,. thal th.-1>.-natte party !. ? in ihe management of the government ami therefore i- . iflli foi ir gov? ernmental -Its, 111 ? | |o j,s logical sain li i effect thai "?ne pHrly sin.nhl mle ala. ,. "ii Ihe lame Inn-. In a- instil a- Mr. i- hail noel. ?tot lit for : "t tills k""' ?*' it winning Inda* ? Ml I aft t\i|| ? I I I fl,., i I I 'SH I ton Un ligl Ma pea 'ttl, i; ni i ,s-i goo -lr, mt i due mir S\ tth, nf I Hits lt l e, | na hunt ire told thal one eenl mlle rale die Republicans wlm ai i iii meeting al Hie Hi i aa I,tl, tl I I aft ? ll nomination a ( iiusnmtti, ? ' i-t >l to th ' \\'( Bl niau ailt i-etl thal ni iitf two cent tait- ts -mn io rel 1(1 nus rn - SS hy Un ? , . -. uiawei ,,,. old cry I l ll I S'S nml Uml in I solemn enact? ment a j,..minni abai! campaign fund u lt Hu- i ni it n ?! tin leltei ? i mimi- linn in tl lied upon to light ?-li ami the devil," nml ti . it-- than manly l.'li'immiilinii .Sf t stint Ms I aft made Hie opeulng - ..I the inn-* ol . nml m. doubt many t* lin .?nc o|,|,o-itl to "my |Hilicies" nt the lint rtpriuge on I islay oflaatweeh i.. 11 !' igainsl untried He? il lahor, ? Hie future, anti BC. tuallj In.'! Hie I-.Sim? !<> -nt in tile .a ihe |ieople "f this eoimtit ? i ruling lilli mme > ll Ima ak. statements like thal people, iked the shades "I J( amt matle him a strangei lu Ihe fain Hy ni present day I>eiiiocrats, but for? got tn open th springfield tm ? ?I \| i Lincoln. And we thlnh Mr. I nfl jual and tiiiuieudiiig Republican law foi Ihe Him th, Hfttei undo the ? reelorc ? tt fever, it waa ? gala .lay. however, for the Virginia Ik-publican olllce-holders, ami glad to kiinit that Mr ami Mr-. Taft mm Virginia willi pleasant memories ol a i -umiiiei -|'t nt in the mountains ol lui sn. |). h last la, the courteous gentleman ami able editoi nf ts, ii , rlsonliurg linn--, wi eiitertalu pro lound respect, bul confess tai simple tmit/fiiifst on reading an editorial lu s- papei nf the sou,, hat ing ti fi 0 the rtpringQelil riots, in which the erely arraigned on ac 't.iint <s mill mit one toni ..I the lieii'li-ih crimea which is I it Ilise I- the ?.Se rein ai krui. ? ?! ti ntl "The Jews in R maia ,1,imm.,ii- to Ilieir neigh bon than Ihe ri Un- country an- t<> theirs ( ml tei we huon thai there me no | eitel ,t mme Int* alinl lian lin Smi does this lean Unit there "rue no bettei nr ' . u abiding citizens'' H. i ne- ni tin? country? ami thal be theJewaol Rueala tiny nra being niu-lh dealt with.' ami all l? i Washing- ' i speech, boasted that mong Hie people of his rate lhere | ste m. "auarchiata" ami m. ''night hi - forgetlliig lo inlil Unit lint t-ii tonopoly nf the moe! fiendish line- bllOWU to innrtill-. sis Vf. i; Meredith has written a I ngthy leltei tn Mr. linker declining t meet lum Injoiut diacuaalon in the a i . ami giving reefton lhal he, Meredith, i- a " |si ite CitizCU while \|i I nekei I- a miniate tor public office. Poordodge< e -in.ulil hate lifts.mpllmauted ii nt ri mun willi a -lal on lil- e ould hf Willlug 1" fin? html- with private in the rank- Ihe Richmond nyei wa- liumenaely "private" un m an et il hour and by OUC tush int - issi "publldty" t thin- In 1 ma-lei tiny liillfll tlreinl- ( ipou him. The ss-iillisnan Kl silil ha ,-nn Im the filth ill itt - in him. ami -html,In I Ih' afraid ?aliamed to make ll known ? is friends any he i- glib of , h. ls.wet et. 'is -il r ami -ilence gulden,' ami Mr, ?re.lilli netts knew lhal in fad UR a rgiula audience composed ol white .|,le tiny would be opposed to bim least "is in 1 'Issiieiiiiii lathe l'i -a*1 it'tiiiM-iitit stands t"i 'lection of aenaton hy His is-...,!. 'ti i ?! ia-ii \ of campaign funds before ., th uaraiiteed batih deposits ( . ?, al nation of rail: a , . I.ii rial by jury foi contempt committed . -nh' thf ? lils! from thf burden ofran int-jul tanti', while Republicaiiism tist all theee moat deal table eil ndei which banner will you Hu ii s ni cannot aei i < ??> I ami Hn minmi Not to "irathet" with Hie wi pie Hus time i- tn "scattei abroad" rm l m tmit to reap Hu* whlriwind. In| .,,? ,t i" Hawthorne, .me of the ,, ling divines of the llaptial Church \\n :? . tl imt of Hie nation, has '. returned from a ti-itla. the Nett ' ?lin,! -tatt - and bringa hack tha "r* ,1 new- Unit Mi. Bryan ll gaining s" nulli even In thai hitherto im- l'n i-tlt strong Republican territory. *??' u.-xl ( ih | recates tbe intro- "?H ts.ri of religion luto tbecanvnaa, P* ?sing al variance with tbe spirit ot --'ri lona if imt the very letter !,m ni law, bul frankly addi thai he ?'"' il noi couadentloualj vole foi ant ll1" tt im denice the dh Inlty ..t i Im-i. ',*''1 I in this he i- mit alone ... with oui onutemporarlec *,r'' ? are urging theVirginiaaubacrlben '''I' he Baltimore Bun lo withdraw ??-? |itiiin- mm thal the |ih|k.t hia gone husk mi its beat friends. If ute ty to read some papal tt bleb l'l><', ibliahed north "f the let m " ?iini Herald, a "*''" i napei than ia thc -un ami ,,, liv a- noway and reliable. Weal ,,r,., -nulli eau'l afford to be linking Lan s that ara constantly lighting na, "ew -"i'l [ihenomi ? - a "*"" II nlk,' "?' "OBSID, (H.AH, dkAi-1 \s .? im,i a pleaaanl and Inti ;.oentlj with ? iprightlj jroai Knight ol tbe Urip from tbe i ii ..t Philadelphia. PoHllos bad Its pla? in the emit t-i -nil. hi and whin tt i-i., ,i about presidential pro ipes i withoutopeulj dedaring fbi laft, i - ni ?? I. im the buaineaa man "i ii iiaiinii, dread i ? bange i hen a aaked ol political eoodltioaa In hi 'ttii city ami lu- own State. Hint li promptly aald, " InanfTerably bod greed, grab and graf! bold ns in ihci i.i-f h - grip i n Philadelphia ih street i n ina teapots t\ h defy Hil I itt I hf nts mun. Hit- elet us- mini, Hu- bread man are ali tv unii- and isl.- rechleesly ami crud ly and what i- inn of Philadelphia i lin. of Un- -tait- al large. ( 'nr pnliii ? - implj a band And yet you aay the budneea nus ,i a ch inge -sall tins ahamefu condition continue? Ire the busines iiifii ol Hie nation all roi I I le inl.l u- nothing of thi ,,t Rmtherly la.te, nm ..i tbe ' Kej stone Mnii I herc Republ is nt it-, beat, ami thf rf it i nml ls saturated with fraud. Andmuai h.lils.i.ntlnue nml be madt I'.-1J >t-l tl ri I Stt nt tt Uh all tin- issi sens,? abOUl fear nf rlui". Health ni tin- body politic i- brttei Ihnn .li-ea?e, trnth is better than el st better than wrong, a "djuan i fttei limn e innk.-.lni??-? ls publican lam ha- been weighed in thc balance In Philadelphia, In Pennayl Vaula, in Hie nail,si at las ? mund wnnting. " rum the out i bc sheath -km is the dd Mother Hubbard sailing close hauled limier tllthl reel- I he Nt ttl sis lleralil. SS .? hu', e yet (., -et- mie ol I lulu all,sit in I.?unit ille though Hie Mottle! Hubbard ls au old, familial and very deal friend We would emphasize Ihe lad that ? mp, lin- recogu iced leadei ni Republicanism In Virginia, at Hie lan rall Heat ion meeting at tin Uni splint's, in substance demanded a ia tuiii tn reoonrtructlou dayi in the South. I.e! lite white men of Dixie who agree with lum vote fol I alt, ami ? in away with .Hm L'ron regulation! ami destroy all hope ni prosperity ami ? tween the rate- eolith nf the Potomac, i h.-if i- m. middle ground. i cent, "i the negroes ha diafranehlaed ami old reconstruction conditions are t" bs restored pandemo? nium foll,itt s ninl the very ilea il i- let I he Nett Vork SS ,,||,| i- ulm,,-I it imt altogether Democratic tin- time. llmt could it i'f ntheitt i-e w io ii ii ex ; ' a Un- t em .' silles- ni Mt I alt's ureat Hill tt. tthle experience and engaging personality, he eannd escape lunn his |Militical environment. Hi- party ia ?till the party nf Protection. Privilege iml Plutocracy Practically mst promntei In the country is a Re lublican practically ft ery i ireaident i* a Re| sis au practically ?.tit 'ruthless malefactoi i- a lie lubllcan." Ami again i ni tin lifetlmeof the Repuh ie ha- Hs n been irr.-rit<-1 need ni a I ri le, uncompromising >|11<<.-itloli In thc party in POWCI lo ti-m, militarism, jingoism, eiiiiaii/nissi. pereonal governmeul ml panif. I in- American people net ? ! 'eitff. Hut need prosperity, lint need e bmploymeul way need bu ad Sn believing lt would -minta "l tn support Mr. Hit rm .nu good brother of the Petersburg mit \ spptai certain!j >isi noi Intend > encourage oui young mentodrinb In-key, plat' fin.I- ami UBC "CUM" onls ami yt t the rea.linu of a it ,-. ni litoria! rathei pointed thni ? Details nt n discovery thal pt. es in la- more Important fm mankind nm tba Anding of gold In California a- bean rei i i\ tat from I,inls., lin tn.' product. ni a nett t iii i, ly ni Ina! b* a larmer ut Hui! .-tali ram which yields from 100 to ushels per acre, Inatead d the twenty ? thirty hiishels of ordinary wheat, huh eau he grown successfully In it | ut of thia country; withstands ?atv winds ami et.n Istil-tmui-: nile- up In ' NH 1 haiti, nml pr.. iperioi limn, i he magic aei ?I-. il i- -ns!, were found In Alaska , tin Idaho launer tt inie prospect u l,,r gold Thc hope ot thia country aftei ill ita ii[iiiii the loyal hearts ami strong m- ??! oui in.ira < lol. s. Brown Alien, ni ordi i t" 'in northing real big mi Hie neerisinii ,,i - Introducing Mr. ind lo those , li ma Republ lenna gathered nt thf Hot nm--, inrnle s-e ni that matchless ?. hash tt a- pnaaed upon ' lea tl hy l ?? ? . tied nrnlnr. - inst-lt ,,l i mi-lit a- 1 li,muh e i uiif.i -tatf-marshallhad under? sell to suit Iii- own pants I,, thc vat limii- ot Hie ponderous pres rb a i aspirant. i he Baltimore Bun i- la Haling ni thc I, ilainiiient- I,emu given in Hint y to Boothera merchant! who arc a.- Sst inu tall gooda, ami Hie --tnia? ll Hf.ntiy covered Itartl all ovei iii "-pois'' i.y nbandoolng Democ ?y foi Republicanism, while knotv I that Republicanism In ii- practical .ration means death to 90 per coot. lin int'iflinnt- tt h.tiitrihute lo Ittmoro'l wealth. io- national sask- ,,i Oklahoma giving up their natl.mal Chalti ac lo take advantage of tha Slate teftlmi !?, drpodton Sen-ilile In ''' laati Ami let it nut he forgotten ''a t upon tin- question In which Ihe ??I ? phnf the nalimi hutt itlitelyiii- ''x -t sh Biyan i- ccccnllellj Huiit "'' I Mi I alt e--t slitlly wrong, t'pon lo > is-ue alone the MM slmulil win l's I the nther go down in diaaatroua '"? bc hs he Meade "I Matin I lett Huh -mi arc preparing bi a notal lion on hi- letuin lo the eity fioni summer outing but bc Mccjraphi diaapproval, saying he preferred well tlmie aftei Iiie SCtVlca ha.I i rendered M.siest ami aendbk ll ihinga. Rldimood lu i in honoring aucb h mao. Si Bryan should nu U o urti- Nislnlk dnanrk. "Also "t i.eratic1 spapers whose Democracy balks at ar ting (he party's platform ami Columbia - < Male s ighty well said. H New Arrivals for the Red Letter Sale GOODS FROM BIG .AUCTION SAL $4,000.00worth of goods bougl auc- August is almost over. The Red Let. tion has been added to our bargain list. I ter Sale has been a howling success. Big Just one week more. bargains added for one more week. \|..,'- Pit Sofia Oe pair. Men ; I IN-li Cnfiej DRESS Gt K?] u i.1 tl, -ititi t'ir '..'?"" nortel] pal terns, ouei ion OXFORD SERGI Pine I"! frill ?-K11 lt ami -nits, 15 to 1'.?. values, Uh v.'inl. WHITETABLECLOTH 5N iii- Ins, assorted pat? terns, 3.5c grade, for 25c. 300 DOZEN VAL, LA< I s.tltl for ." to 10c yard, lii^ value, CI I AMI.I* ( lilt' ar-. , ,| 1 I (? t I 111 ANDERSON? 1 u*-1 Pd , tin ni.'ii kel, jnsl .i lt u \ ,*i i, I BLEAI Mil- COI rON Vu sold loi 1". VAL LAi ll l..s . isl 1 lull [ll! ' ??.ls , i'l [Io APRON GINGHAM Prom Auctioi j rd 1 ? the ! . ? h Ml MEN I I MEN ['ANTS ii -. LADII WAI Mad. I all-, i LAH i".a -nm: -l pair. R. A. BALDWIN & SONS. Town and Country 'Phones. ?." . .; rt.. 47. mZMmm :t_o WI SELL nu. FARMERS' FAVORITE SEED . . DRlhLiS . . mern (BOTH HOE AND DI MANI PA. Il I'll' I'S Hi-.-k.nnl -Sc < lo. H. E. Barrow & Co. I :C-*4CHO?_>5< NOW I s t ll V t I III f t ll .1 1 vim n - si ll your t ti i' ir produce, placi your ts m fount "illi this rc liable liank. < lp .it f. -tint v il!. pa\ your lulls lt y which makes thc ls st kind ,ti].t. .uni avoid the worry and tl ir tin carrying ol large Burna ol ts, ss \ Oin at the disposal of our customers ind countrj THE FIRST NATIONAUBANK FARMVILLE. VIRGINIA K S llAVin "'? A i, t LAPHAM ) ..Star Warehouse... To the Public: I will open np Um sinr Wan nunn'- mul .rn < ii'tnln-r l-l I will .-ni.fiif- .fl!,' rk nisi sni/li i. nnd ?hall fi vt my personal stl-iitliiii tii i ld In this boase. There will ha wi eonnnlssion ? pepi where advances have been made, anil ? ??.ii nt. Wewlll ha ve al I the buyers i"i l-otli Ht k'l lt I nut -ll If. S nil a- ill Ililli lilli aa rmi Mit-, linet Un in i ?fiiifiit in v, im li in .-turf tobacen ii mil sold \ li kepi is .r.?iil ordei until ? ' Rdllngof tniiHfl-n III lltrill'. I lit- IllirSi T. \V. Btl'l I . Il I "kial ajl I 111 | Pi| L. R. ''.n i.ism, Floor Man igi r nnd r Chick, Auctioncei and Solk il Clyde Carter, Antttanl Ekx>kkeepet W ll HUBBARD erald and N. Y. World 1.60 Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieve! Colds by working them out of Ihe system through a copious and healthy action of tho bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes of the throat, chest grid bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar" Children Like It For BACKACHE-WEAK KIDNEYS Try Dewitt's Kidney md Bladder Pills -Sure aad Sall Wit fcweli ling Repair I will li III. UBI Wood's Seeds Va. Gray or Turf Winter Oats . Wood's Frill Catii Seed- Seed Wheat. Ont*. Ra?-* B Ve tc ho*, G Clover Seed*. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen. R, hmond, Va. / Wood's Grass and Clever Seeds Best Qualities Obl.iin.ible and of Tested Germination. '*->!*,-)? vjjr 50 Egg Crates for Sale at Cost. See C. M. Walker's Sons. ft* Ml FARMVILLE BUILDING ANO TRUST COMPANY InKMVILLE. VIRGINIA CAPITAL. LOANS AND DEPOSITS $125,000.00 ? I"" *W ?"_ | I a bk' 1111 ' I JNO. R. \1 . and 11 i I . t* I-i API i i.O PROFITS $120,00 Planters Bank of Farmville TARMVILLL, va if 1867 n _iAFE ] I V LTSi State Female Normal School. -<**?> a