liiiM-!; n?l. un. PAW hil.1* H>U lill-: ri'Kr-KM, HOPE lui: nih n ll i.i.
T0-VN roRY.
i .
? ?imher*
Lee & Thompsor
Attorneys at Law
imyii.1 ? . Va.
\Y VTK1 NS S I ?K. uk
! LAW.
Green Bay, Prince Edward Counlj, Vi.
ind Federa
:H YOUR head?
Properly litte-l -
will .1" au av wit li nil
I mi inc .'iml
lft m. -?> w ,s the
matti . I tbe
in -.pec
Jeweler and Optician.
Itch Cared
i;\ OM \ l ION ot
Dr. Du id's Sanative
W .isl.
in i iiiiii i MiM
I., i**-r
? ll If youl dog
'mn at
**l-1? : UTI LE
Owens & Minor I'mj Co.
Rh hmond, Va.
Wah hea, ( lot ks or
Jewelrj Needing Repai
in .1
1>e " vlicn
??.m h ,.| ..,.y, an_ Bladder Righi
Fabrics for Fall
and Winter, displayed to the
number of 500 in our tailoring
department, Witt meet the tastes
and requirements of eVery man,
regardless of age, shape or
Many Are Exclusive
to the line of Ed. V. Price & Co.,
merchant tailors, Whom We rep?
resent here, and the dominant
colors are Varied tones in brown,
tan, drab, grey, olive, smo1x\e,
stone and Wood shades.
Select Your Choice
and haVe a suit made to order
by these famous tailors, With any
ideas suggested by your personal
tastes. Cost to you Will be Very
moderate When ordered through
us. LeaVe your measure early.
/^T-aJ, -Tja. _|i|l|1 WM
? Hutt,,-, Viarlt*. S.\
N. B. DAVIDSON, Farmville, Va.
Preserving Kettles and Cans
WI. WW \. i HEM.
Chas. Bugg & Son.
? ??- ;**r V '
Mail Us Your Prescriptions
I lay will Ik* filled and shipped io
Two registered pharmacists in charge.
Sixteen ys.:rs experience in Prescription
Popular Illustrated Hook 5#c.
Magazines bythemonth or \ cards of ivory description.
Koilaks anil kouak 1 ilm.
Vinni Agency.
R. L. FREEAR, Druggist,
I armville, Va.
JUGS and
Stokes &
y I
I'nr the latest and mosl
up-to-date workmanship
ut et cry dcscripl ion,
Steam Pipe Fittinp:
and General Repairs,
-pplj to
Main St.. Iakmvii.:
i?nr ul
Behool* foi ll
blank I,.*,i;- riini
deni I"
un.I hu :
? '
hoi Ll. AND
a il li 11,1
ll Uni lip TA UJTC
everything new _nt] Ul* lU'UH I u
Beni ??! if't.mod
ns! rill Un- tit litiitst s ul tlit<
Lynn Haven Oysters
ALL III! . i: \i: ian Nh
ni lin S il I, hr,,n,I
.111,sa,I \ rt
llnTKI. AM' l:l..-l Al KAN l
ncndoiph-Macor. College
Ilewitl,s| \\
S.1,1 liv ,
Man, Wile and Two Children
Perish in Launch Disaster.
Airship Falls, Orville Wright Injured
and Army Officer Killed?Gave f**V
000.000 to Each of His Children.
Father Sees His Son Cut In Two.
Fought to the Death to Save Her
Husband?Falls Head First Into a
Thresher?Gets Twenty Years For
Stealing $5.
Four peraoa. ont (.fat"
in rt i .
" -
ua l M.iv. a a:, .
round tltirln-r
oft Stratford point -
? wife anti t
? i
?aiiiif Mlaa
Hula boa* i I
,' anal started
li thought, r
s ntlv Inst his IfarliiRtt anti
anti! exhaust-si anal tl
tending sith take a turn at
t.nat aisl ? >
\t that
sru?'k thf Ht
r Th.' little
: l?,y sank al
em man I h hold un i hi
away the little girl
ani M Mr RoewelPa
stran.t- . ' anal hf gradually
? lu,rn iii,- l.sat an,I weat
Thf othera kepi sp thfir rrifs fur help.
As they drlt'
aard and a
Airship Falls; Wright Injured.
haring drawn
wini,I to his aeroplane flights
n.'ar WaKhlngtnn, an'.
hartal establlahed aaw world's ree
ords ! 'hanalr flying ma
chln.t. Orville Wright m< t with a
tragbal mishap while making a two
man flight. The aernplanlHt I
Selfrld| - of thf
army IS at.nant Selfiltlgn wan fa
tally injured and died Mi Wright wm
seriously Injnrwd, but ls exp,
machine was encircling
a pinpi Hm
: off and, hitrtn??
part of tht; ind:
air and
fall t,, the ground, enveloping tbe two
ra ran across
? A In llf rinse Ml
Wright anal Lieutenant l-s-lfrl l|
kaglad mass of machinery
Sn Mi
: 'US and saith "<ih.
? ? it.-nant
- arni hat) ap
M k the graoad with great
head was eortred with
blood and he was choking whea tba
,.!m from ttl
Di v. ? w York ph
aid to tha
ns ii wounds has
ban,las"! Mr Wright ns
Selfridge wera takfn to thi
M)er hospital Ht ti. of th*
lt was feared that Mr Wright
? I na! Injuries
He ha'! lap*.,! int., a lt
thf laa
Mi Wright \v< ar ?,1 the
propellers whbh hf has
with n longer pair, th.- btadea of which
: uer. and many who
hare |hfa llghti
anilnatmn ol the brohea blade showed
that lt tirsl S- . n -napp,al .,(*f st
..rta- inurth "I tlif distaace from th.
hub. A deep iisb iitatinn or* the brokei
? dh ated that it has
other part ni thf aeroplai
Twenty Years For Stealing $5.
1 Twi sty third
York ?
s. prison by Judge Mil
- was changing a dollar
bill .Ionia* tatmi him ani took $."t
from his pocket peter Derringer, a
clerk, ram.- tn the assistant
? i anal loane fired a shot at
him. whereupon the three robb
Ja,tye*, was caught after a shur
but tha' other two men escaped.
Kodol will, Without doubt, maketht*
stomach at rong and will almoat iuatant
Iv relieve yu "I nil lilt' -Viii' l"in- ?'
Indigestion. ?
> Toa Andereon Drug < 'o
A Bargain.
Bantry i>r,|t rt
Hampden ("Sidney bxcellenl build
isis'- an.) lan.I in ' ' cultl
Apply nt Herald < si ?
ll - Lilli.
laka -tulle ami
i 'rug t'o.
ought to ths Deatn to Ssvt Husband.
Julin Roberts an,! his wife resisted
- :l a fight
ear Pl . n,llr south
f the Arkansas line, whi n the ?
ttempted tn arrest R ^ ta for killing
? singer, a nelgi.iaor As a re
woman and S.'i-rlff Mooney,
f llaxter county Ark ar* probably
uni tall' - Roberta and
ira hurt.
? " Kesslnger to the door
Vhen Kesslnger a* I
Ired ate! him lt la said The
loot has not oe?n
aer, with several depu
htrta Mis.
- from a window told the ofll
away, but the sheriffs
d to advent e. and both she
.nd opened Hr,
kl shot by the woman lt
His fall discomfited the dep
a few minus a, aad R ? '?
ind his wife took advantage of
!? thc- house They dnfended
sidings for hours under fire.
the Hiing from within finally
.Irs Roberta luffertag from fourteen
ad no atteapt
*<> Jail.
Save $4,000,000 to E-ch od Children.
At the .olden welding supper of
a tfe. W li. Singer, ao
Pittsburg, dh
obi hia ;
gh the filing of , ertata
? house,
? snd was later ad
? hlch la
. it Iq
mg simply Invited his
unlly hom* In Aile
ittag the
golden wedding dat.- on Mut H NoM
Ire* were tarlta
r her plate a smill
bonds and
? ?I,.suiting ti > ? each
? childi. II aa :
ea. li $'
Singer. Jr tai now In
Hager, Ina manu
\ lilian. It.i-s
at sn ara litte, t. and Mar
Falls Head First Into a Thresher.
i Uullck plunged headfort
anlsm of a thresh
' s iinswl. k. H.
lick, who waa
. ? rotonteerel
t'i aid his neighbor. John McDonald,
: wheat Whs :
lng the grain into the machine he
it McDooi
wari, tripped and fall head
' into the machine The hor
;nan working with him
into the machine. acrea-Btag
. and torn bevon!
Father Sees Son Cut In Two.
Run down by a freight train at Har?
rington, D>-1. and cut in half before
his father. Ike
year-old son --as In
hilled when he stepped u it
of the way of the 1 'In and
track along which a lo, al
frelaht train was barking The tinln
strut k th, boy. and although the eo
1 thf train before lt
? Ike back wheels of the
lt In two at thc waht Tr,
was rai aaotker
train ob a nearby tratk. saw thc acct
Big Find In Old Clothes.
!> i Blankt a hip i farmer from
Vm . pureba
Norfolk l Railroad
com pru
Stthlng thar *
i Ih pal.I $' -.,. fat lt (>n
a lit !e fiiun,I among
other things a pair of trousers with
HOC In ga.! 1 and two dim.
In th. ? diamonds
warta a small fortum
Mutilated Body Found On Railroad.
ly nf a y.ning maa.
the Alt Hi lind
lek by a passenger
train while walkin, along the tracks.
? as found a pa; -
Ing the nam,- of Andy Oberia sn,! a
pay , bi
,'ile at a 1
bank The man was I
Admits Starting Forest Fire.
Wlllla i, of Rnfgl
at a li sail foi
n?r a,I
Bitted bis -silt bal sal
- on his far
raused I liars
Forest Fire Loss of t-500.000.
ia. mai
? fire han
be.n raging for ?
I be et la now under
ed, and at Arrow
The los- I- estimated a. ?
In a collision of Brie freight train*
pear Horsehead*, four miles ?
Elmira N. Y (wo men wen. I
two were seriously Injured
Bow to Get Strong.
est ron |
i ls. is ol,lana
benefit from 1 l.-.s i iel I fee
il- my < Inly 1" tall
loni.- andstrengtbenlng n
it. In my mothers
cnmpl ? ts tee a
Water Famine Menaces Many
Towns in Several Stales.
Three Farm Houses Destroyed Near
Wilkes Barre?Firs Drawing Nearer
to Oil Wells In Western Pennsylva?
nia?10,000 Men Fighting Flames In
New York and Farmers Suffering
Heavy Lose?Several Villages In
Wisconsin Destroyed By Firs.
farm houses arti repotted destroyed
ar Loyalvllle
i st tires, while several sth"r?
are lu danger A large force
lg to save them and prevent
I rom spreading Hy back filing
.tels of laii,| thc tin fighters
? muli, tire lion, getting
fuel to teed on In many places nnd
I oi kop it from spread
There ls still no lndlea
- , ,? hanna
' I ;
. maik rut or,led s's.
Fire Drawlnn Nearer to Oil Wells.
In tis fire swept dlstri '
. st ls daily growtag
In Warreu c-inty, I.
Selkirk and (.rand Valley. MW '!?
Dunkirk. Allegb*ny Valley and Pitta
tung tra, k. in one .pol more tl
.' brook and timberland
Hy hits tii,- ls draw?
ing nearer to oil wills SIssiM lt gain
?he nil well?
ing could stay Its progress.
Coke Ovens Suspend.
? i all of
tl,. ,,,, sk val
i md?d. thi
?ii out of wmk M'S. thai, MM
ire shut down on a,,,amt ol
- ? The Babraton plant of the
Anaab Hil Sheet _j Till IS.'
employing *>73 mon, was foi
la ago and
until after heavy rall
?ne raging in the
tins and are especially dlsas
truus ir.
New York Farmers Suffer Heavy Loss
i 'ii ls '
of the worst water famine li,
ilcultural Interest* of central
and northern New York are fat lng a
.??? situation For aaora than
alka inti' 'ii un rain has fallen
have already sustain."!
loaeee ag I tl -?? win be
used ualess a heavy rain
Ih.- output ol the dalry
a ?
are dry and pr, hfd. and
wells ai la many
? ? . ?
yield will Se lees than half a <
Fire Loss ?1.000,000 a Day.
Waahlngtoi hr W. J
xh ul larrey, wko
tamed to this city after a visit
ii'lacks. stat.*
aerratlre estimate of ike damage be
lng done in that section .
ls ll.' OOO a day.
10,000 Men Fighting Forest Fires.
York. Sept 2:1 -Alain
tn mas
of the rapid and continual spree,! of
th.- ts.. aa ihat hat
burning for many days In tte
? Hy r"
aisl according ti
iBI tires aie burning In .
I and a nts
small towns and suniui.;
are threatened There are hundreds ,,(
small Ares that may bet-rime danger
? ni-n arf fighting
the fires, but the flames have cutten
so far beyond control that only a
lng rain will stop them Th,
Ire fires are reported lr
Saratoga and Esssex conn
ties. Rivers, t retiks, wells and spring*1
have run lt] which greatly nandi, ap*
the army of (Ire fighters.
Wisconsin Villages Burned.
RklBolaador, wis, s> pt ti satnit
alf a 1"fen homes
f Rhinelander, wai
? d by fire The settlers fled tr
lake, where they are eared for
No lon- ,,f life has b
(f regarded as. saf<
- hs
lac k u nd An unverified
'' -
rs burning
Captured a Live Sea Cow.
Noi folk. I
was hauled ashore at Ocean \
a seine The Ash. n ?* 'led li
getting lt alive Into a pen whore lr I
Seing ss a curiosity It ls .sid t'
be of ? found off tl.
of Florida.
Steamer Wrecked; 110 Drowned.
dispatch to the army signal corps coe
Aims the total loss of tho Star o
Liengal on Coronation Ulats! TweDtj
seven were saved and HO drowns.
Including nins whites
Gcod Fur
"1 t.sik two off haniberlaii
ach ami Lr. er I ablets la-t Dight, an
I feel tl Tt v | ? Kian I hal
tor wa .1 I ire-toi ?
r,,r blllousneee l',.r sale l,
Winston hni? Co. Hampk
They Take The Kinks Out
?'li ? , K sig - V
Pill-. for list
Ihey ake the ks
linell, livenmd bowell, Brit-ton
amnteod -ai
_i w I,,
?ays His Record From Beginning te
End ls One of Failure.
The real ac
of the campaign have begun
for William II Tuft Republican presi?
dential .an,! pollil, al ad?
it ls mad. on
him ds i, Ciniinnatl
ri trip
vas Informed
officially of his nomination has Ctn
clnnatl ben to thoroughly awake po
lineally aa when marching clubs from
Indiana| .bus. Hamilton and
tka blaze Of
aisl thi . impel as an escort
to the candidate, who was thc
ire of the rally of the National '
League ,?t Republican clubs al
Mr Taft In hts ?: ,red in
tata language what b<
ol William I Iliyan as a stu
and pol
an audience which from the first
.'.king for him, the
party as one
of action and Catari he de
and then
himself to an analysis of Mr I
?* ls lt we ha
Mt Bryan I aald M Bare we
anything to expect bot what he prom?
ises? Have we anything *
what ls based upon
his adroitness as a puhl,
n any practt, al
I of his ability to meet prob
ilate proposl
lbllity. and retry little iith a
ri? What 1
of Mr lilyan'' lt ls fr-un l? (tai
"If I, rorel
ably because of bl
mut h now b* rna)
:<e of his
? , hon will ?
have a re. tirrell, c of tl
? Utlona of tl
crnti,' admlnlatratli
Would Make No Deal With Him Bs
fore He Was Nominated.
Bay, N I
tary I
,; stateaaenl
?at which was called forth by
Halla lt lb a
public utb r
pany ina oiisi-tant with bit, duties aa a
and bis attitude as .-.
In the sta*'
dint Rooaerelt makes as
for il, ss! de
Linns bring
nu* ii ? ?
I by Mr. Hearst, a
bini M
Taft, within his own pail
now a' : Itn-k. ll and
by Mr. Taft to a ft
Ohio, on Ja!
, I K, pnisi, r,r ior tbe
In th,
plan of Ike ohio
a, y and Ml I tot re
.it's attitude has alWB] ?
dire, th s, Hut
against Senator
regarding Ihe is I
ville affair U I I I
lion was a phase ,,( the .
la law-defying
t nip,.rations to brtai discredit upon
Btalatration ' It waa, he says,
In larg I genuine a,
Explosion ol Gun Blows Men
to Pieces,
Tt,slots r
goonery drill ont of the big turrel
rifle \: lng tin
after tiiiret and killing
?hilt, en A
of usn wei
had !, sig for a coi
able time, when without wa,:.
whole '
ttmnil, i. (n al
.- :
msed by th? exp
The spectS' 1' ??
and wounded, together with al
arms and Iago, llttvtlng thc :
rall to aaarti - and a,
cared '
The gun that exploded was of 7 i
Inchfs bore, of which the cruiser car
ried two Happening so soon ?
M cause! a eeo nation tn nara
circles and doubtless will lead to I
?sost rigid UToeHgntt ?
A Paying In\estment
Mr J
Honiton, Maine.
troubled will
spring. Last wini*
' 'Illili I Isa,.'
Di K
that was half gone, ti '
all gos
? ,| Hie ass . ,
am sow cois, ne ed th ir
New I
ami lui
Asks President io Make Good
Charges Against Haskell.
Democratic Nominee In Indignant
Telegram to Mr. Roosevelt Demand).
That He Preve Haskell Waa Cor
nected With Oil Trust?Wu! Dlsm.???
Him As Treasurer of Democrat,.
Campaign Fund If Accusation ll
? ?
rebuking the chief .s-.cutlve
nation foi making statements <:
afnatlled waa wk
'i.stii In a tel,-cram t..
nat toual
against the t bargu that he had nolan
ttl ?
Ul I
i that as ths e?di
> "1 shall i
nut any res;
eui ?
The telegram concludes with the
statement that the Democratic i
making "an honest and boot
tight ir it* prtactpl
pollcle- ta and will _
: ? ' i'i tkOH WkO
are in charge of th
paign '*
Mt Hiyan anya:
"In a stat'
a charge made ?
r Haskell, of Oki I
a ni pta)
I ia I .th an
suits pending aga i.ular.I
ad ling thia
?ty and
Mi Bryna and ts U ,.t hie
nf tin.
' I
striking fashion the action of the al
, la ' 1 ?
? ' ?
both In tat
mingled Mi
bryan and ls I Mr Bf*]
an s tampalgii.'
: thargo ts Hutt I
allow it to . I ('.e.
'? .:' '
I In any capacity or wa
I Willi
lt or with the transaction upon
Hankel] demanded au In
ne th.- <t,si.
Cow ? If I'.,-.
em"! Haskell ls guilty as
ls unlit '
a will agree with ni" thur lt ko
in so damning an ?
t tl -a "
. ? : rot and n!
the I
comm!* ? approval! ?*?
, lt my duty I
maud an Immediate '
? r ti
.as well as yt
nish any proof whir) bj your
?h msy be
.at he will appear for li
1, public or
private, whit h yeu may ll
I will I
- campaign shall
st tbs de<: U tri
? him In any way with
,r In case you ar'
ulm guilty of th
party I shall ?
radical Beaeares against prtu
party ls
u/irertaln and eva-'
S r
palgr. '
A Sure-enough Ks