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FARM VILLIS HRRALD jUSi m UM \ fW. \\ iwnnl, ?>. .11 counti-al ns alcuin* ?.l||*il Hi ?? I ? H ? . I Protect YOUR OWN OLD AGE Vf!ll u* tot TUU ? int- fol Dont I'l.ic. I I" ll fur M-iun itiinily too if To Die "lltllitl ,' ll - 1 li -I :t lilla.- nt I ? .... inwineiit hi Win INSURE in The Amen can National Life In? surance Company of LYNCHBURG, VA. GAR1 WI) & MARTIN a IIK.IM.V A R M '' V I M-ll L I doora and blii |_ ii our porch woi k |y| I Slid tlKIII F li want C o lill I Ol NDRY" Nlllll'F. MM \ pplj ll -I ("III Le, lea I I if \ i >t I alntet ? and hu eben wi i an. ' a t .liter galil) ll nda oi I r - - ill iinl Cram slits,III I ou. rtPHIIU .Ml HIM IS. Hill-: ? Dla .utanta, Ile thia ? hr VV 'nie a but not tts I V\ , i. ?, ,. . ii |?i.rui-.illc t.. lieeon < linnie mond "ll hie sick lisi t>, be J,resent ntertainmenl which a ? laal lisi Watei will - top ff aurrounil i noone vi ill nea ,| .., thirst] ,.i minus bath hut wc are atti1 without tbe Ibuutaln ?iii.i,linn",t to itlC til-tes "I IS,,-, nie in u-t have timi ind when we will rally about ll ai lhal it : them In product rmi pi VV , berti ni Ot hi III uili - ttl be devoted tn lettUO uiii.iilc will yet be known aa - '"i thia early and delight? ful table luxury of the sprlug. ( itciis dav bit Ih a hard Mow Karmen can I 1 m. one can afford to nib er. Mt Jami bavin. erected i uraand 1 a beaut} tt. that ? hiul boulevard 1 iva huI hooker. "Isis ,s ll,sm M iaeion work ? I thc pulpit of the Sunday evening, and preached h ni"st Inter . iml helpful -.ct.nun ,-lHlltl "S till! M our "f the ?! i itch the feature thal cns cal i general w Brown, bl ?? ? the pravall'ng i .ve the ? going to Ik h,mm( looking A merchant - for hie siiiislruiii, "Why The n by it lady In ? tklabouia ?Ab., s. nt iii the follow log a ? erv niau hln.ubi liave one of situ bauletl - t" react] I "!kf are k' , Ht black .lust lin- ought nut Kiti.ei tbe party delivering >n rty reeeivlng si,,,ubi promptly iweep thc dual aa ay We n. town We ni tb nt- that without theil cont ri but loni the ll- Hamlet with Hamlet left .sit of it. VViiHt Wt want anti our leaden most enjoy I* the new - ,,i your neighborhood briefly Hint brightly reported Lei is beat from yt their respective w,,ik Heidi leavini vacant chain lu our and va cHiit plrict's in our beart-chamben Wf lit our hat in the jirenence of then courage, their good cheri and thc no i,le wmk they an doing, rbi bette, fol their living is it Paraville la highly favored in mau? mu .ne ns,rc s,, than ll ii- chureh muak And did help to thi Nail ttlHt tl - ?pel, but thal ? bearii t.i the reception of the truth ar ? W.ilk. (Ml! ' i w:-ts iii i.,wu on la-i look ins hie ; . tilth ami o than 1 illy now tba Mi. Ito hih perpetual.' with ? fellow nu,rta! who i tn w I .. ls to lind fault with life's wauk in Kiel ihould km a hun- of tbedailj w,sk ,,f i scttei Not and ininti, ami n la mole painstaking ? man,Ital (Inly leam od the ?' i will returi rs wits mon ii Karun il ?efore lu th in hu- history i eburcbea a ; hie Norn. md moal aelcome. Mualc added itt- chara enterta - I the -nona I sall a iii an entli ii crat the otb. sib.len ol Brj I - rtlrea.l lie. ih- one ? bim rs a I aili ||o| ,s for quite two year- aftei th iih of March next. Mill our fries ipou Ik-iiu; the "early ninl. i la have a wali over. a.. hie j,lum la ri luscious ni and li ? sit at l M ss is mic Wail med lo North ' , luring Ibe coining Mi- i Ureeni Hie, ? M n t Iml I j Ven ibis and M las li mt Vh- w .ut Mr R. ll. i i ,,'kin's' gooda eultable for tbe fall anal wist r *lo> k ?? . a ( mlle. w, ? , ,? hutt hr. Mill, i. bought : 111 V ," a inted to >ll|..o| Mis a | , .',.. ligblful summer iu hie borne of lier Mall' lell ,ii I i-l V\ home is VViiHt h . ni hie railing around hu- (..uti nsl the wiiy. ?si the lawn ns i ? will rui i rtiii on th and I tctobei i-i to i burgonaceouutofl 'trains will lea turning before bed Ui VV . ( New inns ? Oak stn will move there with lu- faml'y dur* upying 1 VV ( link ' ompa ., 1'n , foi the mai implete ? iu front of the lol ha i.aek and w,,rk ,,n the Ice plant build? ing va iii be .ni,' net ,iis ? -I tune .si I- inlay m. hue i" ' burch. being gi othei pl tertainmenl ol unusual nu We a. km letter* iv I; i Mcilwaine, h Is 1. I. h., wuh thc com| author Wc have read them ?ss- willi : ned hie ami ab:' | ?.lonni Convent. ??si ol w Inch he fl ui"*t honored ami useful men. The llmis. . 11., is ?sae tin performance - (usn shut to dulah. iiie elepba bright, ?taiwan imi - the little . (be bare Sack rides irrel-jumplng wonderful, balancing on a ball In? ez pl leal my but not ao funny as in the dav- .,; out boy Sooil, it,ni Hie ciovvil wu- Ibere H -Indy ? the "MW iiiii|- fea? ts 11-. I ? in that ? graciou grace? fully, ii to the baahful young men uni hies to the obter onea wield1 ng lier s, ibbllng w ali -in,a'- nni| >{im,,| led upon hie crowd uproarious and ? not "ii hie bills, lind w , new to lb, hut lt Dceptlon of a iiiiis! charged with orig.nal amt real humor. remarked, "ll via- thi Karmville baa had in the last twenty ?Ullin],!. Muming tatara. lu addition b. bia regular fl the ela-- rot n hr. Milled* Monday morning talks to tin tbeday. t hine h ".I lift 'ini.ii nib, lah. ?hOUld t. fl,! Ill OSI opinion tn s. rm t ll , I of the I e iii es i-1., alamily M-fMallnn Hour. mal ns^s ni . .. , ?, rnoon li remind the - lltation hour.' Iro i remain in their rooms oommunlnf . temaliis n|w ays true thal .study of mankind Thom pchy ? i " moal profitable and helpful i ? lilt- : sid do wei a b.asr- Now and thei shut Ihe world out anti Imbi '?..uver-t with tbe inner world. ''Uueovei lbj hu t .-in i 1 St, ll I Barn nf Tobacco RumriI. ? t., hcv j i. i.Hsca-its a rt- deetroyed The lui,aero nnd builds . tboul a dollar of loaui ? either lt la estimated that (he build lag eon tai ned B,U0U pom di anti the lota nts to abou Mi Italtlmore the ? lunn, cannot account i.u th tire a* none was left after the work I curing the tobacco lia.I on tbe evening ts- ? Milliner1. (limning. ,? mv ille and v saint are is id my < ("pening l ai Winter Millinery on ne> I tem ta Mi- li ll i; \ V VV .rid Hean In .mil hut!,! Bm vii I. hi a- 111 IOU II animation ot ..ur which s ? told Ls tl man. Having flubbed bia work bl Bl tin- llcrnl I an In? teresting account of tbe details ot lil. mannei author K..r tbe larnelit of OUI inga lie told He C tn ni any business huui Into the Block ,,ii i i lamination, l"..k ; aud i! "'' found i i.Hil. - i'lieit and band of the Inw- will I ? promptly fell kepi cleau, noi only ti ? ... billow .-neb oilier in rjuick -s, and at Mich an boui sk not ? ai In thia connection Mr. Joneaaald, whik no Control of store- tr,sn winch nu tin- health autboritlea .,! tbe ti i ? il t>, them and all othei plat ei and have a I ditton tr.,in at juan t" square, a tei to cirtumforem ii Important work and the town will ki ition. ( "ii his next visit he will i Into tbe character of the whtal are drinking, and with pure thinks, th -bouid be greatlj Death nf frank L Irvine. lioin the i ? ? alb ol liask I. h gu went tu t I ite t" -e.k iii- fortune and tu ind from the ? t'uent tribute b> bia mein in lu- lions | life's arduous ami manlj - Me was bom ui thia county at the i v\ iikn,- ii, . inted ni Hampden >si ? I in\ er*iiy of Virginia, i turo moved t" hos, I1 A Ills life-work hi, n . ld li,si,,r,-.I him w lille liv lng and w ho ls.ld dear \ noa that he is den,I ? ! nosies!.. ,linen ? hundred ami ,- many inumenta t,, In- pridi citizen ami ii - worker. He able in ev ely relation, itsd ;! rally conceded that Ilallaa ba* lost ,, worthy citizen and nu upright mali. reatlfying t.. tb, nalities ,-ei. I ll Mai" I last night ?? i he man will ba greatrt - .erv \aluable 1" lilly Ile Int.I it .lent mis.I. I think there ba men i' the Soulbwe*. inc buelneaa man, big hearti lit. rt s. I w a unlvenally kind and oonaidet ng ..f Mr liv inc, ( bahes holan/ - ?I uln? ae!-illly. Il, lovv. tbe kind of man w hu ry, would strut a - any tune tn help a hies,I rn need ht iras one ol the greatest rectors In tin Blent "f ts pOWer ni ISe reit! MtStC Held of tbe city. Iii rough luis ninia, mi:- were oooatrueted ben I untiring in bis ,lev.,linn lo thc w.r^ of upbuilding hnllas and I; - moana n greal I"** t" I ally ami hie real estate Int, nally will in,ss bini keciilv.' Virginia wee|,s with Ti that while a benefactor tn tlie home , lopti si i,t . . ory to thor on w boee boaoaa bora and wi,ere be I for hie splendid struggle bc made Premiums fur Hriiihl Inli.nis. I he bright ' ville will open ?>n tbe 16th ot ? and tile sale day bu piamiumi awarded will be on hie _7th. 1 tie Board ot lin red hie ?t ith which to | . nml amouuta vain td. Remarkable Kecnrd Inr Lnnijeil.-,. Mi V\ .I ai- banded Ha of linnie- mid BgCi "I n ssnii tr of per? sons win, reside Ht ami nt I I ii mn, Hu van na county, win, h ihows a wonderful record ol longevity. Then I r-a,n- mentioned tbi esl ,,f wi, s, iiie fountain of health tn flowing ui touch ,,f ti,i* elan*. Best remedy tur a Burn lt tor soother reason, I linn;: ihould se kepi In ? hold "i, account ol its great ? i treatment of burns, lt all almost Instantly, ninl u'lleas the kn - .! leal lug a -cai. I tn* - al-o unequaled foi chapped ha .??? cent ? hrst* i dues Krlqhfaeli. beth Brlghtwell,daughter of Mr am Mrs ll M. Brlghtwell, lo Ml .los. |b -, I'.lkh.. in Hm home of tlie bruie, Moi dook, hev William i untie of the Ki.s'iu I iiev to hs - ni tb,- Bridal (horn? by Mi-s Margie ' raw i, was formed by ribbons -ire;, lan Allen md liielina (-ills I lu ? a and pillia fully carried out in the dt-oorations ? roses, smilax ami '? - held Imnii aller the ceremony Hie beaatlful ead -ceom woman, looked unusually hiv th ; her pill - of mull ami la.-, , lang isi-is I label of tin munitygowltb them t>, their m\ further -.niiniincements .is ii Oiienlnq nf I'littlit. left* ? i nil hu ' stanks and lin a iuteudeut. . i er- al 1 p in Ul ami i. at b1 ri iu I All tin ur,lay j si . the thc Mts ' . Iiie ! -trtii ville District w ill meei ??erin'., day, ts j in . s fol the - Meta Hunt. i Munt j .,! Vii li I . Mum, ; ot Amsterdau I by m> ? while .vi tbi ( barlil in nml - tor lett and i. ii AI I Must, i denn < 'untiing sarah Mba limn, ' Hon ham, .'?nil,,11 I, Irby hon of honor. ' aa ll ile w bile hair oa Kiri preceded Iht si by Mi-- Hell n Moiton white ? I ferns. with lace garniture, wcannu a veil the arm of ber father and met the .us,in ns,! dr. Joel hull" tar. to tbe ? I lion tb. panted ? Dru: ' nnd ll., ,11, and ,.?,,1,dil., iring a au ml! I V\ e va ? (ure. 1 Milliner (l[ienini|. ? are lui ??'? ona of Kail and vv Intel MIHI Sis M il n lircult lour! Proceeiiinqs. ward ( | se nf many Tue j si r. Jan" Jinn to the -.eiiitentiar - - Mr I. - K, ? - Ittol ! Boy' aKK. PRINCE KbWAKl* COUNTY ile.lld tamed ?fte. -tuite a I a uh lier .hiram Will leave tod lend the B i ting in iie home of bet Bm le, Mi raw . ?slum..',- Mecklenburg, Mi*- Kuln, tad hie ty with Ila enrolled and still a 'liter. . Prol Terry n- principal ami Mfaasea Mr Jim ( lark :. ."Hie time With lu- linnie [ . durant Will saturday lo I I n Appomattox count) Mi*- ? l leach hus ami ter. ai Beulah i burch tbli Mr. l'bcl| - Mi ( M Manhall baa moved m ? kett W alton A -ta it (burch 8 Darlington Heiirbtc Wc,bimi- i ? Ing through Mi? Marj h I I aught Hie la I ? little time ?nek ami nave it a attona pull that ( molina, where Dunnavant. lae sounds lil , Munt -el the bell i motion w I. Buffalo I lt, !*.? drs Bullo ? aimer clime. Jefigbtfully t ,-', Bun Kranklln, of Colorado, one "i Viruis Many friendi tap bis Mr. J. I. i ullin npletlon, We an glad I ?onie inrinv lilians il Darlington Helgbta. Burn i- the thli ti for ruin lt has Mr- him ? r the last ns Bural letti Io look Pamplin Misses Mattii rhoraton ami Kata Franklin left Saturday last foi their schools Mlaa Thornton will teach In lill Kr:tnklin Mr I! VV si with their s,m Joe. 1 lie latte! aa ; idly and : return home ll . I lelia. m.St at the I t 'burch. Kev vi i ! night, iblk will profit by taught during hie week Mr. Bquln , - to have hun in .sir ns ht .lille Ile bia issue in Bristol, Va., on bel work aa , i her Mt- - I. J Binford, of Petenburg, ami Mr- vv I. Binford, ol Darling? ton Heights, ipenl - - with theil br vv. h Johnson, Mi-* Marj Hying momI In-t w, .v. r. Johnson Left foi bur* M [bier. ?id preached bia I -er.issi here Sunday atora* s,,|,| a Iw,, ing is Bichmond and v. Ky , lo ta nary thia term ni will is ' burch os Ih- topic wiil sc AV hat wc natale -1 i , umbel ti s hie borne "i Mr B. K Munt. Ailinn- the nuuilH'r IkmiiK ? M r- I - , Kv Mr and Mr '.snack, la Mles i ;b ( arolu.a a. ssl, ami Mr I. C. Munt. ? r 17 VV . A. x> attaaded the -.arnagi talned at thi M D nnd Ml ? enningham several daj Mr nnd Mi-. Al.s-rl M. wlm ha siting at Mi is New sday. Mr ani Mr-. I.i Must | V| ss Ile ea ll mt ' looday with hus Sainiicl N < iimi,nghain Mr. Vosif I'.eiijiti: -si, win rent at Columbia Tbeolag . i*av( a very enlcrtaiuiiii* lecture at Church on the .venn . CHARLOTTE COUNTY Eureka Mills I court, Judge Mundie; . sg which ti > I seaaioi Allen . I som.neut in their I i I i, lite pu - penitentiary. ind V' ??iii, i tbe di I ? iition hr . Kort W il ai their nome Ll Nt:. BU KG 1 nburgC H a, tl,,- -. 1 tint yat. a an .Irs ?i that the bouaai own nu connection with Vltvist, 1 M r* ' vho ha- ? ? Mr. V lt Mr. T. D. I VV iii J ?linday. sL'MBEKLAND COUo Mus Mi willi bli icat (lumea ( burch, . i Mc ,f Mr. Lewis ( 'raw , Mr* Mi ttaui ? ? rub J 1. I M'- Hu i ? ?! i J I. Ba last week ll Mlaa Ass ? [be linn In - vhs John sustain^' liol Bichmoud laal ? for the Normal School at Karmville. lennie Blanton a 1 Blanton Take Mice |-a.-iit of the liauti ville lin '? man, I ' Renarli Offered for Arrest. man. Arthut /.sim. ham at the low ii from :. ' , : - out on bail, a four may s, menin, and re| should not i bend tl All of them wear ti lesa ss' ' ? your". ? All iru.. If tn. A WOMANS BACK. -pprar - Farnr.iHe ,'.n u tuiluwed ,? il it a Hurd . ?? .,,1 be? ll ,- mitering from -io.ill of i languid ? much ? .eel, s Is.r st 1. ami I . .' cl me ol the : m. them ed Dr. a a N V s,;f"" High Grade Whiskies d'rec t frojn Distillery in plain \ P*c% a gcs? es, express prepaid. . IU 'Wa l_fc r-wt -,.'*?, ni! h'" V' * tK-ssalty . Ul Ul Ji I SI (9 , Mi na-Ti'. 2M 1*4 IM 24 faa sr ? tul feta Mw (int? N A. HATKE & CO., RICHMOND VA. - ainal snd w... I" Vf Hk^ ; come i>.uk. _Te? ts rarely lot. m the cit. Adam ippetred ru ht VI hhhk*niist.ikhs ind lost money?grio ind ii-but dott'l niakh miataket tgaiii. I our ready-made or -tomeasure. lothing. win. ind mon t \ oo Inferioi rn i IRicbarteon Si (Italic