Newspaper Page Text
CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS Thunda) ' Tl... hal . nc Friil-i V - 1 1 Saturday, Sept yr.; I 1 ' Binla and W< talepk Monday, September 21. ' of repreaentatlvi I Domain, t age. ? prs In ben an ? Tuesday, September 22. Albion stas ind killed hlR sw forbin, at Portsmouth. ' they had qaam l John Kow'. '. . Iienr t ? ' I the machinery and bia _ U"itli in ia . Culmination of a quarrel. Wr-Hnesday. September 23. The > fifth rs' - of hei commit' ? John " three- r 1 ,dieted bv lr ' I MARKET QUOTATIONS The Latest Closing Prices In Principal Markets. PHI! sylvania roll. mills r'l.iiru WI IE VT ?* 02V.. CORN l.x-sl. 8" - -vhlto. Slip] ?jratles. S8c tl\v larxe babs. Ill old t ? ern Sh F fins; ' ' Live Stock Markets. I - ! hi 111 HORSES and MULES For Sale or Hire. First Class Livery and Feed Stables m Korth|Bti i tinville.". Zi-IHERMAN BROS. al lt ital , will know a.,-ni "III lui s tit .ame !?, 1 ? | ami west "ii1 willi eraiii|> colic ht ii,,,- weie ilinw ii np s lighten lliiin ns fact I w ?kine Ol, lu ? arthur without it , Soul" |,.HIICI I lt Will ? a t\ i wes . , ? c tait tie to he -? Boothe lt b*" the lim Sr HTBI ,;i:.I tin thanks ?? ! ,,i, liladdei 1*111 rheum I iflamation of the bladde : ? innoyalices dui : K?r A Sprained Ankle il nil- le iiinv bt cured ii ?it S, time u-iirill v re inplying Chamberlain'! ll i civ mu' lt ns*,duli ? by Winston hts. IC linc i se boarela, leads lo ch rou, !?: i ? ans Kepuleta bs,, ibe stomach, Kodol w ill. in ri very short tune, mach to tl., hu- il lld '.be wot k il -boll!.I du tl ? ? ? I you eat. it makes ? lt is si,i,i lune by Hie Auder* THINGS NECESSARY ;h, tines! tnt .-it ii **> i,ir tis iim-at advanced sTiuKnt mav la* had at t he - Chappell* This woman says Lydia E. ?ItikbiWn'H Vr-rrtablfi Compound nod her life. Read her letter. Mrs. T.G Willadsi n, ?f MannlnR. ?w.t. writes to Mn, llnkham: " I can trulv say that Lydia E. Plnk ain's V'ta-etaDle Compound asred mv 1 eanDot express my ?you In words. For years I suffered ith the worst forma of female oom alrita, continually doctoring an_ leadlaf lot* of money for medicine help. I wrote you for advice, I it as li rented, snd took Lydie I'iukham'a VeffetsbierompoiUBd and baa restored me to perfect health. ad it iud been for you 1 should have *en in my grave to-dav. I wish every itTering woman would try lt" ACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. Lhirty V'ears I.y.Ha E. Pink ? .ble Cbmnooad, made om roots aud borbs, has bean the I n medy for hmtig Ilk 'U'P(itboiUftIld**rif b iva bs-(*n troubled with ta, Inflammation, ulc**ra >n, fibroid tumors, IrrpKultirltie-i, riodic r_lns, backache, that bear f-do^vn feeling,flatuleiii-y,indtg.". in,diz-*lnp8?,i ?t nervous prostration, by don't you try lt ? Mr*, rinklinm Invites all sick omin t<i writ** lier for advice, io has cuitled thousands to iilth. Address, Lynn, Maia. Kl LL the COUCH -nd CURE the LUNGS WIT.-I Dr. King's New Discovery FORC OUGHS , OLDS trial , IUD ALL THROAT AMD LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTOIIYi )R MONEY REFUNDED. Hv WHIT!-; & CO. "Ole Hoss" Sale. Ih, .a disposed "(, tba utliern Kxpres-i < ompany aili sall ? btddei >'t UBLtC AUCTION fm Mo.211 Muli, - lober hui,, l-UV, a lot <?( unelatoaed ... h. \\ ilk i i; -mihi, .uetioni Route Agent. ll. l -(..ll . '?*&??'^f FALL Af*m II/ uwir M mggW MM OF TH?: BEST THE MARKETS AFFORD Great Price Inducements Ladies New Suit Department. I \ .tim*- tu Int I.,alisa lins |i. parti NEW W. B. CORSETS. B aha lull; 111 '..' suit! ol T tii Novi ii ?- hip to 30 _ Cl. it h newest st vic ........ 12 , . i, ___? {2r**$) v,(' w,t ^jT li. t ttr material, IS to3? 2840-* Blu. -ti Bi -ol ? B? ! /' 717 bin, low ?^???^? "s|^^m_ti.'.Jily ??licet 1 ., i'd Two Nu\ thy Siiit*- in Brown ami Green striped, 11 immed vv it h satin, 25.00 value . 19 7.", ii ...ul Cloths in Black ur Nay. trimmed .'JL' 50 and 25 DO Black Taffeta Underskirts. Big value nd ."? ot) FALL DRY GOODS AND DRESS GOOJfS ? BALDWIN'S .ill A i ii .98c _________________________-_------------------H wide, Sha.! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mi Globe dollai hip 1 lose supp Juli V. No 95- -Shoi , ,,, Sjxx*ial lue. te, 18 tn 25 in. V. nitin Is to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_______________l Willi ,,] Uls. 1 sk ID ? -y \J a.* o :^NS I.IV1.UY And Sales Stables. -_*_P-_^ l take|thta method lo Informftba imbin- hutt in connection w Ith my -tush- i ha ve J opened ? AT ALL l H >? [RS - iiiid \ ehs-ii - ts, . a ? Sued iBonable prlei - Prompt at? tention gi ven all orders and the bee! Ben sf sisitanlt eil. I t runt -liv solicit your pal mnage ' oj 'i ,.i.i -lund. h..Illili -heel linilii T* W. VAUGHAN .iiji) I! .) Estimates turin* he d. Work promptly done aisl satisfaction fully guaranteed. Office and shop un Bast Third Street near Main. R. C. Bristow Ille Farmville Commercial Co., ' s, ,,iii ,,, a. rKI. , Commission luting vs: ai., . iB_ General Merchandize. Vtaoarry h LABOK hto.k ,,f Heavy Groceries, Drv Goods and Hardware. Special Prices Mad*- os Good* Boutrht in Large Quantities. rn numil commercial co., KA KM; ll ht-. VA Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieve* Colds by working them out sf the system through a copious and healthy action of the bowell. Relieves coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes ol the throat, chest ind bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the t?_St as Maple Sager" Children Like It For BACKACHE-WEAK KIDNEYS Try kWltit KldMj tad Bladder PUs-Sori tad Sdi Anderson Drag ho. NOW j*, thc t i in c t h n t von realise on your sill ymir h ,i produce, place yuin la ni with 1 liable hank. < '; nt with u hills by makes tin best kind ct i|>t, .uni avoid tin r attending thc carrying of large sums of money. Oui nfl ilwnys Bl til, . i i<| |. a-s.t i THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA ? V V\,l E\ ERYTHING i\ VI UNITUU1. AT COMANS. I'MMfltTAK I N< i Wc are licensed embnlmei rytl Iv found in a FIRST-CLASS undertal Poi in -lat ai. ice call I'l.t B < i < oa in oi 88 hi. _C. C. COWAN Fl Ul i'll IE FUT Tun L'H.e -tuiv* devoted to the storngi and display ct th.' largest -tu.-k oi furniture, Pianos Organs, Bab*- Can Ru , Curtains aud nil tin-vat nd nu.iltii- 11 -11.-111 \ found iii find class establishments of the kind, Don'l fail to inspeel our stock liefore purchasii j Pi low i- an\ and all gooda guaranteed to represent* tl. f, 11 e y UMbERTMiF.-- AND Eli BAL FARMVILLE BUILDING AND TRUST COMPANY FARMVILLE. VIRGINIA CAPITAL. LOANS AND DEPOSITS $125,000.00 tr J ii-, i sn lamia a ? ll I \J mj ni,,ney ,Si lune it |,.,?lt ans _H_H_H_M_B :-????? I I In ul:-.' NONI -Vii JNO. lt. MARTIN, Sec. ind I reis. DIRECTORS ni: J l ??.usn 'i i WAU. li ? ? a *?*. PAitusn WINTER IS COMING S. W. Paulett & Son POR Vi uk STOVES WE SILL I III FARMERS' FAVORITE SEED . . DRlLihS . . -V_ umgeemmmmtmmemdmmmw* (IK(TII HOE AND ; Bickford & Huffman Co. x ll. E. Barrow & Co. CAPITAL. SURPLUS ANO PROFITS $120,000.00 Planters Bank of Farmville FARMVILLE, VA ^jjjP ? SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS E. S MARTIN. PrMi GEO Kl SERPELL. Vic.Tr-a I | w HUBBARD Cashier CITIZENS STATE BANK FARMVILLE. VIRGINIA. AT YOUR SERVICE IVs ' ? ll sal s. yt ,,?! wuh nu- ii mall ...Star Warehouse... To thc Public: 'namur-ai,,1 nn October ht I trill '-.1111111' old in this 1, ' , trill I'usl H. ? in.llii T. W. Hw 1 .. b, B .,;. L. R. Gilliam, I ? W H. HUBBARD & SOX, iv HERALD AND N. Y WORLD $1.60 kestel LEAVE r ARMVILLr DAILY Nat U-*--.-_ ' ,<:-,.__ IM-M ll'tk. ,.?.- ti, wa '. Nata .'-? lax-hlW?| "I .?ajrrwt I rfc- ?. Ko-**- Vi. Kt ll.ii,,AD 11.3 ia ut ca .ts sa iW ta Ul A.S, I ll (),',.. i()UTIII.RN KAILWAY in F.-r_U?-_r? C.rrentt -. ? ll, .UUM a I'M-. Tr-fB-'' :ook Stoves Henters and Ranees For Salo by DuvaJl, Son & Co. , .MIM. I"?fc KI( I ? ? I1*1**