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THE FARMVILLE HERALD HONOH FOR THE PAST, HELP lui; I uk pp l HE parma ille, VA., FRIDAY, MARCH 5, moo. ? IF -I'HKi FKIIM A\ UKIiAM/KK. MIS iiml Tliny lim SHi:nri: Itinir Hiiihts, " Interesting meeting ul in the Courthouse ? Saturday. ?n tin- session was ind this \\ Walthall. an hum* I to tho giver ol' all - - on tho work of -oil. Such praying Qod made thc country ? ?': ? who carn 'thors by nol brows lOted . ? ? ? vilest and ? lina, who I this and ? ' [y ai ' I .ra mong i other- ell? and ? ? mi the .melia, Brunswick, Din* : Mecklenburg where he it work and in ?..liners were waking essity of self-protection, followed by Mr. W. H. who though he kept his ? liking made some telling ' into .-? obtained his education ? 'linds and between the ia sympathy with those learning in that sci er-meetings aro not only instructive and no ld go hy without .? eld. In this iin thi rganiza* bs in i if our whose irefully - . (mined, : then The i ? thu l.nntaqinn nf Eaton siasiii. ? which he feels participate, says that i.-ut attends a wed the bride; when ? ra! he thinks he is Such a spirit tn Ivertising. ('old rider the skillful band understands and ibject. To be earnest Put enthusiasm nt; put your ad* l ?. .? newspaper ntagion ..- a chai ? of Farmville "Cold I ' 'liva is \llHiilion. ? . \s ht aSM Kl armful drui . mot! - ? t.y A MUST RUB THE HERALD. Kev Mr. McFarland, now of North Carolina, formerly the beloved of the Baptist Church in this place, whose appreciative letter we gave to our readers in last week's Herald, was only with tis sonic two years, and yet during thal short time became s<> n lin- place and the people that lie enjoys -i weekly letter from them and therefore renews his sub* scription to Farmville's only paper. There are others, and we record the fact in sorrow, who have heen living ?rc- of year- whose name- have not as yet appeared on the list of subscribers. The man or the woman who would be a help to neighbors must live in uch with them, and so living gets interested in them. Such are our wants to know all that concerns them that there may he ready sympa? thy for sorrow and for joy. Bind your . OU with "hooks of steel. " and if you would keep in living touch with Farmville and the surrounding country, read the Herald. Remember inly two cents a copy, just the on one letter. Taken to Richmond for Treatment. Mr- Barbara Fallwell. of thi- place, who has for the past two months heen a great sufferer from a complication of di-- taken to Richmond on the carly train Tuesday morning for treatment in the Virginia Hospital Her daughter, Miss Virgie Shepherd, who had heen at her bedside for sev? eral weeks, accompanied her. Her many friend- hope for her speedy re? covery. Delighted. \ friend in Farmville expressed five gallons of water from thc Pickett Spring to a friend in Maryland, and at once received a letter of thanks. "Al? ready I feel better. Don't fail tosend me the address of the owner. 1 must have more Heath ni ii Vi!iii:r..l)l?! lady. Mrs. ll. K. Miller, formerly i but who ? . ih her died ? Mr. < - ? - v. ll. M ! ? nning* \v. j. (iii: Sati. a cheerful ii Farmville. The farmers were with us in goodly numbers and Main presented an animating and animated appearance. Glad hand-grasps were given and ? "How is all?" were heard on every hand, and "How is all with you'" was given in reply Hone buming plant beds and well ahead with the plowing of the ? turnip "tops" and eggs, smoked jole and wood "to burn." Children well and learning at school, Sunday-school cv.-ry Sunday .md preaching once a month T.iv paid and no more ot "Sam" Watkins until anothei rolls round. I! \nd ' Nut ITimil lint dratitied. it, an rly sci nan. Heavy, Impure blood makea a mud , dy, pimply complexion, headache r> n.-iu-ca. indigent ion. rtiln blood malu you weak, pale, sickly. Iturdoc . Klood Itnier- makea Hie blood rid restorer* | erfect health. E HOI SUPPLY. We notice that some haled hay is still being sold in this market, nol in sucli quantities, however, sons gone hy. We make no war on the trade of our merchants when we express the hnpr that the time i- not far in thc future when every hale Of hay sold in Farmville shall come from the farms of the adjacent territory. When it ? n demonstrated that our ran he made to yield four tons to the acre it is idle to say that not be grown in this section profita? bly. What are known as peculiarly hay-growing states make no betti port than this, and it certain.) no more to grow grass here than it does elsewhere. And the farmer who it musl be certain to hale it. The das for loose load- of hay for market i- gone, lt must be pressed into convenient torin for handling without wa We have made no inquiry on the subject bul sincerely hope no farmer is buying hay in this market. lat this be done by doctors, lau preachers, tuen hint- and manufactu? rers, but by fanner-, never. Grow all you need at home, and then have-onie for market. And how much more pleasant to cut hay riding on a mower, rake it with the aid oi ?( hone, lift it with machinery and then haled than to he worming, suckering, cutting and housing tobacco T. When those si\ negroes, ( : with murder and arson in the county of Powhatan, were brough! here for safe keeping, and marched through our streets, four men -hackeled to? gether, two women following hard hy. i and depressing. The devil is thus getting in his work and the millennium is yel to come And non that the ohject-loson has been seen and the i .- be? hind tl -ill it have upon Will they simply .-av, "white man just punish* In Richie ? I to die i ' in hun ' "broth alike of 1 Have U ' AS OTHERS SEE THEM. The (iirls Have Inn Itu: Facilf] hi? lo* lt Ton. On evening ri if the Normal student hody. se* for the purpose, gave an en? joyable, laughal I linment in the Auditorium in which members of the faculty were made to move the Stage hy proxy. The imp. | Hons were thrillingly true to the origi? nals, and as the teachers and ol took in the show they had the rare privili ng themselves as oth? ers sec them. How closely and criti? cally those giris have I.n studying those '? -ice with fault! curacy they have caught on t gesture, stepping, tone of .'Alls. ten ' etc.. and since these thin. hould he careful not only a- to what and move I hini;e Elwari leaclieis M Meet. ? Silver lea. i - thal '. e doctors could not Cure, had a: t me up. I lon Buck i it sound and well." Infallibl nil .-km I'.ruplion- I ltheum* ll Burnt ; el I'llf-. V>c at Whit I ..i a loud, i v\ action ol I ?- els. a single dose ul I loan's Beau lets I k enough. Treatment cute- babitui i. constipation. -?> cent- a box. As your druggist t..i them. SI8.202.23 [SST YEAR Uiimiilnn l.iintriliiited Heart] Nil.Jiin il State's nuances and Kidije nay SI70.8I. Thirteen dispensaries lu Vii, lasl year paid thc -tate of Virginia rls.L'UJ 2ft iii taxes, or nearly | each. Abingdon lcd the li-t, pa marly - .ol thc total, wink- tildgl ? way, m Henry county, made the poor est showing with 1170.81. Following ale the ann.tint- paid hy each of the dispensaries: Abingdon dispensary Itovdton dispensary . s|o ^t < o,,uland dispensary . 1,1 t&mporis dispensary Farm. Illa diaoensari '-'?','HI IM> l.eiL'h IMatriel dispensary Franklin dispensary Martins. Hie dispensary I, Pulaski dls| ensary . -. Ridgeway ?? 170 81 .-coil-' Hie dispensary . 7hh 7J Virginia dispen ai> ly dispensary. ssi ' Total . .*is,jo'j 23 Where Was the Deacon? ii .lone-, the greal niau little village of Massachusetts, whose outward piety was of the vociferous order, hut whose charity toward his fellow men was not as abounding as it aught have heen, was dangerously iii, and his hrother deacons, impv with the custom of issuing bulletins from tlie sick rooms of prominent in? dividual-, decided to follow the fash irjSj., with th-- following result- i 6 1'. M. Deacon .Innes i- in ondition." ' 7 I'. M Deacon .Jones ha- ral? lied slightly.' "'.I P, M Deacon .huies ha fered "ll P, M. Deacon Jones ha parted for heaven " Thu- tin- bulletins read at midnight; hut early in the morning some unre* ??? mortal who did not love the evidently pa?ed that way, "ll ... : 7 \ M Great coi hore, Deacon Joni Satisfied Stncklmliler. Mr. J. C. ch;'t with him. Ile !i ,(| rtpany, and v. 0, Ih- added. "I am an old time tobacco grower and am going to Continue to grow thc weed, and when tlie hoys go into the cow business I am going to pull the purse vu- tobacco magnates hard and strone. No more low prices in minc. " ?al i there was a merry twinkle of his eye a- le- laid it V.-s. the fariii ;i grow tobacco and raise corn too. and make living profits out of each. We feel better hecaiise the farmers feel hotter and after all they are the authors of all substantial pros? perity. Subscribe for the Herald, help us make it the better and thi ipi ti . .tiler. lin; Ump Iteaiilitnl. i i\ lather. ? of lit ? it a i'' ' ? Kui Diseases ut The Skin. e IN ' - ol the -kin -nc tb i. -ali rheum and ba characterised by an li e ten ? iud smarting, w bich o ten makes life a burden and dist url sleep and rest. t|uick relict may I - bad by applying ( bambei1ain's8al\ - [t allays the itching and smarting ? ii most instantly. Many cases ba* k heen cured hy it- use. For -ale l Thc Winston I >rnlt < 'o. ULTIMATE AIM TO CLOSE THEM ALL Re*. ' lennon in I the Anti-Saloon I il Highland Park Methodist Chun night. Mr. Hatcher said that he did not he- ' lieve m abusing hark in many instances they were driven to ' the liquor business becau percei I tiers, to whom other avenues of making a living were ' ie extent limited by reason of ' their lack of knowledge of thi ; lisli langua] Mr. Hatcher, however, did not fail ' to make it plain that the League had the ,!,,.,jng ,,)' all saloons in mind as j its ultimate goal. Ih- denied that the j waa in pol.' Calline attention to the fact that ' more than a third of all the saloons in ' Virginia are located in Richmond and Maude ml he did not believe ' it proper for some other section of , thal Richmond must go dry Ile wanted the communities to vote out the saloon themselves.? Richmond Evening Journal. GUR WALKERS QN THE RUN. i l ? i The walking luxury is spreading in ' Farmville. (In a recent Sunday two of our manly hoys wanted to see "Cirandma," and dashed off sixteen i miles over mid-winter country road h her home Nor did th.. once to catch breath, hut simply kept ! up the pace until they had crossed ; the threshold and received the wel? come On last Sunday afternoon one I of tlc Normal teacher- and it wasn't amati with two of the giris as com- ? pantons, hurried over to the country I home of .Indee Watkins, returned hy I Maj.ii' Venable'! and were at home ? per, fresh roses blooming on their cheeks, and with appetite fore which roll- ii! and old ham fli in from the field of batl old I * Lanie himjrtiij.ilmiiN. Helpful and tn jovahle Sermons. I Iur chun ? di open on last Sunday and the pews were filled. Mr. .1. W. R. Chenault, a student dolph Macon, occupied the pul? pit of the Methodist Church morning and evening, and preached to the ac? ceptance of large congregations on each occasion. At the Episcopal and Baptist church? es the regular pastors were on duty at the 11101111111,' hour of worship. Kev. er officiated at the evening hour for his people, hut there weil it tlc- Baptist at the niel | ' of the church. At the i Hill, of tin- Rivera ' i Prntitahle tntertainment. cruel ,,llt ? ?dh " ^d* g mit it. and how would _ wr?, unless brought te make thc mom won, to the I-ord. Nol the men flatter then. il the) le money make: r. They have active competitors in th* 1 when the sisl t- they know just what hot use to makt ? m4 hoer, no "chaw." no poker, no DOO I- room, ami th. ; the Dione] H.-rald and World M.". . DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDER? ACY IN SESSION. rleasail and Interestimj Meeting af the Hnspitahle Home nf Mr. and Mrs. S. I). Halton. The Farmville Chap- ,Ugh ers of the i . met in n nonthly session on Thur : last week in thc hoi ind Mrs. S D Walton in es ?ille. There were i lai-ee number of nembers present, and bu pily combii R. Baxter Tuggle, " d' the chapter, read the entire ? Hy-..11. about which so n las heen -aid and written. President Uderman's letter bearing on ihe '?ct, and Miss Hyson's vmdicat lersell natter it W8J decided to take ic 'mn, though Mi "As a Virginian I can not new memo Mary lohnson. And when the business of tin- n I been transacted, tlc |v ers were invited into the dining*! where delightful refreshments . lefved. By common consent thc neetino was one of the most pl.-. n the history of the chapter. Those present were: Mrs. Robert Miller, Mrs Hal Kc minds, Mn \v. H. Berger, Mr^ -Vicker, Mis. Carrie Morton, Mr, :am Watkins, Mis* Grace Walton, Un Ellen Berkeley, Miss Lizzie Rich irdson, Mrs. Drumeller, Mi ruggle, Mr-. Chappell, Mi Richardson, Mis- Kate Verser, Mn. J. I.. White, Mi's. .!. I.. Jarman. Miv Fohn Walton, Mrs Florida Fitzgerald, Miss Kockett Walton. Mrs. Sim V ton, Mrs. Emily Venable, lack-on. Miss Nellie Miller. DEATH OP MRS. HOUSTON. Elizabeth Houston leuly in her home at the l.ithia She had not I to her fr:' l'hc bUI ' ? lld that though thay than a mill exchanged daily letti pure love. The ties of caf' breaking. There i- comfort ii thought that there arc others that will endure forever. The following acted as pdl-laa: C I. Baltimore, W caster, Branch Crawley, .1. T. Thomp-* ion. ii. w. .!. Hills-, (i. Richard T GET rou imagine that the wot printing a li Kdition i- child I play, you just don't know "nothing shout it " Think of th hindrai tend with. W< nunile 'heir ?. ? ' with which _ Art Headquarters. i counter.- in his duna - circle " article oui ihe aid of the salesmen, i eiiiy adding t ? bli it ? ii ? itove department ,.; ;,t those Japanese adi Unlike Hobson, thi little tolks beyond the -ca-. How illy he bal from thc lol I >u'tlaut uf the arti-tic Consult him as to home and table decorations. Sweden. Norway. Iceland ind mark have given the municipal fran? chise to women. k\f