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TOWN D!RECTCFY i . w. i ? ... w. c. M li . W.t. Fallwell ?? .... . .. Marta i. _ , _ . , E. L. bramt?*rt. ... ,. .- ,, ?? Towt ?? X' ll C. Rice. Town ' v , ... . COUNTY DIRECTORY. Iud*-- J Hnn.l .'. .'. '. J I.. . A. A. WATKINS ? 1 IROCK, -ATTORNEYS AT LAW, / j S. WING. V t. Green Bay, Prince Edward Cornily, Va. \l C FRANKLIN kl w, '? ? IPI s & MM s. wv OfFK i ? Lee & Thompson Attorneys at Law Fai NOTICE! Wini ? iinoud, \ . Why dont yon go to IKAM ION1 H HOTEL ANI> KESTAI KAN I Then you will timi np ta lUTT lit)-'new ami Ul " lU'Un 1 L tl ol accommodation*, prli i I all the ?: ?f the Lynn ft^ven Oysters Al ! ROt.'M) Francion^'s ATTENTION! ?lent whicl ; im iiiitm "u: *-'uPy vcr the - Respectfully, Anderson Drug ( KNOX RESIGNS FROM SENATE His Resignation Received By Governor Stuart. OLIVER TO SUCCEED HIM Pittsburg Newspaper Publisher Slated For Election to United States Sen? ate on March 16?lt ls Said All Ob? stacles Have Been Removed. Han - Pa., March 3.?Tha re .11 ot United nator Philander C Knox as lenator from : ernor Btu .rt. It I ' on Thurs? day. Man bl Tl ".?m. Thi rn will ic ! ? ? am! OD Which will T. OLIVER. ' ? ? ' ' SAVED CT.OGS FROM FLAMES Pastor Rusned Into Burning Church and Rescued Altar Ornaments. ? . ?? ome hy tic Dai ? apel of st Luke'a-Eptphany I', i: church here, .\ ho ls from an attach pbold oma* hy th. ? ' ; ' A Connecticut Fish Story. ' ? | Baby Finger Blinds Father's Eye. hoing Wll : $1,202,000 Coal Land Deal. .1. V. ll land near The I PQ3 MARCH ?">? iii i a < ~* t ' I ? SUNN LDTtllifRl SAT I 2 3456 7 8 910111213 1415.617181920 212? 23 24 25 2627 2^29^0311 j j Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. (Jo Ol MILWAUKEE. PURELY Ml il \l BALANCE SHEET, JANUARY 1, 1909 ASSETS United States and "thor bonds, Market * Loam on Morl . 129,213, Secured by first liens on Real Estate, valued at S3'*0,791,3to2.00 With lire andother insurance as collateral security tv3,873,140.00 Loans on Company's polii Premium notes secured bj Real Estate (including Home Office Building . 2,112, Deposited in hanks at inter in hand. HU. I and K-'iits. Of the 55,831,533.3b interest earned on mortgages in 1903 only $27,782.30 or less than 1-2 ol I per cent. Jue and unpaid January 1st, W. lino and deferred premiums loss loadii ? 200.51 666.41 Total Aili; LIABILITIES ? aliments nol due. * Doth claims and endowments unadjusted. I Including losses for which no proofs had been received Dec. 3Ut, due or accrued. Dividends due and on deferred premiums Unpaid accounts not presented, etc. ? Reserve tor Annuities . . Illations held to meet Sen; in VMY-.x and subsequently . heidi inual dividends payable in '09f6,52i 1908 RECORD La* I ' * RECORD Ol NEW INSURANCE PAID Fi KPENS1 KA i IO ELLIOTT R. BOOKER. District Agent KARMVILLE, VIRGINIA. HIGH ANALYSIS Nothing Ever Equaled it for Tobacco It will pay handsomely if used on your next crop. Only a limited quantity can" be supplied, so place your order early. Peruvian Guano Corporation, SOLE IMPORTERS. ^^ . . -egg /gr ivjAtYSH Ainu Potai JOHN F. WALTON & CO., Farmville, Va. AGENTS. For Woman's Eye a/ mq Women's troubles very often occur regularly at a certain n'me every month, cause this may hive been so all your life, is no reason why it should c Many thousands of women, who had previously suffered from troubles similar to > due to disorder of the womanly organs, have found welcome relief or cure in wonderfully successful medicine for women, Wine of Cardui Mrs. Leota Forte, of Toledo, 111., writes: "I am well pleased with the re:ult? cf using Cardui. I b** taken three bottles and am new perfectly well, free from pain and have gained 25 pounds In WRITE US A LETTER SH vv ^^^^H^^^^I^^^^^^H^^^^H Announcement! nu: 11kr,\i.D. u ill in fu* ' - ? lon't ard it wat Liked hy ui ^^^^HalaaaaaaHaaaaaaaHalaaH LaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaH LaaaaaaaaaHaaa^aaHLaaaaH iville ll ? York 11.60. EVERYTHING IN FIUINITI UK AT COWAN'S. I.M >ERT AKINC i ? i embalmers and wt- carry everythin v n FIRST-CLASS undertaking eatablisl Por nlgtal Bervlot <*ail Phona C. C. COWAN