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s pl Prince Eduard .itv:! mill tend ? Itbi flat ? - ' J i a-k i th the ll will <lo the ii cou Odeu ci : /vu-. ? -i eetfully 'i ours, KV. H K\VIX< i of Prince Edward County. ? : t stat didat*i tor tin I.- - K PRIMARY coming lummer. .> un to announce u> ? da who urged me to didate at tai -huuld appreciate their urning one. I should nor io represent my nong whom l have ? >il, in the ii ph dge my ? v choice, io din* Hu- office fttith ' illy, .inifimicKinent. / ? ?-tunny to i -. : -kim vin. ? ll , I y m.: -rr in I' ? efforts toward - i.' -:u thal one matter* to tte ilioii in Un agniticeut in.-titu our midst tlie \ .'-I (.liol ;?. w ? j !;.'? state ap* I. I.ike il importance could he ? nts thai Should ? ? hoice ot our pledgi my i.t->i i ? -t-. i\ ti tinily. I. l'\ The Farmville Co. MBER Mfg. Co. ORINOCO TOBACCO GUANO /Has tor Twenty four years 5^ proven its worth to the Tobacco growers of Virginia and North Carolina. See that the trade mark is on every bag, none genuine without it. F. S. Royster Guano Co., NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. W. H. HUBBARD, Agent, at Rice and Farmville, Va. J NO. F. WALTON & CO Wholesale and Retail Dealers in i Sroceries, Hard ral 1 inpleuients, < ianoliue I I line ol Harrows, I irtlls, < 'om Plan ? Best Service and the Best Line of Implements Sold. . sold hy U-. ?'ountrj FLOUR, MILLFEED, &C. supplies, Hash,, ll Science has developed something infinitely better than the old-style wrap or clamp. THE WELD THAI HELD CC P ITTSBURCH PERFECT" FENCES ARE WELDED BY ELECTRICITY. This is th' modern methca-J of construction. Y, of lift are added through the elimination of itrious fence defects. A WHa^ b Hi tl I '? galvanizing and al!"'*.-. the v. tit, lo alack tht har. wira. A amati ' itvpliced galvam:i-.g .ri " F'l rTSIU r"iH PERFECT" REINFORCES THE PRO TECTIOH ACAINST RUST AT THE ELECTRICALLY WELDED JOINT; caimine tba ajlnt. STAYS CANNOT SLIP, become oat piece V They art alwaya iuat whart Irny were put. Stay and -irani wirra . Mata The Ima u like a > 'ad *AMl ol perforated ateel. Every Rod is Cuaranteed Perfect. * Dbo't allow your prtjudice in favor of the rapidly-declining and now antiquated mf-hoda you hiv* . to warp yaua , "PITTSBURCH PERFECT" FENCES REPRESENT PROCRESS, became hundrede ri thouaenda of dollar* worth of Uaodari niairrul ia daily wiid.d 1 Thc hoop oo thc average lugar barrtl in the tanlatcd country grocery alon ia aa electrically welded product. Ii your wagon waa made in a large fa. ? I hf < Wandry. You will find electrically welded hoop*, on ice cream frtcien and waihing machine*. ?i many tub. and buckety. Fl amine them. '? PITTSBURCH PERFECT" I.-.- arc made by aimpla mmt marv. I.,ua protea, producing " THE WELD THAT HELD." MR. FARMER : LISTEN, NOW. Every agent handling " PITTSBURCH PERFECT " lenee* ia author* liad tc guareMu ' That tha avtrae ara ?ot injurer* at the jolnla That tha (.nee ia paHact'r adiuetaale la uneven*j,veV That t*e ala., wilt nat aepareie tra** tha .-..naa That tha fane* ia all righi in a.ary particular. Could you aak any more definite protection? Your complete uuxiactiao h aiaolutrJy wmmeL 47. J. F. WALTON & CO. ^*i >?-.!. HAVE AN OF YOUR OWN. lank accoui Ri Strong, Safe f OJ i. ' 6 WK I rn oh Cy - OPERATORS TO MEET MINERS Mine Qw-ert Agret to Grant Conference to Committee. will h I ' v of A I the various dist rici president! in tho hanl coal raaion, will repri -.iners at th' It waa sahl that the coal operators have i to trout with Lewll ami his MM as nftii ere of thc United Mine ' ?r<< 'if America, hut will -w-pt thom ? rs ir tlvir !? RUM CRAZED MAN SHOT BY PREACHER Ran Amuck and Resisted Efforts lo Disarm Him, ?\ ith .lrin. (iii r ' ? ? - lif" Hiing him. PARALYZED GIRL CREMATED Unable to Cry Out or Move as Flames Enveloped Her In Home. death Ryal old in ll of hip aii'l n an invalid ? k in the l ? lothlng, h KILLED CLEANING TEST TANK Cas From Miniature Coal Mines In U. S. Station ls Fatal. this ? KILLS 8 i)Y BiLL ;ote of IDE WORSHAM SCHCOL LIBRARY ? *KK) ivith Mr. ' rtin, who I nighing cs to the I d under the recent Lil Bill. The other funds wi elsewhi itleman is connected with the "Journal" that ai in the matter. shes likewise to thus its in arty til.mks to thefmany kimi friends wh" haly a visit to our school on a Tut Bday or Thursday, tl For the | iving out and receiving of i sary to convert a libr i i-iny. Wi>ti t you accept this invita? tion to con ' and verj probably, kind friend, we bave some books might like to bi e Ii so, we would io lend them to on the regular library rules ol which ? In the collection works Prof. H. al Cough Remedy. ul ('ha in my li;. now," arlu A. Iluvat ll. ul Hluwi li -" , Havana, < 'uba. '*< ". I il night Mick w next ? lay wet following night li in condition wan riei?perati Ht could i"I lie down aud it a iiiiiiiit-iii. Im ii linn Ma breathing waa diilicult. I did nol Hunk he wuuld live until uiorulug. At la*t I ? i "i in\ motin r's i? intily. i hainuerlaiu'a Cough Kemedy, which ? I ii ailordi <l pronipl relief, ami uiiw i ii rei daj - lat. v be bas ful* vered I uder the circumstan? ces i would nol hesitate a i.neal In nay lug i baniberlain'M Cough l.e iiitiiy. ami that uni), saved ih< I mn U-. j Tile Winston Drug ' Umn li Nnticr!. ': -i'l ! .ii !n ( burch l-rnluy iTt-iT; . .; ll ' ll M ftC ll.ll>. ' oftolilillllhtun on Wi dm-day eveu March loih. al . Uv in\ ited to mu i o these m rv ta Express llckBOileiieieit Wt I ' ii Red Ash ... 75 P<* Thacker Spli? Tnmo. S4.5 !uN