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Farmville Herald. - j. L. HART, Proprietor. I re th All ol FRIDAY, MARCH 5 '" _ ei THE KING IS DEAD! LONG LIVE THE KING. Taft. lent bul the until shall end. Yesterday witnessed mighty 11 . of men, bul Vi people at large fell no shock, bul al about every day work as though no surging crowds swept through the streets ol Washington, no huzzahs ^ . tte the air of the Capital country, no drums beating, no en marching and no "stick"' (.?vine; place to a smile." The Kine; is dead ' ? live the King ' r UNIFORM STATE LEGISLATION. In addressing the legislature ol this von to the 1 luted it nate Mr. Root dwelt with I .tb serin ia ? us upon the danger of erloading the national government . th function*) better performed 1 rtraiuiug Ihe latter of ? mn I of thi failure toi . - ,t il and - itea do nol work i . ? Well, said Mr ON CHURCH ATTENDAV "We regret very much, in tbe dis ilie question, why men don't go to (lunch'.' that lhere ai- so i aruii tnt'iits are neither sensible nor just. ? nie unworthy preach? er*, out there eau I ardly ne more un? worthiness than in any other occupa? tion or profession. We cnn make il much st ron ge i there i> n<> direction ii the purpose to uplift mankind is so reguanl a- m ls In the business ol er." < 'bio State Journal." O no, don't blame your nol going ireh on tl; but "give levil ins dues." He is al the bottom of the job. PERPLEXITIES OF THE UPLIFT. The problem of the hard life ol farm wives tu winch President Roose? velt referred in his message may -ettie it the precedent established n Ohio i* followed. The farmer*.' wives there are Bullering no hardships, for the simple reason that the farmers are complaining they can i eat any wives, as the country Kiri* won't mar* rj them. Here is another complica? tion for the commission for making oountiy life happy to consider.- -Balli* mure American. Not so in Southside Virginia. These country j*irls will "awing corners'' with the city chaps, hut when it comes to marrying they select a partner with ? ii" and wood "lu lunn '' VICTORIOUS MR. BONAPARTE. our nod liariit band.palm np. io Mr. Charles Joseph Bonaparte In warm congratulation extended: ??Whisky is whisky, ami nothing else in whisky,'' -ays the Attorney <>enerHl: and so sayelh his? inef. the President of tlie I lilted State*-' It bas heen a i.Hrd-fot.uht campaign. lu culmina? tion has been worthy ol B Bonaparte, nevertheless! Neutral spirit* tn tbe right ut him, caramel BUgat to the left Of lum. Imitations ami faki around him: not once has be blundered! Allah it* Allah; and hy the same token "Whisky is whisky, ami nothing else is whiskey.' Washington Herald. A what man su foolish as even tn have doubted it? "Whisky is whis? ky." always has been and will sc continue until il is driven from tin - country and then whisky will lu whiskey wherever made and snid be? nt ath thc star Let the courage and the cunninc; ol naparte tell us something new. \ .ihiiiei nf corporation lawyer will remember their masters' cribs Richmond didn't feed Admiral Sper vi his officers nu pi'ssum, hut tin "non pretentious" instead. Su ta as heard from mme of them are dead et that Wright is bo Boon "dum he may regret having said tha he was iliad to have been whipped b; the Yankees. Who will care for th' "Uinral" now? Wright anti yet wrong Queer combination. AN I TAFT ARK IN I RCl - ij ni. Cincinnati, tn ? iiiiy in ? th th I ? ? ?I a tri i'd tl il au*wering qui - ? tienl ehecalled at he i la name mentioned (, le iucumbenl of the portfolia {U Secretary ol Vgr culture, but I not ct ol an official ire that his name wa*, under consld- a ati.m. Cincinnati Poet. tl What does this mean anyhow ? The n we knew was not a dodger h ir ashamed of anything he was mut to do or had dune. We I ?en anxiously looking for something c j this mysterious visit, is Dr. Dabney been grossly mi i ?sented. i rHAT THE FLEET ACCOMPLISHED. Sailed around the world, completing journey of 4">.<kh. mill Engaged in targe, practice in Mag* alena ami Manilla bays Visited every continent on the Sailed over every ocean e\ ept the Arctic and Antarctic. ? il the equator four times ted i>y war ships of fifteen lations. Gave assistance to M ? arth ? -i'1'S. Gone from December 16 ?Yhruary 22, 1909, Days on \ ? 3; in crui d, 10 n hour. ? I ? hip. ? vv ipline maintained shati awarded the Yankto ? nt. mirals were in command at different times Sperry. Having aunouuced thal "Adam was a Democrat, we think the Allen* town < ail rthould go on and tell us whetber he wa- a Bryan Democrat, a . ell l >emocrat, oi some other kimi of a Democrat. Washington Herald. Lei us hope for the good nan the venerable gentleman, that he was just Democrat with no string-attach* \v. old gentleman asked tin waiter at a hotel table to bring him a glass of milk, and the waiter said, I milk or buttermilk Bah?" "I asked for milk, and when I want but? ter milk 1 will say so" was the quick and sharp reply The limes call for Democrats, "unterrified," incorrupt? ible, unstraddled, ut nd un* "le. - i called "donkey dinner,'- recent* ly given in the Hotel Astor in Nest Vork ls attracting a food deal nf at? tention in the new-paper-. Ihe novel? ty of the Un ur, we suppose, abides in the fact that there were nn don key I present vv Babington Herald. Wis anybody ''playing possum" at that Atlanta possum feast ? Washington sent out this form ol invitation to the inaugural ceremonies "Good people, all. Of every sect. welcome to our town." "Good peo pie. all'" Why nut have been hones' and say. fund, bad and indifferent: When the bars were kept Open, i must not have been fur the benefit o altogether <_rui>d fnlks Hut it was a National function, ant the bad buy felt at home rn the Bhadov of Congress Owing to heirn; nuule (anion- b' Pieaident-elect Tatt, opossums hav' gone up in price. There are -.nm kinds nf fame (ur winch the beneficiary has to pay dearly, ami probably th" possums WOUM preter nut tu bf mad' populai even byauch high authority. Baltimore -american. Ami if those possum promises dmr ' "pan out" there is going io be ' "slump" in the market. Wa would like to see Mr. Hammai I Ket mixed up with the Texas Mea. Atlanta Journal. No danger. This wicked flea fly I when Harriman approaches Fortunately. Mr. Knox in the sort i Statesman whose patriotism b. Ind) pendent of thc pay-roll. Washincto star. r* Is he growing wild ? Franklin MacVaugh to be Mi ? Taft's Secretary of the treasury. Ar t nther ineligible who has lo abaniin .' his business before he can qualif] B And what will the abandonment mear The "scent of the ruses" will din there still. I' I- emb ? im- j It may bi I jury, t i try t- tai lard | ?h.- fine hy 128,520,* ' kc And will the remainder of the ' I.OfJO ever be cn! long , s $100,000-a-year-lawyers stand in , lie way. Dombey, Jr., asked, "can lOney du all things papa ?" Not all, ut almost all. w inle ihe sugar trusi may have had even ways ol weighing sugar, ki ba? ili ly une way ul charging fur it.? lc", i land Plain I '? And that ""lie way" leads tu six cuts a pound, ('heap enough. ??The (tatario Legislature ls U isketl tu lake away from actions or damages against railway oompa* nes, the reason assigned being that tbe juries are guided by their nearts rathol than ny their beads is ?? ing the damages. Phe Laegialatura might Bl well (ace at OOM the qUOS u..n ut alu li-inna* the jury altogether, for this i*. what i-- Involved, lt the jury v mn iu lie trusted with cases in which sympathy may be aroused foi one partj ur the other, its funet oii will be much reduced." Toronto Star. "Guided by their hearts. " And if the heart's righi wnn't the issues hi too? Hive us the righi heart and the world will have uare deal. ? mes-1 ri-*pat< . . ? ay. rin ? ill it OOO, bul the $'-'?">.<*xi I with? draw! ' lunch ol lifted them ? irried mile* pen-knife and other prequisites with them. In the thing. Thank you, Mr Taft, bul Dickin? son, of Chicago, is nol Dickinson, ol Tennessee. When the South invited yOU to eat DOSSUm the possum wa there. No dodging. A Southern mar on the cabinet or not 'laddie. "My policies" at least had a smack ol courage about them. The I'le.t Edition of the Norfoll Virginian-Pilol was "fine." Nordii it stuji at the fleet bul added an iii dustriaJ section and then a civic, mak ing paper well-nigh peer less iii the history of Virginia journal ism. We lift our hat as we say "wei (lune. " Our able brother editor of the New port News Tiim- Herald reminds ii that "Hill Taff and the Tai iff Hill wil soon have an Important meeting.' And when Hill meets Bill then come what'.-' It may be that "an LtTesistibli object will have come iii contact wit! an immovable thing," and then wher are the people The late Dr. TahnagC unit- said tha "the best feature of a trip ahmad wa i the home coming.'' Don't you koo* the sailor buys ail agree with him.'' Harriman, the greedy railway rnafl t nate, has a little city nf his nwn dow f in Texas, built of canvas ami erecte in a day. It is his fishing hume, fm 1 nished with all the modern luxuries i ? an up-to-date town residence, watet electric lights, telephone, etc.. an here he is entertaining his friends i ' royal style, ami close bv the Rshin I' B huies. Mulley buys must all thing! ,? but nut just all. Harriman may go I 6 bed unhappy because he hasn't as yi 1 gobbled up all the railroads of earth. Some une Of the statesmen has su; gested that mil' President should sen for life. Evidently afraid that tl "big stick" might butt ur break n again. On yesterday 12 Senators and s members of tho house Inst their job If Mr. Taft takes care nf all of ther his giving of places will be as bru: ins smile. i Crum ha- re signed as collector ?nins at the Charleston pnrt, and "save Mr. Taft from embarressment. Tillman still on tup. ' Mr. Rockefeller says hs earned l n Hist lunney driving turkeys. He ma ,-. the bulk of it, however, shearii .. Iambi.-Omaha Dee. \ml im nhl ehtt\ .ped I clip. Delicate Children, im lett* fen n I lim! ftaMtJ Mrs. Hmm Tulls Him Ht., liiiughlcr lu K.'stuml tn Hnall.1 by Vinni. "Our tittil the *, which dev eloped intu prieu nunia, >\ BS hit pitifully timi, weak ind email.,:- : had DO appetite, ind her Stomach ns a- mi weak li ? mt retain food. Sne lay in this COti lition for weeks, nothing Ihe doctor I prescribed did a I it ol good, and we acre beginning to think she would aevei : ?At this tune we commenced to give lier Vinol, and tbe effect was marvel* ni- ihe doctor was amazed at her progress, and when we told him we v linr ber Vinni, he replied, ii i> a line remedy,keep it up.' We did -u, and she recovered her health ami strength months before the docti she would." Mrs. J. \\ . I'la- Port? land, Me. Vinol is a real cod li\er preparation, containing In a highly concentrated lunn all ni the body-building, strength* creating and curative elements il cod liver oil and tunic irun added. 11 ia delicious tu take and children love lt. I.very mother who bas b weak, del* di ailing child,should try Vinni un mir tiller lo return her money if it fails to give satisfaction. K. L. Free* ar, Druggist, Karim ille. Hereafter the sleeping cars on the Pennsylvania system will be known ? I cars. Is thai necessary to designate them ? Unequalled as a Cure for Croup. I'.. an excellent remedy for colds and throat troubles, Cham? berlain's Cough Remedy is unequaled as a cure for croup,' says Harry NV1I* soo,of Waynetown, Ind. When giv croupy cough ap this remedy will prevent the attack. li l- used successfully in i? i:t11 \ thousandi! of home . I by The v*. biston I 'ru ? ? counti \ Wouldn't ion Like To Be Sure n ul ready cash Twenty Years From Now Just when you wanl e things easy and j< >_v life." Life Insurance is the best provision for an independent old ag., ' lt is also immediate provision for business and family int. r ests. il you should (lie. INSURE NOW THEN, I in the American National Life Insurance Company of LYNCHBURG, VA. I GARLAND & MARTIN Q EX BR A L .O BUTS FARM VILLIS, VIRGINIA FARMVILLE BUILDING AND TRUST COMPANY FARMVILLE. VIRGINIA CAPITAL. LOANS AND DEPOSITS $126,000.00 If" w f\ 11 *'ish to borrow lr YUU ^' ii ? \j *w ,,.,.,, e nionej un time dei i allow SJBJBJSJSJBSJSJBJBJBJ l"?>?nl interest, I he ntv vm SON I SAFER. JNO. R. MARUN, Sec. and Treas. DIRECTORS DB, I. I . WHITK II. K STALL M. C. i KIM! afBERT a i '*>.v jerald and World SI. WHITE WYANDOTTES Raised by E. C. WILTSE, Farmville Va. Eggs from this yard at $1.00 per set' . :.i thirteen. Wc Sell These. You want the be?t. Are you rea-Jy ior it this season? We are pr-pared a*, nov-r t rfore to meet ynr want*, in vehiclr*. and haines*. Theres I ?rt rio what we are *howu:c, lal gtvle amt sTvire. AbtoluM h n-str in make rand material. You will agree w.-iea we tell joo ITS THE FAMOUS Studebaker Line WE CARRY. Nomi ;trr what vnu w-int?if k's ? harneeeor ?aeneid ia' tnat HMM rn wheel*, wa ve got it or will quickly get it Come ia tod firure with tu,. Everybody ko?m. the pltcaa, Duvall Son & Co. 30 1 Main Stroet. Farmville, Va. P. S. The Studebaker naraaplat. on ? vehicle if ita guarantee. Loni forget tbas. w i -.**. 3. le. *"-\ Iii ?Ta. tis Have You Started a Savings Account? It'not, there is no time like the present to begin. Just a nickel, a dime or a quarter from ymir loose change, now and then, will ('j '^ grow amazingly I n Va, Anti you'll never miss it. " r [f sickness, accident or loss of position cuts off your income, a snag sum in the bank tides von over without distress. [t gives you a feeling of independence and self-respect a knowledge that yon J> are prepared, come what may. Start your savings account with $1.00, if you wish. We welcome thc small !' ? , depositor as cordially as the large. in y* We know once you begin, the saving habit will come easy to you. Lome in and talk it over, anyway we're always glad to get acquainted, and 77 *S our interests are mutual. The First National Bank of Farmville, Va. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. %SG6& S6tMG6o\M64oWG646466cl6YWG6&