Newspaper Page Text
WORD. ' * .-~+ ?' N f.S I il mrille, Va. ? r Apply jan l'> tf H. I', boiler Mad ..lil.'. K. jan K-tf family hu' ' UCL PRICE LIST. ml Fitch Week In ETT &BUGG ? A ? I ?' ? fl.(Kl ??I iii.. ? ? u UC li ? each, lo< ? i Iii., i.i- ta I-'. ,c to 4c. leselitlMS. i the |'iu\ ideuce ol oi 'ur, Brother J. \ d fruin u*., Mini wheres we have lost une of o levoted brothers 1 hal o r desire to be < 'hristian chi lacriticing dispositii ? otions. ; hal while we bow - mm to our Heaven \a bte to <-rr, yet \ itt ;iini the lOSJS "I I Hy in hi- death. il wc express to i ?univ mu iteein-sl syi thal thc *'"'! ol ; I and saataia the st these resolutio tbe mioutes of <> vent tu ins fanni be published in t il<l auii Virginia < >i ? li i>. Cobb, J.W. Hi BB .HD, M. I ? uininittee Giow ol Doom ? . hand- a ? jori ol H. M. A-lan ll:- aw lill I > 11 la! i, foi Ave year*., deli rattled um beal <) . lisoned i>I<mm| h ii i nothlog coi m iites hi> moth i ?? trie Hitter-. 00 Fur l".rii|itin i -mes and md Kheumatli supreme. ?mly 5 bite 4 <'<>. ? " done hoi. because we i ure a ? re sinus, be ?Ruskin. good, healthy, j youl stomach w lot Dyspepsia i ?nally Jual wi u.l to lake. 8 I u. world tues bi . hich are emplo; th the Chineseg place of ? walk special (an pring, rammer i ti . and lu,In J kind Of fuiMt ll any and ali tm .Ch well by tak .eu. 8oM%, . personals rn briefs. ? IMW. \ \ Mr. R, K Brock is <>ut again with full whiskers ami ready fur full work. "Radio" -lim' v expected to cure uld agi i u- a bottle, ur tell us where we eau buy one. Mrs. Guerranl lias returned after an enjoyable visit tn New York and Boston. The challenge for that four mile walk ... 'I, hut tin- age limit prevented thu trial of speed. Mr. Venner Oralle, nf Farmville, visited at Mr. II. W. Hundley's un Sunday.?Southside Free P \- we have been having April and May iu January and February, may be we will havi- .lune apples in April. ome iu liku a lamil, " and now hold on to your Maiden reputa? tion, Miss March, and live lamb-like and din BUch, The link between thenew macadam and the High street pavemenl completion, and when finished wu will bc ontributed I I iwards ? on. What did ! ? ? ? I to wi the n ? If you ai u wil] be happy awa; from home, for "happy in the close is v. ? the crowd" and th "Kinu of Solitud ? the King < ? ty. " itne of the Ladies who attended th birthday entertainment which - un hy the ladies of thu Baptist Churc just slipped a dollar in the little ba .ir and said nothing of her age. Hut sh k wasn't a centenarian. Commissioner Tucker is now mal sidewalks nf pulverized granil and with a little walking over thu :,r they an- going to y;?<? thu granolith )(1 a lint chase fur first place. A want ad nf a linc in length in la in I lerald waked up the parti* ve with tiiu goods tu -ell far and nea !>e Say what yoi: hunt it, prin ur-' ink dur.- i ii- The Monday morning hill : pry as crickets .md don'! mit callinj_r airain. Good natured folks f< n- whom wu entertain profound respec ui i'.di again. y. he Let us all remember that thu Hain bl den-Sidney buys are tu hu at tl Opera House on Friday Dight and let give them a full house and a rottfil reception. ? ? indebted to thu managers Farmville's water system for de nd water tin- winter through. Richmoi IS, should send for thuin and learn t ;ht gecret, ed !?<?- One of our lady friends had tn tal *'J a back seat in church al last Simd lld . . M evening services, and tn her hun ni- found that thu rear wall Would) ns, make room for her "Merry Widow, tt'' Thu broad brims must no. -in Oe. Those little stretches of ground tl separate the pavement on High Stn from the sidewalks and fronting t homes of Mr. Richardson, Mt a able. Judge Crute and the Method j_ , church should be well set ll: attractive shade trues. They cm hu made beaut] -ruts. ier ?eil Wabli the ice plant grow. I.ut t md winters hu spring-like or attend ":n with snow and storm and cold. 1 summer luxury will be righi at i doors and in touch of us all. I .ir Itch ville has the hist of this world'- cu red forts "(), that Mime enemy WOttld WI L a bunk." wa- said lunn ago, and bier Scott is preparing a histor) 1,11 the Planters Hank which is tn app? in bunk form, and which will not 0 :e- hu read with interest but will aroi 1,1 commendation wherever read. I' Ina ^"ns w'"' ;lIr woewed about the I \i,. siness life of Karmville want to kn all aboul it. Ill TOOYAL Bammo Powder Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and muffins. wi L-l, ini The only .Baking Powder Made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar P' ii. Mr. Raphael Sturman lefl Wednes ir Richmond to attend the Com? mercial Colli Mayor Blanton, who has made a study of optics, is the honored vice president of the Virginia stat'- Optical Association. There will be a meeting of the Farmville Cemetery Association Tues? day afternoon, in the ''numil cham? ber, at four o'clock. During the mild days of Feh some une remarked tu us, "look out tm' March weather" Well we have looked it full in the face is all smili An Excl court rules that a mule has no in face of abu that mule has both rights and ? ? i thal wi'.l bu i wan; If you have been row mi the farm w hi befoi ? time have leal - where it Bhould I ii- about it i tion. ham is waking up "ii the - id mads. The |.pie of ti ' ty have done much tow building of Farmville and with beti e means of approach will do moi - will meei you hall ? The depot ol the Tide* -' Western presented an animated a pearance when we passed bj vt afternoon. ri hoi v heads was being -hipped ii e quantities, and nther freight was I n ing handled. This is l-'armvilh ic child. and we wish it well. Judge Hundley presided -t recent term of the Powhatan coi ?s And is now holding the Charlotte ter r He is under promise to writi i Hui,dd i sketch of son he has known, and we to hold lum to the offer. ul Col. C. C. Taliaferro, of Roanol n stopped over between trains on F X. day last and greeted and wa by a number of his friends. lb - thal President Johnson, of the N folk and Western did enjoy that Bot ie ? . . nf Trade banquet immensely. ii* Thu Mayor's Court on Monday mo ing last was rather void of inteii - Only um- fine nf $10 and COStS. I the victim, unlike tin- Standard ar . giant, had to cash up A fine in t court actually means "something i lie . lng. "Hen" i'n\ and tin- Editor can six perch in the "lake" un Satun ? afternoon, while another member or . the staff only pulled one flatback li ., the fast-flowing Appomattox. .lust i fish hut it did make a glorious Sum morning breakfast for one person. 1*1 measured twelve inches and weigl '?'' three-fourths of a pound. he With a perfect race track and ci ?ti , fortable and well arranged exh ' . rooms, nothing remains to be ii . but to get the exhibits in order to sun- a gratifying sm cess al the ci ine; Fair. , Walking South from town the ot . day we lefl the main road and fm quite a collection nf (muses hid a' mr under the hills. And it was all i tu us. Wu will nut call it sleepy 1 in low, because the children were n: lng music in the air, the chick itu were cackling, the pigs were grant vet the sewing machine was a hu mm ' nf and all about and around wereevk ?ar ces of stirring life. Shall we ca niy South Farmville ? Why not take tl ISC all in by the time the census er- comes around and have 5000 to re im- of population? That you know OW give us city rights and privileges, a- we already have thu luxuriei of li? p? id .1 ll) .:', w te, 'ri .ii alii or* ird rn ? lui Oil his io ghi lay of om mi' lay It iud rm* nile ?in? lier ind Wt) lew Dui iak ens ing. ing, len ll it icm man port will and the city we had a.- well have the mum Miss Elizabeth Roberta, ol kbing* v don, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. il. M. ?' Fugate. " Mr. ami au-. E. -cutt Martin are spending ih.- week at the Mecklen* ~ burg H Mr. W. \ Wilson hu- been elected secretary and treasurer of the Buffalo Manufacturing < 'ompany, ami bs -inned the duties "I the position. ^ l lu- birds made mure music in Jan? uary than the\ are imw that Spring ha- Come again. Maybe they gone to Washington ii. web-mi.-Mr. p I itft intn efl ?,. .- ftvesuiu* - nil llia.'!l r whom we predict a brilliant inture. He knuw- how to at ' -ll all ? i ' Mr. Kc Bidgootl lefl lui i hai: ville Wednesday night tn -lay tot an Indefinite | eriod with his mother w hu continue*: to bi seriously ill. wurk ni tin - hool w ill i ned un by Mr. J. M. ' Somi inners pul up ii i and a half inches thick, while others waitui! fur tWO-inch icu. and lust the opportunity. Thu Herald i I Iraki ? it lune; intervals and the persona who fail to take ad nf the present but pas-ni^' opportuni? ty will regret it. Take warning in time. Capt. Watkins has thu most altrac ? ?asiiiur's offii ? ? ''ii in Prince Edward. It is a model of or? der, cleanliness .md conveniences. And adjoins it is another attractive home fm- our Commissioner nf the Revenue, Mr. Dupuy. For years we have had the must inviting looking Clerk'- Office m the -tate. There wa- a BJgh ut relief m all the -imps in Farmville on Saturday afternoon when thu whistle blew the call nff sound. Pay for the week's work and tomorrow is Sunday, cheer up. toilers, and take courage. "There ? -t that rumaineth, " but only fol "the people nf ('md. " Don'1 forge! that Governor Swanson ? tignated the I2tit nf March at Arbur day. Let's plant trees and then can- fur them. Wu remembui when thu trues about the Presbyteriar church were planted, and if that tim* Farmville had been dotted from um tu end with just such trees, it WOUli today be the beauty sput cf earth. Mi-- Minuit' RiOS'l .-illida,- BC0O0 ela--, we Hie tuld. numbered 76 al lb* Baptist service on lHst sunday am one of the scholars was lu ul in hoi ? - ul her teacher -nine teacher* who teach all week are too tired ti leach on Sunday, but other- are imt They lind SCbangS if Work adiversioi and a rest, lt i- the nhl story, a bus* man or WOtnan alway- ba- time fo something else. Kills Would-Be Slayer. A inercile-- murderer is Append! citi- with many Victims. Hut Hr King's New Lin Pill* kill it by pn vention. They gently stimulate atom adi. liver ami bowel-, preventing tba Clogging that invite- appendiciti-. c i ring ' onstipatlon, BUliousnese,? 'hills Malaria, Headache and Indigestion 25c at White A i o. A Pleasant Physic. When yon want a plea-ant phys! give Chamberlain's Stomach aa Liver Tablets a trial. They are mil and gentle in their aetiun and alway produce a pleasant eathartii sflec Call at \\ in-tnnS dru.' -lure fur a lr* sample Tact ia the knack nf keepin<* rjttfc ;-.t the righ' time. Training SclMl News. yyi ? of the aiim; ? nt ! ' itill ki-. om '" i nt. ld Sixth b| -h- n -Mon ; : i n hy the Third JJ ? '' ll t, ide Hatch inti, has gone to Richmond to i lined. I Eighth Grade I.i- ? i arv Societii ting 'ashington entertainmenl Thursday , ;:. Alice Graham, president ? ' the Eighth Grade society, presided rer the meeting, m iiiLr pro* ram was rendered: Song, Washington. , The Boy Washington?Annie Tuck* r. What was the Secret?-Rosa Allen. . Ode for '? i's Birthda lUrelia Kayton, , Song Mt. Vernon Bi About Washington?Edna Putm 'Tis splendid to have lived .?Charlie B . The 1 ? ' Lou - md th milan ? nm ma iiutll tiilatnmed eonditiou ol the Ililli'":: \\ t ? I imln 1 1 lu.lars ? Hall h -??nd Iur ci C ll KN KY a*. IO, <>. : by I iruu-j 1 nully Pill -Upai I iiinlH il Animals. lor Herald:?Kindly Iel me know it' there is am n Farm? ville of the Society for the Prevention nimals. I saw a hors* dri.en hun town i.ently or thieu legs, dragging the fourth am evidently in greal pain. If the mar had to come to Farmville he shouh have walked and left the hi home. Be it -aid to the credit of th* community thal such sights are rare but should H. Letter to Farim ille Mfg., Co. Karin*, ille, Va. B*eat -n-. We reiterate: Every job painted Devoe take- las gal (ons than of any other paint. Here's theipn Paint half ymir jun Devoe; paint th other half whatever you like If Ik voa doesn't take less gallons and co? le-- ninney. DO pay Yours truly F. W. DEVOE A CC P.g .i.i Walton A i u . sells ou paint. T2 DeWitt'8 Little Karly Ki-it- ar small pills, easy, geutle iud eertaii ami ire -old by Anderson Drag < o. Kuturu Engagement. 1 Thu Herald Square OperaCompan) ? which sn delighted the people i I Karmville several weeks ago, will pla a return date here un Tuesday, Marc 1 23rd. Everyone who heard this I, ' vorite comic opera troupe can hav I unly a word of praise, and we bespes ' for them a full house on the evenin of tim 'j:'.nI. : WHAT 18 BETTE. Than . HAWES HATS, ? 'ECLIPSE SHIRTS," "BOSTONIAN" SHOES, r 'ARROW" COLLARS, in quarter sizes. Interwoven Hosiery, "Dutches* Trousers, Ed. V. Price's Tai ored Suits.?ind SchlOM Bros ! CLOTHING. '? Tlie above brands of mereha ilise are recognized as the . . . BEST. . . s j M v new Spring line is now rea* t ir vour insertion. i. N. B. Davidson. ?t Mav Manton pattern 10c., ? mail 12c. HAT IHE "RURAL if Tl KETTIE NTS M TAI FAIN. I rmu Ihe \ery ?' - - tll t uni Ul n. I follow t . !ler whieli --u ? 'il.' and nt hune bo Win lawiierm- an.l cream "which (J ictoris iiiiaiht have envied lyfell* ? i thi i.ulm,ale young ' Hu- farm had cal vet*, colt* Iga, pigeons, Angora rabbit*, dogs, ml-, guines pigs ".-md even s white n !" Moreover, i -a\ lngs*ban unit wa- opened for tl ie live cent- an hour 0 hich th. j jived for performing ?? From such a country hom* ill want to go to the m ity. The nearest approach to Para ? model country home. And re do nm forget that work is to be one them, earnest work, hard work I' you prefer su to call it, and ye! one I preachers we ever heard va- accustomed to say that "work v^is one nf thu richest gifts heaven las ever made tu man." Nu lazy nan was ever a happy man, and nu iluggard ever added to the wealth nf hu world. Lave in lind- open country, and sn ive that after this life VOU may live with God in tin- celestial ITS YOUR KIDNEYS. Don't Mistake the Cause ot Your Tiou bles. A Farmwile Citizen SI How to Cure Them. Many p. ph never Bunpect then it sutler ll : ailie. think that ilai wea Iv they think that muscular weaki ?>k il will s< w Uh I dney ilh*ord ali ill- w hu ik oi Karim Ille . i opU Dowdy, v' : a iiuiiil'i hum | om Ihe -mall of my ? huh like performing my I iii] .-ind devoid ?? div procured Doan's Kid ear'sdi kl relief fruin tin thal I procured s furtbei ?U| ply and - that ether- sufi from kidney trouble will give Doan's Kidney Pills <t trial an I know they can be depended upon." For sale i j sll deah rs Pi ,', ni-. 1 ostei < u , Buffalo, New York, sole agents foi the i nlted States. Remember tbe name Doan's and take DO uther. The Place TO GET ALL KIM'S OF Sporting Goods. A FULLSUPPLY Base Ball Paraphernalia All seasonable goods. A. V. WADE. Just Received Several ear loads ot FIRST-CLASS Mules and Horses. ,, May DC seen at my stables on il. Fourth Street. Those withing to buy a hoi Any Purpose should inspect my stock. '- T. W. Vaughan. Our undines are but His bei/innin^ They who are eonsetoos of doing iv ('ind's work inver wurry oret the wage.