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Newspaper Page Text
COUNCILMEN GUILTY OF GRAFT Three Pittsburg Solons Con? victed of Conspiracy. JORY WAS OUT ?3 HOURS Tr-y Reported Their Inability to Agree, and When Sent Back to Jury Room Agreed Upon a Compromise Verdict, With Recommendation of Mercy. Alter the jury had been 0 ll nearly fifty thu c hours S guilty wa.- returned against 1 nilli' il William Brand and Councilmen John F. Klein an.I Joseph C. Wasson, charg? ed with conspiracy. Former Bank lent W. W, Ramsey, who wa? in? dicted Jointly with them, was acquit? ted upon tbe "Piers nf the court and the n ' ittorney. The jury, which had been out Saturday morning, reported it? alilit Monday and aak* lt be discharged, hut Judge Robert B Fraser refused and sent the mea to the jury room. A compromise . -ced upon, with diet of guilty and a reeommer. rey. The ' Icted nun i . d w-ith baring i nn*i?'??? I - Taft's Cabinet Complete, the ; ? I .. tiki it. ' Atto \V Wii'k York. ,. .. ink H. i Massachusel 3 L Meyer, ol "? tts. Richard A Balling* r ot Washington. ' "liri. Will Build Homes For Consumptives. Mn K Vanderbilt, Sr. - In N< ;fferins ? . 'ti l)r. 1 - clinic ind are trill he ?\ l i a ? ind he character tion a ly no Statehood Bill Abandoned. -latino fur Ni meeting nf ? memb* Hess of party, in a sensational scene, abandon* d of ih" bouse bill. Thin remarkable act mn occurred at scluslon of thu reading nf ? :--nted by Senators N< and Bevorldge, charging corni] and jury bribing and various offenses ar- sin officials and leaders of what ? the "gang which ls In control of political affairs in "Vew Mexico " Old Doctor Beats President's Ride. I ir G. C. Thr. five, beat the military lido of President Roosevell of 'J*J miles, military gait, riding three horses In relays from Sid v through Plqua to Troy, M miles and return, three times, 120 miles in all, In 13 hours and 45 minutes. On his return to Sidney on the last trip the doctor was welcomed by a brass band. The result was telegraph dent Roosevelt. Collector of Port Resigns. "With the resignation of Dr. William .rn as collector nf customs at Charleston. S. C., effective March 4. a situation that threatened to give . dent Elect Taft considerable embar ?-nt ls avoided. No appoinl made by President Roosevelt has given i more discussion as that of Dr. ('rum, whose appoint- vigor? ously opposed because of t1 ro. Vegetable Hat New Invention. - women has been in? vented. It is called the cabriolet, and at th? content! ion of Milliners at Ci ? i . with wild flowers, frm - ls and topi and is supporting th* EfQS billilli! ? ne hundred hen- of Mi \. l * ville have fell I touch ? og and me cackling and right along. Hui be bas s family <>r twelve thoroughbreds ol which be is ilarly proud. 1 h e ol them are un the nests doing the work of na? ture's incubator and the remaining -even are giving linn W day. Vnd we know the eggs are Fresh foi wi \*iie the happy recipieut of a basket Ulled with them ami knoa how tine i table use. Just Received A SUPPLY OF McAlpin's Dyspepsia Remedy. Chas. Bugg & Son A Ptain! Evening fnr thK Bill Mr. R. L. Fi foliowii Dr Kite and ' ' Clyde ' Mr. Tom Edmunds Julia Johnson, Mr. Frank Woollen an Paulett. Mr. Robt. Cmmiv and Mi H " Paulett, Mr. Johnson Wootten and Miss Emma Jones, Mr. Walter Barrow and Miss Salim Love Mr. Old and Miss Blanche Shep? ard, Mr. Wade and Mi-s Ruth Shep? ard, Mr. Frank Baldwin ami Miss Elaine Tums. Mr. Walter MOO! Hampden-Sidney, ami Miss Ali*-*- Bur* ' lr. Clyde Duvall and Miss Carrie Kyle. Mr. Joe Hubbard and Miss Mary Gwartney, Mr. R. L. Freear and Miss Sallie Cullen, Mr. Burton Blanton and Kathleen Baldwin, Mr. li Adams and Miss Marguerite Watkins. The -taus were Messrs. Jack Johnston and V. D. Venable. Dewitt's Kidney A Bladder Pills are unequalled fur weak kidneys, back? ache, Inflammation of Uie bladder and ali urinary disorders. They ure an? tiseptic. Sold by anderson Drug Co, Thfi dreamery Association. All the -turk ut the I 0*4 ?|'i-rati\e Creamery Association having been subscribed, the subscribers mel laal Imlay al lb*- < uiiithuu.-e fur the pur? pose ? ? building committee of the of th* ers. .1 udge A. I?. Watkins presided as chairman and Mr. W. N. W llson acted a- m Cfl The comm itu ?? lelecti d wai of the following gentlemen: Mi .1. lt. Martin. (.. M. Robeson, lt. lt. .liiiiii-, KV, I'. LeHturgeon and ; Bondurant, whone duty it will be i" lilding i"t ami see that the plan! i- constructed and strictly in accordance with the i \ Int ha- been selected un M iddle '.ml and I De\\ itt** itu- -kin and '|ii;ekly. ll i- ?! lui ? Dru- I ^lyn ^aljiJljLiii Estimates lu mi sh* Work promptly done and satisfaction tully guaranteed. (iffice and shop mi Bast Third Street near Main. R. C. Bristow KILLthf.COUCH I ?nb CURE the LUNG"!! with Dr. King' New Discos FOR C8LJL?sH3 AND ALL THI GUA, OK : BJaUBa-aaBSBI I Improving the Quality, Incn antity of Tobac Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers HILLSMAN'S THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS. erl iii "itu irts in Panama, \ hich we ai . rj low prices. It will me and see th India Linen. lOand 12c quality linen... sl.-iv . lawn, a good one.. 9c in in. lawn, 19cgrade at l2Va Dragon spool cotton.23c doz. o. X. T. " " .54c doz. Brown collars just received. 15c Ladies' prettiest yet. dil .ind be convinced, Battiste in thc most desira? ble shades. Andderson's Pongee Svlk at. 25c. Oar gentlemen and youths department in ready-to-wear clothing is stylish and up-to-date, and at prices that will nish ymi. Call and inspect for yourself. <; pair men's 1.25, guaranteed tv wear <i months. Our Prices on Overcoats Cut in Half. Raincoats 1-3 Off. Extra heav) Linwood Mills sheeting 25c. Heavy un? bleached 22V2C. Very good 9%c. Bleach sheeting 21c. We have a lew more smoked goods to mi nt prices un? equalled. Hill bleach, 8V3C. 39 in. unbleached domestic, I, Te. W. J. HILLSMAN. "Garden Seed." Landreths Reliable Garden Seed. sn early. R. L. FREEAR, Druggist. I'. i-tiu;in Kodak and Kilui. Kilms developed Mail ortl prom pl Karn rpi yyiiy fk^T I -tor*- devoted to ih*' storage and -j.'i.-v. of th*- largest stock of Furniture, Pia jans, Baby Carriages, Rugs, Curt,?tin*, and nil the varied novelties usually found in tl 1?t class establishments of the kind. Don't fail t<> ? sped our stock before purchasing. Prici - v a** any and all goods guaranteed to be represented. I 11Y I 1 ^> avaxtkd ly in Soutl lo know thal HUN I ? ? Talkitu Ihe wonder of the agi 1 you. It's a littl" HUNT, the Photographer, V y American Farm Fence. Th Ile Paulett & de on "iFRFP - For the largest number For the second largeat For the third largeat - For the fourth largest For the fifth largest - For the lixth largest For the ?eventh largest For the eighth largest Rel n will hav* L. C. YOUNGER. Importer and Colite Kn RICHMOND, - - - VII Just Received Cai' Load -OF Ober'sSpecia Tobacci Fertilizer ?in Ill 100 Lb Sacks FOR PLANT BEDS Also large stock ot Plant Bed Canvas. C. M. Walker's Sons Plant Bed Canvas Clover Seed Herds Grass AND TIMOTHY a. ryr% Stok & Livery and F Stables VD Ml