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Newspaper Page Text
NSED NEWS ITEMS. February 25. from ?: tola I ;.art >>ne of the '.ge of the ? Citj imlng in contact |1 ? ? .?.?lo. thirty yearn Carfaro. twenty ? gi '? | irdtr of Da N* o Haven on the . February 28. B !if th*- trans-j anning CongrtM ?atlanta Qi wa< ? i the Boothera Bel] :iny at an annual meet -<*ctors i Bai the Vnitel .ry of ? ? \ . ?.' prison In ! a fine of nioner- hiv the Uni! H iven, Cnnn . upon ': Willlai I February 27. ? ,iy. March 1. Kl ? i la*/ ? ian, of I In the - . Ms ? rath ir :: tl g, f'il from itallv )y. March 3. ? by Inl ? ll known br E QUOTATIONS. Por Produce Live 81 ' ? ? Mai *ets. a I ' Jflautrrs Sank nf JanmnUr, FARM VILLE:. VA CONFIDENCE IT IS THE key note to successful banking. That tliis bank enjoyi the confidence of the public is best demonstrated by the fact that on March 1, 1909, it-* deposits exceeded $400,000.00 an amount never before reached in its history of nearly a half century. An increase of i.~ per cent in tia* past six months. DEPOSITS allier 1 st, December 1st, January I February fs1. Mareh. 1st. 70,000.00 297,001 325,000.00 338,000.00 A strong, well managed bank, with u] e is what we offer the public, lt will aft".ml us pleasure tn serve you. (Olfccst and Eargrat Bank tn thu. ^rrtuuta Wfyy a Hat.ona! Bank is Safe ? The Unit - Government keeps a watchful hut it tidly eye mi all National Banks. It requires eaeh National Hank to make nsworn state* lent of its condition, five times a year, and to publish j , such reports ina local newspaper. lt requires tl nd to have knowledge of thc manner in wi j Your Savings Are Safe With Us. The Peoples National Bank \ A. Union Grains Ubiko BILES READY RATION INION GRAINS "UBIKO" fl Meal, (tlil Meal. White Wheat Middlings, Winter Wheat ti, Hominy Meal, Barley Malt Sprouts, A small per eent ot inie table salt. AND NOTHING ELSE. Strictly First-Class Clover Hay H. E. BARROW & CO. ^ The Above is an Illustration of the No. 2 Eclipse Newspaper Folder illed in our office lt handles 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Pages sheet, trimming wi ss try and <1 fourth fold, lt 1 iie work neat ? liv and folds thc f - prin them we have no difficulty in makin lils. fl ff I nfift *M dil I Ll. hi Hil We Have Just Installed Our NEW Chappell's HAVE YOU EYES you tpo IH YOUR HEAD? Properly fitted glasses will ?!<' a\\;i\ with all that. Call on me and lei me sn- whal is the matter al least. All the newesl tiling in spec* tacles ami eye gins k<'pt in st< W. T. Jeweler and Optician. ? i . ii. li,.; n ? ? He wini lives, ninl strives, ami si for Others 'lear tn liim I [ envied; he who lives only tor hims ? [a poor." IEWS OF PlGt EDWARD ANO I PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY Dariinirton Heights. March 3rd ?I B. Williams i rmon on the third s t Spring Creek Church. His subjecl tli ri^ht ?" On last Saturday morning, Mr. El* un' Gibson's little hoy hail his thumb ind three finers partially -hot off vitl. a dynamite cap. The child i< >n nicely. Mr. Henrj Pettus was badly kicked ti the fan' it Bethlehem church last Sunday. Mable McNenny will soon hi? lt the hume of Mrs. S ii Andi Mr. Henry Anderson is improving, ind i> ahle tn ride out on the farm. Miss Mary Dillon, who has heen ipending some time at home, h turned to Washington tn attend tin1 'ion," and the In* ?'.oil. | Tin ? h an improve* ment in Dr. llolladay wish that all super were "road dm I Tra' March 2. 1909. irk and I I 'urned W. .1 Shipman 1 the meml (lld Sands ek. Wi' are always glad io have him wit1 Mrs. nding somi timi- with i I T ! Wil Sunday. Beck. Man Mr-. Willie \*- ea vcr and little daugh rom lliur .ii hoi .len I lin*. Will other s Islte . I . H. Fitzgerald lai Mr. .1. * . Muring iras lu Karim il .> on bunin* kine waa (li rn ?uesl nt M .teador, la Saturil I day. lin- marriage ol M Wilso i to Mr. W illiain lit maid I i which has been announced i place March 17th, at B o'clock I M. iu the Presbyterian Church, Burl eville, Va., proves ol great interesl i tin-1.iiiiunity. as both parties I well known here. Mr and Mi-. * bas. I.. Kl I ml I VI I'oiiieil Into their hollie la-t Bundi morning I I'm*' baby irirl. Doth mot cr and baby ure doing mri K.-lden. March 1st, //? raid: I see one of yo llucl >rret*pondenta, In wr hil'on the good roaiD movement, sa, thal they are go rig to buy a rm mules ind various oth i ii u ill daw n upon tbem | allow, I would like to gi kingham people, and Inclde ? lo Ililli!: county aud other*) thal I ha I through. Theoretically, t i right, bul prac rally it does liol |i:in out the go id. Tbe theorists and writ. '';;' talkers on tin rou nu have tbe road high in the middle a des to a drain th i lhere y ld. Now 01 i*. llu' rt? lilt iud piles up the flirt in the in ? be load, in -on' ? |i, lea*, i in! drain on I i! load, but tbi",.' i..mi? ll inad. but ?a.i,ut two bil below tin- -mia \\ berever then' ls red clay, and ji I want to say that genera speaking, gray, sandy roads do i need much work, except to mi - the water running oil' every hu . k and whirl rut art- as a well elf >i? riiiur. and bold- the water likt icket, tor the next horse and vehi Hi? ll id ri? al li? ll ll I'.l he li? nd Ld l-t ad iat Oil Kit ul? lin nu aii ay ll l-l Hy mt up III or ? a until it i- hard I tl:.' ms ! are \ ille irked up to Hoyle ami up iud thai w inter team* woul I ing down lull aid hom ?? i> - shunned. lu proof of what I bold. I innot lu.- made in red ilay with my machine, wehaveonly tn look at High street in sour town, where the .- dumped, and then drive from Worsham to leiden, or leiden to Meherrin or lo Driery i 'hureli. I am persuaded that t ly thing to do u uh tbe either to pole or macadamize uni let tbe gray, sandy roada be kept level and drained. Dev. Mr. Conrad preached I sermon at Mt. Pleasant < hun Sunday from tbe parable of the two men going Up into the I'emple to prav. He analyzed the character of the tm men Pharisee and Publicai asserted that we bad t be -ame in om midst today. Mr. Walter?Iverton ami - mc, ot ihe Tredway aeif Lsiton al Mr. J Mr. Creed Hanson's Saturday and sunday. Mr. and Mr-. V NV. Scott, M. Mrs. Frank Hanson and Mr. and 'I'. KV, I liggs ipenl lasl with Mr. and Mr*. Brown w atti .nu .1. I;. Allen, who has Mr ? CUMBERLAND COU; I.itt ith Woodfin Lig Mr. Iv W Madi spent Sunday with Mr Lewis Crawley. Mi's Crawley went to las! week to bring hollie her lin'. who is much improved months treatment .,' Me-srs. Tom Scott, Jim I Smith, David and Auder Rai who . one enjoj ing spent with Mrs. Blanton. We are sorry to report that Mr. D. D. Price continues to he on the sick hst. Mr. Charlie Wilkerson, of 1 burg, visited his cousin. Mrs. R Allen this week. I think there are some ladies in this neighborhood who eui almost beat the Karmville chick' I . C. Flippen has a nice young chicken-. . day, and Mrs. T. T. Hol? man will have some chicken Cumbeiland. C. H. Mar... \\ e ' ' H. Dui:. pa-ioi faithful to In- duty, i id. Ile wa- loved who knew bim Our heart! sympathy to bis loving family. was ll al the tune of hit buried at Ashland, Va. Mr. William H , and hope liim on our -t'' Helen I'lippei in Bichmond. having "tb' 'be home com Mi-, c. D. Diggs returned ? ber -liters, tbe Misses Andi I Mr. and Mr-.. I buy a: il the '1' little boy is growing like a ma' ? i; Smitl i posed tin- ? Dr. mond. Mr-. I byan .->t mother, of ' | with her lister, Mr . Mr. ami Mr-. Danby '?'?-?,