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J. M. ll* CHARLOTTE COUNTY. burning plant crop. ling some time with relate. neighborhood. Mr. Buci M>P?> n Sunday until ? the home of Mr- S H Thaekston-. Mr. Hunter Hancock and sister. Hive, syent Saturday and Sunday last at the home ot ' ll Shorter, ville. Misses Nannie Pugh and .lennie ? d in this neighborhood last Saturday and Sunda) Mrs. Kenton North. been ijuite sick, is improving. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Harvey and lit? tle daughter, Marcia, were the of their cousin, Mrs. Sam Th ld Sunda) Hunter liv ? nt a few in Lynchbui ? k on busi* Eureka Mills Mareb 2, 'OH. yesterday was county couti day, \ 1 wa- in attendance. * ourt is likely to be in session for a week or more, as there ls much busi? ness on docket Charlotte people, al? ways liner- of the name ot politic-, have entered earnestly into the con? test, ami one mingling with tbe crowd could beal many warm discusslona a to the claims of the two gubernatorial candidates. Kaeb candidate bas bis warm supporters. Mr. linkers Strength ba- nrowii eon-iderably in tbe County -ince the withdrawal ol Mr -stuart, ami hi- supporters here Claim hf will carry the county bv a handsome majority. Judge Manus friend** are not Working as hard foi \ote.s as are hi- opponents. Hon. Jus. \ < Hton, candidate for Lieutenant* ? ni the court mingling with the voters, and put in some hard licks m advocacy of his He expressed himself a- well plea-ed willi lu- in thecoun* ty Henry I'ettu-, who wa- kicked ? hciii Kuri? li is Hoi - any di h to Run a Theater. ? lanta. ? its own tl I rant in the with ila and "Lucky" Baldwin ls Dead. known the coure bucky" Haldw ? at his hon ';a. Cal., on Bald* win's raie | . ness of < weeks Baldwin acquired his nick* nani- of i ucky" 'Hrs ago when he struck lt ri. li in tli- gold mines of < al* lforntK ami Narada His fortune is os* Woman Gets 99 Years For Murder. The nv, Amelia Peile Al lon -reat later I if Mrs 'in the tl " jury man ti Steei Trust's Reductions. - ? ? ? In Cn - a tun I bar>< ' * Puddlers' Wages Reduced. A '. tho Peale iylkill I at the plant ol the i' . at Potts ? CS foi Ex Queen Lil Sued For Doctor Bill. - otben ? in W be due him on account of cont ri bill. I "a n Lewis Hanged. \. I, a young - handed at \ ba for th* murvb'r of flravy^Hrold Mary N< W lin at his farm in Jur.e. 1107. The fir was the daughter of bis w ' er of the child living In the south Death was almost inManta; MINERS ESCAPE FIERY DEATH Entombed by Explosion They Broke Through to Satety. TWO DEAD; TWELVE INJURED Forty Men, Imprisoned by a Wall of Fire, Broke Their Way Into an Old Working and Escaped ? Were Five Hours Making the Journey and Were Greeted With Cheers. Wllkes-Basjrs, ra. March S. Potty men. workara In the bia, No 1* colliery of tho Brie railroad rn i Port Griffith, ev ktb by tho lol lon oe* in the mine, and hone for tho men was almost abandoned, as a wall of tire separated them from rsacuing pa By great good luck tho ImpC men, mindful of their dangar, man? aged to breaw a way through from the ? caught by the fire, Into an old working. By this bed an outlet of the mine befoi il They were five hours making their journey, and during that period there was little hope of ST* | them alive Thara was Bree*, cheerhi. rejoicing winn the waiting CfOWdl at the mouth el the shaft heard tie' i.t a i As lt was. two men met death and twelve others were badly bumed OT otherwise injured. Both the dead ru. n ar? foreigners. The explosion ls generally believed to have been caused by a careless miner. It is said this man needed B mine rail and went into an abandon.-1 chamber to look for one. Ho had a I lamp on his hat, and tl plosion followed. Brattices and were torn out and n from the tracks. All was in darknoss and miners who had escaped injury groped their way out. picking up the Injured on th** way. But back In the min? w?*r forty of them. Erery available nun was put to work as a rescuer I shaft In order to flpht the blaze with water, and air was forci d toward tb where the forty were anpposi d to be Im I ? tho f, v ha 1 ? ape. OIL TRUST OFFICER DEAD W. H. Tilford, Vice President of Stand? ard, Passes Away. New Vork, Mar b 8 W. II. 'i. one of th* nts of the Standard I my, died at his ' home in this city, li- ired to have had more to do with working out , the details of the organization of the ard than anv one man and Wai ? mission* r Ferris at the hi Bring In this ?me months ago. SNOW BURIES TROOPS Austrian Detachment Overwhelmed by Avalanche. March I, tachment of twenty fiv. men and six ? Irian army have by an avalanche President's Cousin Inherits $200,000. ? ? I i pal. Stumbled Over Dead Bodies. Pun return* ? i killel] by a - from h< re. J. M : an for hi I Getting Third Set of Teeth. the j ' formed igh iii knocki suspends Work on New Mines. n. Pa . Ma Phil n com ill work on nev ines for an indeflnitf pi-rind. The ahutdown ls an unusua' procce.'.lrv v. ar IFF FOR BINGI! LEM MIK AKMORY ll him MliHT. With Full Ranks tin: F.irin.illt! Gurt ' im tn ttn; liaifiraL l im jvmy with Capt. Hunt ? ? ;. with TU men in ranks li vitim on the midnight train of ; W. on night, via Lynchburg. The company will have headqu ri Uexandria, having secured comfortable quarters there free of cost it would ! -onie $.MH? to secure shelter. lt is gratifying to know tl, company will have more men under arms than any other from Virginia, and will no doubt be Ihe "obsen all observers Full credit 1- due to tile officer- and men, and to the citizens of Farmville for this splendid showing on this Cation of National import and ita for us all strong arm-and brave hearts upon which we a- a people may rely with confidence in every hour of enter our hu; ? ? no enter* Ail! arise when they will be called on to do more than p es in drill, hut should the 'lone; roll" summon I test they will lie ready to respond with promptness and courage. And now let the boy- r that the : the nation are upon all sol* dieri who take part in this imposing and Impressive ceremonial and that Farmville expects every man to do Ins duty. The greal commander said: "Duty i> the sublimest word in the English language," and thia ia as true in "piping time- ol' peace," as of the r battle winn men's souls are tried The company will return on the ll A. M. train of today, the better pre? pared for every dav work hy reason of this patriotic outing. Mut few of roted for Mr. Taft but all of them are loyal to their commander-in chief Owing to tin- tact nt being cashier of the Citizens Hank, Lieutenant Hub hard was prevented from going with his command, Near Death in Big Pond. lt wa- a thrilling experience tu Mrs Ida Soper to face death. '"Foi a -.ev en- lung trouble gave me ii suffering," -lu- write-, "and -? my death. All remedies failed and doctors said I was incurable. Then l?r. Kii broughl '|iiiek cuff mi permana t.t that I have not t.cen troubled iu twel Mrs. n llig Pond, Pa. ll womb Ulina, < roiip. V. h and all Kronen I ria1 Wbiti I will bunt a good w I you find a preparation that ia equal tn i 'bamber am- Liniment a- a cure foi muscular ami rheumatic patna, foi tilt CUI .- and -urine-- ot the musCies. Iii- equally valuable fur linne back and ali deep seated muscu? lar pam-. 25 and 50 ? ? i I - -ale bj I be N in-Ioii Drug < 'o. The recently di-co\ereil eighl elUte of Jupiter has been photograph? ed at the Greenwich observatory. "Dr. I lloma- I i ledi ic (iii i- (bf ? uiedy tor thal often fatal dis? ease?croup. Has been used with suc? cess ;n our family for elgl I Mrs. 1.. \\ hlteacre, Buffalo, .V *, . The Pickett Is pure, palatable, tree from organic polu? tion and will keep INDEFINITELY Guaranteed to relieve indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, nausea, in fact any stomach or kidney disorder. If your baby has colic use Pickett Water Can bei retained and will prove beneficial^to smallest infant. * *SlB> * TESTIMONIALS Karun ille. Va., I>e*v 28, '08. Mr. * . H. Pickett, Worsham, Va. hear >ir, \ftei suffering foi fifteen inplication of kidney and bladdei trouble-, and alter taking various treatments from physicians and specialists, and spending more than |200 in patent oiedicines and drugs, I wa- induced to drink the Pickett water r-'itie*.* UBf ng the water I have been remarkably benefitted, and tbe results BO far obtained have been quicker and more satisfactory than from all tbe medicines auddruga combined Very truly your-, iso, C. Il \MI I I i. Worsham, Va - with my -tomacli. ami ti nd different med and watt me me a- nu. mi it. .I.W.I Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out of the system through a copious and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar" Children Like It For BACKACHE-WEAK KIDNEYS Try OsWltl'i Kldnej md Bladder Pilli-Sun tad Sato lill'. ANDERSON hi; I ll < 0 Livery And Sales Stables. ? - *s *>**??--'I 0,1,. HARDAWAY & EPES. Successors to I. W. VAUUHAN. AT ALL HOCKS lior-es mid vehicles may be b at reasonable prices. Prompt nt tention gi> en all order* and thc I service guaranteed. We earnestly solicit your patronage. Vaughan's oldstand, Fourth^St. Pbone 2". I. \\ . VA! 1.1 IAN. Mgr. Big Bargain Sale \ i FLEMING & CLARK'S All winter '.."i'd- mii-t go. <Hir *|oak-, Blankets, Quilts and beavy at low prices. iaki: a LOOK ai mi: Bargain Counter Shoe- were | 1.00 HOW HJW. " " 2.00 'i 1 OO. ?' " IM " IU(i LOT OF WORSTED IIKMNW PH AT HALF-PRICE. Winter i 'lotbing at prices to -I RPRI8E Mil. To The Public. I hereby annou ice to my friends ami the pu ? div that I will sen e them a AUCTIONEER at such Hi' C. H. BLISS, FARMVILLE. Ii vdu have any Watches, Clocks or Jewelry Needing Repair I will In.' plc. Jjive von an estimate on thc work. Tlk' work will 1)*.' done in a first-class] manner ami will bc ready tor delivery when promised HERBERT W. DREW PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER I l RM VI Iii, V \. H AV! *- >l i PRINTING h?'Mi n.p .UlBOf ? THE FERTILIZER THAT NEVER FAILS [ / i , HYCO Tobacco Guano COLUMBIA GUANO CO. NORFOLK, VA. SOUTHERN RAI /.- ? ?? ? '.? !. ll Ulan.) U ca ' I'Oi'lI.AK VOHK I Hem York alni '? V. HI. M/r. G.1 I ?winn uah i. A W | Timi' I 1 Mon. I _W P. M. A. M. ' - tn M . Tobra - M Kulali. Ii ., in ar. FaravUlt la. ? I P. M. P. M. A. M , The al- nly as infoni . F. n i, memAmmmmmmmr Schedule rn Effect LEAVE FARMVILLE DAI AM) HAST. :l:.jj a. m lava iii ash iri '. prin ?? '? - ll.l.. M. I SAME MAN BUT V'Ol i. "Look Belief You will look like adi. ferent man in one of M famous suits, to .maslin or ready-to-wear, you wi look as though do t* owed you monty .lu was overdue?will tod as though you had I rd interest in the way \ look to other people Richardson & Calli Itch Cared BY ONE APPLIC ' Dr. David's Sanative Wash 1111:1 . MIS l)r. i half hour if u- I K Hill PRU - - At All Ht. u cannot get it ol j ?r merebai Owens & Mino" i rag ft Richmond, V i ? bottle will bc - , d express, lt ca j neil. Don't forge. t< rjtavid - Llvei Pills forall I Price, 25c a box; Ave ? pcet|