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THE FARMVILLE HERALD HONOH Foi: THE PAST, HM-.' Ku,; 1HK 1'..,-:>i:.n ?. ;????'? _^AKMVILLi;. VA.. FRIDAY, MARCH il 1 _KO ,^^|____?-'-?-"-" niinnu nnnnnrnitin mr iieiunn'P Mttaatniu Ainnu rTENBINCE Al liATHrRING. anti Instructive IMnsso. ts Fruin Delegates tn Ihe State Convention. ? ? ?-. held its semi-annual \ ille mi Mareh 5th ttl mlance ol I ? ?? | the delightful pto r any in I they may hav H M. I i te, ol' ireh opened tin- meet* ti mal ? -. aciati ? Prof. W. then iv troductory remarks, were heard from Coi ventlon. 3 ni the things accom* ? organization as P 1. Atkinson. M ? I Shelbourne, atv! Pro i. Terry and and inatrui I I talk on "C.eog Dr F A. Millidie, of the ?i. No atter pt at - skillful handling of thu ? ject is at all necessary, ve ever enjoyed the high Lng to him the mere peaker's name is suf ?ndation. Pternoon thc meeting was e pleasure of hearing NV. Head on the live subject ?: tlie Schools." The top ented in a manner lucid invariably characti treatment of her sub* e fail to convince her ? incalculable good would the introduction of ? ry school. ?? aker was Examiner ?eds our warm friend, recently eli rintendent. Among 9 Mr. Davis spoke of in the problems that ?; ecially those ? i begged 1< lible manner. ith scholarly papers by llu.'^hjaiul Libra Holland on "School impleted the first - I Hatcher, of thi i the aervi .. likewise of the Norma ? ulty, was then introduce) ?me time the unabatet I her heai told o mployed in teaching at tba ? I ition. In addition sin : "'linens of the handiworl ttlr ones under hei supervi ? ich were enjoyed. ? "How to teach Litera next discussed at sonv Dr Kerlin, of the abov bool This was Dr 'inductionto the teach ty and after listenin: tl ey wert- all proud tha ? taken vip his abod ll tar from least cam ? i SI 'te Teachers I '.lilford, of Kier, a li inked fe 1 and they were ni The only source of ri ; v was not young! Soon, however, th n whic ? We Can Hiiiit 'Eal d William Stt Kia., ear he's tr I truck fr in additi W. Ei ' him to e Inrmtion. ?' S. Hamlet and n ? ?anted the N while I tobacco. And I ld it. .1. C. will i well. Gwrt S.ileot Tobacco!" ! Chappell, of ti, I Of Prince 101 wa at the old warehous ' tobacco which weigh I Ui*. Of course ? and is pleased. Huano makes wrappe, JUSTF Horses. I attie anti Angora Guts. I\ Mr. W. D. Phelps, a hi a arm near town last November, ld* Dining that of .lilllie Hundley and , has just returned from Hil- , lard. Ohio, bringing with luina ear- , tad of pure Guernsey head ; if horses, 20 An. . farming i iiachinery, two ear-loads of hay, etc.J t During the last fall Mr. Phelps won i 11,600 in premiums at different fairs j n the State of Ohio, and has brought ] imium-winning stock with him j 0 Virginia. We give him the glad ? ? welcome with the hope that , .vheti the Virginia fairs open with the \ Mining season he may continue to win j ind wear the lain ? The:. i i for such men of ? nrorth and of work. Our gates stand wide open to receive them and may they "live long and prosper." What splendid contribution these cows will make to our creamery. Cows and ry. Victory is in the air. er, brother, and take fresh cow? ar the battle ol' life. Farmville Boy Honored. One of the first appointments made ' by Mr. Taft was that of '/-- Lewis Dal? by to an important position in the In? dian service. This young man is a native of Farmville, first saw the light of day in the home now occupied by Mrs. Charles Bugg, His family n to Roanoke some years ago and for the past few years our young friend en in Washington making fine reputation in one of the departments. Well done, Mr. Taft, and our con? gratulations, friend Lewis. IMNIIERRTIONllT? Representatives of the Cunningham Literary Society of the Normal tackled the above world-wide subject in de? ll last Saturday evening in the Auditorium, and after a spirited dis? cussion of the subject and in which the young combatants exhib? ited good knowledge of the facts in? volved, the committee decided in Ea* vor of the affirm I The affirmative was represented by Miss Fannie Price and Miss Louise Lord, the negative by ftUaa Honor and Miss Phebe Brough. A representative of the Herald knocked for admission, but finding the - locked and Special Pol 1 Tucker, having a sharp eye on him as he moved around for some other door I that would open to him. he retired I without having the pleasure of enjoy 1 ing the "flow of soul and feast of rea* I' son." t We are told, however, that tin ' young athletes bore themselves witl c the ease, and grace and confidence oi - experts. Koli of Honor lor the Farmville Gradei b School. a> VII Grade?Lionel 11 VI Grade?Edwin Lancaster, Sara! Orange, Carl Wilek, Egbert Womack J Lizzie Young. V tirade-Ray Cross, Mollie Moore Princess Watkins, Paul Wilek. IV Grade?Dona Levy, duh e , man. III Grade?Ralph Cr II Grade?Clara Harvey, Oaf ?v Hoagland, Bessie Mann. 1 Grade?James Fretwell, Eddi Whitlock, Marv Skinner. ' HAMPDEK-SiDNEY BOYS BEFOR IHE FOOTLIGHTS. The\ ! ifryaMe Entertiiinmei at the Opera House. T ind Mai xi dolin Clubs gave a : t- mei ? .- ing of the 5th. On the ie there were ot! to whic Ki our Te drawn, ami that ai ? that the h< 1- not crowded. "h and fix upon an evening when t a competitor is in the field. The highest prii Blackstone (iuano. e ot Just a little Casi .swkei is ail th ,<; is necessary to give your baby wh< it is crow and peevish. Cascaswr contains no opiates nor harmful dru I ls (nellly recommended by mot everywhere, sold by Anders* Drug < ti. Building ''locks of glass are iii coi mon use in Milesia. ile nj I.utliing in the snow i* I comm custom in Russia. ? va Pigments of more than 600 differs I,,, colors are secured from eoal. Don't hang a dismal picture on t wall, and don't daub with sables a rs. glooms in vour conversation. WELCOME HOME. nt limn the War But Frnm Battle With the Elements. taraville are not of uercurial temperament nor much giv n to the huzzah, and this mus! ount for the fact that tlie (ilia: ls return from Washington was re* shred quietly and without demon* rtration, ami yet under the unruffled ; lurface grateful hearts were OyoUS welt onie that the boys were at fain with but one missing and lone tlead on the field of honor. Pri? mate Tom Scott, of Cumberland, (truck by a car as he stepped from the fnmt of an approaching automo? bile and though not dangerously wounded was left in a hospita! for treatment. As is now known to all the world of readers of the papers the Fourth in Washington was beat upon by a pitj :in and it i ered with many inches of snow and slush. Un? der snell conditions Captain Hunt wisely concluded not to take part in the parade which might have meant death to many in ranks, and as the company paid its own way ami were under m'> command to do honors, this he was justified in doing. The march not so much to be dreaded, iuit waiting for five hours tu begin it Wai clothed in horror. Not being un-' der arms the members of the compa? ny hail the freedom of the city, and as they were well clad and well shod enjoyed the day in face of the Storm King. On tlie return trip a number of the "gol left" in Lynchburg. Not satisfied with the sights of Washington they just had to take in those of Lynchburg, and while seeing the train pulled out for Farmville. The company1 ii out some tim) by reason of the trip, but the boys had a good time ami no one is regretting the cost. Such trips are ? not only interesting but educational. Now we will buckle down to hard work for the next four years, elect a Democral next time and then al! Farmville will quit work for three days and storm the Capital City of the Nation. irday of last week was dark with clouds and fretted with storms, just one of those days when I timistic of US had to take "refuge in our holies," but Sunday came flooded in sunshine ami when March shone oui in brightest colors. The Jonquils fringe our yards am the violets peeped out of their wintei ' modestly yet clothed in beauty 1 The pulpits of our churches were fillet f by the regubu pt tha Mr. Graham preached for the Presbj . brians morning and evening anti ti ' the help and delight of a people win have long honored and loved him. The Communion was celebrated a the Episcopal ami Methodist churche and as usual there was a large an interested attendance at the Baptist A holy day and happy rest day fo Farmville. Death ol a Venerahle Laity. Mrs. William Carey died 1 a at her home in the upper end t Prince Edward, in tl ir of he She led a quiet blameless an useful life, and has gone to her rt ward. I BaaA nt Mrs. Patmur rle Palmer, willow ? late Wm. Whl arv Palmer, died at ht home in this pl M. Web ? the 31 The fune at tl ? :i A. M. yesterday, the Kc 1_ S. C. Hatcher I the bi '" rial was in our tic II R. W. ? lil '" Bullock, W. R. Drumeller, ll. 1 Paulett. to tl ? i an only child, anti for two yea ? with Christian fortitude and r atkin the encroachment of th ? 1 enemy of the human tamil consumption, and at last yielded inexorable demands. In t i_ full' action the pur. r character was separated from li- dross, and "the light afflictions of tl "? present life" which after all for a moment liav-'secured for her q. crown of rejoicing, a homo up which no shadow falls and in whi none arc ever sick. "Blessed are the dead which die the Lord from henceforth; yt thespiriit, that they may n their labors, and their works do foll he them." nd - nt Blackstone Guano is best. 'Kilt hu nus THREE HOUSE ASPIRANTS, ?rett. Contest in Hrosuect lor the (ieneral Assembly tn tatted t Jnhn J. linen. Prince Edward county is to have me of the ; many ?ears when the primary electi leltl to name a catididat. John ' ;. who has bern a mem! er branch of I iembly for some twel Mr. ' )wen stated la-; | political . invention in this county that he would ' the nominatiic the House, and so far three gentle? men have announced them ii'lates for the place. They are W. H. Ewing, f"r sixteen years treasurer i'f the county, who retired bec., : the condition of his health, and who is now engaged in farming; W. K Brock and .1. Taylor Thompson, both lawyers, and both of whom an dents of the town of Farmville. All of thc gentlemen are well known in the county ami a pretty race is scheduled when they take the stump and he-m to enliven things by ap? pealing lo the voters for their sup? port, lt is impossible to get an idea of the strength of the candida! this time. understood that, in case Judge Mann is elected governor, Mr. Owen will aspire to succeed him in the State Senate from the district.?Richmond News-I.eader. Just two mistakes in the above. Mr. Bnnk is known to us as R. K. Bruck, anil his residence is Hampden-Sldney, though his law office is in Farmville. Twenty Years on to His Job. Simon" i-< today celebrating the 20th anniversary as commander in chief et the town mule and cart, anil the programme of celebration con* sists in strict attention to daily duty. li red, this turn out is among the best Investments Farmville ever in,de Before the days of tho mule and cart, tlie habit was to employ the now ami then to mal.' ral cleaning of the streets, and ihe town had been gone over, the flash had began to accumulate again. 2nd so we could never feel that we were well swept. Noting this con? dition of affairs the Herald sn the mule and cart, and "Simon heir to the job. He drove the same mule for lo years and turned him i.vei ? ' and fine. We couldn't well do without this daily picking up | of thin "I to look upon. DEATH OE MR. JOHN 0. , Mr. John H. Richardson, a Virgin ian of the nhl school, died on last Sit t unlay at the home of Mr. H. W s Hundley, at Burkeville. He bat I reached the age of ninety years, hav lng enjoyed the blessing of i_rnni * health until within a short time of hi death. He was a brother of the lat Edwin Edmunds, and the and of Mr. H. W. Edmunds, Mrs. M. M Oralle, Mrs. .1. M. Venable, Uta. Iv J S Paulett and Mrs. Sue Edmunds. Mrs. H. S. Paulett went down 0 , Monday to attend the funeral Death of Mrs. Jarnaqin. A telegram which was received her on last Sunday announced the deal of M Venable Jarnagin. I ie years gone by she was known in th mia as Miss A. Watkim it daughter of the late Judge Iv N. Wa in kins. Her death occurred on the si r* coast of Florida, where she h ii in search of health. ? ? The remains were br i- old home, M' Tenn., whei ie they nov. her di tinguished husband, the late .Iud'. v. Jarnagin, in his day a leading lawyi '. of his State, and one of its ? ie Judge and Capt. Watkins id tlie I'uiit- Jarnagin U r- ed by the two brothers just name' <?- and two i four children, at Many daughters have risen up y, bless mother?Virginia, but anim to them mme of more queenly iil ions manner, or richer gifts Of mind and of heart than this noble ti? lts man whose death-shadow nov iis darkly OT tWO States, and li ut wounded, bleeding hearts. For Diseases ot The Skin. a on ,l, Nearly all dlstastei of the skin sa a- eczema, letter, salt rheum ami b hers' itch, are characterized by an ?**? tense itching and smarting, which ith ten makes life a burden and distal -im sleep and rest. <^uiek relief may |)W had by applying Chamberlain's Sal' it allays thc itching and smarting most instantly. Many eases ht been cured by tts use. For sale Tue Winston DruR Co. itoia rnuartnuib. lew Depot, New Stores lld New Initns* tries. Mr. Lee Paul, [ ? Btly and in high I lit outlook for Pile I wo mail trains each da; ip, other industries, and witt [iiml hope of locating a large plant in ir future, country r ng up md from thi ade new i, ville s deeply int i the young er and is watching her growth anxi* Mish? it big" Phenix. Training School News. Tin iii the eighth grade on Thursday, March nth, 1906. The question was, Resolved. That immigration should be allowed in the United States. Those who took part in the debate were as fol? lows: Affirmative?Charlie Bugg, Stanley Millidge, Judson Robinson. itivi ? laina Putney, Mildred Minkie, Susie Davis. Mr. .1. H. Milford, President of the State Teachers' Association, the Fifth and Sixth tirades Friday, March tt, 1909. The Fifth Grade Honor Roll for last week included those children who did not talk without permission during the week. The following are those who receive stars: Lurline Moring, Alice Putney, Mary Hardy, Kathleen Spencer, Ir? vine Watkins, Judith Shumate, Jean Morris, Fohn Fretwell, Martha Foster, Lydia Williams, Barrys Wall, Ila Simp? son, Rosa Joni's, Irma Rice. Ila Simpson. Now that Farmville is to have its 'ry, we beg to call attention to the following, which ha- collie to rieultural department at Washington: L'I here is no branch of agriculture that ic nmre needed in the South than lng, As conditions now are, more i- Consumed than produced. ountry in general is adapted tn dairying, and with better stock and impr >ved methods the South can sup iiy n- own demand, vi 'I lirymeo a- a rule do nol los the in.? -1 economical methods i Tbs average cow produces only aboui half what it -boult). Too many 0 the danie- are in the city, and .-liouh be on the fiirm where better milk am butter could be produced. Thswholi situation could be Improved in tin three essentials, better cows, mor bome*grOWn feed, a better product. it in the desire of the Department 0 - Agriculture to have the work takei . up and continued by the dill'eren I State- of the South SO that the Fed - eral government may withdraw afte I the work is well Started, and som I States have alreatly taken hold. I Agriculturists ami dairy men wh e are interested can secure much va ? liable Information from tbe twentj ? fourth annual report of the Hurea of Animal Industry, a volume of se\ n titi hundred pages. Applicatlo i. should be made to a member of Coi greta. The portion dealing with pre cut dairy conditions In the South bl (> been Issued reparately In pamphli form a- Fanner.-' Bulletin 349. "Tl 1 Dairy Industry of the South," an ' can be obtained on apnlieatioii tniiini j1 ben of Congress, or to the Bureau i Animal Industry, Washington, I>. < A Warrior Waistcoat. ie Mr. Sam Amos, of Cumberland, Wi ?e in town on Wedni luring s- conversation with Mr. Iv L. Eran re bert mentioned the fact that he had ?r home a velvet vest, which was mai him by his father, the li s. Erambert Mr. Am ?d values it so highly that he declined v- part with it for a full suit of clothe il, Honest cloth and honest workmansh in those days of lone Death of an Estimable Lady. to e. Mrs. Geo. Lincoln Bun, Of professor Hun, of Cornell Cniversit "- tli.'d on the Hist of January la ?0 she was known to us as Mi Of Martin, daughter of the late Ri Taylor Martin. She had char. training department of the State Kl mal School for one year. She WI ch from here to Cornell, taking a t In. years' course. She then taught of- the High school of Ypsylanti ami wt 'bs again to Cornell when she took I l)e degree. She was married in Augu ap WOT, and lived at Cornell until 1 ive untimely death. by -? See Blackstone Guano Agents. nu mm un ^ rati. mm \ Curious and Large Irnwil in Attend net. ftlany Women Amonq the Number. ? '1 tnter was fin For the lux fighting another had to pay $_'. vi't much of a fight, hov. lead and none wounded, and hit Honor let him down ? till occupy front rank mined to hold on to their supr is violators of the law. P paying pastime as the money I on hand up. This "door of opportunity" at least stands ?pen night and day to the broth? er in black. Most of this monej to the Commonwealth or Farmville would have well-nigh two dj within her | It should he remembered that Farm? ville I: de-awake policemen on duty and that can hardly ipe. But what is preventive power of human punishment if no disgrace at? taches? Meherrin Musings. Editor Herald:?During a i visit to this ancient and attractive bu? siness center I was impressed with the quiet but progressive spirit of the men of affairs and the comfort of its homes. Nobody seemed to be in a hurry but everybody was "getting there." Now that the Virginian Railway has furnished another ry of trade the life blood should flow with a quickened throb. Veteran "Archer" Haskins is still on deck and continuing to contribute largely to the history of Meherrin as has been his wont to do since he stop? ped "wearing the gray." By the way he has the best stock of war inci? dents, many of them full of fun and others pathetic in the extreme. The next time you meet with him get him to tell you the story in which Comrade ' Somerfieltl Dance figures conspicu? ously. It is worth repeating. Mr. T. C. Haskins, a "chip of the old block," is branching out in hu-i ness vedtures and is building a num? ber of attractive residences at Altivis ta. He has great COnfdence in the future of that young city. Mr. M. F. (iee, one nf the ieadillg ' merchants of the place, is "up and at it" with both feet and both | only regretting that he hasn't other [ hands and other feet to contribute tn f the fight, while the Madam stands by I his side the queen of housekeepers 1 ami furnishing to the men of the road ; meals that refresh the tired man and .. charm the most fa-tidious taste-. sj Mr. F. H. Kauffman holds the key to the Prince Fdward-Lunenburg f County Hank, and as cashier is di i reefing its affairs wisely and well. t The bank is supplying a long-felt .! local want and is receiving the sup! port and confidence of a growing and gratified patron i. Dr. Capps is busy visiting the sick but doesn't look as though he ever felt the pang of illness himself. Mr. Dickinson looks prosperous and still making money though he I no fuss about it. I did not have the pleasure of meet? ing with the Rev. Daughtry this time, a of gentle presence, an earnest and consecrated worker in the Ma-ter's . vine;. Meherrin's main ? t.mied hut -he cannot jet I nolithich walka i >t Pictures ot Correspondents. lt is the Herald to the pictures of all of its pondents in the Trade's Edition, and is we ask that a photograph he sent us p this purpose by e a- them. life Alarm System. ie , First Ward East ><x Main itreetand orth of Th . two stroll to the bell. - OO, ! -weet md routh of Third street, thn Third Ward West of Main street ami south of Blgh street, tour strokes. Fourth Ward Weat of Mam street and north of High Street, Inc strokes. Main .-tret Wanl Six itrofc ?' Ami fiieti the fast ringing each time V after the wanl number is -truck, tie ._ ?_. v. Good Liniment. ,10 Vt,u will hunt a good While before >r- you find a preparation that is squaj to mt Chamberlain's Liniment as a cure for ,,n muscular ami rheumatic pains, for the cure of sprains ami I the in muscles. It is equally valuable tot 'nt lame back and all deep seated muscu ier lar pains. 26 and BO cent sizes for st sale by The Winston Drug Co. No soul is desolate as long as there is a human being for whom it can feel trust and reverence. ,.1 ier At