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THE FARMVILLE HERALD PAM 3ENT, HOPE FOR Hil-'. FUTURE. FARMVILLE, VA.. FRIDAY, JUNE 25. 190 V IC El THE i ii ni mum. Me aid Eothasiastlc Meeting En* s me Movement. of the citi ? BjaUlize a - i Hatcher, l> ne I th a ri !!?? was followed - W. Watkins, : '? i g F Bugg, nthu* I iv ;, ? n the ? ? . enjoy it we be* will . life i ne military v elj i i Liri -liilliam. ? ? ? i'a march. Tl Harwood and bride's ? of Litwal ? Petei Mar* Iilliam. 1! li ? . ; \ i I John u ?, md a pros ld wan ari re nuine* The happy pah ition and beal ? ber of friend: tua md ni Murker tt wt own titivating thi: - and quid * iii ular can em down ? ?liars i the eon cona ump ! at cure: ? to yieh I expert -et tiing ol I .. THE CfllJpTiED. DAL'UHTLRS 111 THt UIMEDERAIY ??SUSSES. Soldierly Mad on ii Feast ni limul Things. armory, the md men of tin Farmville. entertained at an elaboi which had been prepared under the ? ' led in thi work by the contribui any ol' our eil roaned" beneath the ? lend rich Full rai did a ? and a ? ? ? ? to time. Improvements at ltom?.len-si.lnH> Idillejje. ? i ? ? 3 Iney. diture te 115,000, and Mr-. R ? it ready bj I the - ' ?? institution, extend ou A Tour of Inspection. | noers ? the road ? v. ind upon which the n*'w macad* nstructed, examining k supply, etc. - we could gather the par? ti with the out* ir privilege to ride in a bugj ley Hamlet, who ? though an old-time | rower, ? still takes livelj --. having i leaning towards public road improve* During the ride m ? ? ns of the day, included tl re tdy bo ced problems of but how to command tho ? public still ncern. We upon it that Buck* with a rock-boll ting. Gm Mon: lum. ? I wi: ? tir. ire and Let thia be tlie motto Hons will lu- the hotter in all il '? v'Ma. THE FIJffl, Farmville Expects Every Man to do His Duty. .; . . . tte us from the hour when the ? gateways to the Farmville Fair will I open, and it bel I when the curtain i he unfolded will be ? ol. Appre ?k of prepa* that it is well , done. Together we can produce re if which we will be justly proud. s Our merchants should mali hibits which will present their gooda, j wares and merchandise to the I , vantage) our farmers should be . ??? hand with the best and choicest pro , ducts of theil- farm, our ladies should i present the highest skill of theil hands, and our schools should ghr, the results of their teaching in impres 0bjt?( lessons. * And by all means let our own Band 1 be ready to enliven the occasion wit! - home-made music. ?? If you want matting or art-square? j be sure aud see Doyne. HEWS FM THE NURSERY. MTHITHSTANUIMi IHE KAIN THE WORK GOES ON. llldlH Hil Snuri P.iMiin and Alter That the Selling. e two moi ? our visita to 1 ? plant our attention iva ? in little which looked to our ? without life, but I . ll : been transplanted I ? Pe tch and plum and ? side bj ial family ? . :: ? ls ? hich will be well ? ? ? our attention to the spier. simph and well, p rtilizer " lt u that tl man is so well pli : ia for the grow prod . ive take the lil" '' asking that if you km ? nuine May cht rry tree <>f tin- early you will be igh lo I'1' Mr. Johnston know of it. All of Ul a live interest in the { I this venture and will take pleasure in COH tributing|tO it as best we may We have regarded it from the inci? piency as one of the most important industries which Las bren recently brought to us. and wt ened in tins belief as a e ivati th. THE NEW TELEPHONE CO. HAS lillLUHT THE HtLOINGS, MlillTS AM) PRIVILEGES Bf IHE OLD COMPANY. Hie Promise is For Better Service. Telephone Company lUght out the property and pri* ephone Company, at the prici I ?'. will take possession on the Isl of July, and pr e an tl re* : Catt* sur emce and ? in all I must :. Our Teachers. r end and then I I prime importance musl ?? ''rod, "Where shall I go to school?" In this connection it is well I member what Emerson said on the ct: "It makes very little differ? ence what you study, but it ia in the important with whom you study." We have been moved to make this quotation because of sn ttl from school life which has ? v come to us. A modest, youno oirl in one of our schools med one of her ' 0 had been absent by say 1 am elad to see you back again." To which the teacher rei iou never saw my back." Repuls* coarse, revolting, disgusting. Hotter that your child should grow up in ignorance than be trained by such a teacher. We heard not long since .ranon from a et tia- Methodist Church, who bad as his text. "Christ, the gentleman." The theme was start? ling and new to us, and the sermon that followed strikingly impressive. Would that all who are c! with the high and well nigh duty of teaching in our schools could have heard it. The State of Prosperity does nol adjoin the State of Inertia. ld hllllrUI) HE KENEFU.URi. Mr. H. E. Harrow's Snml.iv Scliool Class to Mm the Mnnev. Mr. H. F. Hav of thi missionary in Korea at an annual cost of S5Q0. Coming mi the membership of a ? on which has recently built a expenditure of nm: show that t: young but up the ? their ! in "well ? ? let the . rrep field with their | ? their i I hu Uurie.s\ nt a Little Kn\. i little giri, but the " ? and I must not keep thom waitin) .pori a lit: tlo hu> we think a good deal of you I Handsome ls that handsome upon the girls and boya ni Fanni Six Percent. Semi-Annual At i Directors of tho Planters Hank on last Tuesday, the usual semi-annual dividend percent., was declared, and a? told that the last six months of the Plant- - in all its b of 42 years. This speaks well for this financial institution, and the munity in which it does bus i THE MILK INSPECTOR WiTH IIS. lt May Bo I BIoh at the Creamery. We d that a State ii tor of d lions ia in our midst examining the cows whose milk ent to our creamery, the manner of keeping them, the care of the milk \ 1 that in -rable. This is matti public mo? ment, and matter We do not know that I ?? details of fi ? '. and if this be li'l lint be taken ntl:.' e by we as a people ? d with per? fect impunity. It will tl that the it ii: tho open should be maile tu .?ions which prevail in city COW barns, and bl polled to have . oncrete floor washed walls and SUCfa like | lions. Cur cows roam in the t: open country, drink pure water fron: gs and running branches, ami ii they are milked in fence cort' old time cowpens, what'athe harm.-' There is no objection to a scientific inspector, hut he should at the sam* time be a man of good common who will not be so unreasonable as ti nd that a farmer who ha milking by moonlight should be te quired to substitute the electric glow (?ur creamery must live and we an willing ti. trust the farmers who fur nish the milk. Election of Officers. At a meeting of Farmville Lodgi No. 290 I. <> ii. K, .lune 17th, elec? tion of officers wis held and tho fol lowing elected tor the ensuing term Noble Grand, R. H. Paulet: Grand, I.. A Smith: Recording Seers J. W. Hubbard: Financial Secre tary. L K. Hubbard; Treasurer. F. I. Verser. Trustees?li. Iv Harrow, g W. Watktns, V. Vaiden. Soothe*. Itching skin, Heals cuts c burn** Without a scar. CllISS piles, ec /ema. salt rheum, any Itching- Coan ointment. Your druggist sells it. THE THIEF ANO THE GUlI. Stole at Crete, Clifll on i Passing Y Hr V. Train. ? it the hour of n The plunder had been tak . at Crewe, and rn the prop. -or. er and ti? to Ile Sunday In The Churches. 1| | : I I Uni ? om the wot L the ii with rn ? ? ? ? ir the "i-mon led was td woman, preacher and people should take Christ a exem, ir; his ? and heaven bl The choir ureet music, and the hour ol WO. ch in pr. . Lhanoe nf Schedule. The following ? if schedule have gone into effect on the Norfolk k Western trail 4 arrives.3-35 p. m. 16 . '? a m. 10*38 a m. . 12-38 p. m. No :. :i l.") a. m. 15 " .l'J-4Ua in The Bank of Charlotte. Rumor reached us on Monday last that the bank at Charlotte Court was in trouble, but the Hon l>. Q, Eggleston, Secretary of the Common? wealth, is reported in the Richmond .: that tile bank is in good and solvent condition, and if lot alone will continue to serve its patrons ;is it has dune for mans This, we hope i The lironth of a Tree. In I tree from the late T. ll Craden, planted it in his back yard and now 'drown ic entire Plant si having planted : re for them. ?ulta take Foley'i Kidney Remedy at tbe tir>t silmi ol kidney or bladder disorder, such si iche, urinary Irregular!) i ~. es hauation, and you will soon be well Commence taking Foley's Kidne* todai For sale by all druggists. IT mus PAYS. A four Thousand Dollar Contract Fron \ Herald Ad. ? * T A. Bolling had a brie write up in tho Herald's Trade which was read by a rich New Yorker who has recently bought country pro porty In Virginia, and though he ha . Bolling be gave him i 14,000 contract for brick work. Th New Yorker said to the bidder on tiie wood work. Bolling of Farmville, must do the brick work.' N, ray that printer's in is wast'1 of money you can mak no better investment if it is judicious ly made. Am! Bo-Ding I ?? | ri gratitude by "setting 'em up" to box of cigars. It would be interesting to kno\ just what that special effort of th Herald has been worth to this tow and this section of Virginia. And is well to remember that the goo work goes on day by day, and that will continue to go on. The papei are still being distributed, and i such manner as is likely to do mo: good. iruo .-..ii IEL5 IN IMF UH HIS, FENN., JURE S, 'i INS IU I'111']. Ill) SlfMs of Interest Seen 41ong The Koute. Annual Kennie! ,n 0f ia held city ot Memphis on Jui iii by both North and South en* : Brand ' in the country, it of men. that but ? find lt is not my inti but bein Smith - tl sw York te m., lb-:., we 1' tt the W. and took thi m., Chatta Memphis at lu a. m. M i 7th I : we wo.. ? ' tl To;:, for Nashvi li Memphis. I found i the Franciola Hotel, rooming with Armstrong, Reed. Murphj from Roanoke, and Striker, from Winchester. Armstrong, Reed, Strik? er and myself formed ourselves into imbination Which re? mained intact so long as we stayed m ty, and ne. - four more congenial old Hobs bunched to? gether. We slept iii rhe same room, the same table, in I word we treble, Al three ol the old Johnnies were widowers and it was all I could do to keep them from courting every pretty girl they met. I wat Batistied that Striker was looking after a girl in the Valley, Reed one in Knoxville, and Armstrong possibly one in Chicago, so I thought it my duty to keep an eye on the three. The headquarters of the internal Hotel, Major Murray in command They had their sponsor with them, tn, I think from Richmond. The old Major ? widower, hut being b companj The reunion and paradi "ld V'-- We ? of the loth when the big four broke camp. Striker returning to Viv . Reed and ? ? people I know. Hen ? Rowe1 man, ali of whom were very i ? us inviting us to their homes and in ? every way making - able." Standing on *?' tr the First National Rank, a very fine look? ing gentleman came up and finding out we were from old Virginia, en? tered into conversation with us ana me where I wa- from, and being told . he wanted to know if I knew the Warrena and Wall co ins l told him "yes." He then said. "Mrs f Klla Walker is the onlj .ri I luna- in the world." ! found him to be the Hon. R. V. Booth, whose father . had moved to 1 many y. Mr. Routh waa bore at Oil j about eight miles east of Vickslv: ,. lb- graduated from the Cumber. 1 University at Lebanon. Tenn , I comber, I860, lb- entered ti a Con ' federate service in 1861 as a member k of Co. A, Jlst Mississippi. He held e many responsible positions during the :, the last being with den. Frank s Armstrong, at Macon, Miss., with a whom he surrendered in April, 1 In 1887 he ? ted district at v torney of the Third Judicial District e of Mississippi, and was removed by n order of Cen. Ames in Wi!*. In 1878 it he was again elected district attorney '' and served four years to the entire ' satisfaction of his constituents. In n 1890 he was elected mayor of the city st of Vicksburg. Declining re-election ? he was elected to the office of city