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Newspaper Page Text
? had it ? tury he 1 las been physician of the ind he unfor tunat with the and he would have given well in pal phyi he i nized ndition in li:> to the rn whom it deed "the . ul." ? could be written, but we trude ? h never blessed with a tie girl ol ti ? ? iLrh he did ? I hum ! tr. White with I ? ? I ? rote. Honorary?J. L. Jarman, KV. H. Dr P Winston, Di W. .1 Dr. H. L i I. w ii Dunningti n, R. B \ D Watkins W T. ;" Walton. During the hi ? Th? : ing of the low, rich ann alike, I tl ?? of the lerved for the colored people, who not only respected but loved him as and bene! I hid the i mien. man of worih would have dictated and per ty of the livii ur dead followed tl ? ? ?) a commanding knoll which even el in,: We have b th a wi: - Mm : Do ' i star which ? Manj 11 ? . chronic and lu iiuTorl i I ai I. M. Hu ? mtll I tunk Vn j and - a nd they ?.nunn . v all ists A SUCCESSFUL BANK a ?*-?? aa -*???? ?a ?*?>?? ea ^>a? ea *^? ea ^*a? e?-^>? I hi- bank baa stead ised its depoaiti -ince Its organization. Our statement, which ere in thin | i gam in deposits during - cly days, 1 I the dall si Join our growing li-t of custon mk with a -uer. - We paj pei cent Compound Interest m i - - I'. partment. , . THE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK FAR.MVILLE, \ G. M. Robeson, Pn J. L. Bugg, Cashier E. T. Bondurant, V. Prest. A. C Ogburn, Jr., Ass't Cash. BANKING SERVICE Banks are becoming more and moi tbe funds of tbe people, of both la lue to a wider a] tion of the value of banking method*} become better known. In thi THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ill!. HKSTsen red. lt- - In every wai :- patrons, making ut itlon Its up-to-d in of accuracy, prompl attention to large or small depositon. It ls - ill the ll and poor, ii I If you sh I The First National Bank Farmville, Va. ADVERTISING FOR SUMMER, BOARDERS VIRGIN! ATk'Y HOMES. Many thous ?- ; In Wash annuaJ vacation of thirty days at thc farm, j| or mountain ima. They are acquainted re to know more of thc it I?famed for its rural attractions an<! generous hos ge is spoken. ? < ?'?.?!: advertising, :, monds, in cur mc an<l "nc quarter at Iditi ntothiaclai rVa .' I people there ar* inda, engaged in various business and industrial enterprise!;, ?cation in thc rammer months. ^ V -j can reach tb inimically and effectively tgh a Want Ad THE WASHINGTON HERALD |] co-u of i cent a word each insertion, or 5 cent* per t lered for thirtv timea. Thc Washington Herald has the largest morning circulation? by over 10,000?in the District of Columbia, and it is essentially' it circulation. Address communications to WANT AD. DEPARTMENT, * THE WASHING* IN HERALD, ? ? WASHINGTON, D. G %--.-. +? ??+ I WE WANT YOU / I +? To try one barrel ol our MONITOR FLOUR. STOKES & DAVIDSON. ! The Above is an Illustration of the No. 2 Eclipse Newspaper Folder Which we have inst installed in our office It han 4, 6, 8, IO and 12 Pages ot a;v ewspaper sheet, trimming whei sary and dc livering at the third or fourth fold. It handles the work neatly and satisfactorily and the press prints hem, so that we have no difficulty in making the mai Do You En\oy Reading? | Rei trays get tl ry I. A'I i POPULAR BOOKS AT OUR STORE $1.50 Edition-?we sell at $1.18. 1" bound illustrated copyright only 50c. LOOK IN OUR WINDOW R. L. FREEAR, Druggist. FIB MM BTU Fill Two tores . stoi d'-jda\ ot the lal; sk of Furnitui < Organs Bain (larriagi -. Rugs ' rtains all the varied novelties usuall) found ii class establishments of the kind. Don't fa ir stock before pitrcbasii :- any and al! goods guaranteed to b represented. Citizens State Bank Farmville, Va. -START \ Bank Account WITH US TOD/ OR mork wu: Libera] inti A Bold and Liberal OFFER. Pickett Water Is sold under a posi? tive guarantee to im? prove your condition when everything else fails. $100 will be paid for any case of stomach or kidney trouble Pickett water fails to relieve. $100 will be paid any per? son who can drink Pickett water accord? ing to my instructions without being benefit ted. I will deposit an amount equivalent to your R. R. fare and bot el bill for 60 days, name to be forfeited if Pickett water don't do bhat which it is guar? anteed to do. Come :o Farmville and try a course of Pickett wa? ler. CHAS. B. PICKET. GLASS Plain Window, bronnd, I hipped. Platr. I .itln di .il. ( MRMWIIF ?KM. (O. f.irnnllk. Vi lt yon have any Watches, Clocks or cwelry Needing Repair I will be pleased to give von an estimate on the work. Tlie work will he don-.- in a first-class manner and will be ready for delivery when pn ?mv HERBERT W. DREW PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER KA KM VI I,I,I', Va. Next & Co's. I uk Store. FOLEYSHOrOT^TAR lope, tbe cough and neals lung* il rr'M'ti fl ? ..j ililli ^iiliijiiia Estimates I a r n i Work promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Office shop on Bast T Street near Main. H. C. Bristow Farmville Novelty . . Works. . . i Lu place for til kimi HOUSE FINISH tasting of MOI I.MM.- MAMU WORK .?md Wood ramed w Fine Cabinets Office Furniture and lix tu rcs ul |; HPECIAI/n . JOHN HOAGLAND. Pro| Keen Rutter] J Lawn Mowers, Lawn]) Mid | Garden Rubber md Cotton Hoes, Ear, Neck and Body Horse Fly Nets, Summer Lap Robes, Arctic and American Twin Ice Cream freezers. . ? C. M. Walker's Sons. m<?^