OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, July 09, 1909, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1909-07-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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'i ]:.:-''.'v^:V^^^^^^^^^^^^H xo.:;:
hill mcttisi wwi ni land.
lunched Other Places and
Other People, and Will Du
the Same For Us.
? the dairy busi
fied that it
t Southside Virginia
? ,- their friend i
? like
? it we are told that
the renovation of th<>
reatly increased values
conditions n
latter industry
ntirely driven from
. ing required the
unremitting care than
for the applica?
nt ledi e. The
the ive na*
and the high
unong dairymen
? I another ti
wheat growing
rates for trans
red for dairy pro
i permanent market
? velopment
I of uniform quality.
i been done in Wisconsin
long and
ne in Virginia, and
section of the S1
i you mufi
and at the pi
? ? n the chaps about the
I in car And
I land improver while
i land impoverisher How
?? pleasant too to I
handle the weed
irk et for dairy
tafe and In this
reminded that the
ty immense
ind butter from \\ es*
Virginia farmers
?ar Rf Si
dairy bUJsJ '
time to call on
ow just how
TIih Concrete Pavement.
an . rooi iii al to make
nitary pavement and is
? (lean, as the concrete
ls the liri readily,
irs suitable for both light
? > tr nv affording excellent
? -merit,
rigid sud
rumbling, instead of a
irv in
nent is rough at
mi iind Trust Company.
? the Directors held
Dr. Jas. I..
e pn lident ol
Mr. II.
I Morning Court
Pleasant and Profitable Session, Mark?
ed by Spiritual Uplift.
The Farmville Distriet Conference
of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
South, mel at the Methodist Church
in this place OD Tuesday morning last
0, and after introductory reh
giOUS services entered at on. e upon
the business of the session. A com?
plete hst of dei- i given in
last week's issue of the Herald.
At 8 p. m. the Rev George Smith
of the Cumberland circuit, occupied
the pulpit and preacl esting
and instrui I with "Id
Missions was the key note of the
The move?
ment wed by Messrs J. P.
Pettyjohn, Paul Jones, J. E (lark and
ll. Iv Harrow. The Orpl
endorsed earnestly and the pi
of raising 120,000 wa i with
Mr. Earn pley, of Lunen*
.-ed to pres
Kev. Hanns I'. Clarke v.
mended to the Annual Confere:
admission trial.
Dr. H. E. .Johnson, the gifted pas?
tor of Charlottesville ;"r to
i the body
with his strong exposition of Method
Kev. B. M. Beckham, of Memorial,
Lynchburg, and brother to Dr. I'aul
Beckham, great ? {ed the body
with a report of the way in which his
Church had raised Jv Olio for tl
lie- Farmville Methodist church
? banner missionary <
of the district
At 11:30 a rn on Wednesday. Dr.
E. H. Rawlings delh
and in
and at 8 p m.
Dr. Winn, of Petersburg,
and as is his wont, a sernrHh of rare
theme the seem- of the ' Transfigura?
tion," and drew from it the ne
in order to prop*
?S-rlv discern spiritual truth, and then
told in eloquent and soui-stirring
manner of visions caught bj
aed with
from the mountain
of privilege, learning God's
?pie through the
Hie mere mention of the
which we are forced to make gives
but poor conception of its fifi]ie
but mars its beauty and symetry.
To have heard again this gifted pulpit
orator was a much prized privilege
I muine pleasure. At the con*
? rmon Conferen
journed with tlie benediction by the
venerable and venerated Mr. Little?
A fen Unestions.
Editor H en of
Karmville I would like to ask
rions of the tow n Dad
lt one of the
work, would he be
mother man at I
they spend the peopli
Nillce Iq Teachers.
- ?
rithoul eer
I ideal
itld in ile
Die lligll
P. '
Cleating i p Day.
. ii you ha ? <
cult. Conan
ly todaj an I you o
H. Whj i
Sold by all drugi
Three Generations Enqaued in the
Good Work Sitting Side by Side
Something unique in the hist i
teaching is to be observed at our Sum?
mer Normal for this session, mother,
Mer and grand daughter sitting
in thc s-room, listening to
.me teachers and preparii
better work in the school roon
Virginia. The grand mother is onl]
so many years young, while daughter
rmd daughter .ur so man-.
old. And the enthusiasm of the one
is just as greal as that of the other
two. This is said to be tbe
young men, but let us hope that the
old woman will Ih- given a fan I
In the opinion ol
little impertinent to be living
fifty, but it inav be that in tlie
school cperience, some
d value may be learned
that are not taught out of the b
lung are not all wise nor are
the old all foolish. The
from college may "know it all," and
yet the "old man at home m ij
him a "thing or two "
Some men past eighty have taken
up new studies and mastered them,
and yi ' ? id to lift our hats to
"ing men who on yesterday had
on shirt breeches and who today pa
rads around in full length ITO
"monarch of all they sui -
But the angels are all young and
on some of then: vet to be
formally Declared Mummies.
Senator John W. Daniel, for the
United ? nate; Joseph D. Eg
gleston, dr.. Superintendent of Pub?
lic Instruction. Asher W. Harman,
and David (J.
wealth, were formally declared the
nominees of the Democratic party by
State Chairman EUyson, and their
names will not appear OU the ballot
Ellyson is vested with authority in
tht* matter, and there was no opposi?
tion to either of them. !!?
Itbority, and declared the men the
nominees This will obviate the print?
ing of their names on the ballots to
be used in tlie State p unary August
'., and will greatly lessen the work of
Must be rather comfortable feeling
to the boys who have to face no pri?
mary in August, and no foe in No?
vember of whom they have any fear.
All summer dulln ? Mit of their
Coalers Nuisance.
I notice m passing .
at all times of tl ? crowd of
men loafing on the
there was no work to do in Farmville,
would be ? . but there
llenty of work for every body in
town. Now if these young me?
in a Strange City, they would ?
allowed to loaf on the streets. And
?id loaf on
?i would order them to move on
why should ti men
ved a pru hoe here that would
not be allow
.?. tiley or their pare- |
? i ii in idleni
Lectire at Nnrin.il School.
lei M. I.oeliwii/ky, I.
iate Lieu)
i lcd to
[uland, Siberia, i"i
founding ?-?? "l tor I: i
in the N
vim, friday night,
Picture framing.
Contract has Heen Cut Western Elec?
tric Co.. for Latest and Rest in
Telephone Construction.
ns ti ive now been com- ?
ploted for a new telephone system for
this town, and work will begin im
mediati Farmville Telepl
Company, composed of R. H. Johns, I
eui R B J fons, Jr., Oen'l.
Lirer, and W. C. Newman, ti. M.
Robeson, Dr W- E. Anderson, J.
Taylor Thompson, F. M. Bugg and J.
I. Bugg. Directors, has cont:
with the Western Electric Co., of At
for one of their new No.
'. itchboards, and for cable and
all material for a modern
? 'mes of thi Bell Tele
md South Com?
panies will terminate in this switch?
board, which feature will pro.
ll ilde value aud convenier:
their patrons, in I
call or be called at their respective
Of business to or
from any place on the Southern Mell
Telephone Company's Iii
Their new switchboard repn
the latest ideas in engineering and
operation, and is designed foi
where high class service is demanded
by the subscribers. With it the opera
handle calls at a much greater
speed with less effort, and almost no
chance for errors When a sub
er rings, a white signal appe
the operator and remains there until
the operator answers the call which
? unatically restores the signal
to its normal position. All lines in
the town will be run in lead cables.
which insures better transmission and
eliminates all the open wires which
are i; to our pi opie.
The local company has conti |
with Mr. C. .1. Huie, of Blackstone,
ff tlie installation. Ile is said
?ne of the
engineers of this State. Mr. c. M.
Dunldei mt itive of the
teni Electric Company, was in Farm
ville a week measuring the .able runs
and determing the best method
operating and distributing the m,
Farmville Telephone Comp hiv
fort to put in the
eiipment, and to give tie' peo
'his community an up-to-date
service, and will no doubt receive tin?
co.operation of our people in Uv
Don't think that piles COU'I IM
Thousands ol obstinate cases have
,r.d by Dean's Ointment. 50
cent- al any drug -tore.
The fourth in farmville.
' Monday, the ath, was ob
as National holiday the country over,
and was attended by the usual num?
ber of deaths, bruises, wound
In 1' irmville we went about our every?
day work as though no immortal pa?
per had ever been penned, and no
itruggle ever been made for In*
lenee. Even the hill coi
went their roum: innately the
banks were closed and no -tunning
"drafts" hh'w upon us None of
our young folks suffered harm and
only here and th- . fisherman
shore. The .lay in
the natural world was simply pi
v sunny yet stimula?
ting. We popped no i>op cn
Union Services.
Union services wen
evening, when Rev. Dr. ll il
? vmon with
the "1
and the
.did one, thi
Ul ''ir
Kidney Remedy
all di
m ii wm.
aiirrenders tn Commonwealth's Attor?
ney. Locked in Jail.
dames Henry Scott, colored, is in
Prince Edward jail charged with the
?mel murder of his wife, who had
eft his roof. The crime was commit?
ed on Wednesday evening about sun*
town near Sandy River Church.
liter heine; sure of his wife's death
one towards Farmville until he
-cached the ' ommonw
-attorney Watkins, to whom Im related
.vhat he had done Judge Watkins
elephnned to chief of Polii e
From his own statement it ap
nd his wife had p
he three children remaining with the
latter di
i to weigh mightily upon the
father, and, as he sta- offl
?er, he could stand it no longer. Go?
er to where his wife lived he
found her sitting in the doorway
ng with her children about her. He
laked to be allowed to take away his
hildren. and being refused he told
us wife that both of them had as well
lie, and pulling a revolver quickly
build into her body She fell
lt is believed by tile officer who ar
?ested Scott that it was the n. _
ntention to turn the pistol upon him
leif, but his nerve failing in this he
leliberately surrendered regardle
onsequences. After being taken in
by the police he talked very
nuch and was exceedingly nervous
Our Main Street Gay and Liveiy.
Walking down our Main street on
iturday between the houi
j and ti p. m., we became Inti
*d in the moving throng, the crowds
n the stores, the vehicles standing on
;mes, the
swine; of the maidens, the ha! ha's' of
en, and the general good humor
that prevailed and pervaded the whole
li any one of the nunibe:
tired from the work of the week there
was no evidence of it, if any
care worn we could not detect it, if
any were short of the ready cash noth?
ing was said of it, and if atv
town without bundles we did not ob?
serve the fact. The
and the five and ten cent store were
crowded, and in all the stores the
crowd gathered, and buyng ami
selling seemed to be the order
of the day. Saturday is a
md our one regret is that we
't two Saturdays in each week
Chief FogUS stood in the midst with
one of his assistants, Policeman Fret
well, hard by. but the complain'
"nothing doing." All quiet along
Main ll rom post to
The millennium hasn't
but. let us hope, the world
to be 1.
Miss Topsy Turvy.
? ? on Wednesday, dune
from the beginning to the end
the interest of the crowd did not
wane, but each appi irought
forth an applause which made the
buildin it laughed with the
Tin- Tur
iyed by Mi
who in her naive and attractive way
sy. with the help of hi frank
Branch! delighted the
audience with thi
? i upon their household.
in hiv
ly Oliice H
R lt P. M
to the ii.
ignition?who is on fire.
Wooten-Wade. Hanhnry-Blanton.
On Wedni lng at 2
lt the home
if Mrs. .lennie Wade, when herd .
ter Elizabeth, became the bride of
Mr. Frank Wooten, of Greenville N
C. Thi ? rnnized by
Ri 1 li fucker Grahani in the
?ions parlor which was beautiful!
with palms ami
While the wedding march was be
. >etlj rendered by Mrs. J. M.
Crute, the bride gowned in an ?
rite white messaline, mow*
er bouquet of white lt) ,n 0:1
the arm of her brother, Mr. Edwin C
1 blue -ilk gown witt
md carried pink carnations. The groom
?ame in with his best man. Mr. fres?
ton Cotton, of Norfolk, a former law
Mr. Archer Wade and Mr V. D.
tenable met the
them ;? I
i med with ribbons
Virginia Richardson and Kate Cox
lony Mr. and
Wooten left on the evening train for
Virginia Beach, Washii other,
[joints north. The brid
|OWn was gray with hat, veil ami
.doves to match.
Among the out of ton ..ere:
Mr. and Mrs William Pettigrew
florence S. C., M lane.
if Richmond. Mv., M irj Wade, of
Richmond; Miss Mod ami
Mrs. Eva Hanmer, of Albon
,'hampe Douthat. of Danville;
Bettie Wade and Miss Addie Venable.
The bride is the pretty and a!'
ive daughter of Mrs. Jennie Wade, of
Farmville, and leaves many fri'
rho regret her depart .
Mr. Wooten is a prominent citizen of
M. having held the office ot
for a number of years, and is
low President of the Ch imber of I
nene A host of friends will wel
?ome them m their future home
Home Marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles William Blan?
ton announci u riage of their
daughter, Martha Virginia, to Mr.
fie,I Hall Hanbury, of Norfolk, at
rn , Tuesday, sixti] ot duly.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. H. Tucker Graham, president of
Himpden-Sidney Colli
The parlor was beautiful.)
with palms and ferns, while many
mdles shone from the hand
old brass aim .abra.
Mendelsohn's wedding march
sweetly rendered by Miss Harriet King
Bugg at the piano, accompanied by
Mis, Mddred Elizabeth Blanton with
the violin. The bride wore ai:
quisite travelling gown of gi
saline satin, trimmed with Irish pom*
bv <? and buttons, bow?
er bouquet of lillies of the valley.
nina Elizabeth Blanton, a
of the bride, was her maid of honor.
She was dressed in a pretty pink silk
mull, 1 v le, with beadell trim?
mings, and carried pink carnatioi
Mv Raymond D. Hall, of
frank S. and D. Burton Blai I
Tile bl
The popularity ol' both was man '
by the many handsome and u
of furniture, silver,
Mr. and Mrs. Hanbury will ?
their home in Morl
IddreSf f. .1. ( 11I
? ?t ion.

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