THE FARMVILLE HERALD HONOR POR THK PAST, HELP POR THE PRESENT, HOPE POR THE PUTU V FARMVILLE, VA.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1910. No 12 (ING AMII. lr. Asa farrar Suddenly Ulled, iii Jiii.Ksiinville, Florida, luther lianuerously Injured si '? 'noon in ' ? two sons ni i while riding tin re st ruck bj a tour and Willie was kill ? rloualy ii \i-t DO ol 1. td rn Willie. pride sudden ami ? liol only on I. south many in Farm bright lim by . Carin : v. ii..' stricken and wann i we e thought that the cliihl" We meero further elder a n I unite in l ead) ? ?. ng v, the ? ?-.;,' -- ; ol!:? r ot the rar thought to the ore tri . :: i aai oils Ideal MmMieiv Ireh all] Cl Tu :.t one ; leasing en ? e amuse and lc ami rica! ??: part of vam is S any de ? u h sue ment'a ? ? ream. ' mgfellon ? rnful grumble, alon and mossy ;;!?, they seem -tate Inspector." . barns;" I predict your fail I rams. ? kinch: together, ? k ai: -s venture IOW8. Mtg and early, 'hat. of hatter fat." busy milking. ::iks you rash. ? vi your lank vour cash ? i.?teear be the best the paper, is the \ Friend ..<1 for 1910. kl hring to the nits we are go Igt to suggest j k?p more ? ut more hay. v ? diversify ? tbs bast qual You will excuse the shade and to ne n who ... We don't ? w n to very low PMING \ I'l.AKK -? X Bold ami Hast anil j Attempt al Mimbi ami Robbery Pelden, Va., .lan. 17. ! Our community is much in attempt to murder one ol our I iturday nihill. Mr. John R. Allen waa call.-il fro* , his hom.- about 7. 30 o'clock lid he wanted tn -? '?? *???! a sa< Vii ' DI with him I ?ni uno ! . ami fifty yards from bis dwelling talking with tin- negro on the waj IO Hie store When he o|ieti"'l tl ? ami struck a match to the lami>. I"' I ? a the ely h. . ? mimi to call as loudly ,. I lor a ; ie ai b.\ . who answer.-d imin.-.i ami Hu- would-be murderer ar ? ? im;, took '(' bli Iwo negro men and two women (ami- to hit ai om-.- and alter washing the blood from his fae- and head took a him to hi- house. The sh.-rii t was summ< 'ne ami made nan in the neighborhood, hut Mr Allen could nm Identify him as his ssa Dr. llolladay was called in ami un all necessarj attention il pave it as bis opinion I lick had I x an inc') J tal. If the scoundrel iou' I without tin- sherill', he would likely Mo effort ;!! be to track him dow n. The \V. M. s. of Mt. Pb. i: Watt-' Saturdaj mk' had a pie ne eting. Mrs. T. W. Dig^s spcnl Sa' night at Mri lt I! Wat Mrs. C. M Ri 'bi ol Simplicit). U \ W Bl ??? Sunday indpa Polk McCraw" spent Saturday nihill and Sunday with his daughter, Mrs T. <>. Chappell Abilene l' 'a a girl. Rev. Mr. King filled his appoint ne nt at I \ Good One on Dr. Hat* wi. . s C Hatcher, l? hmond, wi for a ?? a boura between traine re* ( ently, h.- dined at t lu- home o i M Walker, and as he took his ?able ami saw before him .. roasted turkey and an old hain. i.. -aid. feelingly, ' l can't afford such luxuries In Richmond; tl i ary won't allow of such Investment" We are sorry for the preach.-rs ami ail the people who havi live in big Richmond rather than in little Farmville. Look on this picture and contrast it with Rich? mond conditions One of our min Istera recently invited a few frienda to dine with him. and added, "the seventeen-pound gobbler has i.n killed and will be ready for the feast." That's the way we treat our pieachera and they do make splendid return for the treatment ?i give them. A Game Supper. A game supper was given on last Friday night at the boin- of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie I'haup. 56! South Main si reit, hy Measra Burton and Fowell in honor of Mlases Plorence Clayton, Lottie Thorpe and .Miss Lau ra E. Canny, of Richmond, Mis Phanp'a week-end gu The supper was served in ? after which the guests retired to the parlor where cards and rn usn ware Indulged in until a late hour Those present were Misses Floi :i. Lottie Thorite. Laura Carney; Messrs Jim Fowell, Wal? ter Burton, Walter Farrow amt .Ino Vaughan. Chaperones Mr. and Mrs Charles H. Fhaup ?ante or ohio, city of Toledo I.maa*. Count). ss Ftrank J. Cheney makes oath that h.- is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business in the City of Toledo. County and 8tate aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONK HUND RED HOLLARS for each and every eas.. ,,f Catarrh that cannot be sured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib? ed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (SEAL A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials, fr Address. F. J. CHEN KY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold bv Druggists. 75c Take Hall's Family Fills for con? stipation. PORTRAIT UFJfl. WHITE. , Presented lo rim (dimity Iii Fresnel DI an A|i|irHi:!;ilivH ,iiul Ky mun (neile i.iidieiice. I hu last Tuesday at 2 p. m.. th* portrait of the lati I).- .1 L. Whit. was presented to the peopl ol Princi Edward, ami now hangs on the wsili of the n in company ol the saintly Watkins, the peerless . ton, the courtly snd kindly Dickinson, "Phil" McKinney, the min heart, hut no room in it lor envy. ? or the uncharitable. Judge Hundley presided, Mr. J. taylor Thompson introduced the speakers, and a son ol Ml ami Mrs. E. Iv Hundley, removed thi . hen the la:. silent admiration upon tin' fami? liar features of the "beloved physi* The address nt presentation made bv a loyal and loving friend of the honored dead, and WSJ received hy Judge -I. M Crute, who paid ten der and truthful tribute l I thi mory ol' one who won ami held warm piai e in the hearts of all who knew, honored and loved tin- . and the good citizen, I).'i i. thou ? i not forg ?' fnnii ns. sup -i \ ts..i s" M,-.-t jil.;. 'rio- January mee ??? Su Ince Ld wai 'l ( "uni ? was held on lani Fridaj mein be .> ? lust i.n Hu- i .. allow accoui untj Fol v amounis allow .il pauper* roads and bridgi US 9 :.'.'. For Pool linn.--- lain. Mia ? 'Ih" road from 'I riumph Church v. i: B, 'low! : "poried by Mi Puqua hs being obstructed b) .1 E Gilliam, amt th.- aami ed io vii Puqua with Inatrui ? oder Mr Gilllara the sum ol t2 ? taOUgtl ol his laud lo propel Ij open the road Mids tor supplies roi lin- slma houa and i he road ? i a op? ened and l.-t.-i i "il tor an plan i" h next meeting. The jail was Inspected by the I and found In excellent Kary condition. Dr. '-ills Mine Host." On the adjournment ol the town ."iimi; on last Tuesday night, hy Invitation ol Dr dills the body ria Ited the Whitworth Sanitorium, el smined ifs rooms and appliance were more thai: plaaaed with its .\ ery appointment. Cleanliness reign ed in every nook and corner, and al! that modern-day sci.-nee and can had leen done for tin- comfort and treatment ol those who aie to be treated there. Light and air and .kill have muted in happy harmony to make of lt ideal home for those who need surgical and other medi? cal attention Hot chocolate- and, crisp crackers were served to the Visitors, Mihs.'s Hunt and Smith. | accomplished nurse.-. . . pro aiding with QU-Senly grace and Vir? ginia charm Cigars were then lighted and tie- guests retired sing? ing ttl" praises of this FaarmvilleMa ? ami one oi' its most rained institutions Thanks RsteSaded. Karmville, Va Jan ll May i a k the privilege of extending the thanks ot the members of the Un? ion Sunday School held on Mr. W. H. Robertson's "Hard Times" farm to the many friends who kindly con? tributed for the purchase of a new organ It la very gratifying to me tn be able to let these friends know that the organ has been entirely paid for. and ls rendreing us good service every Sunday. Very truly yours. [rene M. Hooker s-cretary Hie Guard to Entertain. The officers and men of th" Farmville Guard will give a dance at th- Armory on next Monday ? vi? ning to their lady frleuds. Refresh? ments to be served during the eve? ning None but soldiers with the unls ' will take part in the, dance, for only the"brave daaervs the fair." our stock of shoes, for everybody cannot bs SOfpassad iii i|uality '-r prue. Iry a pair at I- I.IMIMi A Cl.AUK. UfiLlE'S i MM HILL il 1)11 HUH IT? Thi? Imliistr iii Fttititin Sill on liiiti. Deal Sir lettei ? f I lustrial edi! ; your city. In reply I beg to say thsl my hrother and mys : to visit Virginia next mouth. My brother being ? farmer will be interested In the farm lends, I also am contemplat? ing the purchase of a farm if I find thing thal suit* me. In regard to locating our msnufac turing plant tin ? all depend on tin- situation after 1 hs1 talked with some of your people There is one thil and thal is that I of this cold climate, li may be that I e iu in the banda of my partner an I move south mv factory arrangements could be it would be better to move the busi? ness. We ire nol afier a bonu i from ty, but if we do move we will . the p.-opie to take a amount of stock in our proposition. If whal we have to otter appt your people we will be glad to . detail and try snd effect an organiza? tion to the benefit ot all concerned We ut imunicaton with ??ral other Virginia cities b I am ahle to judge from the map and descriptions ot the country that Psrmville and vi? cinity suits both my brother snd my? self bette,- than any otl ? .nia. In the meantime il other"! : be pleased to receive it. - cop) ot the "Herald" occasionally and any other \ irginia publications convenient to send. What kind of weather have you been having for the past month it hus been verj severe here. ?.I iiml lind Literature (?li. of oui pi I mon of ?> mornlni iel thal pi al' men should heep m close touch "t pasaing even's of the dav and to do -I. must ot sd 'hi- cur? rent literature of ti it then oin d'.I aolemn warning against a certain ? las- ni printed n chev the indecent ami t lu tiona! aid admit to the horn is cli-an and true No man win want Lo give uplift to fellow* in. n can altord nol to keep in touch arith environment, aud that tomb abould be maintained aithoul tar nish All printed matter h not bad matter and all that is publishe I la mu polluting, study th" maj. and the papers for they mirror so Ciety, and while they reveal sonic on the body social and thebo* dy political h-t us remember that sores do really exist, and know mg their existence, study their cure. Tin preach"!- cannot afford to live to himself,'for m> man liveth, or dieu unto himself.'' "Clo out and compel them to come in" is the greal command, and oas way to l.-arn ot them is to read what is . printed about them Wax Harmful Advice Kditor Herald As ll of lt has a,tven his opinion of tie- cream ar j SJ a lui-::,.- and such as lo do all harm and no good unsolicited. I nish to stat.- nvii" When c. tarted ni Fat nu ille it was and is today incensua of opinion that what the town needed most was somethln to increase the pay-roll, and acting on this conviction they decided up? on the creamery. The creamery h.i-i 1.n in operation the best part of a year and it does appear to nu to be a suicidal policy to antago iiiz? it. and that by one who not ev? en intimated that he ia in any way interested except to give advice which must prove detrimental to the creamery's interest, and there? by the whole community. H. A. Richardson. Caught tlie Possum. Mr and Mrs I) T. Flam had been annoyed hy oft repeated invasion of their hen house, and on Wednesday mornliiK spotted the thief in the form of a big, fat possum. Mrs. Flam Insists that Farmville should1 no longer boast of being a city since the grinning smooth-tailed an? imal deserts his country to dwell within our gates., Since death follows the invasion,1 however, they will be slow to repeat their visits. And yet no grass Is growing on our stn "Hail . lai m.n ? as a Hum ur Herald Wil ? ,- . ? ?! -. th< I numb article . lon i" the dali cal and ing." pi iit it. nm ste that ' rule, bul In Ul lll"ll Ol' ? ii ian Indulge much "i pla) lim.-, if "ii oi B." knew the bus -. ell as ' do. he would km- Chap the Walton-, th.- Pauletta, the ? Duvalla m.iny others have stu ? .'le. is ' -lib a 'ul regulai n ?' admit. i .1 and 1 valuable Indus! ? i h. "knocked" bj Bucfa a cit i/en as I know "H of I; " to be imt alt. | in myatery. The creamery will live roi (Then th" victory our good i? Ingham, N ill join in the glad ai claim In th" i|iii"f ol his own hom. at an hour when tin- "tyratrca! and mg" cav day ? .i I e I- ' 1 '?-? their cruel I beg thai he will read the following lines and "fresh c Keep I ishim' IL Somers was the dnrndest cuss Fer catchln' fish in- .sun- was greal' - t used '?> make no fuaa About the kind of pole er bail Li weather, neither; he'd jeal i got to ketch a mess to-daj \n' toward the creek you'd see him slide. \ arhlstlln1 soft air walkin' aide 1 aa; I om- day to IL, says I. How .lo you always ketch 'em, Hi"? He gave his bait another swish in. An' chucklm'. says. I Jest keep rubin'." IL took to readin' law at night; And pretty soon, ti," first we kim H.- had a lawsuit, won lils fight, An' was a lawyer' I'll be blow He knowed more law than Bqolre McKnab' An ' though he had no "arifl of cal.'' To brag about, somehow he made A sober sort of talk that played The mischief with the other sid" One day when some one asked If Hl'd Fxplain how he uni in eondi* shin, He laughed an' said. "1 jest kept nebia'.'1 Well, Hi is Gov'ner Somers now; A big man 'round the State. you bet? To me the same old Ht, somehow; The same old champeen fisher, yet. lt want so much the bait or pole, lt wan't so much the flshln' hole. That won fer HI his big I 'Twas Jest his fishin' on,I gu< A cheerful, stiddy, hopeful kind Of keepin' at lt?don't you mind? And that is why I can't help wishln' That more of us would jest keep flshln'. Our ladle's cloaks must go. Will sell them at the manufacturer's oo*t. F..EMIN0 4 C'l.AKK. mt mm wrns HilSSPiENUIIIlliKAl-iillNAIMlKMU At'UIKIKII'M KlftEllll MliHT - n: lyceum ern audi oi bo will up? on the 26th, under thc ? I of . no Ul? and h i ? ? it from ii is i ? . . lualntanos ahip eighl your. their bu pei lor chsi scter and m ability, furnished them with the mean plete their i ? i and musical education. i awaited result! t and then I ? in for '1 enthual Yoi k to San Pi I nand ? Por soni" tim" the lyceum Da? tha double quartette bul - mpan recentl) the temptation ? .1 c.irls with ilendid pi imental music ar<- now a| , ing regularly in a number Of South? ern enies and Will be 0 itellai sttractio on in Farmvill' de at ind's, commmencing fonda) morning at ten ?> ? cl I srmville for HMO Without controversy, it must be admitted tl Si PaVl mi tile's MM "kly pay ri ll And this is no m-w suggea tion of the Herald We have long with the fad sad have urged it over and over airain And how to get it la the qnsetioa Of the hour There can be bul 0B4 answer Othei manufacturing plaats BX which lier workers ma. find COB stain ami remunerative employ mint And will they come to us of their inf Bj BO means. W" mu-t bf up and doing to net them Our ad? vantages must be kept before the reading public And we ineanjust what we say when w.- sa. kent trier* Not for a day. hut foi dft>s. weeks and months. How can this best be done? Let the Hoard of Trade get together, think together ami thea act together. Now that we have im? proved tbe Courin.ilise, making it convenient an.l comfortable there ia no reason that regular meetings Should not lu held, working com? mittee- appointed, plans disco lieut and new inspiration given to the town's industrial life. This agreed then the year now -v begun will thrill with business setlvltlea md Karmville should shan- in full tba thrill. Column- might be wrlttea on th" subject but we will content ourselves just now with sounding ill for united effort and as the day- ("im and go the suggestiona will (otne too and th" good r. inltfl will surely follow Karmville tn Karnivilb's rescue. Let there he no laggard within our gates Some une has said that "idle neas ls burying a man alive." But tht trouble ls the Idle people don't follow the example of burled people and quit eating, but they do contin? ue to eat Just as the rest of us do and like the barnacles cling to the phip as it moves through the wa? ters. There is a great future for Ka Tinville, but Karmville people must make it great. Notice fo Patrons Parties who mav he indebted to Karmville Water, Light ilea tami Pow? er Oo. will ta^e notice that Mr. C. H Cunningham is noloi ger con nee ted with the company ami is not authonx ed to collect money due it and hi? re? ceipt for the same will not oe recog? nized hy the company. Mr. J. A. Whitlock, with office OH I Hird street, is our authorized agent and parties will settle with him. KAKMVII I K W A1KK, I.IOHT. Hi vi UTD PowkkCo A jan lU-tf M8 / m