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TOWN DIRECTORY ITOW. it, N. B UL Duvall. J. R.Martin. W. T , ? ? Dr.* ' ?? '-.K. L.K,-am . w 1 GI lav Wadkarl ott N- B Ll ?ora, w. T. i> r. v. . W.t ' ' .val, Waiko, ? rt. W Va fl . ,Dr.W. Jv. a. J. K .nd. . ' Cl '? . I ,1. \v. ; cajrua. ^Y DIRLCTORY. Hoi George J. Hnnd inty ami Circuit ixjur' ' ircuit Court* - a ? I I Dupuy. A. D. Walkin*. let, J. I.. '. W. Fuuua; j, Dr. W. M. Holladay- Ixx-kctt ^ Walton. Laach District. A. A. kar ? a Wkmkkn Kau.road '908. ? and .Richmond Iv ia Mowle railway. No. 41 No- 1 Stations. Tins. Mon. Wad. Thurs. P. M. A. M. nd ar. 4.10 ? 11 rn Ry.) tock Iv. 11.42 !1.23 6.36 10.14 ? 10.07 - 4.30 A M. A. M. ?' rmation, time ? ? tiling not I ;.e3i8rii .EAVE CARMVILLE DAILY ?SDK AST. No. 4 t.. m. /. No. 3. -'. p. m. *? ? Reid, and ir;.stol and I " 1'ullman tl Roanoke ? tl ! ('.if. ? I * ?? .-'a-. .ia' fur Meat* *W Richmond * Richmond and Pullman Parlor ' - . V ll trail ? g, wch ona at r. BRAGG. Tra. Rnannkf. Va. ?1 IHIKN RAILWAY ? ?? (inures are published ind arr not Kuarar ? ND I ??ave BarkariOa. ' Wah pullman. Forall [loin's * : - Dun-flit, Gro I intern adiati "tatum-., . al Danville with main lint .ri--I.liiirar anil \\ with Irain. t Por nil irf.iiits south an . ' ? .-' i ullman to A< i PirniriKliaun. Through Durham and . Va. ? ?. apt Sundav. Ixara . ille. \ M. daily. ' V M All for Richmond . . "mans lind I ls. day coa I IRK RIVEB UNI v M ? !'. A. nd. Va H. I li. Hardwick : ' aPaklka [arnishi aptljr done ' '>n hilly < Iffice and "ii East Thinl Main. k Bristow SPECIALIST M. W BAXTER OPTOMETRIST? FOURTEEN YEARS PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE. Headaches and * - a Specialty . properly fitted Prices reasonable Late ti istruments and m<*!li Consultation FRF.K and Im I Permanently Located MVILLK. VIRGINIA. Offices: White Dru j HOURS. 1 TO 12 A. M.. 1 SATISFA | ESD. "Fitz Lee" COOK STOVES SECOND TO NONE AT Duvall. Son & Co's. Livery and Feed Stables Hors?? and Vehicles il Ml Hours. tr- ---. j?-- *? - ? WM HORSES ANO MULES FOR SALE North St., Farmville, Va. BLISS BROTHERS XlMMI.KMW Bl ^ J PRUDENCE ? nv a bottle of Gowan'*" Preparation and lie prepared lot croap, colds, pneumonia, coughs aod m>:c throat. Gowan'l prc vctits ami caret by destroying inflammation and congestion, rnal and penetrating. $1 00, All drtaggista. Take Notice! All parties holding rial whatever nature ;iL,.',i"st the Late C E. Chappell arc nol pit to the under* signed for settlement. Those Indebti I i Iv Chappell will ph a nt at onci I ? MARY ll. eil .1 ?.dm I" ll Ll THE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF FARMVILLE. VIRGINIA. Strong and Progressive Experienced Officers An Exceptionally Strong Boan! of Directors A Bank For All The People We Invite Your Account Whether Large or Small DIRECTORS J.D. Wa ? . ? : Full, Fair, Clean, Accurate News I THE RICHMOND VIRGINIAN { The New State Daily Newspaper :? i I I To bc published at Richmond, Va., between Jan. 15th and Jan. 20th, 1910 Price $4.00 Per Year in Advance. Tl B. WCODF1N Managing Editor ' i Twenty-five years with Dispatch and Times-Dispatch, i S. M. MEEK, Business Manager (Formerly ot Times-Dispatch, late of the Washington Herald.! I ? Richi rad. Va !'?? Ill ? -umuna, for ? - ? Name . P.O. Date v-:-. ?-:?f-v- :--:-??--? -- STOKES & DAVIDSON Wholesale and Retail GROCERS. Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLY Tuesday, Jan. 25 DE RUE BROTHERS Ideal Minstrels "Scene iu It-Uy" Introducing their comedians, singers and superb orchestra 7?BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS-7 Hilly DeRue, "That Talkative Man.' Bobby DeRue, 'A Satan for tbe Blues. Leahy Hms., Roman Hint: Marvels. Leon Standford, Wire Cyi ntl Hanley & Foley, Ecccentric Singing and Dancing Comedian*; Master Lambell", Phenomenal Juve* nile Soprano Columbia Musical Duo, Twenty New Musical Novelties. Hershey, Man in the Box. The Ideal Quintette i.-FI'NNY END MEN?6 (im- Brass Band pla) - two !u_-' concerts daily. Grand stn el parade Price**? 60c. and 75 Tick" - ind's. l and cl ? ir action. All OrdlMKI the pur] ' nut le.-M ili.ui t\i te tium live ' ilation con ? lei Hie Ixl ul M i |>tll L.'1-ll titled tba I ' ilklii" In her *?!? ? ' '' a' sin- ; leep? Wil- I p an.I down tho 1 of her. READY FOR Santa Claus MAKE A. V. WADE'S HEADQUARTERS where von will lind The Largest Display In Town "n.ils arc nu sale in tlie Main Store and in thc rear of the [DEAL SHOE STORE C. C. COWAN ( FURNITURE DEALER LICENSED EMBALMER UNDER FLOOR COVERINGS. ) Just received a Big Lot cf RUGS and DRUGGETS. LAI TOCK j ALL KINDS PHONES: I ORE I7(>. RESIDENl D, I i.lrnci* 221. i_ ! GLASS! ?+ pi ll" v hlpKii Plaa. < alhrdral. v W.H.II. >!? , CHANGE IH BleKNSARl BOHO. The Hork nf thu Ut) IJnicklv tates nil nt. uni! InllnwHil bj Earl) -.(IjotininiKnt. ? ? : - t electric hunt " " intcreat ; " financ. 3.0.. The follow lng ai counts wei i paid: Vht billa J E. S. Martin & Co., Inauranca STN 75 T. S, aVhitiocJl, janitor J. N, Mrailnr. potii I i* Kl Whitlock, jail fan 56o laon, lit nt?-r n*- 1 00 I>u vail 1 (] -' tot poor. 76 r. v. (, i ll mi N. H. 11 Adm ricai lm\ I Cbairmai -1 the' i con-1 the pi paul and tbe department on it'ii-. on Un1 oi ? an council will el tatI ? ? bange ill II ul' the I d bj ::itin iii charge. Tue propriety of town ownership ? water ai I items Aili h" con lng of tbe body A bill ol 140.00 was ordered t" be i'a'd theWata r Company for a changi on Buffalo al ? Tbe subject ol improved water High Behool was con? tinued for further consideration. Buffalo ibles most be Two iii")) lights <m South Main ii put in position from Hampden-Sld !i.-> o feel upon the town's rtamined by a State et ade t" The sub m bridges over ?ranch waa po An ordinance bearing on the keeping ol hogs within the lim the order* <l I lished as prelimli ary to tion. The "ii of Mr << M. ? ni as ni<'inii<-i- ot the dispen board was presented and ac I. .md Mr. Iv R. Hook unanimously elected to th? tlon. The matter of delinquent tali referred to tha town attorney for a written report <"i the subject The council aureed with author!* il the Norfolk and Western to m the arc i;?111 pole recently i near tbe passenger station when- i omp in:- requires it Mr. Harrow had the treasurei iii v otf notes ot the town mature ami to pro ll tr fund. Boes was accorded the '"loor am! brought to thi ' of the body a re ' Balduin as to n High street The will b the neal meet lng. 1 10. ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR STOMACH? Do you avant f'nc tnat won,t WJ Ol make I MIDNA Cures indigestion rn f:vc minute*, lt tums. stomach* into nrw one*, ever ready lo digest the lieartj rst oicaL W?? guarantee Mi-ona ? leta to cure di*r. Money hack if they faul. 50 Cents a Large Box V/hite DflJ Co. Mt.n\ Catlartlci Tunn I injury ra Hm Himnls. ? ? ?inf ul than ' ' l ' - I I I will the treat en just like candy. Ti en at any time, either day or n without fear of th-ir. -. in convent* nee whatev i. I hey do not purge nor . lea l'h- y aft without causing any pain Ol I >ll Th. v are itleal for children, weak, d' I personi and aged people, ii well aa for the most hearty person. They come in U- ? -. 12 tablets io cents, EM tablets 25 cents Kemi mber you can obtain them only at our store,?The Rexall Store. Hm Winston Di nj- Co. tircuit lour! The January tenn of ti circuit court for the county < ' Ed* began its I a large one md rtunatet h sent to the penitentiary win!. royal h ami Debitnui as we go to | ing lawyers wi- i ami iv W, Hubbard, of Bucki t'askie, of Lynchburg, ami Walkin*, of Charl tt.-. hm ut Mr. Jduubs. ? ?J us fn ii, City announcing the drain "i !>s | |r . kindly hy many in Farmville who knew him as night derk at tie- \\ I I hotel, while Mrs. Weal WM tn l' Though bending beneath the I irden v lie was ot cheerfu tion, and welcomed tim e;uests with cordiality ami courtesy, ih served in the Northern army, was mi the bloody field of Oettysburg, but had learned to know alni admire the |"'" nie South We are advised that lie died from the effects oi I'l"" I poison, and that the end came it Chase City, where he badgoni tinue in the sen i' eof Mis . Riisoiiiliuns ol Respect. ? u a tegular mei ting ?1 I ( ajUOCil No. ? >'.'. Juulor < >rder ol \m Mechanics, held on the ith ot [ Ieeem ' commltfc ? ha .lion- m . .th ot Brotbi i < i < 'h ipp . \\ hereas, in \n ^ Isa Hod moved from our ranks our ! il and worthy brother,Charles Kdw pt li. aud w 11iI*- we Imiw witta lu ii ? I, ii to I ie I'" Wen ??-, dictaieu ti ami mit lo anger, we tocel) Isnvent the loss of our brother, and wt?h U place on record our sstlasate oi bis va..nh as i citizen, and >??> ? hu of tin- order; therefore ba lt resolved, 1-irM that in the death ol Brothel dy has iu?tai distinct los* is tl e d, loyal b iclplei ot I and fol 0 >tv. highest good. I lint lii^ nut tpely taking ott will *-tir in* to rt nev ed dill as membi rs ol thin American i irdei and as citisens of tbe Antilogs, Ka public. Bopy of I noreuil u| on our records, ai to the family of our deceased brother, am! still I otiur publfafl I Kannvii!e Herald. Signed .1. li. Inrrar. It I.. I taylor, I R. Ko ' h. al - a ? (iain When <: D inn, of IT laid up ? I by Wi.. 0 toll W?l<" iffei Thom wound.