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Farmville Herald. . jj | S UK PE NI Pl'l',1 v-lll ll I Vii:. K Kl DAI \ - ;. L. HAKT, Proprietor. .. . u, \, i t ii SOI Bl Nu**t \m:i.* situ ii. ? bad been that honor, thetime had ither part of the Dla* trict should wear iii- laurel. Wi then went (i mo" ,},.<..-. ed that as FarmvllU *,, the second cit) In Importance ii District ber claimi were entitled to reapectful conalder allon, provided that she offered < ami capable,' just as honest and just as capable ? rould be where within tin the District. That Judg Watkins is that man no one will de contention ha n t>. Miine.a limited num ' ?ai'v. We plead "no ? ,, the Indictment and t< n, with p i ifideni and fa minded Jury of ou ? ? i famil) a- c. ? nt r il. ? i a. iot admit th n the city ip the whoo tl ? 4 : to t ? ml ioi in < ?I with all the ciiii (.iv- to the claim that the ti ? when "turn about piny." our genial and gifted I thei .editor of the Petersburg inc Ai> this as at varmint' with I ? I policies of Amei lean l>et racy, but this remarkable positioi -I venerati per man we attribute to Irapu born ot local pride rather than t? calm vhicii has market tirilliatn career through ? the) have emu- ami not uni; * ? ; with "American 1 >? hut In st tesl accord with Virg and Southside Virg Democracy. Ktjuai chi Brother Barham, and mi say w<- i Governor Swanson was right w i the legtsla ptancc mendmont which will en ?h? Qi -.? al Oovernment to tax In Old England the t is on to mak<- the rich Just portion of public burden il must he done not only in ewhere wtiritj over. Judge Mann has declared hil .ministration vviii be a dry one. let na hon.. that the had exe of Increasing salarli done in the ? nen -adjutant General will n< ?o closet) followed thal Virg irv will run dry and no left for old toldlei would lik ' I paper of Ml al \s3ociation Ol : - I ' the subject of "a ? on bi to the columns ol cl i/.t' an] \ in one ol tl ?? Ne ? nu :? ,,..! late ai rivals at church ? :, I bat mi ition al with di ? ? y ? well t dear irn'to x irglnla isn't In need .nd the bill most to fear i "'at come from the finance conn: Now that Speaker Byrd has elim . Inated the compul tare ol , his bill we :? "1 more kindly towardl . it. Bul lei om- legislators look well . and carefully to all the < bang t ferred and al least give to the peo ? pie of Virginia i law measuring up R to the demands <>t the occasion, B Champ ? the Republican . piaity cannot ii?- des a hap* imiiy. But the Republicans are . ml\ an unbap when no i on. The Democrats have , , a] ill - - ' arrvlng t ih. ii c rn into election day ? Mr -nts will all ie, and Can In tubordlnates. Thi ? ? ? ? kon on tli ? 0 0 P rank when thi ? ind qui' i - ,,, it must bc gratifying in eminen I ? ? i ut ma ng war i ,,. -ni to the ?? ll i ? .??mis. And thou ? ttl to do without lum at Waal I11(. Ington where som great m< air of May tl ning be bright vvitii you l,.x and loni; may your bow abide . th. nci* - ih,,- After much of oro and con it that Brother Copelar ? able editor and own< %i>ort News Times Herald, will b iiui: editorial writer for the m 1 hi Richmond Virginian. n<- will hi i as mi to his interests in the young cl 'nat by the sea while engaged in this i ,- |g i ortaut and to most men i 1>t" work in Richmond Bul some m i do two tiiini:- at om and t . ? t Him and do both well. \ ? ? glad to have our hrother ji (H that much nearer to us Rh mond losi heavily when t rheo KtU'11 Alfi ed William- left i tl)|1. will be making splendid cains I tin- coming of Hemphill and Coi aide ,!,nd in- - iKht The negroes of a certain chm heir up in Delaware have solemnly i and ?1 record their vote for ".lim Cro r*n_ dolls. The order of that rellgii the hod) ls thal no colored woman si buy a white doll. This || ,i ? pei ot taco pride we ran much adm ; a,i_ Now let them the country over h?t fuee to ride On trains witta wi mph- 'oiks, or met-t with them In the ipos- reptlon rooms of the di il the doors of cari ? on room- ans wo ? Intruder, "Thus far, tiling no farthet Nothing would so te members of that rac< t ? pride the future i ? ? dor oft ir Bhould the ? IOMY. In i ' I ? I General of the Stat ? I from 12,500 to 13,000, ami will spell economy with ? very I -al we umlersfaml the d of the office will by no mt I time or the of the ind in incumbent, but that he can pn uk at- law and carry on other avod sin- without let or hindram e .nd ll if as soldier he had no time lef the discharge of civic duties we >d out insist upon it that the original wat lg ? -a .nv of tin- average cat? ii o twenty-five hundred donan , i ow - Mottler Virginia isn'1 i iHi-millionaire, and just now the manda upon hei purae are iny and worthy The old io akes hil piteous appeal, roads cry timi for betterment, I chil | the country places modestly I their claims ami the tax pay ieneath ins burden hundred dollars isn'l much, .. hut it is so much and the i lu- last ? vy when tho appointment endered him, and tin-: ll that he ?ouldn't live on the pay. Will the -nd then the pay "1 li then : auditor. mr legislators now in Richmond member the |.plo at home who sent them there and not make phil ol' the ? the State. Kunu. a primary election will be held thuin, hout tin- fourth ?'ongiesaional DUtrict ol Virginia, n Tuesday, Jan? uary --'iii, 1910, tor the nomination of a candidate ol tbe Democratic Party for Rep eaentatiye lu the Blsi Con ? re-sol the I lilted Btetca* from -aid district, lo lill the unexpired terni of Hon. I- R. Lassiter, deo aaed. The usual polling plaeas In each eouniv, city and town will bc opened al sunri-e nd Closed at sunset on san! January 85th, IMO, and ali white De? mocrat- who ?hall have paid on or he ton the nth day of December, IMO, all Stile poll tuxes a-m?Hcl or HSHea -a' le iiLMiliist them durniL' the vi ir 1807, I90H and 1908, will be entitled tc vote in saul Primary K'.ictiiiu. CANDIDATE**.: Wm. Ba locke ot Husaez; Charlei T. Laaseiter, ot Petersburw; Rober i milhun, ot Brunswick; Aaa I). Wal kim*, of I'rince Kdward. Bernard C. Hy me, Robert Gilliam, 8< ? i tai \ Chairman. jan 11 - t A lard. Cooker. Va., No> ! lo Hu I?i un eratic Voter* ot tin- Court i ongre*H.ou i District ofVirg-oia 1 henny announce tim' I am a *r?i didate for i ? ?ubj< ct lo iL Democratic Primary I li ellon to 1 held January % th. 1910 I feel that mv mcord as a priva en, a public w rv air. i i I min r -md a lo} svl'lii me in hop ment sud ?uppori ol vi- District ,: -hall lae y< ur I ni ), I I lol i-i- io lb vote ii y v\ bon ii ffl'o ill i in - to the '.?ill oi mv c. ii tit ? ? I have complied with all requl unlit- ot tin i'ommittee and will in tbe race to ? he lin lull. Faithfully N our-, WM. B. < OCKH id. h< be ?A lld tl in ng en he Ve i-i In? uit hi Aniiniiiir.i'iiitiii! To the 1H morratlc i ott ri of i Kourtli Congressiunal District of \ ginia. I hereby nnnouu tc my eandidi tor the position ol repn tentative the National ypngreas from the hm Dlatrict ol Virginia made vacant ths death ol Major Prandi RI' Laasslter, subject t<i tbe Demoen primary. In miking this aniioun in*-!!! I respectful,> call youratten* t i my record both in servi -es rem! ed i e poblic in the various poaitii of trust 1 have lilied In the la- thi vears. as well a- my tait li tu I -erv im the Democratic nerty during t same i eriod io*| ectfully, A. [>. w.\i ki: The Libbi on tht: Um. rch ml a " rai nail ire. n ? re? but and aid* .vith 1th mloil and this small uties isorh new itions -?von i for still pay 'Hie cow is the fo-ter-inotlier of m kimi, she i- thc mainstay of the trtot Industry Bbl averts death starvation in the earliest Havre of career, and then whe SW Ung ann the circle of existence and reach seeoml chiltlhood With toothlem gi she again supplies um with nour ment w Inch is tree from all unpl ant laaoclatli n> witta Pleteherism. tween lhene extremes of lite nile i plies us with a food which <tneiit our thirst aud a heveraite which si lien mir hanger, and l- ii |H.*rfect guise for distilled liquors when t use i- pi*aaeribed by a physician, the patient is unwilling to set a example. Bbe l*i a thing of beauty. No 1 ?cape la complete without her | euee. She iflbrdl inspiration to p et an-1 the painter: When Mt would make .I uno lancinating Ile dowell her with bovine optical pt ritude. I-rom her we learti the hi rumination. She ls the embodii of tranquility r*?he is the one ii protest in Ame!lea against the bt ric adomnition to "st p lively, pie The : rawn. noblest animal ol thi tn all. We ?ii and ? lt . i imonia and sumption. Ri tttutet ami i Sold hy all di i hov e The population of Pram nail) decreasing and the numb gradually im i ? : be a menu man who ?nything about cause and Ih connection, howe*, - \nd >he popula'h n i adily ino d yet WARREN TOPPAN, Lynn,Mass. Cured of severe compound cold and < ough by YiTot i Dec. 20, 'OB, to March 1. '09, I had three bad colds, one on top of t lie other. I jjot m weak I could hardly ?md. Nothing seemed to help me until I b iki Vinol. ihe ?v bottle I oinpound cold and stopped the what : thc same time ra stomach trouble th: d me for 20 yearn. ie." Mr I ? ngtb :, ? - Cod Liver I nie Iron. Your Money Back 1! You Are Not Satisfied. R. L. FREEAR, Druggist, Farmville. ?MaeSJBJBBjBSBBSBJBJ^^ A Special Announcement TO THE PUBLIC OF FARMVILLE And The SURROUNDING COUNTTE IO] III Ith Ute We are Helling our entire stock al a frreat sacrifice price, an :i< our stock is large anil well selected oi all kin<!-i ? Sensible Merchandise and we do nol care to hold our goods from one year's?end to another, lhere - will -ill oui -turk ii' tn now on until < Inistmas tnt stated above. COME ONE AND ALL and ??un? in e y< ! we \\ ill sa*,e moue; . Alf. *" W GOOPS \?'K . . . *r~^i -wr Y A Tr-^o. *\ --sax r r?f 1 Tl -^ ?w~^"?-" VjrlJaV^VA^-LiVl^ Jl JaTialCalJL give perfeel satisfaction or money refunded. i j Yours tt? serve, THE COHEN STORl 215 MAIN STREET FARMVILLE, 1//RG//V/A THOMASA. BOLLING BRICK S MAKER CONTRACTOR .\M>.mil.I>Klv. My Ifs utility ii" Brick Work. Teams fur Heavy' Haullm*, Kxravati sm! Itritlmg. Kele."nw Kverv i i *t"e.s** man -l>a? city, lin* Kimi viii0 Phone S*f- V2U Failed in Health "My mother died six years ago," writes Miss Ruth Ward, of Jerseyville, 111., "and left me to care for six children. I had never been strong; and this, with the shock of her death, was too much for me. "I failed in he ilth, 1 was tired all the time and did nof want to go anywhere, nor care for company. 1 had the headache all the time and such bearing-down pains \ very dear friend advised me to take Cardiii, as i' had done her so much good, so 1 commenced to use i and now 1 am in good health." T* CARDUI j 44 Th* Woman's Tonic Women's pains are relieved or prevented and women' strength is quickly restored, hy Cardui, the woman's tonit You 'it know best if yon need it, or not If you do need it. do not delay, but commence to us it at once. Every day of delay, only lets you slide furtht down the hill. Don't wait, then, bul begin to take Cardui today, for i use. no matter how prolonged, cannot harm you and wi surely do you got ? to; Lades' Adrtjorj Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Ten ht Satdat Instructions, antiM parc book, "Home Treatment lor Wornt.n." Matt tree Herald and N. Y. Word 1. HAMMETT! I One flfoan Orchestra Normal School Aud FRIDAY NIGHT JAN. 21. 1910 RESERVI Freear & Garland's +? j : : REPAIRING I ! ii i You have often heard it the skillful mending of Jewi a lost|att, that the aver.., ? done | nowa days | is a fc Those wh' US THEIR WORK will find unusual ! unsur. * ? kill and thc ?? carefully inspected an J rt. Prices Unusually Low THE WATCH DOCTOR, in Private Bank Bu: . on side street. / S. S. MARTIN & COMPANY BUFFALO MFC. CO. FARMVILLE, VA. Mjsufi Lumber and Building Materials. Wt- n; tn the rulL'f pole, snd v . (urri*ib > I \\ V. KEEP CO> I OS HAN Saab Shingles Hsnd Rall Doors Laths Blinds Moulding - gletNM sititiia' Poreh (o Plots Beam Celling l Handles Moorine; I > Pian ? Write i's For Pricev HORSES AND MULES Kept constantly f"r ^N Stallion on Fourth Street, former 1, otcupied liv Cox's THE BEST ?|STOCK ONLY. All sales carry responeibli antee to tented T. W. Vaughan. To John Hatcher: Yo'i ai - 60 ? 11 Mardi (iras Festivities Sea Ork sola, Pla., 1*10 Southern Hallway from te un sale Fi elusive, Anal I i I - Monal ft* of fl ? Foi detailed informal -i -jouthern Rall*?3 va rite 8. ! I I I