Newspaper Page Text
Fai rn ville Herald. \\ INDI PINDI S I I- iPlW. PUBLISHED 1 VI KN 1 i;ll'\N .- .1 J. L. HART, Proprietor. c - tl ?H M i, I V- I ... lonthi ? m ?-?*??? al aa?aa_. a?U*> 1: gil"n'i< :r?ti ?? I ????* fjaj Ml rtuaaiaaa. Vu PRIDAY, FEBRUARY II, lM(k" I I M.I.If. IND FLORIDA'1 In the current numbei of i ?ody'a Magasii tlon that ? liing int' i Mr. ; found thal accumulal ?Ml l tl 'lilllie a aoid is i I to do. ? ,i.. eras broken by at,, in ii . of wv and hammer, des itati adorned with pa? latial lu rails Joined a wilderness w it li the outlying world. thousands ,n lured to mow fruits and I uid all Florida was made to thrill with new life and was stirred by Intense energies The srildernesi bloom and Moa .rose, and the dreom ol Keon awoke to a living re? ality The transformation scene wai by the band of a master and Flaglei king of thi n the work of ma and thi n tbe glory ot the man of ?Tide to shine out ii ilrer colors as during al ara ol Inti Ities, i ?ii that eaeh evenln .hons running I a pe 'od ol Invall wife to ! thoughtfulm nlng and I down Ins pen an I ie elm Henrj Flagler to ? ll VS-111 she wmld ovr Bul the biograph enough enthuaed with his iubj< and under the spell of the mai gentua and goodness as he wu ? led to close the chapter and I 'ruth, the whole truth and no mik but tlie t rut li. lt would hi marred the fair picture but to hi v n made faithful in all Its o sh he si "uld have added t rt ' who bad .n lo through so> ye in ..-Idell to ingi woman i with Ins boarded wealth debauc ? '?ni ot a statute wi ?? *> ? ad bound bun to ? I turning his back upon ? ad ben sanctified i and blessed of n la new future with his k ? . I goni and with Ineffac: ag upon a hitherto reputation Better bad have | ? clinging to hands and heart of bis old 1 supporting her frail bod] *ik her sad heart than to hi ? ? ber successor with bis kels For 0 he ill ?xl a distinguished divine iwk heaven's benediction i She new and unholy Ul tatid so for the time boi i hat he might serve the purposes of th< ?tl Nothing is impossible ?od." and the, leave Sis hands this Napoleon of iii who like the Napoleon <>f bl ( rated home at the biddi! Bhe Ked of passion and 0 I en the closing page of ll i science bas no more t * ith gallantry than kt has w ith lt is said that the fl... bas abated in tho legislature ?o the fid in the Now let the law make t to buslm but ? ? i larlng pric i to their should in tl "ir ennui liiiikind In ??> ne I Then i one edd lani at J< i itv. iii.Hi ms oi pounds ol meat in en the . "iin!i> ??i'' ' ?nis slmpl) means that wh* n lolist' ? tl"' ' horbltai I prices demanded, I ? |,- products safely i witta tbe boin oi' starving Hie con mumers imo surrender What s th" rilled.'.' lil tillie "| uar we would nd ii,'sn.ile t.. storm tb" tort i neniy and il DOSSlbU delroy it. innol statuets in tim- ol pew be mad" i" d" the work "I bot and hell? The cruel wrong ? contr tiling n What's all ' nuder marriage I"" the names and all tl ubi" pa tired in lu* life" that's more than som,' of the men ..I bis congregation can Birmingham Age Herald ? \ b,t of people w ho hav< rn wei been to I'aris are vM-itnia: beautiful .nt thai place Just now." -ays a contemporarj x iii"''1 might be said however Washington Herald The tax payara "t Phlladelphii ba\e brought suit ie cit; to injinu it from spendlni ban it ls making. The ts vii Governmen ite like pi ' ? world is being floodi g gold." Gold tn i'-ks. m ' Q - i- Our honorable contempoi iville Herald, ha-- Installed 1: linotype machine, with Edit id Uart as ope. alor and wc '??? ieed " Bul ob one ol ii >s prli print 1.800 an hour. 1 li en .lames River ' er ?et \nd so we are all happy .i li's Iel Ile ell v. A preacher m Pittsburg decli to marry couples kl tiny, one '' both ot th, m. cannot that they have an assured Incomi two thousand annually. Money t again. Some couples are living ii fourth <>f th" amount and li\ comfortably ami happily But ? bal yo folks in love should mgb to imagine thal tiny .ven and flourish in cottage \ '""" nothing to feed on hut love Di Copperl I ''ia and .? iffee." but ni ' we Imagine. Hut tb.- Pittal preacher is all wrong, and we .-,, bow believe that ii ? PS) the fee the tie will bl IV" ut ha; val ara tl.. md bed ? of ian. ibb? ie University of Ml have none into the busli ? ilia; poets to order, forgetting poetanaacltur non flt." It w be Interesting to follow the fn ?riler | and know just how much of I work linds way to the waste bil the "lt t\e slle dllr tl) ROARING PRICES. lion. ,iH. Much la being said and wr ,)|(. "li the subject "f the high coi ,,,, living, and without controversy wjtll <" au- dlstreaalngly high Am l? the article winch has distance ,.,,,,,, others in the race sk. v. .ml || .??ns Oovernorahlp of Virginia, lt i K ()f be interesting i" know what it famy Patrick Henry t" win the prise ,-oid "Anneal John" laeteher, and " Billy" Smith and Kemper and 1 0 (1() day and "Phil" McKinney. poll. Willard is on record as having some $16,000 in t the goal. Mr. Tucker about the .... amount, while Judge Mann t and ,wo ,'a'1 ,;iss,'s invest,.,i more 'rI 120,. direct and is said to is eel ',wt il toxtta larger Bum Indi A thing ihie ai -'Hld be 1 for the buying. L now in session pr of the " t! Oi thal mi meat. but lauipd ii->i lue. Men in I eaRslaVtUTC Richmond, Va,, Jan. 80, 1910. Editor Herald Our mutual ri,Mids who read the bi column, "t the Herald sill ie pleased, no doubt, to know that ? number of thoee who are lerving the Old Dominion in the lature and other high po iltlona in Hi ? departmenta of State nmenl received th< ng within the cl dla ol Iney. folowlnf 'ailis the I have had the pleas to meet .1. T. Bllyson, Lt Goi ; J D n. Jr., Sui' Public Instruction; mmonwealth; ll. .nan, .1 D Hani I'. Il E I' ' ul). impden Sid [ONIE SOUTH. YOUNG THK (imiRTliNITY M..KS TAU AD V1RTAIE ni- IT. lin; iiiinlKii (ii Ami'.ric.i, and iirnaing In liltltSl With tin; Fassinq Yp.ars The world's record Ibl corn , yield to the acre la held by B nth. while an ii King thirty bushels of corr .lon |300 an acre land, down iu Dlxil , they are making 100 bushel: on $10.00 an acre land. A Virginti lad in knee breeches mad" ibis pas n 122 bushels "i corn on ai :- en am one half i el. lt is coi ii colton ??hai a <an b I n now lol ? el ? Por variety i ?ber S"i ! tiona. And we need not rei ii door worl ol thal our health r ll, ''du. ? ? i. OUI ?'. a ? i tuppi) pu ? i ir commui urbed bj ol breaks ni \ loll 1Hl The value "i the agricultural pi duct ..I the South for i ?? - 000,000,000, three tunes t 0,000,000 produced in 1 sim tri lina: in nineteen yeera. This is m< than half tin value of th" la "i lilli >me can Handicapped. Tins iv thr Cawse \\ Ith Mum I a products ot the entire nation i 900, ami is greater than the val " ol the "iitii" agricultural output "" the United Btatea In 1880 "Go West, young man." Mid ll ? ?? Gi eely. a hal! centui J un" South young man.' would be IV| message ll can wit h evi lit bat Mich ins former ad |N"' For in the South tod "n opportunities without pioneei prl I a land old I K have all the advai a w rounded civilization, and ye! a Industrial possibilities as dasxlini those "t the Holden West to wi ly called attention " thej that oiild nil. mets lke, vBIe People, Too rnanj Parmvil handicapped with a bad back. unceasing pain causes constant Itten '"' -N ? B,*-">*nl H'a a burdon ina; or lifting an Impossibility. " ' back aches at night, preventing I'll freshing rest, and In the mot nit Stiff and lame Pla a a|j monta do not reach the cause eliminate the pains and aehi "' must cure the kldneya rould Doan'a Kidney Pills curr- sick cost aeya and cur,, thom permanei and Oan you doubt Parmvllle evidc '.' W. il Palmore, Main si . p x ,:i I ill". - . ral years loila- i sui''i"d from sharp, shooting Mr. through the small of my ?pent wl,ir!l were so intense al times 1 wai ai areal] able to mi ga,n t-j pi", m. -I ii' .,n - Kidney Pil same R?reear <v Garland's Drug store n bis through their use. the p than moved. I have had no aymptoi *...... a return attack i gavi '' stat-'elit to ?hlS eii'i-t in 1 903 rectly. nmv after four years have el i am pi< i ig and ' tbetn said. Donn's Kidney ? Poi Prl -Milburn C and ' Win n Yon BaaaaataatBatSanW THE REASON WHY IS THE BEST STRENGTHENING TONIC for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down Persons, and to Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis, the two most world famed the medicinal, st bo .. .-lenients of Cud Liver Oil and I n, -without oil or grease, one. We return your money without question if Vinol does not accomplish all we claim for it. K. L. FREEAR, Druggist, Farmville. M'KINLEY'S ENEMY COMMITS SUICIDE Man Who Applauded Assassina? tion Driven to End Lite. Plttl r l.lmberr! a wealthy man with anarchistic prlncl* who 'am" prominently int" th* limelight just after the ? nf Prealdi nt McKinley, throiiRh bis Ul . ti raine '.bul McKinley d- -er. . what he got." committed sub ?Ula: ii -tl I eel ares the shooth . ' -caused b; the continued 1 h.- had undergone at th" hands ol bi sim ?? applauding th i of McKinley. Ile baa i.n burn'-1. ju lied with stones and at tlv athi red to lynch him. mage to hi . piopei t v. i Imhach sued thi i.n-i ? doll n .t _ Fro:-", to D'ath In Alley, b. 9. n- to d ' bl ' a si aile; ii King ire for a supplv it - groceriei for bi i la his body w: found a basket full of providions. " his clothing was found $35. - li'- President's Brother Out of Hospita ? b u. Pel, 9 ll.-n Taft, brother of thc president, h OVered sufficiently from his atta . nf nrysipolM to leave the hospital. - a ill happen, bu' regulated families keep Dr. Thom oil for such emergenc' <?_,, it subdues thepain and benn bis uni mi ?ii it li itch hurts. ai e mis oop *s> lg ls lini Tn you kid ? tKn pain thal n nal? ia at Thirty-Five HORSES ANE MULES Just Received For Sale at oui Stable ZIMMERMAN BROS. Ender's Dolls SAFET bile and 'IS RAZOR e.. ;,,. ln NO STROPPING NO HONING Thr* ' ' lade. Chas. Bugg &S [ LIST. tarted Each WhhK hy PAULETT & BUGG Commission Merchants and dealers In Hardware and I mn Supplies, FARMVILLE, VA. tb. tr i on. Feb. 1, 1910. rVpplea, green, per ba. W to 11.00 ?' dried, per lb. 8c to s" Bacon, liam-, [lie to Bacon, sides. 1 lc Bacon, shoulders, l> Beana, white, H'iOO to | P aa, Bl Butter choice, i :'"?. !? !..ur, l-irst I'ati nt, fl ?? Hecond " Extra HogOfTal, Spare Bibs, 8c t" 10c. Buck bone, Dc to ?talons, per bushel, s,,c to 80c. Pork, dresHed, Be. Pi tat* es, : rlsh, i erbus ;, hoof, per lb., c le I lei. eb. DUO t" 4UC. I.i ? lb. pep, i ' t lb., ?"? nb " " Sporrirg Goods Wa have a new and tull Iii Sporting Goods Fishing Tackle Hammocks and Base Ball GOODS. Our stock is LARGER than evet shown by us. C. E. Chappell Ci A New Preparation WIND0WPHA1N1 Makes stained glees windows out PLAIN GLASS lt shadeaor blinds, breaks the vi ADMITS MORE UGH enriches appearani Ask for information. Cheap and Durable. R C. Bristo\j HOME DECORATOR KW Third Street Mardi (iras. New Orleans, La., Mobile. Pensacola, Fla. For the above brations the Norfolk and We Railway will sell very low rounc excursion tickets. February 1st to 7th, limited to Fi arv 19th; but by depositing i with dion and ' ' Rh, 1910. ' ? \v. I lant Fertilizer Plant Fertilizer their Special Tobacco Plant Bed Fertilizer im) pound for PLANTS CROPS. C. M. Walker's Sons THE GENERAL AGENCY OF THE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. FOR THIS DISTRIC1 Is 0] .Viv C. M. HEUBLEIN. Agency Director RICHMOND, VA For Schcol SUPPLIES APPOl.O CANDIES and mi: msi Fountain Drinks IN TOWN GO TO A. V. WADE'S 3. E ol u BUFFALO m tt FARMVILLE, VA. Manufacture ol ai Lumber and Building Materials Weare,.re,?Mt..t..n.-l'?t _ Botica and at lowest , rtad that go into, bouse fha to tba ridge pol*, rad ml tarnish estimates i small, oponappHal-oo WE KEEP C0N8TASTL- " HAND s!uI1,,.. Ha. Dont. Laiha Bllnd. MouWl. sn.i.m Por*; Plow Hearns Ceilm*. kft, Handles N ' Pramas. Write Us For Prices. HORSES AND MOLES Ala.. cele stern 1-trip ?bni upon Kop' ? StaWeaonFourl m THE BK*T STOCK ONM ?? IH_ T. W. Van lian.