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MI om, Meeting An lauaaatiaaj Case ami ol I' In.poll. Tbe down Connell m.i iii Ita ?ahamuer ou Tueeoaj evi Bang ular moutnly session, wan ai i ton presiding, and tue luiu-v* ety, membeia present: Messrs ?a, Mart n. I? yn< . and Gi'la of ia t meeting wen approved Tbe report ol g mt Miller araa present! -approved Owing to tb.- sickness er Paulet! his repoi ?ot complete in all its details and . ,i to the Chair? man of the Finance Committal ? li ? I ? ? i A ' ? ? > 1 that nothing could lone tn mud-hole, lt wil a of H. i ld, Council* bllt 111 Cir spill! I Oil H ' ? and * nmittei ? orougl ?a 'Il "I th< and maki tine I lo a'. ni ii ni on-, hundrei lollara was ph et ti.mmitt whole sub thorough] ? and the thanks of the COUncI ? ed thi comm Itt faithful and Intelllgi arge o Hie work which bad been done b] them. The report was a mode] ,, ? thought and embodied in clea (?'or thi Hi Win-ion, a member "I* H ? hatrman. The council adjourned and just then Mr Duvall handed i ?lgar to tba. representative of th ) aid, which . t,, (,,. fra grant and ' ?' pretty sparingly with n ? .ivy lt | sha. i warm you *' i) than b, ' rill la ' ?? K < ? KING GUSTAVE RALLIES Royal Patient Shows Improvement Af? ter Appendix ls Removed. Stockholm. Keb. "... lt wa announced that King Ouatara was pro ag towards recovery aw rapidl) a: wat '?? he experted following the operation for appendicitis. No eompll aiis?n I rom the BUI tb** announremenl of khich in thi apital and country bv BUrpi For three days the king ha Cered with abdominal pains, wh early diagnosis seemed to Indicate lui to ? atarrh of thr- BtOI On a more thorough examination the physicians v .ched th* eoaelualon | that appenlicitia had developed, i ? Bltatlng an Immediate operation si 10 o'clock Monday night the royal fal of which spendin at a coi ? to the pa t< j true ' COKE PRICES DROP - i Tumble From $2.50 to $2 In Less Thai a Week. 1 CANNERS DON'T NEED BEHZGATE OF S Demand Enforcement of Pi Food lews. thi ? . ? ? DXi tn pt ed i r- mi ? ' turn to the newspapers and In hairing enfoi ring industries are n ni" effort to prevent the en for ?ul Canni isling a ? , i r r y oui a rigid ll ? ? ? ? ' 5000 GO TO SCHOOL HUNGRY And '0.000 Other Children In Chicago ?fiCiently Nourished. ? Dd the publli shttually hui ?.ii. i - hlldren in thal ::lv noni; ?p. rintendi ? school ? igo, from which R aental ? f ?ISO. "Texi u ed Mr n? n. in>; to ? re .-ru speech Iii '!? ?? ? thc new tariff law delivered rj I ? Boutelle, ol Illinois. Ii peroui of the Pa: ?? ? tariff bill li that law bad anvtv do with ti e prosperity of Ti i ,1oes it not brilia* prosperit] I iago and other grt-at dtii country V" "What do you know about whlti hies In Chicago selling for from }i b $3 each"" aal ? d Repreai ntatlTs I er of Missouri. No one replied Two Negroes Hanged. Kate ' por n '"rime thal Ita details only v. n court, ri? ed Mri*, f ii Jackson on I ? of Dei i ? ' with a probal Two Dogs Kill Forty Hens. ' this pl hfnn In which are sd i aa a FARMERS' Co-Operative Guano Company INCORPORATED MANI FAC! UREILS Digb (Bra&c fertilisers Main Office: BLACKSTONE, VA. DS ANO ANAfi < Wv A ill t { 8. V ll ?il. Flcnts Located at KenbriVge ar M <\ EPES, R._B_HARDY AND E1P ARDG. BAGLEY i Blackstone is i i ? ? i" i WLDOUGttS S3>3.5P&$4.SH0ES BOYS SHOES, 52.00 *25? THE LARGEST MAKER AND RETAILER OF MEN'S FINE SHOES IN THE WORLD. "SUPFRIOH TO OTHER MAKES." "I have worn W. L. Douglas (hoes for the > years, and always lind they an* i . auDerlor toad other lilith grade shoes Instyle. i omfort and durability.'' W. O JONES. Ill Howard Aye.. Utica. N. Y If I could take you into my large fac? tories at Brockton, Mata., and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas ahoea are made, you would realize why they hold their shape, fit hetter, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. CA STTI OM Sea that W.I Doogtaa nama* sad pries laammi-' '1'nl.e N ? Sui,al ll ul,-. If yi.ur dealer mun"! flt yon willi W I . liMiia'iiujah.^a, - - ? .? v\ ' il .jin, 1 Ha*.. -jyjK SAXE BT - L. J. Verser & Son P Wood's Early Ohio ^ Seed Potatoes are heirn,' plant.-.1 in increa.-dn;." quantities each jrtavrbt and most 8ucc<'8.sful markid ers. TIji-i variety makes uniform iv bimiiaed po^toes, ofexcellent shipping, market and tahle <iu:th tiaa, aaa I-* prosing to be ona of the Q a t al a ? of early-ero; ping potati I Mai' S66d Se^nrf Crop n Nwtbera-gYown POtatOCS Woofs 30t'-i Annu.-il Seed Book Write fi ? T. W. WOOD & SSNS, Q Sced-jiiiai.. - Richmore!. Va. e~ DG YOU GAMBLE i eople i*|i< ml their money i<l housing rt npieudid crop nf <Jei. wheat, ba) ur ottier products, and gamble au ii- safety until sold, DO YOU ? < liber people pal tbe hh\*-m irs Into it borne snd furniture i<l then rely on their 1.1 < K to avok le thousand ami ona i I a \\\:. 00 YOU? HUH "tie I eulin- -.Mirth, ur most of it, in lui' or other ihe^k a- u i ll a- ll" ni|' when mean ruin I-' lin m. DO YOU? I Write Insurance That Insures A- v '. Idenced bj .11 raj im; in en ci.ul pn mptlv aud >nti lune of ?et en unly !? d ^, ulindi quicker. , rincipal rea fur tl Mtinfacl rj bush First, ihe honesty and safety ol COD) pa U .i - I t I'li-iiil; -i emili, 1 iirm>?. ul thc people iii being ear nut tn <i\ tr lii-ure their pn Third, my competency t?> pion ? ! ollcy, ami tu ki ? ly hi luici' Hit it in prepared, -rounds I solicit youi Dre -urame. I he next alarm maj n. your borne ur nosiness. Don't ri--/: if ELLIOTT R. BOOKER General Insurance Agency FARMVILLE, VA. EXPOSURE breeds colds, pains ?n thc lunr~, then pneumonia. Gowan's Prep? aration gives quirk relief hy dr f-trriyinir inflammation and con? gestion Acts like magie for croup and rough*. Ivxternal and penetrating. Huv t<xlav anil fed *-ccure. Alldrug. i0,50c, 2'K. -.AVE YOU EYES ;I:i)rit <ji WO jjou tPOtil eooinn.'"' a>ouaapains N YOUR HEAD? Pioperly fitted glasse will do awaj with 'ill that. Call .uni let me see whal '- the matter al lea the newee! things in spec - and eye Ml -turk W. T. BLANTON, Jeweler and Opiiwian. lAIN Ki KAIiMVIi ll Va Ktep Pouna.nq Awa) y blow struck by a snappy, convincing rtisement in thia paper rilli VS YOLR ,,lMU SS y Yoar Fist A lt. (POA''' -ar ' ' \j\sr\t j il m ? ml M *? ? 1 BJ 1 ? r H | Sji Sa i-aaon t Vtt hav**? iee lid \V. C. NEWMAN hut: at Ice Plant. ACCUSED OF TAKING BRI Says He Gate Nea York ?, isiator $101 fO KILL BRIDGE LEGtSUT Hiram Moe Declares Hr Alida $1000 and D Among Two Ot*- , Placed In Envelopes, " ? I I Mon' f ' b> him ? ? I 1 a I Sel Tor \! plain thal as thej a ? Moe d doced linn paid t ' trodiK*-,| him to ? ? i h l ? ' I ni m .\' replit n ? you I th< 111 ? s. on < abOUl \|iril ll 19 Wot' if Oraton "Thi'- simi." hf .1 ???I bv \ I in til-- Inti can I *. r- i ? 1 -ar a - SAY COOK IS IN BERMUDA Brooklyn Man Asserts Thal plorer ls In West ki ?? J NY I ? ai foir ? ?rfd ; pott ? i 0 i ? i