naa__l honor for thk past, help kor thk rrksknt, hopk for thk fiti
n,| lo he l.ll\\ , Bal Re
??it* oi Theil Work Not \.t
io the < i>n-.tiiii' m
de problem is up for
Byrd bill ls being
mach ol its pim
pt arance tbe picked bird
mains I The
? ,.: ' ire of
il our hope ia thal their
-o disturbed as
? full duty
alv< . ? ara*,
ll ant to,
windy montli
bul to do
; ? oplt ..:' fifty
,\ al the dictation of
would uniiiai ry thal
is something
tolerated in VI
? primary bul make
suited t,, the
is to the rich.
don'l fo gel it
about on the
The Old BOld
ol charity bul
irable claims up
realth Our child
il be
oor be
. books Nor do
ont hundn
v., tinily we
? ?? hundred ami ;
foi Conj i
? '. .
rich in :
m. t i -ii \i;i \\ itu i ?*
-mel i\ ninl Ail- :
,.?, Mav, >|,ellliu
? Sunday in l
? morning s
adopt- a
11 u,
? ommit- t
? tr. III ;
din i
? ? question
ol In
Virginia '
? v respect- ?*
. .il i ?
? ? measure t>
*%n I'lll ney A Vo.
'W 1 ULMV 11,1.K TOBAI < (I
I ending Feb D
tesl w
ttle higher on ?l
dillon of
al Improved gi
tcco a as m
ii seems hard
and most I
to Februi
u liich ls I
al |(
VRD, !'
I < m.
? y t],
iy, m
'omi and
i mgratu- ;
nu de
; Cuba the
d Clga
Kt'l-I. Ul ?Lover ol CoWa.."
Avai.;i" i;,. 'lu
Edii ir io aid i i for a
brief replj to "Lovt
with it 1 close this controversy li
there Pe. within the limits o
English language, a in m.
perlatlvely comprehenslvt ai,
phatic, surely it must he in the word
"With all my heart I wish tht
amery sin . i
' Thou --hall love tho Lord thy
God with all thine hear! .s the
words became Hi- limit ol' . ?
to Him. and ye; "Lover of i
tor the Becond tim". Impugns my
? ill Hie 1.
at least i.y implication
Cha: .
tOO blunt and writ
ridiculous to Imagine, that. Ii\ I
I tl". I f. miles au ay from Farmville,
and personally entirel) disintt i
.ld antagi
it. inn hv som.- hocuapocu
,\, r oi i
rush.-il t(, tho conclusion that this
was my purpose, and imp..'
motive to nie. ?,
ly havt ood motive, and thar
was simply and solely words ofcau
'ion, from one ulm had experienced
both the .sunshine and the si .
of the Hairy bualness, to tims, fellow
land owners within tie' SCOpt ot the
Heralds circulation, who
Blderlng the adviaabillt) of buying (
a herd of milch cows to weigh well ,
leting conditions attending mic ,
dairying, to ma ri hm>5 |
l examination as to f|<
md adaptability to t ? ?
ind not rush headlong into ito ;
ihom i au unexplored .ot al on
lure J on an- iii;! I
my iiml. iii
Mr. Editor, it is not t
linville or lui
.ut I love my fellow
tm! my purpose wa.- solely to in- ,
N ho did me the honor to
???ad my imperfect writings to look
leaping " does
Let nie ill
lothetlt. I '
ni a tobacco GROWER; I know ?
redrj Ing or li
irising For foreign market, .ion I ,;
over t" Farmville ,:
ml rent a |ulp ii with "
II the paraphernalia tor i
ho work and 1 meei with my friend, i'
h Dunnington, a hom I have
nown for thirty or more yeara, and
egard him ;>s mj personal friend;
I- me with. "Well, ll of B.
hear yon ai a going Into the tol
o tum ii Iel me toll b
on you ?ill find many dillie;;
li .vi of yon; the proper grading, it
Olute necessity of complete b
sdrying, the packing, I bees and i<
ther items will require i
Igtlance and a persona] tnowledge 11
n your I'stt, or you ?> ? have oe tn
our hands next v.,.i a lot ??! mold)
. .I- 'iiii< i i i . o jut wisely a
?id jiidicue >'\ manu?. I there is tn
louey iu it !or you. and with .. ?' lo
iv heart I wish you .-mo -
other men may do, I Ol
tould believe in his trnth and i
?rity, I wOttld I"- a i ad and an in
?ate to attribute to bim sinister
and succeed or fall I
tould thank him for the warning.
Il o' H
m. in I ai int ille a> in New York. Of
. to
A nitin may have columns and col'
printed about
nets may lie lauded far ab
e what they reallj his
, , . 'Ul
rna) \?- overlooked; ho ma)
. aide to get 1 < ? beal tn
.?nt at all tim.- from the nea
there corns I me w he
. , an
r some reason, the paper is ohliy.
, st?.
to print some unpleasant truth
mut him; il ai any time, through
? idem, some trivial misstatement
eena in about him; it he thinks
. . , pi'
at the paper is giving lum lt
tentlOO than he deserves, these Hr.
...ks that we always hav.' with us
the newspaper business promptly
.wi about everything that the
? ter ha.- done foi them, and
member only the one inst,
ion the newspapers displt
?hen the man runs around on
i- streets and alni lltor,
llculea the reportera, ami -coffs at
e whole outfit.
dr I ? io the teriiblt
SOT ICE?Sealed bidaforthe Bl
anlngs, now In pile in rem of Mr ""'
innlngton ? factori ?*Ul be ???
til noon Mureil 1st. HUI'. wt<
J\t) l; MAIM IN,
( liairinan Street < 'nunn
Kl Cuba and Katy Lee wi
Hl> \ lld I HI IM. RI t iit.M/l li
\-s M \ I i; Bl ? OKI
The World .u Men ami Women Must ami Tht y liv (kiting
lo He Al mn,,I.
on tht general su ijeci and
; :? ? ? ? .;
ia the
When ? ?
? in all ol ?
other forms oi' Industr) lai
' . limmer ,ol
grown Into
imption of
OVt flak.-n
actual production tht rt tdden
realization of tl billty
of undi rsuppl) Thi I ap
further quick
i>ned '
good result 111,I
From (his time forth th.' fal
will h.' bettei appn elated
tie- foremost ol out
nilli' ;
ll.'d The ? farm pi ??
brought untold wealth
The Farmei
laid Itu' all our unpin !? i
nd luxuries, at the
bruni ol' done
mn foi the building up of indus
mable to pi
nation nuns to .
.I' lol I .'.-< IO' ll
".lt ol ?
I ale \ I ai min j..
? ; Ilerald I am no pt
i ii.. | i? .
hat ti" d people . ? ?
i ?- "? i .
nt- to venture t-? ask
limn.' in our wood html
? "I until
ons'' dotted the land, and
natration" became a fad? sin,nie
rho will
Ililli Honor
Mi Geo. Chapln Robeson ra nt
Ben elected HlelllhtT ?? mali
Dclety, oi Philadelphia, and when
..ld?'d that out ol a student
inly ot 3,000 onlj t'-n were eleglble
i election and that only two mit of
of twenl Ived the
anor. it is indeed something of
oi. than ordinary vain- (
Th.- Bodetj was formed to encour
fe investigation In science and
embersblp In it i* only accorded
thus.' students, who during their
illege course, nive apodal promise
future achievement We tip t>ur .
it as we send om congratulations
Heatll nt Ml. (JeOTge H. Kelsey. '
The announcement of the death
Mr <; B, Kelse) came as ? shock \\
his many friends Very fen of
knew of his Illness until within
few hours of the end which came c
V \ \1 Monday at his home 11
les wes! oi Karun Hie. Mr. Kt 1
y moved with his family from ll
nth Dakota to the present home
lew years ago. B) n al worth
d sturd) traits of character he
in made foi bin ire place n
iteem ol his neighbors and
Mr Kelsey wa- one ol our l;
isperous farmer* and stock rals*
and proved to his own entire M
Isfaction that well bred stock will sa
f on our Bouthalde Virginia farms.
Heath was due t., heart trouble.
e burial v-ill he held from :
pt ist church today. Friday. The Sl.
will be conducted b)
?tor. afr. Kelaej la aurvived i>y
? hrother and one sister, both
whom live in the West, and
Wife and seven children, six sons
The burial
until twt and th<
a her could arrive from South Da
a ,
? in the death ol
? friend, an uprli lan man
.rd. We join
h other friends in our Bympal
I we
ricken family.
IMPOR1 WI \t | |ti\ ti\ PAR! ul
'"ur. t.N .mil a( Minimum |', u os
At a meeting of tbe Board of the
Farmville I ? | on Satut
Pebruar) i 2th, i 910, a rt
tlon waa offered at
all pm supplies
a blakey, a Ine, bran
d). ruin. gin, i."ci al.-, fl .
will ait.r the
March. 1910, be purchased b)
contract to the lowest bidder, quality
len d. upon ihe following terms
and conditlt
'ii.- Board will si;
?amil Chamber in the tow n of
:!? on March
I 91u. for the pu. |
Celt ill. a th" val ll
and wholesale whiskey and ,
io furnish sup
ar) for t he period ol
twelve months, beginning tbe
March, l 9 l 0, and endini
March, 1911.
-d Competitors foi ihis contract
will please forward by ?
deliver in persoi than one l
. ii beverat il h.
offered in competition, to tht <
man ol I ? I' i."ard. Mi j
i: it iiook'i. Farm, iii" Va . sealed ,
packages, giving the name and brand ,
? ? and al the
andy, rum and
im". I
,".d univ sealed bids ?ill lu
. el. ed a nd opened on t he da
aw ard The la ird n 111 have on
hand nine i '.< i judg<
ill mu be allowi
anus or brands, and will !
to be sent to K i; ,
i. Chairman.
Th. I'...a rd will -
0 be pure and will met I
tht patrons Sam pit
?tl by
ind samples ol' ui.
lidders to be returned.
.".th ; biddi rs ?
ilh th. Hoar.I .
full) up to the
I ted for. 'I li- Hoard w ill
inve i he rat lons bram rom
? time during the cont
teriod and if found to be Inferioi
es the right to re*
me and rel urn goods at cou
rector's ezpt
nih Bhould the Dispenser) b
oi som" rea.-oii beyond the
?ontrol ol the Board or by lan
ore the end ol the contract period,
ill contracts made hy the Board .
hall be null and void from the time
uch law or occurrence ma) take
7th. The Hoard reserves the righi
ii reject any and all bids
i Signed '
E. R BOOKER, Chairman
ml Raring Read Ponder, ead Hav*
lng Pondered, Push Ahead
aster of human deatinlea am I;
Kain.-, hue. and fortune ol
footsteps wait,
Hies and fields I walk; I pt nt '
as remote, and
Ing hy
OVel, and mart, and ps
or ll
I knock un biddi n once
galt !
lng wak"
fore th
I turn away lt is the hour of fate, ,,,
id tiny who folios them reach w,
? ; '. slat. ,,e
>rfals desire, and conquers foe ia,
\e death, hut those who douht or ],.,
tate int
Condemned to failure, penury, and
Woe. fi(.
ek me in min and uselessly im- ?,*
plore. ba
1 answer not, and I return no )1()]
tn in
foi kef Kook Found.
? hook which aometlme
a e w.; ? ,} from the ham!
I R. Martin, was found hy
eh Footer tm tht
s on Wednesday. The
I, railroad pass anti other pant
? in it. hut the mot ?
' ? let Fogus lia- h v .'. et on a il
> snatch thief, and he may
brought t"
Facta ..j, i?.,,,, |*a-,
ir Herald
Tue opinions ? v. in rout
??I dairying have h
'"* ;' .ld like J,
little more ,,; ,. s?|,.
aot |n ii,,, form ol i
which the readers may
their own opinio
perimenl with
with a view io a
a maximum yield ol milk can
? ired at ..
? pure
result i from a
il milk or
me lh. of butter, and tl
tmoui ' h.-ad
per dai
cents 'ii." l ? the
feed for the four cows during this
ind the vain,' of the mill.,
luted at |66 18 and ol the butter
Th" dill":-. M2.25
'I in four cows plus the
abor of milking, feeding ami caring
'or t i ? hen making butter
<"pt up every month in the
mt the falling <itf in the villi! dur
? time that
on in tl,.- cost oi' i, ..I when
if, and by
rodut aiu"ii from
li" milch iou -nih -kim
a k and tn;.nure.
eover ihe yield per coa
? v.'pi Ional
No* Vole Wolds ni
milking. The AgrtCuU
al" of WI
ot exp. ri:
. at" the practicabilll ?
lachlne milking, covering a period
??. months. including
.vat" trials with twenty-nine
The investigation
roved that nothing eau be gained
) machine milking iii the amount
i milk produced, in the tine
Hired for milking, nor i:
I doing the work, hut it make
airs mau independent of eipert
lie profeaaion of milking, as one
ian can attend to thirt) cows and
ith a bo) to assist him he can take
are ol a much larger herd
The bulletin diacuaaing the ma
hine milking Investigation con
with this paragraph: "Prop
11v cared for and handled the milk?
ia.' machine will prove a valuable
id in Hu- solution of the hired
elp problem on many dairy farms
ml will become au Important
,r in the further developmenl ol
'.? dairying Indn
Through correspondence and pei
anal interviews, opinions ware oh
linetl from forty-one farmers in
ii* above named State who are on
rating the milking machines on
i.-ii farms, and mit of the fort)
ne. thirty-one reported favorably,
ghi were undecided ami two made
nfavorable reports
,\ Dairyman.
nil Republicans Vote In Primary.
Editor Herald How would it do
eliminate part) linea this Splint;.
Republicat it 'he
iinar> .' Ami il oliy of them
pahle oi filling tie' position
lUncilman, Iel them l?' voted fol' t
an). .-..lae ot them own
operty here and I am quite sure .1
ey all have the interest ol their fi
WO al heart. Judging from what 1;
tht papt ? ? timi
ar at hand when every man sboult a
?ddt ? ry kind, and e:
ii- till go to work for the I
i immunity.
When it comes to municipal ?
one party is bopeleaaly in the
nority. Every cltlsen ought to
voice in the government, i
will look al ?
the tl :"i'1 1"' j','
the privilege to ,
.- Import
Bote Lunts ami Raw Lauaga.
? opie know the feeling and K;
miaerablt iii health co
?? and Tar is dy
great' and lung remedy bl
1 quickly cure the soreness and F<
th, and restore a normal con- re
ion. A-*k for Foley's Honey and an
Sold by all druggists. all
W8PEX8.4R. LAW, tn: PROFOgl D
? tu i \nt.i: i DXNIDI i: \ i iu\
'ml-." Watkins |.. (.,, ,,, l;,,!,,,,,,,,,,
i" appear llefore < ommittee
rown ( om ,
ind in
'?" I'1"'' "i'' nture
?'"'" ,! other
Bl th" ohi 1;. |) haVl
?I odium
the hus.nos- ami not force Farmville
to th.- front to do it- fighting
bill. Ami the whole meaning ami
spirit Ol local option w 111 :
' Ho of the hill
is adopted empowering I
count) oi Kv
whether oi' not Farmville shall
a dlspensar) But i he bill
with ,.
and 1. i
that it will not
'armville or an) other com?
munity ii, th
the liquoi
equally wrong thal
should do so. aud Iel our le
tors b I
au! Bot spend time whipping
devil round th" Btump *
V Friend Of I aunt ille and \\ iib a
Host ,.| i inulls in Farmville
| M \ i i
? '? .ii Mi Hart
Encl f..r
'en.'wal Oui sta> In Fai mvlllt
.I.-Hadi! i ul io us and i he Hei
us In touch with the plat
man) sweet mei
rendering the pu
: ni ough your ext eilent paper.
Ali goea weil w ith us
two children and myself an enjoy
nm ih" beal ot health, our cl u
work moves on well We had 7 4
additions la
all object- about i'.. of wi
sum $3,321 went to the Mission
Board of the Ba ? Conven?
tion. Our church ott : il
ih" state in her mission contribu
?ion our Sunday Behool avers .
lor the year L's:; Tl i I hinch has
add.'d $300 to the pastel's salary
With very best wishes. I am,
Verj fraternally,
R. a. McFarland
*up. i\i*.oix Meeting,
At the February meeting of the
Prince Edward Hoard ol Bunervie
irs held on last Ki i'l Dem
her was present
The follow inn accounts wert
For rations to pauper.-. . $ 77 00
Km work on roads and
supplies 1'
For miscellaneous accounts
Including courthou
furniture and
Board again continued action
m the qui ' "tina: for
ond supplies ami foi
i," poor hon-" farm.
all the
? int..
ir th" last six mouths si I
, $L' 1 7.00 to have I.ii coll'
On motion, the sum of $
ppropriated tot the paymenl <>i h..
ipense incurred in the employment
f a detective io apprehend the
.Han! of John lt Allen
Took XII Hi- >
D all a man ??.,?
rs ot
or Kidney trouble tba'.
Life Kills would
.ickly cure at slit:
I. .;. ; ? Indlgt -tion. B1UI
patton, Jaund
ria and Debllit
More ;
it la
for all Udna) and bl
f*s that medical science can
,ley'8 K "dy corr'
Klilarities. builds up the
di' by
! drufev: