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Farmville Herald. ? an IM'i PEN DES I PA Pg*, gi Vt BLl&Hl I'.IAll: \ KHIDA1 J. L. HART. Proprietor. - \ KAI i saUTSBM .1 - h On*-' * f>' ?J " ? ? '. _ I ,. ( 'I araiavaV tat.>! ?? 1 All i ? isasaasaj aaSsaU ba sal* fWasf.w-,11. un HERALD, Fait-vgSt Va FKU>\Y. FEBRUARY 18, ima I iii nm i t: lt) CH iR11 R On thi power of the General Qoy Im? mortal Clay once said. "What the nature of this Govemmenl ' li d bj ? . i act on Implied pow erted, bul must be ne< ? isl; flow from Ho oniim i power with which it ls allied, power to charter companies ls grant, and l ? nd it is not transferable by moro Implication, ii ls one <>t the exalted attrlh ? rereign ? oi this gigantic : we have seen an East india company created, winch is In Itaell gnty, which has subverted Empires and set up new dj and has not only made war lint wai Dst its legitimate sovereign. "Under the influence of Hms pow er wi i South Sei com] ipi company Europe and i l ovei I coundon.-. aim! universal bankruptcy, ls it t<> I I thal a po isl woul ? bj the wisdom i lo doubtful Infe l upon, i tal ought t i .aita! al power ou ? nd pr in other words, under t accompl obji which ls ? Irapll Might not aado to embri ? ape institution. "If then, you could establish collect and distribute t ? mho. it ought I stinted io the purpose ??! such c >.n and distribution. It's ma worse than usurpation I lish it for s lawful object and th ther objects wh not lawful. In deducing i ? as | hi rom the poi ? cipal and ncidental and destroyed " This is fine reasoning and ed by hat Mr. Cia ards vo the Uni \ mm I'M kim wu \ KTR.1 t in M HOM I < i?Ml\i.. the day devoting much spa..' just non ? oper observant ? Fourth of Julj and that of th<- hi coming of tl ? stick" fi from the wildi of darkest Atria fir.-loss Fourth and a fussless ceptionwonld Indeed t.ut who so optimistic as to hope ?I rt ii marked b .??ii return unmarked t>> strenuous? True, the wandi igh the medium of the win - for simplicity and in breath protests against wearing ol other official robes, ? ron nins \ metl o thin .-li it the true man cai and studied. Th.- Fourth will be noisy, in deadly, while the hom.' co nuns to I will be equallj I In r? ? ll hardlj pier. IRRIG mTHtti i OMI H HUM iced I in the i' I Tho tai no rs in t be Virginia U itui" should at least havi nough not to be thresl Ing old raw with the iring ' ram fit for market or the mill, bonld lndu< ? Aes In the od] ? ot to i?- wasting time on the < [orthwest rainbow scheme own io buaineas, finish it and ga i olin . If Congressional Invt ligation In o the ? he necessities of life results In > lot ot perplexing and bow lld the work will be wa Ainu in. consumers need is relief md not a recitation of wrongs un tor which they suffer They apprec late just where the shoo pim hos and loudly demand a nea ring hard ki ocks In ? dimond When the level ? h time foi .?nt people I dal h." i that continually. ('Ol; ? gi ow.-is of Pl ? 1\ ania Ila - (?011^1. ? . ? been called upon to aid the tobacco growei - of Virginia? ?This deponeni saith not ll. pinn ii was too young to fight when the battle was joined, but must fight before he dies and so ha? ins round on the floor of tl ? ate His on" and only antagonts was met In the form of his owi windmill, and befoi i tull hi fell wounded, disabled and dead to all that was decent. !..?! .mr legislators pa appropriation lulls, look well t devol 1 all the nioiny Virginia has l - io the betterment of our publ ', highways, and ai any rate. I over the i he i it lon at Wi vmii Khali i di ear to truth and gone in ? A bill Introduced bj Senator Di Iel, and now before Congi templates a building for the Patt 'i f tl id gene the Llbn to occupy a similar e just north ol the Library Buildl This li an admirable suggestion the two public institutions are a c. related character. Th.' Libr of ' Hio prod "k of tho human brain In its liter lb and artistic n.inus. ami the Pat Ice its mechanical and techni li? ed ul, lol, I ? I the ted Ingenuity. Thus two monument! America's recognition of ax loot would be reared der the very shadow of ti donn', thus completing the group buildings of which the Capitol to be the center. Let us have s new Pat b] all moans We trust thal the mere tai I i a s.nator offered the w ill not moan its .loath . .. to X* Editor Copeland is not ? lng Mio liquor editorials which pears in the Richmond Virginian tho contrary ho is doun in New rs making strom; tia-in foi ?ln** Halsey bill through tho column '""' his own paper, tho Times-Heral 'eefa _ 1 'd' Lee, of Lynchburg, is a c ? .1 lawyer, and when he pl? "t a change of tho divorc- law Virginia h" had at his hack '' ?' wonted torin ol client. tho _ Tor, A Minnesota farmer bou^h arming Implement at a cost rn tho but ht un that i be sollie ming nt ry. arlng dollars, the express chi Which were thirty-six dollars. no.'pl.- of ti,,- country haven't ped 1" consldi i just what tr they ar- pavinu tl.sprees con Thej are creatures of tho law make; . nts of tho pie, and yet these companies i ?lently and defiantly lgn ami are a law unto then in vinie the monster was being sled. <>n Monday. Clement C. Hick Democratic successor of I Ormond, of th-' ,st ,,, to his seat in the Mon ? '. returns ??'?', ' What bulli- tor Henslhli Kisla?sii .now more about your gi mi do, Don't load 01 more than ie needs oversupply often means Don't hope to win confidence In i day. a business thal ls built up n a hurry i- often pulled down as pinkly. Dont tell your troubles in busl noss. Hardships are not consider? ed s buslni Don't be anani ta try nen ven? tures; a risk is often a gain. Don't talk about yourself but youl goods, unless your talents ar.- the merchandise wanted Don't be afraid to ny Struggle may not boost you. but it won! pull you down. Don't hank on your friends. They have -m lal ralue, bul should not Don ' i to place confidence In your emploj er. i brood ? ? fort; value. ? fall grand ar maj bring t his Don't borrow trouble until it knocks at youl door. Many trou nary than real. ; Don't be afraid to give your em? ployer the tn St you hav That is i what he i* looking for. ? ? burdons. By shift inc vour l si bili ties the ti lal la oft< n made heavier Don't trust to talent alt ne, it : i\ an allo; o make worl? and m. i Don't b I with '.'airly gool ,. work The b ;,. for t ? -? ? n i he follow in ..!' woman ol th ? I ? The lng r nu ? a. 1:1:1: blade and tl ol tl Thi Tho , Tin - he doe. The liol',. sunbeam The tears of the cloud. Tn.- Inconstancj of the wind. The timlditj of the hare. Tho vanity of the peacock Tho hardness of the diamond. The cruelly ot the I The heat of the ! chill of the snow All in.^e hi mixed together a formed a woman nt ng lui ol ucl elli I.. UH \\ on ( Need a Crutch. ol wi,, n Editor .1. r : neiius, n. c., bruised his le ? liv. ;t 1 tarted an nely tore. Ila salves and oinini' i WOT Bucklen's :i.e healed it thoroughly. Nothing " prompt and sure for Ile , , dolla, Burna, Bruises, cul sore*., Pimples, Eczema or Piles ,Ml1 at Waite ?Tug C \ '-al. uuaul tn I'liiblion. "Our t w o childi en of glal and oi ari have boen since in' (in J,'r-t to enids and croup. KhOi ., th ago 1 started to use Honey and Tar. and it ha* ,t"' vcr failed tn prevent and cure th 'lillies. [I ? , the nnly medici! ,1 can get th" children t.> take with a row." The abnve from W. C. ( Bay .Wis . dupl 11,11 experience of other of Foi id.d Honey and Tar. lt curt s of End prevents bronchitic .md pi , monia Sold li? all drugi Winn You Need , a Foley's Orino Laxitv Winn have that flu heavy feverish fee lwo accompanied by constipation. V 'i|i'"i you have headache .indigestion, The louBneai pain iu stomach and 1 st.,p- '''*? titan you need Foley's Or! Laxative, it moves the bowels- ; 1M"'' u and gently, and thoroughly cl 'han- the Intestinal tract it d law, pe or nauseate and eui' ,?.,, Mn11. Sold t.v all drugi tnpii 1 i?w Hoarse Ooeagha, Btaff] Ooh I j. pain in the chest and sore lungs symptoms that quickly develop *" a dangerous illness if the col ant (med. Foley's Hoi stops the oough heals and ? parts brings quick r tenre- s"1'1 ''' ;iil '' Sixth Bitted A healthy man is a kine in en n right ? althy man i epilb 1 D _ ? ord. icm. ELDER HENRY CUNNINGHAM Recommends YtiTot For Weak, Run-Down People. " I was run down and weak from indigestion and general debility, also suffered from vertigo. I saw a cod liver preparalion called Vinol adver? tised and decided to give it a trial, and the results were most gratifying. After taking two bottles I regained mv strength, and am now feeling unusually well." ? HENRY CUNNINGHAM, Elder Baptist Church, Kinston, N.C. Vinni contains tho tv.., m-st x-..?:!-? 1 : unod tonics?the medicinal, gthening, I I '. and Tonic In.n. Vino] contains no oil, and is by far the Best* Strength J__ We return your money without question if Vinol does not accomplish all we claim for it. R, L. FREEARs Druggist, Farmville. Thirty-Five HORSES AND MULES Just Received For Sale at our Stable ZIMMERMAN BROS. Ender's Dollar SAFETY RAZOR NO STROPPING NO HONING nd Throw used blades -? away. nv t li? ll? is irs DB, Chas. Bugg & Soi _'.'.< ari Ol THE FINANCIAL COI -J linn of I ok, (Inc.) bx ..univ of Cambell ? RB , LaSBM .* 32.X Uti- (I. Mill it fl~."I ??. . p.. Furnitun I next day's . . r '..?r cash ii.'" . i .'ie fr.'.'i National hru :' I 1 ' V ? out snd h.: i'"i rainfc >rn ''?? , Fractional paper eunama***, nickels an<) i tan- TrtaJ LIA HI Ul IKS. Cap Undirided jr aid for int,:. (ct to ch. . 6 1. : hen Casar)*] tarolina*. 1. I.!'' ? d 1 " Hill payable, inelud ii.. raaamnly ? if tha : Ii.-ink. ii Cumberland, in th.-. lam). State of Vlnrii nu- beat l^ belief. int.. I i I .'i 1 Curnb. ii f y \i.u linc his SORE THROAT ? '.r sure t!i. ' E PIE LIST. ?.(.vised Each Week by PAULETT & BUGG Commission Merchants ami deniers iii Hardware and Pirro Supplies, KARMVILLE, VA. r ,i it, min. Applet, green, per bu. 90 to $1.00 dried, pei lb. 8e I" Be, r.a.?un, bama, '.s<- xn juc. Bacon, ?idea. 14o Bacon, shoulders, 13c lifitiis. white, 12.00 to f 2.2-). -j.(Ml. Peas, Black, J2.00. Buttei choice, 26c to '-.'-'ie. Plour, Kirst Pat. Second Ks I ra 1 loir i Ulai. - - Bc I" IOC. Back bone, Bc t.. 10c, i Inion*, pt-r bushel, BOC t>. pork, ares-sed, Wc. Potatoes, Irish, perbui h....!. p. i lb., Veal, " ?? liens, air Live turkeys, | ,e. |rt lb. ? FP0TJCE QUOTATIONS. The Latest Closirg Prices For Produ and Live Stcck. PHI1 -.DELPHI \ FL01 I ?' i lear. J fancy, $... RYE FLOUR Bteady; pt 1.4" WHi: \ i Arra No 2 red i CORN tirin; No 1! fellow, lot al, I Ij ; NO. 2 wi: ' 54c.; 1? POULTRY: Liv* steady; hens, i" ? 12'2. I)n--j firm: choice toa old roc BUTTER -Kal) ; extra F.t.CS st. sd) ; : I \TOE9 linn: pi i bul I. IDI* .iiiil and, Ian. Live Stock Markets. PITTS!:: RG (Union stock Yards CATI ? i boin $? prime. ' KP firm; prim* ni rom roon, $3j '": veal ' nous higher; prln diums. heavj and light Yorkers i pigs, $9.35; roughi H Sporting Good ail 17 we oo m oo Uni'..I imber* We have a new and full line of Sporting Goods Fishing Tackle Hammocks and Base Ball GOODS. dur stock is LARGER than ever shown hy na. C. E. Chappell C rr land: rse. All PRIZES FOR GOOD R0AI Fund Established by Spokane Ma. to Encourage Farmers. if good roads x>y the i rrs iu Bpokane end Whitman cou Wash., ;iini Latah county, ida.. I lng mate. ed bj Js '* of the Bpokaw Inlai Electric railway rem, I ? ? ? lng of porra ? 10 70 ifj Ml 1". tnd }lant Fertilizer Plant Fertilizer ?lust received I - Special Tobacco Plant Bed Fertilizer In 100 pound for PLANTS CROPS. i C. M. Walker's Sons THE GENERAL AGENCY OF THK NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. FOR THIS DISTRICT 1- OD! '! ? \ddi C. M. HEUBLEIN. Agency Director RICHMOND, VA For School SUPPLIES APPOLO CANDIES AND THE BES! Fountain Drinks IN TOWN GO TO A. V. WADE'S BUFFALO MFG. CO. FARMVILLE, VA, Manilla, turns ol all kind ' Lumber and Building Materials. We ure pn Dottoeand st lowest i rial thal ta into a bouse fros to Um ridge pole, and will bs ttM? furnish estimates on sn) job, isrn** small, npon ipplleatlon. WE KEEP 0ON8T*4S W HANIi Bash ShlngH, Bi IB*" Door. Lattin. S Blinds Biding lWh ( ^">n, IMowHea. ??, Handles Flt * Frataea Write Us For Prices. 0. 3S. -(nata HORSES AND MULES Kept oosuUntiy for SA Stables on Fourtl ?arm s be ? j. ly occupied by ' ' ? and early ii n..t THE BEST STOCK ONLV T. W. Vaughan.