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Image provided by: Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA
Newspaper Page Text 11.111.. i Lnt. -ii ihk ii-kkv roni EnntN, MAKI.H S.aufirtlo Ku Ula M.ik Hl'inx-lln der Atis|iu:?:s nf hiiinviiit: (uiiird. Hi ?'? com , ty, humorou - dialogue numbers in ihe waj of ? and drill ii in pretl will atari within the neat week, with Wilcox :i- directress. She l.colll led and has had rk, and it ? will people oductii.i " Ki the ? .irmville will be secured, outlook \ or the pupils public si hool, and d students, and it la bored thal both will niv. H their supi""'' and pat' Cieanioi., Nules. Over -ix hundred pounds ol bui? lt r were shipped last week and were not all filled Th ? * r per pound than Elgin quota and Kli*in quotations rule the ? our but making ? lt Januarj - milk ? visi ry. ? w months. ral thousand dollars have been .uer a thousand dollars worth of cream n pur? eba-' OP ia Offei Hi. k.-<l bj in.i nm M<>-t Reputable ' oncei n? Wi? ll lal. If our remi d con .Voil We lake all ted lo us pt our ? ' ? "U? A ? principle md ulled, n, and ? ularly agreeable ii. I ? . inconvenienci what* Rexall Orderlies are par? ticularly good for children, aged If you suffer from ebro patton, . ir dependent cliron i to try Rexall ibs at our risk. Ken ? in in Karmville onlv Rexal ? Inston Di ug l WILFRID THK WI/ ? T.a Grippe pains that ; tem.LaGrippe i truin an- qulcklj cv mlldl; i Kl. sn|. |,l ||. lpg ( ti ;,||;(|l?.. Hundreds of orphana havi ? it Ma "We hil' Wiitin: ? "ont modi. ? We rc ? it invli build up pale, thin, I WIFE GOES TO MEET T. R. Mrs. Roosevelt and Misa Ethel Sall For Naples. york K*-i ? Theodore ..?ii ami her daughter, Ulai Ethel, Bailed on th" Hamburg Amer! amahip Hamburg foi pie* on tho way to Khartoum. I ',. -? alt all! aro with him to Europe on his ?'??' ted States from his I i: hunting trip. On their arrival at Naples Mrs . it and hei - will ??*? ' the dei ship Bebb Wig which aalla Man h 4 for ' riving at th lian port w. on., p '.erl np ihe Nile to Khar Roosevelt on Man h 14. arrarngemei turn j the 1 ? y of the party, have not made exi epl that it la their p ? plan to gn drat io Naples, rea there r\ \ I. ? '. the June 1 and Jun< NO STRIKE IN BITUMINOUS FIELDS Operators Will Grant Miners an Increase. PIttsbui g. Pel \ quiet 11 mine owners of the bitumlnou the antloa. nc reglona since the min crt* have di mended a atraight 10 p. . < nt ii \ prl! 1. Xiv I -nike in case their demand* ar. refused bringa Information ont In thia city that there will he no strike; that the- miners will receive at least pan of the increase demanded. From one of the most bea. ttsburg district - Information "that enough op eratoi .greed ? ? ? ?. of a atl 1 le of ant." ? foal eon ? ? . '.lng on '? ? and the ri ? ? \ - tors who ii the opinion that nn In c- for flllinc vpn! I are by far too Important through ? vhlch would probab rn sal ? ratora a? a body to grant tbe demands of the CHILD SAVES BABY SISTER Five-Year Old Girl Holds Burning In fait Under Spigot. a celluloid rmi ie wa .nee < Taylor, thi old daugUti Mr. and M h TaylOT burned. Th< infant was playini tho rani.- on tbe Iii or near th? - room stovi wh< n she stuck thi thing I the hot crate. In an In loos file Igniting th* child's imam's acreama were heard t.\ her five v. ar old Mary, who with rs nee of mind, carri. I the cl | it. hen sink and her 1" ? -picot, extlngu '?aped with slight bums. TILLMAN LOSES CHILDREN Son's Wife Given Custody of Little Ones by South Carolina Judge. Columbia, S (' . Pi I, n; - In a rle li d down here the au; court took the two children of H R Tillman. Jr 'rom their grand' r B< njamin R Tillman, and re them to the < uatody of theil P. R Tillman Jr., and his wife are separat. d The children, under a pi rullar South Carolina law, wen ed to the senator by lils son. Their mother brought snit for their CV 200 PERSONS DROWNED 1 Two Ships Wrecked In Storm In Per sian Gulf. St F I -A dispatch from Rum savs thm two ati i pa lenger boat and the oilier a freight carrier fron . port on the Persian Gulf have i.ed tn H Kreat atora Two hundred liven w. Thi >ds are noi given. Thi drowned Include passen ? I of the cr. ws of th' two 1" Live Cu.e Causes Man to Faint. Ha- b if.?Olin \ char ? "i h on his e-*e to taki the h. .' Hy awollei but 11 waa po active and nh blood that he fa l A phv< ed tl reptile am Warrant Out For Alleged Grafter. - tner, Charl. . ? Bl ll The Peoples National Bank of , Farmville,*-Virginia _&ttrplua anft' 11uftimfti.i. -(Jrnftts. #3,500 BEGAN[BUSINESS[ SEPTEMBER 1st,' 1908 sj a?Tf \\ EJwi-h to inform the public that, on account of?the volume of bus ? I ry to increase its Capital Stock from 125,000 to A STRONG, WELL MANAGED TU BANK, WHOSE POLICE IS ALWAYS To SERVE THK BEST S OF ITS CUSTOMERS m ur bank vou want safety first We appreciate your want ? National Bank and (iovernment, which -.infant twice a year tl amine the affairs of the bank. I tection to you ai i depositor. This Lank is managed bj experii ho. in 'urn ure aupervised by an exceptionally strong board ..f directors. Voa also want bani We make good banking our business Our service will help you ( .impound interest paid on time deposits We Solicit Accounts Large or Small. Your Business Will Be Appreciated G M. ROBI Iv T. BONDUI J. L BUt A. C. OCBURN, JR. lent lent r,ier bier DIRECTORS:-W. M. I G. M. Robeson, E. T. Bondurant, H. B. Craik'. J. D. Watkins W. J. Hillsman, J, E. ' 1-. Buff, Dr. W. K. Anderson. ,1. Winston Fowls FARMERS' Co-Operative Guano Company INCORPORATED MANUFACTURERS Ifoigb <3rafcc fertilisers Main Office: BLACKSTONE, VA. BRANDS AM) ANALYSIS Hie Virginian- ' / v '-' Walk Over Guai rn ;!i Meheirin?apecial for tobacco . 3 8 F. C. G. Co.'s Acid Phosphate. 14 and ll Nottoway?special for tobacco. 2 Bone and Potash Cora* Free State* Official tobacco (piano.... '' - pound. in Paul-Innes?Official for tobacco. 2 2 l\ r. ii Co.'? Bone and {Potash Cora Sampson Brand. 2 pound . in Cotton Blossom. 2 s 2 F. C. 0. Co. 's Raw Hone Meal. 4 LM lemho Corn Grower. \V. 10 F. C.[G. Co.'a Pure Animal Bone.... ;, 23 <>ur fertilizers are manufactured specifically for the soils of each sec? tion in which they are sold and their crops. Before buying get our prices. If you wan! any materials or special formulas made we will furnish you. Plants Located at Kenbridge and Blackstone Managed by FREEMAN EPES, R B HARDY AND EDWARD G. BAGLEY "WET FEET TODAY" Our Syrup White Pine and Tar Tonight NO COUGH TOMOPROW FREEAR iSia (iARLaVXD DRUGGISTS ? COAL a,; ."* 1 ? ' ? \V. ( Icc Plant. j A New Preparation WINDOWPHAINE OWaWmWammWamWmmWam\ym\ymWam\yWOmOm> ?nt of PLAIN GLASS It Bhadea or blinds, breaks tht ADMITS MORE LIGHT enriches appearani i ?-. for information. Cheap and Durable. H. C. Bristow HOM) un. CONGER ADMITS BRIBERY I Swears Ha Knew Persona Ccrrupiion Plan, STORK TO BE INVESTRA Bill Introduced In Nc tura to Appoint l ? . , 8weeplng Probe ? tlfied. A!'- . "I a runn al '. ' ditioni wh i . tlon ; Joint emt flvi glTen an amp!* appropr.c. Practli Baited power to ??] duet I ilry Tba g rltwa ol Governor Hughea ? an(l : ' , -.a r?Tfl how | attnatl 1 the st I leglalal fl r?t bi brldpe it be bet ? Bridge ??? in the Oroi panics fi : The billa a lng of \ mvp a hrW hlatory nf th? : brldrp lesrlnlatti ? to in t! Senate: P ? ' uni 16 ' don't bill la i ? ? ? nh I. Harv t Sex bv Mo* al V ?* I situ, v,v | hanl ? Tha h*mI wha-n th- arltnei ? caiip,i hi* bank i inquired abo ina ol i ?acct aid. CONFISCATEJMNED EG Federal Irsp-cto-s Make Seco In Cold Storage Nee 1200 ? I federal In fir Th. ? second here t\ atorape ? Convict Fou"d t Anim ' ?