OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, February 25, 1910, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1910-02-25/ed-1/seq-8/

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\ i;. I? \ VI I'SON
\ c l'-<
.|Ni? K. \
\. - ( a> ii r
\.M I . ? lal- r
5-*= farmville, Virginia
Capital and Surplus $100,000
One-Half Million Dollars.
n wu-'
.i i.
j i
A U. i I '
j. i: M \K 1 IN
i - i A .LOR
Li; P. V. IN.*-ION
Styled Morgan's Agent For Aid?
ing American Bankers,
Secretary of State Believes the United
6tate?' Action Paved the Way For
Reform* In Flowery Kingdom.
Stats Knox resents ths
rrilicisniM ol his c-ouduet nf tl.
? iiml may leane a state
ment giving notice that il tha people
don't like his Hind ?f diplomacy ba is
into a do?B>Olhillg rui.
ur n vi wsj to some otu
? and ii ir
ritat.-s bin n
iiint ? ni tit nf
.1. Pierpont Ma
?? ..
> *
. -I
., ?
'.. 1 4
D dipld
1 '-ll!
The r< ai reaaoa the United state
a hand la the e
ktiu-- lint tbs nillcat
was in be s??JiiriMl in its loan bj
lien limn the Ukin t.-nr-s of ihe warton
provinces, This tax is regarded a* on
of the moat archaic Institutions c
China and ap rent tn itu di
The I':. '.-.I Ki li i aliolls
this tan ami at the Kaine tims put tb
rn a moderi
aiid reform the customs service. Tbei
reforms would have hen Imposslbl
nr al
D put throne
lr ll tba Hen (
thi '
,| uri Ol
'!?' l'n
DS tillie Btlptllatl
.lies 1
lumea over to
Morgan tv **? ?* :
the shan- of the lo. * ?**
Ile mcrHv ./""'-"?'I U
tha firms taken into th
of sack a chat-va. '"r ns
Tarn absolnte confidence to "'
In vlnw of the larcer politics
ni ieee transaction*. Secrcta
?TOWS vet? weary when he hen
.rge thal he ts running: t:
rtate department in the ti
at; 1 other hanker*.
H. !?? ',:? ?? ? s his policy furthers t
hest interests or the Vnlted Stat
Kovi-niment He ls bacntnUsi tired
? tinned criticism, baaed, as
believes, on a wrong understand
ot tbe situation, and ls seriously c
tlderinir. lesulnr * statement wb
will show that If tb? people don't w
this sort of thtagl he will b*s cont
to r ,.tt his a'*tlvi,ties simply to
I propel h i "i
ina in foreign lands.
Mine Victims' Bodies Mummified.
Eleven bodli I of m:n? rs
rom the St I'aul coal mine at
Cherry. 111.
To the amatemeni n m ne
Inspectors tha bodies entombed
winn tiriiiii:ht to tl
surfs lund to ba almost per .
. mummified. ^
ti ?? mummilled condition sra
.bout bf ths bodie hating, J
during three months been in a part
ot the mine which waa 'Irv and warm
and going through a slow- process of
drying up .
Tin- resi ut-rs round Ula ?'
bodies In what ls known |
level. Thej a/ere about it.", feel from
ifi The men ll
ol retreating to remoter parts of tlr
rldentlj had mads a
ape when the
curred, and they wera amoni
st to die
They were found With their arms
? bed forward aril
? ?? ran.
dy by a | at and gas.
Castellanes Ask $13,600.
ind Marqu
? n Paris
for fin,.
. the
ld, riv
to contril r to th? sup
M. Bonnet argu' behalf
will reply with;:.
Freed; Wed In 12 Minutes.
i "Celerity, accuracj slerltj ' ls the
i* motto of th.* acrobat True to hta pro
is Cnger, an aero*
a bat. wai divon ad and married within
-t twelve minute* in Kaw York
a At 3 o'clock when the decree was
if uranie.|. Maleuie Anne Brogel, whom
he was to narry, sat beside l'ng<*r In
court Before tbs Ink had dried on
h th* papers, the pair hurried to City
" ilall in a taxicab and at 3:05 had tab
ls ? n ont a marriage licet
Moaawhlls \ lennan White had
e, been aummoued to City Hall by tal
If phone Me arrived at S "0 and J: 12
'li the pair ware married
Careless Women Blamed For Dlvorcea
ir "Tbs -
nf Bible f"r most of tbs divorce (as?*s,"
:? , a Pl
St during a lecture at Bl
? I
er bu ra
? v at all tl
' but alter the -> ? ny they
i lily in
ed "Many bornes nre wrecked because
In oi Ing and fault Undi,
on loth man and wife and a dlRpi
i the pan of hmh not to bear with
in each other*! fellini
nf| Grief Kills Wife-Slayer.
fo William K Weitervelt. a contratct
int ir.g builder, who on the night of Juno
ltf. lt last ahot and killed hia wife In
. , their home In Toa Neck, near Trenton,
,,, S J . died In state prison. He pleaded
not (?ullfy to murder in tbe second d*
)tl. j grce and on Dee. 22 was sentenced to
fifteen years. Westerveit waa brought
to Trenton on Dec. 27. FYom the mo
ment erf his arrest h-a indulged la
hysteric rh lng and refused to eat. He
developed hasty pneumonia, which
cauued his death
OT Hetty Green'a Cat Saves Many Lives
?* Satan, a big black cat owned bj
in?' Mrs Hetty Green, one of the wealth
f1^ lest women In the world, gave ar
alarm of fire to which 140 famlllei
an* i In a block of Hoboken. N. J., apart
ments ow-?d their escape fron
pr<> lancer. Satan, who ha4 betta placei
? in me an?
ice of hi* ii, at the
lltor's door until he a
im his sleep. He found tba hallways
ed with smoke and route:! ont tho
Killed by Tbief in Hotel.
- wltb drawn revoe a
ra raided the lobby of the Wav r ? 1
itel on the Bowery In New York.
Ot down and fatally wounded |
? v11n. a guest who. when they de
anded money for drinks, was orly
ile -o pro lui ?? s dim*. an '. then held
) and robbed tba < lerk of the nigh''- |
in ll" all told was
f result < ? ths bold mi i (avila
otlng, but
as unable to tell who did lt
Horse Falls Dead when Sold.
r at the f
--ale at Vineland !s*. J.. "(Jone at
" the horse on which thc hid
as made ! aped into the air and fall
lg ovei ard, died immediate
Untrlth. a colored man,
?ho had th*? halter strap arra
round his own hand, was j
so hard that a phyalclan
ent for to ?? Tha*
'ts ne< k in tbs fall.
Gets Leprosy From "Rats."
Act In
sd un*
Old Song Restored Voice.
af Monticello, N Y telj lost
lil? voice having on ?
?lng. r. WI ? ard the strains
nt a familiar air pla
the piano l< told bis wife he thought
lld sine again and did so with
aide effect Physicians are un
i explain the phenomenon
Fall 800 Feet to Death.
Tipped out of an overturned mine
libs pebblea from a bod two
labours In thr Taylor mine of the
N--^ len '/m company at N??wt' n
N. .1. fell soo feet to the bottom of
the .1.aft and were da.sh?J to death
It ls net known what camed the buck
el io overturn
Sustains Local Option.
Loml option ned In the
bill, cullins, on a popular election tc
; unfavorably. This I* regarded
as a blow to the prohibit
Snowball Destroys Boy's Eye.
While Standing nt a wi:
lng his father
with a neighbor, at New Hrlgh
ton Pa., little
striuk bv a snowball which di at roy
ed thc- sight of ono -ye.
Wont Need a Crutch.
When Kditor J. P. Sossmnn. c
lina, N. C., bruised hia leg
badi] it started an ugly nore. Man
saUis and ointments proved wortl
Then Hucklen's Arnica Rah
I it thoroughly. Nothing ls
roinpt and sure for rici
dolla, Hums. Bruises, cuts. Corn
1'iniples, Kczema or I'll
tte Drug Co's.
\ Safeguard to Childten.
"Our two children of six and "ix:
years have been since infancy hu
ject to colds and croup About
three years ago 1 started to use F
ley's Honey and Tar, and lt has n
vpr failed to prevent and cur'- the
troubles. It ls the only medicine
can get the children to take witho
a row." The above from W. C. Oi
stein, Green Pay,Wis., duplicates t
experience of other users of Pole;
Honey and Tar. It cures congi
and prevents bronchitis and pnt
I monia Sold by a'l dr-.
Non LljliiwBiglit Championship
in 40th Round.
Although Nelson Was Not Knocked
Cut He Presented a Pathetic Ap?
pearance. His Face Being a Mass of
Cuts and Bruises and His Body Cov?
ered With Blood.
Fan Pranclaco -Battling
Kelson was defeated by vd. Wolgast.
ol Milwnuhee, lu one of tho most
gruelling lure in
:e;irs- Wolgaal ls now tba lightweight
I ami md the Dane
. io the well
good even in pu
1 OU'.
the inter
rna a as lt
I ?
.: that
and the bl D his
?;> <\ his body i.
the tj fallen
Bat's Blows Lacked Steam,
in fought with the same .
md spirit that bas characterised
all of his fights. He was Un
Hattler when it came to rushing and
veting punishment Re was. too
ima obi Nelson who was willing
tn take five blows In order to net
home one punch However, the old
sting was lacking, for only once dur?
ing the encounter was Nelson able to
pul the Dutchman down. From the
thirtieth round on till the en
mn's ??tar seemed to have ant He be?
gan to decline fmm the thirty first.
Hil leads were weak and he could not
Inn '? lt wa^ the beginning of
the end, and when the sports realised
that a new champion was tn sight the
|Ulcklv shifted to even DUOt
The conteal waa witnessed by a
? I [| was promoted by Rid
? a local light manager, and was
II was h- ld in a spe
chilly built arena across the bay frorr
P Bl Richmond
growing little city and harbor
When the men faced each other ii
figured that at least 11,000 per
son? were present The receipts wil
I ooo.
Dr. C. C. Burhenn, of Jeanette, Victln
of Blood Poisoning.
Greensburg, Pa.. Feb. 23.?Dr. C. C
Rtrhenn, a leading physician of Jeer
i ?'? Ave miles west of hers, died frot
blood poisoning.
Beveral days' aco. while attending
child about tea years old. who ha
Coatracted diphtheria, the physlcla
plat i'd his finger in the boy's monti
The little patient brought his teer
down on the doctor's finger, cnttln
the flesh and bringing the blood.
In a few hours symptoms of bloc
poisoning developed ami the phys
Clan became very HI
?pe. lal physicians were hurried 1
the sick man's side from Pittsbnr
but the poison from the first
lo have taken hold of the entire sy
tem. and but little hope was give
the physician's fi mil) In his wea
seed condition pneumonia set in. ma
Inc, the case hoiv-'
Fresh Lot Just Received
White Drug Company
A well selected stock of
Furniture, Mantels, &c.
Burials in town or country
given careful attention. i
Work, leam*. Tot Heavy ll .
illili.'. Ka. Hill
u inn. ii.
Stoves Heaters
A complete line of Cooking arid Heating Stoves of the
well known
Banka. Prices marked the lowest sod pceJHts
with every sale.
Call aini examine stock
H. E. Barrow & Co.
: : MAYER : : :
All-Wool Clothes
I'll KKK .ire four different kinds of clothes for men, al! ?
*? ranga ol prices. Which kind do you Brant I1
No. 1 -Ready-made, of cotton-mixed fabrics
No. 2?Ready-made, of all-wool fabrics.
No. 3?Made-to-measure, of cotton-mixed fabrics
No. 4-Made-to-measure. of all wool fabrics.
The prices being the same, you naturally pick No 4 I'
know that clothes made to your measure fit you better than n^ly-m**'
Because you know that all-wool gives better service than cotton
If you want the No. 4 kind of clothes at the same prfeia ? I
paying for Nos 1, 2 or 3, see our spring samples now
L. J. Verser & Son.

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