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THE FARMVILLE HERALD HONOI. FOR THE PAXT, HKLP POR IHK PRB8RNT, HOPK FOR rm '' H V()1 \\ FARMVILLE, VA., FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1910. .no is TASTERS. n has i i i \ i \**i i i? vm> wai \\ I I l? \<?| l<? Mil ng* of Byg-octe Had Theii-s, Nom iIk- Dtopeiu>ravrj I >i\ n. No Minc "Pim n" ? :. .v ? phi'" ? i crucial I on i ? for them. "I ly done, and when mel in the ?! an array of bottles, teed, confronted iii" we understand 111 ? - itus (loi'sn't extend to and therefore :! ? swallow thc whiskey. ? .1 mixtures thereof in Judgment Ami this ? it he true that mixed langerous, then ii have i" en sn tatton. i high civic duty was ? Ij. ami we believe i fn?m tlie sam ind <>f this must tlrink may lie ? the purest <>t al? ii ? ? drunk ii BUCh the on. ami ? during the il ! fall short of the ? ?: i>. alli gs a ill be ? "rn ? tmes kins, inda and wini v al h hy pol *. ? nsary has no royal illation that ion oth< *-ni:tH I hi in. ? ucl to the ? ea ' land, for ult a cabin I vent earnest IO he shlp - i each for which l. day of $ 8 00 irket 12 gal eacl laking, .loila* >untry ovei could ited 1150 io jmhi lous i - >uth, roung mai Kiola. * I | Nights. ? d colored men comfortlea . . ouod with tlie ? ip a light joh or a vic sight is a sad ? doors to spl< ? ;? open to . dont they en And. then, to ilored boys plck ; down th?' ? other aointi ?.m'ii gel reg i,it work such th ' ?ii from uoding did ompltshlng - and sound it loud *S lui ure ot up thlm in it. ( inti Organise vera! town met at alden, Dd phasing pur "Thtmble club ?Ac-k OT plain ? aloud minds .vii ion. rita a I corn program. the duh i (/enable, I K Spell i ? mon Walton. Mrs. ? : Wall Ml -. sp le ci 1 nt. iuniv night from 12 a <h ck. Mis .i r, Bpeocer en ied in her channing fashion, ? town, in rhar Alc ? Un | ii and theil dainty ch.: au equlpi 'I. pro ors he had drawn, .. te her apron. er did knights undi arduous t"i! in tie t the gentler bi x! Nev r did maid* epond more nobly with words of encouragement, smiles ami helpful \t the conclusion of thc ev? ening's labor, the aprons were In? spected, ami the handiwork of Mr Warren * as declared worthy the first prize a dainty spool case The of the winner oft' tion prize shall not h.- ? ridicule aa " ere his stitches. Delicious refreshments were after? wards served. The occasion was thoroughly informal and enjoyable, and when after mid-night, tlc reluctant ri. their ex? pressions of pleasure to th.. ; unanimous and sire Tho Crute, Mrs Cabell Ogburn and Mrs 8, I) Walton. The Invited "ii I.rn j Egglt .-ton. Sarah art. Haiti" Bugg, rout ier tte Wal ) Johnston. Elizabeth and tt Walton. Ale glnia Paulet! ami Mildred Rich Wal? ter Barrow, Roger Warren, Frank and Johnson Wootton, lloi.i Burton Ulanton. Cray Paulett. ni- Hubbard, C'j de Carter \i cher Wade and I?r Hudgins. House ami Hoi**** lire house and thc :? entertained mai. on sunda-.. Neither thc horses nor the house talked much, and yet the visitors woe interested The stalwart animals may have heen known as "Dick'" and "Davj ' S v ame to us. hut now answer to the names, ('hailey Zimmerman." and "Wilt Vaughan." We watched them as they sat to sup per. and there was evidence of su satisfactlon. Menu: half gal? lon corn, half gallon bran, and the fancy racks filled with hay We 1"! Chief Fogus with them, hut whether ;e night we are mu ad vised Lo! Thc Poof Indian I'uring the delivery of an interest? ing and InsitUCtlve sermon by the Kev. Mc.Millin. of Atlanta, on last Sunday morning, at the Presbyter Ian Church, on the sui>j"ct of Home Missions, he drew Impressive and pa? thetic picture of the dealings of the Anglo Saxons ol America with the Indians He condensed tie srhole of th' ii the-... few words: "Indian gave white man web.mic Indian g.ive white ni.m food India Saved white man's Mic White man kill Indian " Yellow man wash clothes amt Sing, black man ward of the nation, hut the Indian go or die Bad hr. stone, oi riic Normal Faculty at tim 'innali. During Ins response as a gui the Cincinnati School Masters Club, at theil annual banquet. Ur. Stone gave the following toast to Virginia: "in all the world there never has been a time when progress urcat as at the present; in all the .vorld there is no country in windi in our own country; is no part in which progress , the fi '.ith; atc! in all the South there is no pan in which progress is so great a- in Virgi: Three hundred hading silo ol men of Cincinnati and the country ap? plauded to thc echo, and thi n sang I': Svuie stopped over in Cin? cinnati, on his way to attend the :i <>f the National Education lation, and while tlc highly honored bj the School Mas Club. nt th.' kites, lc* tie: SOUTH AFRICA. IM I Kl si l\i. dil V! UV lil.I SHI .1 WITH EXCI I.I.I Vi CUM \l I ? <i tin- | aril s. I'i oaperous t litii -. ld tin- Front ou Industrial I. oes Mr. W ' ? quarti popula Wool, wine and ostrich pluiie conspicuous part in thc . gp the place. The elli ."ligllt ful. outdoor work being practicable well-nigh every div row margi indoor staying, ti ? generally prosperous, many ot them having homes \f. the town- ,, the country Out of the min* the countr) million have len hom. and many of uning with their families to thc he . Emeries to ( njoy leisun ami luxurj I. is masier of South Anica, and yet I. bas a Parliament of it-> ou a and ls governed after thc same order th;! prevails in Canada. Only pro pert) owners vote Ul ge Hons, ami over all England 1 emeral. The count fered . ad then ( ame limn | sion whicb ha- bc ti felt Ihe world Dui . and this | 11 ont. v. .i rpris cd to leam ihat the os nth raim "t just thc tiling of beauty ll the plumi i> do shine out richly, ami with stunning Thc oh) oms, bowevei nol exactly Immunes. With our ti lend <>f mi ch ? ls no piac liar.* home Still bc co ' 'mt tail us look small in nativ land sin"' he has ? d tl,, seas a. ,l the im Tlie trip liol Town tn .- outiiarapion < i n un three v. c.ks. but ti r a man I ''ti goon Hs with Inl from siai t to 'Inish To ntl ? us it would bc one long terror Bucfa persons would do well t> stick to shore. We m. always glad to * i come the return of our "boya," ami to know that no matter under what flag, or beneath what suns they move, th.- heart untraveled fondly clings to the old home am1 thc old friends Mis. Blerk aston's Baa-thdajr. Mrs. Blackiston celebrated the an? niversary ot her birthday pleasant ly in ber room in the home of Mrs Berkeley on last Ttieedaj friends gathered there to offer their congratulations and good wishes, as they drank of the fragrant tea. and fed upon the tempting dainties whic iiad hen arranged artistically on the center table "Elisa." the faithful cook, honored the occasion with a plate or home-made candy, and a word and a smile of nnaffei i'd re cognition of the aa) Mut that Which gave most of glow and charm to tlie passing of the mile stone of life's way. were the faithful portraits of the children and the grandchildren that adorned the uniis of de room, in loving com pan lonsblp with the pictures of the old homes in which the) had lived and lovell, all uniting to bring hean-moving interest a dead, hut ever deal pa-1 Man* happy !<? t urns \ Hcei With The Dear* A deer hotly pursued hy the hounds of Mr Wilfred Tuggle, in the count) <>: Nottoway on Monda sought and found refuge in one of thc lecture looms of the Blackstone Institute, and though the ii ? udden and produced something of a shock, the dear girls rallied. made gallant fight, mastered the : animal, and claimed it a- their own Mr. Tuggle demanded th> prize, and th" question of own ershlp bad not le cn Bottled SI to press Dr Cannon, however, is reported a laying there should be totroversy over thc capture. That big crack in the Quard's armory building leeds inn: treatment. A stitch in time may calamity. Herald and N. Y. World $1.60. FARMVILLE BOARD OF TRADE. , Thin p \, < .m.dished hy Thc i n ? .,. alsation ? Cunnii ! I ' I ? ?. to bi during the .1 to the I ??? our ' ? l An Ice plant. I li established ct earn* \ in si -cia macadam road In ' Cumberland county, beneath and ex* ' tending from the Norfolk A.- Wi i l A good impression made upon ' ? " Norfolk and Wes tem Ballway Company, resulting ' : from curt, sii - ? Mended them on ! the dat.- of OUT halH|i|et. I I w ith the council in I getting a great!) Im ntract ' .sith the Farmville Telephone Co., and a Well organized fire department ' ii extinguishing ?; Tl al the receni tradi ol the Kai in ville Herald was circula? ted wid<; mus bel ? 'i factor). the bull I spur trai k to ! v iaabilit) power tor elect) lc i a printed booklet setting forth the advantages of Farmville ? tar) will call on all old , week | to collect dues from .January 1. 1910 , the lillie ot reorganisation. , "H. albina- lei*, in the Saddle." Im cease in Postal Receipts Then ls no surer indication fcminmuhity's progress than the in The - an nary, l 901 amounted to $1,032.7 . While for the same month of this vcar the cash amounted to 11,299.11 j showing an increase of |266 36 for the month i c I Dui .ik i Iii war bel ween the Bl an anora it General on the Federal j Bide boasted when he was sent Into the in ld ni whip "Stonewall" son. that be WOUld have hlf "head- , quarters In the sadd!- And he , ii ii horsed and tent to the . dis, I ? Bul headquarters , in the saddle received no Moe from . this lOCideut. oi vc contrary, it wa- , the kingdom cf the old-tin- Virgin ian who wat a ill best on i. back Nor has the good habit fal ?nely imo desuetude, a few of ' ur fellow-citaSena still pr< fer the , riding horse to the rocking D Not many, til um-, and all honor to , those who arc t: lie to the custom of the rathera Hr H B Bichard- , son. Mr H A Stokes and Sheriff Dickinson ride rather than drive, and the man is never more mani) than when mounted on a good other- follow the good < xatnpl". let the genuine tiding hone resume hil place among ns and b-t our men make their headquarters in til? die, not boastfully, hm modestly and , yet in manly manner. I'osiotiicc Kg) At thc Monday morning session of the Mayor's court other heard was one against an un? fortunate who actually stol. from the postoffice vestibule. \? e knew we;,, soaring but did not know that they had be, on,, bo val? uable as to attract the attention ol Uncle Sam. And yet we are told that th" i '. ison who len , th- ? |ga in that public plat ? not first gel permission ol the tl"- , pallin, nt Nv ti: ie he will be pru dcm m. g.. to have them ?-.? ed and ^ i >'? i 'le la' tee i''r I" , addition I. ha.I others of minor im tort In , which some were sent lo rocks and others made io pa) I still mu Saturday was generally or- . der.) and BO far as we ed ti" the Sabbat! not disturbed As a rule, eires from two-year-old give better satisfaction at this dine o' the year than when from younger stock, and I ka are, rigorous. Dr. Potts \ indie u.-d The William I lowed ' they rom an unknown malady, sroul I no hum nt. A desire to hld' I more by I ii i men, 1 ll I ile || life, in the affairs that arc natural ? ? public b) the suture of thlrgS, it is always I o he open and frank about them Phis was merely | ease ,.t mistaken dentlty, as it were while the de? fendant Buffered mortification and summation, we don'l doubt hm that ireal good has i.q di lt eadie., the lesson of 1'OSpOIIsi bi Ut ) lt dei that not only the lowl) la dragged before tin judg rneol har of public opinion, hut that gb and might). in erery walk >f life, must how to its man I'lli.- man was Innocent At . lt) and this ease d' i tiar o ? com mou? the ba<' o do his duty The fi i. ? - Potts m I vii.-, and their name is legion, never moment that ie vouhl do intentional harm to .." mu surprised ai iis entile vindication Annual Banquet. The annual banfi?a?r***nf the Fht Ugms H'lta Fraternity was given in heir fraternity hail on last i tvenlng from 8 to i:' o'clock. The tall was beautifully decorate,I with ?vergreens, potted plants and with Hy's colors, consisting of rib Bad pennants of "old gold and hocolatc." and thc numerous mean? ies,-.-nt lamps which illuminated the ipaciOUS room gave it au Bp iearance much to he admired The occasion was om- worth) of special not*, as it was marked by nany attractive features that made ip the manner of entertainment, mell as gaines. giieSSSlllg COnl susie, dancing, and afterwav sumptuous supper During the en? tertainment Phi Sigma Helta Fruit Punch was served liv Mrs Robert I. frc,'.ir. who presided at the punch bowl \i a most opportune time Hie [uesta were invited to the Prince Edward, where they partook of i most bountiful repast Thc supper consisted of mair, varieties ol fruits, which wa- served in six courses Those present were llorac adams with Miss Myron Calusha. Frank Verser with Miss Kathleen Baldwlo, lohn II Dyer with Miss Ollie M. Whitley, Walter W Harrow with Miss ola i.e.- Ahhitt. .1 Ora) Pauletl with Miss Lucy BggleStOU, chappell with Miss Elisabeth St land. Clyde Carter with Miss Adele Carter. Frank T. Wootton with Mis Walton. Johnston T Wootton with Miss Virginia Paulett, Frank Baldwin with Miss Carrie K>h\ Mr ind Mrs Robert I. Fv Mooker, and the alumni. H \ ? i and wife. I; I. Baldwin and ><ale> on Kainui I le Market. Total sales for August and S"p '?mber. 513,760 pounds; Od Nov i ,1 19,680; December, *.:,imi14: January, 1.911 606; ti .'.".th. 146,323; previously reported ,:','.?: grand total sall '-ou. I TC' now that we have at la-t had non, we may expet I ne,.,! to he rolling in. and increased activity on warehouse floors There is a plow on the market kim v. ?Farmers Mend," and with more troth I '"' called Faun nile's friend. T1 :> is ding and receiving attention, and so the lettuce, but I oed has the right of way Smoke El Cuba and Katy Lee. THE NORMAL ElEE CLUB. I Vin. \|i|.l Ml n|i tl I BE \* A Large an i Ipfarertative aadteawe Hear These ,., , . ,? Kora mal. . ' dark \' ? lillies pictui rished as a volume lund tbe still hour: Miss Mil al tilt* with true skill and ar? tistic touch led thi rs of perfect harmony Bong followed boos In quli k mad" to ring with match le ?? | Minor also rend' . ami to tie- dell were* privileged to hear her, The college yell was given with the spirit and bel Veil" Itself, and the curtain fell on an evening which had been made redolent with p m. The V the delight ??h. hut lo all. were not pt .Vere flier Cluck mea and next til te leap boldly Into the ring Thc throbbing w i n \. uer do you .. and bouyai i i wei. our coining. Th" girl pict Ult .? "f itself beautiful to look upon, hut ??our presence would have gu en new and pleasant color to tl and h-iit new harmony co the con? cert Prince Edward Teacher*.' Meeljnif. The public is cordially invited to the spring meeting of the Prince Fd ward Teacher . lott, which will convene in the High Behool building in Farmville mi the l I tb and 12th of March. The first s-'ssios viii begin at ten o'clock on the morning of the I Ith at tbe adjournment of which notice will b* liven concerning the hours for tbe ? ding sessions An earnest effort has been put forth to arrange for an interesting ns weii as Instructive pi-ograsi, and t is especially urged that every t.-acher he on hand promptly and prepared to enter into the dt^< u? sums with a view to benefiting the teacher and thus improving our sys? tem that the program as avanged been prepared All of the speakers have sot at this date given a final decision as to whether they will he able to take part in tba* meeting, hut ai whom w? bops to bave deliver addresses, are the following: Mr. N I' Painter. Pn lident Tesol ? union. Bi anoke, Va . Mr .1. .1. Lincoln, Principal Wak? field High Behool; Prof w H Whiting. Jr., i'i' Latin. Col? lege "i Hampden-Sldney, Mr ?! h Hihfoid El on, Bichmond, Va ; I" a M Preen ? ommlssloi i Health. Bichmond, Vs ; Pro* Hodgi. Lear and Milledge, <?f the Normal School; Mr I! LOS Chsmbliss, Principal of Worsham High School; Miss I'-arl Shelhurn. Ol Cree,, Hay High Bebo Halihurton Supervisor Training S, hool, Normal School, and HOB J. I) Fggleston. Supt of Public In ?traction. Ea, will di-< us- a live educational problem, so no ene can miss it without being poorer as the result Slats Hill Karin BokL Messrs, Jehne ?\ H the farm ol Mi Jobs Venable Hampden-Sldney, known Hill, tor $>. '" 1 F Ollreatk, of Roi Q i The pggs of hens that did laying during the winter are ? ?rongly fertiliz> I ?.? ? :? hut a fair \ don't