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THE FARMVILLE HERALD HONOR FO't THE PA8T, HELP Kort THE PRESENT, ROPE FOR ihk FUTURE. .()L xx< FARMVILLE, VA., FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1910. NO. 24 .JU ul LMERK XSS ARMED lNHirH nv il> VM. PADS 1(K,,l\ WORK TODAY. the llurtoemJi CaWHHS <>f - , p. Hie Vint Havbo] H*8* ',-*k',n '" | Muet>. Sight sharp Vo. inder the direc sors, and to be ? legen tak . of the . work will the nest thirty nd to er be? or the Pres! to the work ^unprinted in twenty-two for ?peela! Inter tructed so as ers in making ? atora. one. but back ing nation of :i charge of the ?i many which In the most impor One thou ^ loin in the fight ?id we have no nfc but that their contributions eat I itor cordially, ly and answer l freely, ii thing j ou may hom incurr .1 a large bardi] be but al of led ii jail. | a curio-, d with ?eking in-! r alue. keep him ..'>>? IjlifHlt' i ?' ut until l never . ? ? i thi ivel eere tiie Audi- " ce of ? rented aud loved ones, ? >a : ed and I ehlle c ills with the d : the pigeon tails t: TheiZ lue solemnity p ? and the* f, it Into the ' nts thrilling ti faces beam- p .tlon and j{ ii as well con- (. lon was pei- ,.. We are still aj t that our t] ? ments are fc m e talent aijd C( ? dependent M I, ? l<ng and . ii real wed w.? laing may ugle thought I rust. ?inst on the lt was greet "ight as ever $' - meadow, on while it glist. ooh upon may [ Iv bite during O' ight. ad that fact <; langer. Fortu 1 snugly and '1 and so did ea in one cf . ? r some of :? ns? OT is est men t? Ths all safe frota of n kt cJ Rivi d bj ' orium of I tu nona and drilln ' ll V. World $1.00 Jt'iUt With Two Penfeot Hssath Rora in Sunny Side. A calf with two perfect heads was born a few days as;o on the dairy farm of J M. Blanton, Sunny Side Cumberland county. Dairyman manton brought Um freak to Richmond and exhibited it lo Health Chief Leay. Ptotnroa ot it were taken in the photographic studjo of the health department. The dairyman said he killed the freak calf in order to save the COW. "You made a bad m'atake." the health chief told him. "You should have killed the cow to save the calf, which would have been many times of greater value aa a freak than the cow as a milk-giver will be to you." . "Darn a farmer anyhow," ejacu? lated Mr. Blanton, as the truth of the health chief's statement dawned upon him. -Richmond Newa-Li Old Cumberland is on a boom, lt is producing chickens with four legs and calves with two heads. and fried chicken is good and calf bead stew is fine. ?iuieiv Nut c.s. A letter from the State Dairy Commissioner contains the following comment: "1 believe your creamer] is doing as well, ir not better, than any ether creamery in the State to? day. '* Town patrons of the creamery dur'ng the month of March fur? nished more than a hundred pounds ot butterfat. Mr. Joe Wilkes fur-i niiliod 186 pounds, Mr. C. J. J.e Stourgeon 171 pounds, Mr T. ll. Denton 131 pounds, Howard & Har? rison 106. Three other patrons fur nitf.'U : over 90 pounds each. When it ls it membered that all of these. with the exception of Mr. Wilkes.1 weie not In the business a year ago' it COI how ra|>id hus Ivi'n Ihe growth of the en \uoth ?r proof of ils growth is allowa by he fact that sine- la>f August the' lumber of cows on the north >f the Appomattox available for the ?reamery has increased from seventy <> one hundred and sixty. And this ncrease of over four thousand dol owa iii the counties >f Cumberland and Buckingham ms ' f ubatanttal farmers men able to ir and feed cows, and add to heir stock. It may be remembered that w y of these cows were purcl brough the creamery. Messrs. Willis Vanni. (' 0. laughan, of Buckingham, Charles ' lemroek, of Prince Edward, and l. 0. Garnett, of Sunny Sid. i aw patrons of the cream* Public avocational Meeting. There will be an educational D ng of the Hoard of Trade in the lourthouse at 8:30 o'clock Tue ay evening, April 19th. The meet Hg is called with a view to ascer- ( lining the sentiments of tba citi- y ens of Paraville In regard to their 1 ublic school system present and " ut ure. , Steps are contemplated which, if i icy meet with the approval of the ' atreus of the schools, will mater- ' illy affect the future educational \ ttereata of the town. To that end i very person interested in the edu? ction of the youth of Farmville lould be on hand to participate in , i*? deliberations. Don't let trifles ( ou away, for the topic for jnsideration is one of greatest im oi tame and no man can afford tu ?t another represent him. Come . run self and bring others with you. t S. W. Paulett, .Ir. t Secretary, a _ loekly Ital*"!-! of Farmville Tons Sall*. ' a Total sales for Sept. '09, 613.Tr." .. Total sales for Oct. '09. 54 I Total sales for Nov. 'Of*, 1.149,- e Total sales for Dec. '09, 850.0 14 e Total sales for Jan. ?10.1,993.505. a Total sales tor Feb. '10. 2," 54. tl Total sales for March. '1?. I,- j, >9.133. ,, Total sales week ending April 8th, 0. 138,608. Total for season, 9.287.11: Respectfully submitted, H.H. Gilliam, o Secretary. w - Attention Veterans. a The Twertieth Annual Re-Union S] the old vets will be held in the ai ty of Mobile, Ala., on the 2dth, p rth and 28th of April. 1910. All ll d vets who wish to attend will st ease report to the undersigned at tl on the night vi the 23rd. The railroad fan and return will be $17.25. w S. W. Paulett. vi Commander. MEETING QF^UARQ OF TUM. ITTEHDAXCE SMALL JUT Rd M I.TS LAROE. Tlu> Overall J'art/M.v S<??iii- To l&> Aaasnrait, At a meeting of the Farmville Hoard ol' Trade, which was hold in the court room on last Friday eve? ning, but one subject ural up for consideration, and tnat one th-' ill factory. In brief, tin., situation. An owner and such a factory, now loci.lei] j., Rich w,.od. Oil to rein.iv.- the plant to Virginia, and alter looking over the situation seems to prefer Farmville as the center of in rations. His plant is valued I n thousand and five hundred dollars, is in full work and with or '? ders largely more than can be filled. This plant Mr. Mead, for that ls jibe owner's nani", proposes to bring to Farmville and increase his force ti un.' hundred operatives provld I ed the citizens of the town will sub? scribe to thirteen thousand dollars of the stock. And this, as we are advised, is to be preferred stock. Leading busltteas men have the matter in hand and on their I and we feel that there is go in the scheme. Before the meeting adjourn? ed some ten thousand of the stock had been subscribed to and no doubt the whole will be readily taken if lt has not already been taken. To buy a thirty thousand plant for a thirteen thousand invest merit strikes the business man as a good bargain, and this ls what is pi Od tO be done. The Herald has long been hoping for a larger pey roll for Farmville. and with om- hundred operatives at work in this factory a decided move on that line will have boen made. We are told that one citizen of Lynchburg was nady 'to take the ? k Perm vi Ile ls as.k ed to buy, and the thing that in the owner to [liefer I-' ville rather than Lynchburg is the fact that he believes the labor may lie more certainly secured here and aper ra'es. We have been ad thai th.- old knitting building ?an be readily converted Into such . - of the new industry, and fortunate is it , hat we lune such nucleus around which to rally. Mr. .1. Taylor Thomp? son has personally inspected the .)hio property and is satisfied with tvhat he saw and beard. , I., av.- your orders Prldaj for ?? ine layer cake tor Sunda) Some Home Bakery, i Notice. i Th. regular spring examinations 'or teachers of the public schools ( viii be held iii Fannville at the Ugh School building on April 21. 12 and 23, beginning each day at ' en o'clock. Kach applicant is ex- | Meted to proaenl hlmaelf or herself , miictually at the above designated ime and place. Further inforniatio is to division of subjects for thei ? arious grades, of certification ni ty i ie had upon application to the t luperintendent of your division. IV Tulane Atkinson. Supt. ( -t We make a specialty of wedding I lirthday and decorated cal. lome Bakery. Hogshead Halting. It is interesting to watch the . uaking of hogsheads in the fae- . 00 Third street They are urning out now some fifty each day nd the demand is eijual to apply. We notice that it takes two len to make a hogshead. No ma , hinery ai rel for putting a hoop round a hogshead, and one has to tt hold while the other ties." We N ave been wondering if the time will 3| ver come in the history of the orld. when ont of them well fill- y d with tobacco will be carried ri cross the sea in an air ship? We yi re not going to put a limit upon w ie ingenuity of man. He is a dar- ^ lg animal, and what next remains tf "n, cannot be even imagined. D luxuriant Red Top Clover. tl On last Monday, the 11th. Mr. Pi . H. Bruce brought to the Herald ni ffice a bunch of red top clover Si hich measured fifteen inches. That ti i tall for this season of the year, ni nd when we remember that the es iring has been dry. He used only ni :id phospahat.e, three hundred st nunds to the acre upon thin tl ind. But now that he has such a tt and of clover it will be no longer st lin, for yielding a full crop of clo- ol ir lt can be made to bear anything w lat Southside Virginia sol] can be If ad-- to bring forth. Grass and the it ctory is *'on, without grass the w ime old story Ll repeated. I THE 1MML Monthly sK.ssiov HELD TUES? DAY KVi:\T\<;. ''inn.her (old. Rut Masssbera \\ tun? ed to the Work. The council met in regular sion Tuesday evening, Mayor Hlanto ding, with the following mern? ot: (Lils. Brambert, Phil Barrow, Duval! and Hoyne B minutes of the hist ni i and approved. SKIiJEANT'S REPORT. By re,?! estate paraonal aatata ill ?? ? baa 12 .it electric Usrhl Bm ' capitation 1 ot penal'?? i 1 si " Burial Lol- || oO S 8227* TREASURER'S REI'ORT. Balan. eon h*n<l last report.I Received from Sergeant. | Laaai. . 20000 I^oan . . . 2.000 00 Postal Teles-raph Co. 4 10 t MU ? uisr casu hunts. To aalarj aecvunt paid - I 897 T2 poor " electric bttht " till 10 "street . 112 22 " interest " " . 1.7 '" fir.m " " .... 1.U35 40 .._,. 282 84 t 5.34.1 ? f MM K The following bills against the town were ordered to be paid: T. S. Whitlock, janitor Mayor's office t 4 60 J. N. Meador. prlice. 900 I. 8. Whitlock, jail fees. 8 HO C. M. Walkei s Sons, Fire Dep't supplies H. E. Harrov. & Co.. feed 4c. 32 08 J. 1' Hell Cu.. warrant book amt express i. ru* & Cu.. .street account H A. S'rck.r, surveying ItiaaU K.l. L Ft.-tt^. J65 78' W. B. June* ind R. I. Orana.-, work. 1 3S Jack Fouler, sprinkling straata. 7 00 Ne*l Brim, pump . 12 SO K. I. Uranie, repairs ta rart 2 00 C. M. W^lKei?'? dona, ratiuns to poor. ll M ? Vi. I. M. ii Power I .... *:,'.-? 222 00, From the Fin- Committee report area I ffeel that the fire filHitinn machinery WU lu pi There lia- been bal one alarm since la-a meeting of the bodya the departmenl respond i;.i irlthin the limit of .six minot usual appropriation was made to be devoted to the salarj ? a deed eas ordered to be made to or .1 H. C. Winston, of I liampden-Sidney, for a lol In the I own cemetery recently purchased by l lim i ; i. chang* a/as made In the .'.i unused w*? 11 on Franklin street < ? and tbe i will lo.ik alter its abatement I The surroundings of the pump on I Mam .-treet. in front of the White r I: ?'o's. drug store, will be looked ' n'ter arith the view of establishing l ?roper drali The rubjeel of town ownership of . ni'iiies was continued. Waste baskets for Main street are 0 le provided. An arc light for < ?Y.inklin street viii soon be in po iltl ni Hxira pay was asked for by niem : the dispensary board, $10 o each of the three members, for - days' service rendered in t ?mr,.'dion with the new regula-!( ions for the purchase of stock, and . he matter was continued for future ( iction t oluticn was adopted by whic s .iii ot Race street between i nd Chambers will he reduced 3 Atv to fifty feet. This ..ii' In the interest oi' property own ? who were innocent tresspassers r II 'own properly. An old survey ( ? I to the error. After Investigation and report by street committee ami the oom ilaaioner of streata, similar action ill be taken with reference to ? L 'orth Street, between 3rd and High a treets. j The resignation of Maj. J. EL w lartin was tendered, and under the b slea will be acted upon at the next ?gular meeting. The resignation as based upon the fact that Maj. [artiu is interested In franchises lat are now under consideration y the council. President Jarman appeared before ie body and asked for an appro- w elation of $500 to be used In con- hi ?ction with the running of the jmmer Normal, and at his sugges 011 i' was ordered that "only so uoh of the amount as may be nee- ^ isary" was appropriated. Yr. Jar- cc an expressed the hope that only Jt< ime $200 would be needed, and ^ ie balance would be returned to tj, ie town treasury. At least udents are expected, and instead ?! $2 as heretofore, a fee of $3 ? III be required of each attendant.! 4. 300 students are in attendav is reasonable to expect that they ill spend at least $20 each, which B .tinued on page 2.) gt Prince Rdwand Hhmui llama M The April meeting of the Brine .Edward Board of Supervisors wa; held on last Friday. All the mein The tax levfei made for the coming year with the exception of the Farmville dis trict school tax. This was deferred until next Friday, the 22nd, with tlit vi*'w ruing the wish of thc people relative to a raise of t! I The following accounts against t I county were allowed, ;u?! titled to the treasurer fer pay? ment,: I Q Bradshaw. rations $ 9.0 a Harris 2 un W. A Wa ?'? A. ? 3oo H A Haskins ?? 13.00 Hay ("ash store " Bttgg *:? Son " i [ in, ?I B, Farrar " 1 j un Stokes & Davidson " 18.00 . Mrs. .m. E, Baldwin " 12.00 T Henry Glenn " 14.00 C. A. Allen " 3.50 j J. F. Coleman & Bro ' 5.00 9. W. Farrar " " 4.00 Ja*. T. Clark, digging grave.&, Roar iii.usi- .\.<i'.,iuut.s C H. Hanson, lumber $13.90 I John Stokes, posts 12.00 IA. U. Jenkins, smith work 6.40 Paulett & Bugg supplies 16.95 W. lt .Jones, shoemaker's work, I.t6 Chas. IlugK A, Son. supplies, 22.fl I.. J. Verser Ai Son, supplies, 12.61 J. F. Walton A.- Co., supplies. Stokes Al- Davidson supplies 18.17 C. J. Orange, blacksmith work, 1.40 lbutd focosanfte. W. A. (kidney, bridge work $ 2.50 J. W. Porterfleld, supplies 21.30 W. W. Swan, payroll H. B. Harrow A.- Co., supplies 17.70 Duval 1. Son ? Co., scrapers 34.un Paulett *. ilugK. supplies, 69.42 Yoong Bros. suppl Som. Anderson, road work, Joins smith work J. I" Aabbj Walt 1.di. bridge work, 1.50 0 1 Dalry .light soil, M lavrilanirnias rancosnata ll. E. Bradshaw, police work. J I. S. Mom 1 lng fin. book and examining lunatic. ia \i mislead, ' P., examining Inna Duval!, Sou a;- Co.,Jail supplies >r. W E. Andei -on. exam. Inn )r. lt I. Hudglns, exam. Inns II .1 n Terry, exam, lim. 2 50 ' )r. H I Hudgins. exam. lun. P.H. Dickinson janitor ;: moa. 37.60 "has." Hukk Al- Son. oil. Tn A'. J Hillsman. clothing for lim 5. T. Bondurant, carrying polls 1.00 '. J. Morse, sheep killed by dot; [\ S Whitlock, whitewashing, l\ Martin, sheep killed by dog I 4 un ' '. Watkins, cw killed by dog ll On motion of Dr Holladay, dor? ian Higgers was adjudged a pauper md allowed $1.00 per month. On motion it was ordered that J. ' v Harris assessor of lands for the 1 ?ounty br allowed $1.00 per day in kddltion to the amount allowed by he Slate for services in assessing ands. rax levies were fixed as follows for he coming year: 'ounty levy, 40 cents, and the town if Farmville, 36 cents. 'ounty school levy. 10 cents; coun y road levy. 2d cents; Buffalo chool levy. :.". cents; Hampden. 2'i .?nts; Leigh. 20 cents, and Lockett. ' iO cents. I We are making an especially fine '* SrriVs food and BuLahlne caki lome Bakery Why do You Suffer. With headache, biliousness, con tipation and the ills lt entails, whe olev's Or Ino Laxative will relieve l .id cure you. It. tones up all the a igeat'.ve organs carries off the 'aste matter and stimulates the , owels to their normal activity. It ls splendid spring medicine. Sold by ll druggists. r s We are making a new brand. Home Flake 1 Call for it Home akery li 11 Our rye bread is grand with Cara- e: ay seed and without, also our Gra- tl im bread. ?Home Bakery. , a, - bi Watch For The Comet The Red Dragon of the sky. M 'atch the children for spring, w >ughs and colds. Careful mother t? sep Foley's Honey and Tar In the It is the best and safest Dl ?eventlon and cure for croup where bi ie need is urgent and immediate ft lief t vital necessity. Its prompt (), ;e has saved many little lives. Con . opiates or harmful drugs. lr etuse substitutes. For sale by all Pi 'Uf.glHtf.. 11 - In non't forget to smoke the Prince hi dward 5c Cigar?a delightful Ci- v' ir made in Farmville. mchl'otf. DEATH OF ll WOMAN M. MILS. I.F.I,IA K. WHITE PAKSsnW A WW. Ute aiti Cttatwetcr <?/ a Oood Wo m*|i. Tlie FuueraJ. ? it seems but yesterday when it waa our painful duty to announce tko death of the "Beloved Physician," i and now the partner ol his joys ase sorrows, the wife adored, the wo? man belovi How ed him and ave laid her by his side in tho irtlng hope that the union formed on earth has been made per? petual in the great beyond. Leila E. White, relict of the late Dr. Janos L White, died J at her home on Randolph street, af? ter an illness of weeks, lust past the hour of noon on last Saturday, the !?th Inst. The funeral was held al the Presbyterian Church at eleven A. M., of last Monday, and was'con? ducted by lier pastor, the Rev. W. E. Hill, who was assisted in the sea vice by tbe Rev. H. M. Fugate, of ' the Baptist Church. The ceremony was a simple one. but will live in tim memories of fla? large concourse of friends who we*e present as they recall the "good night" tenderly told in sweetest song by Miss Morgan, of Arvonia. Tbe pall bearers were: Active, W. G. Dunnlngton, Wilson Cox, Dr. J. 1. Spencer, W. D. M. Stokes. W. T. Clark, C. F. Bugg. Honorary: Col n Stokes, Judge Hundley, R. B. Berkeley, J. M. Crute. A. D. Wat kltf. J. A. Garland. Tucker Johnson. \v <; Venable. F. W. McIntosh. Mrs. White died in the home ia. ..!iiin she was born, in which she vhs reared, in which mar? ried and in which she lived and la lioiid and loved, li waa nut flippant? ly repeated by her. no .?'ace like home," but it came well? ing up from a glad and grateful heart. Sh.- traveled often and far. Iiul ou each return would say with lia: "1 have seen no place like Farmville, and been la no like my home in Farmville." And siie iove.i Farmville, ail Para rille, and while strength permitted eera lew If any <!a>s that she lid not walk down to our Main Ui'et, first to call at the store over her devoted husband presid ?d. and then to ask of the happea ngs in general business circles and .<> greet friends from the country. and Mrs. white loved Virginia wita he "love of woman.'' tender, strong md abiding. As she grew older ? he became more and more Internet Ml in the histor) of the State, aud ipared no expense in buying the best lisiorical works bearing on the Old Dominion She loved to talk of the -arly history of the State and was il ways surprised when she met with i daughter of Virginia who did not feel like interest in all that COnceraV ?d the (dd Mother Commonwealth. And she loved the Confederacy rith an unavVarvlng, unyielding, un ivirik devotion And it is a remar table coincidence that she should lave died on the anniversary of the loath of the Confederacy, and per iaps at about the hour of the day vhen the immortal Ive surrendered 0 his magnanimous antagonist. And she loved her church, nt vhich she was a loyal and useful nember from early womanhood to he time of her death. Many of us .?call the time when she presided it the organ and led the singing, md none who were pri\ileged to lear her can ever forget that she vas mistress of the keys and mls ng. For more than three loeedea she had charge of the com nunion service of the church, and his she guarded in spotless form nd purity. And she loved her friends and hey in turn loved her devotedly, md she loved her flowers and they eturned her loving care with soul atlsfying fragrance and fairness. Mrs. White had much to live for, luch that she wished to accomplish 1 this life, and yet those who atched nearest her bedside as the td drew near were made to feel lat there were ties drawing from bove stronger than those that jund to earth. There ls one home into which rs. White was accustomed to go ith well nigh daily regularity, of m itt the breakfast hour, simply to ?ini; some flower which gave ?ightness to her life, and which she It would give glow to the lives of hers, or else to repeat an echo om bygone or tell of something of ?esent interest, and on that home ie shadow rests darkly, and the mates are feeling for a "hand that is vanished and listening for a nee that is still." Not long since she went in person