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THE FARMVILLE HERALD HONOR FOI* THE I' ,gT, UKI,}' Foi; PRE PRESENT, HOP* POH PHK PnTITRB. V))I FAKMVILLK, VA.. FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1910. Na H IMFIMniJOBEO. n|i> vi SWITOKIIM , ? nish'Ml !,y'.lk in liini I > hoard a passing ? .? Norfolk and a) last Friday eight, iloi. d was thrown t adljr injured that t hours. Bystanders d man and placed Brought him iii Hudglns. After ? physician, he wa ? ^ oi th Sanitorium in ? few hoers. One : ed and his . .:ashed that on? to save his life. ? d at the pt Bros train to 'Higgle, at thal point hy l; in IaccII treat is iu store for of Farmville In tbe be given on tbe evening Ssh, In the Audt . ? mal School. The irts of the program will arry Price, of ? dear, bird lighted all who w. re r when she Fall, and by mon a eon Ide reputation by lo ? Aho attend the ? Mi. a.-surance i 'lill elljc Music. : of April 1 .".. andee, Dr. ? of the omi - Blacl Orltorlo lu ? Interesting OD the life ? r, ami thc ! red by ? Ived with ? audience was: In th< ?? Mullock. I . am i ? Burnley Gar ! .'lizabeth 1. Ould, Lurline Roblneon, ? St- bblna, Mary White. ?lr llr.MKl. hts it. and have I Ita more than ' t kn->w of arv. niag lu the tjnjted ?-.tributed more ? v of the pul. ' decision of the tment affirming s ? bot hi ead BOUl ' lhxon's line bot bess deemed both ' tutional. lt's I' disputed \ rho have been j, >>d thins 8 try teaching, will fledge the error of I ao loves stale th* better is oe how the same ^ ?fitably welcome hot " ?lie- , water at the same \ ? been wondering p, "ead basket'' can C Sd and boUiug hot F -Hine time, an ? or the other. But ...... *.?~..i ? ?ach, the hist friend ly, does submit ? amount of ? however, has been rolls and cakes "I Ins, ami gets n< the fo I stuff. fil nd ha\. them hot ,? _ ls ht 1 r Indigestion f rind what I did terribly. Burdock "1 me." J. H. Ohio. th n r World 11.60. Fj Behool lav I Jr .Moll. At a special Beseting of th' Hoard of Bu] ? held on last Friday, it was ordered that an election be held cn Tuesday. .May |4th, to de? termine whether or not the school hvy for the Farmville mae district shall be raised from 1 ? .ts ou the $100. Tl an important election, and ' should' go to the Dolli is ballot. \ . Place Like His Prince Edward linne. Mr. li. J. VVornham, who has been visiting since September in the home of his son, Mr. Ifettauer Wortham, Atlam urned on last Friday aud while his visit hus been llghtful noe. and 001 . . look? ing "fat and fine," he sm. lhere is no State like Virginia, no town like Farmville and no home like the old home. Ile brings good reports from the representati. ? Prince Edward who dow live in that hustling Southern city, occupying as they do front rank in education? al, professional and circles "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." anJ their cradles Hie TallcM <'lover. On ' nth of April Mr. I. ll. Bruce brought inti, the Herald Office a bunch of red top clover' that measured fifteen Inches, and on: iv following, Mr. J. F. Walton exhibited a bunch of the same va? riety of clover that measured I Bo the merchant far? mer has got the country farmer ? to a frazzle." ? about it "Merchant farmers are times called "agriculturists," but1 :is that some of yb* ? ulne farm A Pioneer !'? i. Mr. v.. E. Moore brought t>> ths ?\ morning last a specimen i.le hi days "belo de wah" Spring lamb and peas for the first Monday in Ray were COnsldi ? ly and now welters the (?? but a Ri ckefcller can afton! the lamb. ..ii the 27th of April This ' ? the country, and falling la Florida, while pens are maturing in Southside Virginia Mn place ilks it. and we have : I b UiilbuMphU Herold t (irints ? lay, only a int: out mei B and stnut , The Record prints the actual t markets, tie BCfc day of ac- , ;ual transaction- its market figure r ire the basis upon which the seller', sells and the buyer buys on the >f Us Muotationv it is a recogs luthority | There is no other paper printed >n v \ m.sylvania that takes such pains- t acing care to keen farmers and w nerchants thoroughly posted a There is no paper that I trongly appeals to the general ? r who r?'ads to he informed. sj There is BO other paper in the Ita'e of Pennsylvania of such wide insulation - ol HAVE YOU SMOKED ihe new rand EL CUBA, maanfaetured by he F'ince Edward Cigar Company. " nc, If not try them. You will say t ; is tbe best 6c Cigar you have ever >-? mokfd. sach25tf. ai -?? at ?SI lire* tn Asheville. V ?'.. Via th Southern lUilway. pl ' ai Account General Conference bf, . ('burch South. Tickets on - lay 2nd to 11th, inclusive, good re? lining until May 31st. lilt. Kates U1 11.50 round trip. Splendid op- ar :>rt unity to visit Western North co aroliiia. "The Land of the Sky." sh or full information, apply nearest tnthern Railway agent, or w D P A . Ill K Main ha UchSaond, Va. BO _sic will be a Chi-Namel De- '" onstration at our store ..n May Hu h and 10th. Do not miss the wt ? portiinity to learn in f've minn >w to secure a new hardwood floor! wi r S2.50, and how to have a Missio , nish dining room, den or sitting ' '' om without the expense of rei g old paint or varnish. Any old floor, oil cloth or lino um made to look like new an ird wood, any style of grain. I n free by special instructor. m{ J. F. Walton i Co. au Rose Bud and Prince Edward, e famous 5c. cigars. For sale erywhere and manufaoWred In lu( irmvllle. _ by THE VETERANS III MOBILE. COLD GREETED THEM, Hilt <?')<?! l'n er IfqBgUlIll Supi"-i:ic hUjBSUUS S\\e),t Otes* 'Ihe \\ I] Hut Sunshine iii I \ H .ut Survivors of the < '? gathered in goodly Dumb the SH eh IO thi Mobile, and while weather condition unusual and far from agreeable, the "Old fires : In front of tho tents and blank and beneath them the bi mst. > had fallen from the ranks last the) met, and ands gathered there to kludlt the fires of recollection, and I , red then.. dear past Martial .muled out on the noon and midnight air, bul shore them all Db aloft, and stirred tin souls ? it did in days of I Boqueni tongues told the old story again, "sons" recalled tl ? IDE; deeds of their warrior fat lois. outhlnnd blessed and ny their i grand-daughter of the, ltdent being tho Idol of the hour. No cold nor storm I irdor of thi Other reunions will COU ami the numbers to attend will stnntly dim cord hers been written upon tablets thal will know no erasing, si pince In They fought a good fight, kept ths faith ? be crow n of Immortality. I,os,. it I ehich recentlj i if Mi. . X - ii, Illinois md [adiana, resulted it. widespread tion of tho pn fruit ?rop. and the bj |30, omi.nun And this OX nit and In thank Cod thar your allen unto you" in Bool /?ratal 1 nie i Bloat* Hen 11 Sunday was designated uan as 'Tuberculosis Bundey," ?"d I the Nation isked to muka u ti- anon rhleh to build the|r ire glad to know, bow OT er, thal the ( Fannville ol.e e 1 0 .-I ] ether than Man. and lound sub. or their sermons in tin Bibb- And . congregations heard them ( gladly." "The old, old stoiy" will , ever lose its charin or Hs con- , erting [tower The M. 1)'s , will ( reat tubercttloeie, and the I) I rill be satisfied to tell of "Christ , nd Him Crucified." Call at the Home Bakery and see ur new line of cakes and pies. t it Have I lunn Sd- Hw nm-. Editor Herald .In a recent ll f the Herald you expressed the t sjnjoa that for Farmvilie to buy an tl .crail plant worth flf.OBI, for 13,000 would be good and wise in- r wtment. And it sounds thal i id yet l am going to venture the A Sjertlon that f.'i.OO'i of ready cash n e necessary machinery to run the ant could have been purchased, id that with $10,000 suitable build gs might bo erected. And if I am M >t wild in this assertion, lt strikes h< B that Farmville could have owned st id operated its own overall plant, tl ntrolled it and had no partner to U are In the profits fu From the recent statements of our d? nks it would seem that we are W t absolutely dependent upon out- R' le aid to Inaugurate business ven- Cl res. Not that we do not want out lu le co-operation, but that so long as Ci i can walk alone, we do not need IB. itches to lean upon. And no one ll be silly enough to call this kick sri | against the spirit of progress ar X h? _ he Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure rc y case of bladder trouble not be- na nd the reach of medicine. No ch 'didne can do more. For sale by Co druggists. . -<r- th Many a man who is "down on his m, ?k" mirht easily roach prosperity j0 prefacing his luck with a "p." DEATH OF ll FWTIIFIII. OFFICER, |J. W.FUKTWFJ.I. lilts SIDDKMA V Officer snk it iTssillllS Oiu- Week WJiivi <n ken hg Daanth. Mr J. W. Fret well a valuable member of the police force of Fann? ville was taken suddenly ill while on duty on Tuesday night of last and was carried . a room in the hotel Westover, where lie ll . m., Ol la ? Tlc i to the ..f Mr. \\\ .1. Mi. whet nod until Wedneeda) morning when ii was taken to Hie Johns' family bm ind in :i. tin- obi bon ? weil. tor burial .- ol' tho Church, and the following were the pall bes Mayor \V. T. Blanton. the torc. Bj, I) Lipscomb. J. N. Meadow, electrician ll K. Mullock and T. Ar Sims. A large concourse of friends from town and the country gathered at and nature mingled its Sith theirs. From the mollien of the attack the de., known to bs seriously ill, and it ams never thought prudent to ti him to his home, but though iu a. botne COmfort, nor skill, nor loving Pneumonia dere'oped bm soon under control, when heart com .11 eaine and thai I man has fallen out of the rank the living. Farinvi'le loses BO clent and faithful guardian i .? immunity a good family a loyal, loving 1, a loud and ii: father. His popularity with his larg. ound ing good cheer and Ile . idly to tnouit: and him, au aged mother, <mJ bj t in- open gi i d and nine children i. I a widow and child rt I lendei ? honored and loved bim. go nut in ...hat th" ?' lied and n ide uni il ' ll. glad with a trembling upon his lip -nih a pia :ld come only from a repenting and tn. Let them hope theil their loved ole I BOUT II t wi'ii prayer." Pi om the moment of the attack 1 OUg man was impressed with t th-- fact that it meant death, and as , strength failed he was heard to 'On this spot, though not under i lie same roof, my prsdsceseor, Bm- i net Ligon, died suddenly, and I i loon to follow him." and then ad- ? led, "he had ordered a new uniform t vhich he never wore, and 1 too bars ( trdered one which will be worn by \ nother." I I'.ace to bis sshes. i in the recent pul ars have buried r h- old man. who had been living ( n borrowed time, the young child < rhOSe feet had touched "he flo f only a few summers, and n han one brother-man at the noon full vigor and high hones, What's 'I also sady for in such an hour as ye v link not the Sou ot Man cometh." |? fl ready, ready for th. judg- ol lent day? ft - Meath of u Bright Hoy. [ Robert, the elder son of l>r. and 7 rs. Robert Hamlet, died at the ;i) >:ne cf his parents on Virginia reel on last Friday the IfjM, in ie 7th year of his age after protrac d and painful illness, and the Serai was held at the home Sun- ha ly afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. dr . T. Oreen, of the Methodist, and fri av. H. M. Fugate. of the Bap' lurches, officiating. The follow- ,.;i g WOTS the pall-bearers II C. mi ?ute. Harvey Miller, F M. Bugg. k? R. Booker. an All that love and skill could do br is done to save the child to home jv id friends, but the God who gave ith taken, and even from breaking arts and blinding tears, nothing mains but to say. "Blessed be the ime of the Lord." So long as the lld was sick David suffered an J f so uld not be comforted, but Ul ath came was cheered with the pa ought that though the dead could1 t return to him, he could go to in him in the Father's home. & "It ls well with the child." S? KsAstng Cbtekans IVsfh ui tneah* t sr end I An incubator is better for 1 ing chickens than a hen in almost way. lt can usually hold inor than a hen ran eOTST. Vim; are sure that it will not loni ' topping on then an incubator cannot. lt hal hut the) are h.. u here near ti? ll you regulate it right at first, it will regulate itself r the i to turn tl ? Sp in I When batch the] ? the light, and tumble down in front, 1 the fall does nt them at all if the incubator, they still have to I little heat; for when thi mother hen, they can go under her whenever they want to. So they have to he put into a brooder. In one room in the brooder, i- a cur-; tain tacked on to a round board, set in the middle of the room. Th's is called the hover, and the i .-.. under lt when the] are sold neath this ls a lamp to heat it li you want to. you can let dowu a little runway, so they eau go into another room, calk d Hitch-' ; "ii." where they cnn iv and run. A fee ? day are good for them. The) a brood* sd t" an old hen. Son;. do not. The d in a bra more than those with a lu fl hm those in the brooder but .. for ll Brooder BS, mu bt inin. While thi bs iii tile bl' Which way would you i s ?How cbiii- '..ubi not ? 'Life is his promise on K Mildred Watkins Dickie Wot Bittlilny I on Wednesday afternoon from i "'clock, at the rectory. Miss Vlary Boogher entertained quit urge number of her young friend-. ii being her sixth birth lay. Most eXCelldfit were the re reshments, games and music. Bure y little Mary's heart was over lowing rhea she beheld tbe many : lseful and beautiful gifts which ?ach little hand had brought Among | present were: Misses Mary . iarland. Virginia Wall, Elizabeth , 3ugg, Mildred Vaden, Henrietta Fu dary Rives Richardson. Sallie'v Jay Gray, Jacquline Venable, Ha- ? hue Jarman. Ruth Cox. Daphne f li'liam, Virginia Anderson. Robert fl Iarland, Branch Debney, Henley Fu- . ate and others -. Annual Sermon. s The annual sermon to '.he ft Ills Lodge No. lit, I. <) 0, F , will f? preached at the Fpijk-iipal Cherub j i Sunday night at 8 o'clock fey the ioogher. The ice of every Odd Fellow is desired lease meet In the lodge room at Visiting brethren are cordi 1> invited. tl ii P cl U tn ni tt ai To iu> I'rioiwU. dj ui'y heavy loss by lire I H^ ive received more Mian one hun SS. ed letters from sympathizing l]i iends at home end abroad, and|?l t being able Just now to answer *r cb one in person, I take this hi ?thod to express my graceful h ?r lowledgmeut, and to answer one or d all that tbe shadow has tn ightened by their words of kr interest and good cheer. Ka Gratefully and cordially, A. V. Wade. Never can tell when you'll mash a ei iger or suffer a cut, bruise burn o M aid. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas m :lectrlc Oil instantly relieves th ^ in_quickly cures the wound. Don't forget to smoke the Prince iward 6. Cigar?a delightful Ci- ' ? ir made In Farmville. mch25tf. n* E SUPPLANTS THE KNIFE. Noa ?send ii aaVdlaUj For Oporatioa at Johns Hi?pkiiL?. Dr. E. Il Richardson, in charge of Dr Howard Kelly'l Oyi.logi? cal Depni ? lohnj Hopkins Hospital, is using with much success a new method l noys. This fl bo t bread Iver wire drawn bruk and forth through the affected >s and, according rib] feta with mucli fun Di i sur? gery tbs ki and <<ften produced henion Haiv ia an uncont ridable extent The od obi lei or ia Btoad of cutting through the fl. a. a ay through the vessels : mg them. R. ? ;i valuable adjunct to surgery in the treatment of specific cases of kldne) dinette, it is mid to ht ? valuable for exploring the kidneys. Dr. Richardson told an Evening Sun reporter this morning that Le le lieved this method would undoubt? edly supplant the use of the knife He said, however, that there is a very definite group eire cannot be successfully used. WherCTOf absces? ses, fibrous tissues or other pathoro logical conditions in the kidney ren? der it ttSCCSSar] to exert stroug nj on the wire in order to bi? sect tbs organ, he said, many v would bo lacerated and ConseQnentlp " the kidney to a greeter ex? tent than if a knife wart eiuni method ST) re.I by Mr. Max llrodel. an artist, who ii. drawings] Of the human organs, and has by Dr. b ? "r ebo did . work with much BUecesS The nw | a blunt ? ion through the kidn Dr. i, 'be take up thia method of sur odel, and said bs I i with excellent ri .1 number ?niug Sun. Another sob of Farmville worthiay winning and modestly wearing high A Beautiful Tribute to I. Ornss ks the forgiveness of nature ?the ? benedlettoB Fields trampled wit li battle, saturated wit* blood, grow green again with grass ind carnage is forgotten Streets abandoned by traffic become grase <rown like rural lanes, and oblite i'.ted PVflSSaS teeny, harvests BMt ?ish, flowers vanish, but grass is iat nortal. Beleaguered by the sevee losts of Wintre. it withdraws lola he impregnable fortress of its aob erranean vitality and emerges us? ia the first solicitation of sprint;. tow* by the winds, hy tilt: wanojeT ng birds, propagated by the subtle lortlcutturs of the elements whista ministers and servants, H oftens the nude outline of tbs rorld. Its tenaclm: fibres hold'tts arth in Its place and prevent Hm oluble components from washing ito the wasting sea It invades ?litudes of deserts, clfsubs the able slopes and forbidding lunacies of mountains, modifies! I mates and determines the history, raracter and destiny of nations, nobtruaive and patient, it has im ortal vigor and aggression. Ba? shed from the thoroughfare and ie field, it bides its tatt* to retura. id when vigilance is relaxed or tbe rnasty has perished, it silently re? lines the throne from which it has ?en expelled, but which lt never ab cates. It bears no blazonry of oom to charm the senses with fra ance or splendor, but its homely ie ie more enchanting than the Illy the yields on fruit in earth air, and yet, should its harvest il for a single year, famine would populate the world-John J. Is 11s. Constipation causes headache, nan a, dizziness, languor, heart palpl tlon. Drastic physics gripe, sick i, weaken the bowels and don't ire.. Doan's Regulets act gently id'vure constipation. 25 cents ;k your druggists. What the corn heard with its ears id the potato saw with its eyes, .li ever know.