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DEATH CLAIMS MARK TWAIN King o; Mffis Pzsses Away ai His Connecticut Home. WROTE HIS UST WORDS Humorist Lapsed Into Unconscious-, neaa and Paaaed Away Without a Struggle?Tried to Jeke Until the Last. Kee April St Samuel 1_ Clemens iMark Twain) die.i gina pectoris at his hone city He le gradually until his death All hope of a recovery wa* dened on Wednesday night, s waa evident to the physicians I lng him that ths patient wai ually losing around. He hud ?clous through practically all Uln. -able kuowl edge of his condition and of the figh' that was in progress His spirits kept np to the last, and until Wednesday dight he tried to joke a little with th* people about him. He recognized his daughter, Booka a rational word or two and, feeling. himself unequal to conversation, arrota out In pencil: "(Jive me my gi Those were his la.-u words. Lavin*; them aside he Bank first Into reverie ead la*er into final unconscious] America's Most Popular Author. Beyond question Mark Twain was the most popular American author. Boms persons think of him as the most popular wrl'er In the English lan? guage, certainly the most widely known humorist, and a philosopher o' Barta. In recent years his conspicuous std pungent personality has made him not less than a national Institution. horn In IRS.t in the town oj nerida, Mo. HIb father was a lawyer who "kept *-'ore" because h. not i u. In thoa* - qualities of one of Hark Twa;: tlcularly I baracters, Colonel Mulberry n pree en' la Jud They also reai. p*ared in hil st n He died when Bani uel ( an-l ? throughout his Mfe. th<? son v ? ng on" about the trv and tbs world The family was liv ? died, and I first writing wal done for the Hannibal loumal age of eighteen be cami to New York and worked as a printer; Mien ? adeiphia and Washington, then back to Missouri and Iowa He nv. nt from Cincinnati to Nee Orleans where he deci i d to 1 ia i Mississippi pilot ?rn almost literally to feel I In the dark through the more than a thou - ti Nen Orleans and St. Lou all ' set down In "1 the Mississippi." Hi married In 187? Miss i Langdon, of F.lrnira. and went to liv* In Buffalo, where he became inter ested in the Bi after ira the family moved ti Hartford, where they lived from 1 sT^ for nearl Many I were published during this pep lad, find Mrs Clemens began h< r wort as her husband's llterar) adviser am kept np this work a< lons as she lived An ' tuie tour afforded va rlety. but the platform betane distasteful to him and he declared hf would never lecture again Yet in 1891 he started out on the "reading tour' around the world, which set him or his feet again financially and gallie; him wide approbation. Then came f stay la Europe, bul after a period Ol familv henavenient he came back ti America in ll I In 1888 Yale gavi him the degree of master of a in itel the decres of dot tor of Utera ture. In If A . , rown ?1 his honors with Ihe degree of Uti The world rang with his name. FISHED BABY OUT OF RIVEF Bundle of Clothing Containing Infan Hooked by Fisherman. Ithaca. N Y . April ll - V Powers, a local angler, thought hi Would try bis luck in Six Mil at the Meadow street bridge, and go a most unusual bib His lins drtftei inshore. When suddenly he fell a heavi load on the end of it. Thinking tha he had made a haul, he yanked lt in On the end of his line was a heavi bundle of underclothing, ami was the hod] of a seven-months ob baby The body was bruised and mark erl and dirty, hut in a good stat.- o rvatlon Powers was somewha alarmed and tailed the sheriff Th' sheriff is looking for the mother. * $12,500 For Loss of Both Eyes. vYlumb" rll 87. ? ' Frank, a former employe of the He lancourt Brewing company, wa> Judgment foi $1' nany bj I and claimed thu) lat with whir1- the interic of t' alcohol and th) 1 his bltaV Boya Crossing Continent on Horses Pt Li I" -: - ? tlnor,' CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS. Th-jrsday, April 21. South Dh Ibltlonlsts mad" material gains lt. a local option ?lec tion winn' eh(cb has rut! growing iiec :,at no ma - ?,. ? cob! weather | ? the A Vilseo pal church in thi ir just eu 1 ?d ns shown by a report of the ftnan cial board Thomas Taggart, former ebal'man Iiemocratie national commi'tee. announie.) in Intlianapolls. Ind., that he will be a candida- -d Al? bert J II--'. the I'nlted State* senate. Friday, April 22. six Inchi at Knobs, irfleld I'a . and tl fell below Th. tim ti ployment of women in fa n ten hours pi ' I After s' 'it In bunt? ine d Kenti, ilature, the Franklin comity grand Jur) hst that lt had hi dence 8aturday, April 23. Naomi Cbanaoi ara old. af fer detained at Bills Isla; more than a rear, arrived in Chicagi from New York to join her mot' Harry Enkley. of Dennison. O lost BOth hands whin run over by a Ba!tl more & ohio train Unkley says hu was robbed of $27. I and tied to the track. When officers entered his offi Kennebunk Me . wit;, r, warrant charg ing him with performing an Illegal operation. Dr J R Haler a leai'hi ? physician, pulled a revolver from hil desi, and killi d himself He was fifty old. Monday. April 25 M 8 Bond i I county. Fa roll A nail in its feed k; belonged tn John lt Bradley, near Ma ? Ps fnmi s Mrs Bitza ? , into a grab burned to at Findlay. O h"a I I tiona! home, at Dayton, o. Dd the city Red with his explantion of ipped burning match, Jamel nin-m. of Albany, N ' '-? ths police pending an Invi nf th? ? a fire In the Morton hotel Tuesday. April 26. TOO thousand workmen were Idle in the v land and Columbia county, Pa coal regions because a large number of anthracite coal mines are drowned out Pip j . weirs pia' ? business af Centralia, Mo. Inctdlnt, ' the largest dry goods nt-> ' ing houses, with a loss estimated Bl more than |100.000 Ellin): House, colored, WUI I cuted at Richmond. Va . for l killed a colored nian near No House escaped from the Norfolk ? h L'f> and was captun next day. The residence of Jesse A Quick, at Prairie City, Ia., was demolished at midnight hy a charge of dynamite which had been placed under the front porch, near the sleeping apartments of Dr Alexander A Hell ami his bride, formerly Mies Myrtle Quick Mary Guthrie, of Carthage. 111., wes lon Wednesday, April 27. Ed Keaton 110 years old, who liv. s near Natches, Miss, was bitten by a rattlesnake, but the doctors sav Je? well. One thousand foreigners, who Struck ? ? plant of the Pressed Bb . eompi .ville, near Fitts j burg Pa., returned to norie. The nun ? did not gain their d First Lieutenant William B Un' rhlrileth infant: tinned at the Presidio at - committed suicide In his hesd quarters hy shooting himself through the head Henry Cantey colored, was in statitlv killed; Superintendent Bpauld ? \ Ing's legs were broken, and A erintendent John Bini's lep and arm were broken by the falling of a car In the shaft of the Halle gold ? BS at Lancaster. S C PRODUCE QUOTATIONS. The Latest Closing Prices For Product and uive Stock. PHILADELPHIA ? FLOUR winter low grades, J3 60&3.90; wintei clear, $4 T, Ity mills, fancy RYE FLOUR firm, at $4Vo'iji I barrel WHEAT quiet: No 2 red. tl.lOfc 1.11 CORN steadv; No 2 yellow local OATS quiet; No. 2 white POULTRY: Live B1 ns, 1! BETTER si. adv; 31c. pei lb EEt'.s firm; selected, 23@25c ; neai bust Live Stock Markets. rr . dsi CATTLE - Slit lamb* r - 19.70 The New Ladies and Gentlemen's FURNISHING STORE! We have the most up-to-date and select stock for the Best Dressed. glance at Our Window Displays will convince you. The Store of Quality. Simon Laskey. A. V. WADE will be found at W. T. Blanton's Jewelry Store with a FULL LINE ?of? Confectioneries Fruits, Stationery Tobacco and Cigars A Soda Fountain is licitly installed. Will Gum's Cream Exclusively. P, S ?Those who are ladebti me will confer a great favor bj inc; forward al once to settle. KELLY RUBBER TIRES Put on your old buggy will make it LOOK LIKE NEW -SHH Duvall. Son & Co. Elastica Floor Finish is a Varnish prepared especially for use on floors. Ordinary var? nish, that will ctand well on doors, base boards and ceilings, will go to pieces in a few weeks on a floor. ELASTICA is tin product of forty years experience in varnish making, and is posi? tively the best thing on the market for the purpose. Will not show heel marks, and will stand washing. For sale by Paulett & Bugg. Are You Looking for a Position? We can offer you good Paying Employment that you will enjoy and at home. Write to-day Addnxt Tbe Bntterlck Publishing Co. Butteriest Building. New York, N. Y. Herald and X. Y. World $1.60. The SECRET of SUCCESS N to bc ? dy when vour opportunity comte, but hov can yoi rou have the morn St unit it: this hankrqnrl lu- ready .it .-til tinics. Wc woiil ; tte your account whether it is large or small. The Peoples National Bank FARMVILLE, VA. 350 I Rev. L Are Your Sox Insured? Ours Are *? Oar ,*HoknrooiM art gear "X'S1 anteed six months, thus: ??^ Buy six pairs ot 'll % f..r SI.50,mir. if aay er all oi them tome io holes or need darning within six months, we will replace them with new sox FREE of all cost to you. Holeproof Sox are ti. pt ir. They are doubly st. i i dyeing. ? They will not "crock," "rust rs-bl.ick.lijfhtand SSS) dark tan. pearl Kra>' and navy hts?medium, ltijht m\ and extra IikIU weights | tor mid sum '??proof" Jffl Bos. I ? barden them. JOk s x (lo not shrink ^Sj*f*i t ruar 1$l*\ mx months with ^BU x FREE Come see our stock today. Big Stock On Hand wa Mens, Women's AND Children's. M * n's in silk also. Men's silk ?-, navy anti black, Il pairs ^ii.uanteed for 3 months, 76c pair. $'2 00 fur 3 pairs ladies Mack silk ho e, 3 par pair. R. A. BALDWIN & SONS, sole agents Dainty and Attractive That just describes our new Oxford styles in Women's Regal Shoes. No other ready-to-wear shoe* for women have their trim, graceful lines. W REGAL SHOES |J^ FOR WOMEN embody every latest fashion-feature of the most expen? sive custom models now being worn in New York and other fashion-centres. These Regal styles also give you the perfect fit and comfort of made-to-measure shoes?because they are made tn quarter-sizet. W. J. HILLSMAN & CO. $350 $400 $500 COmiGHTsB ARE FIRE PROOF TI I KY v';!i not burn. Will not split or curl like wood shingles. and roll oil like slate. Will not rip at the seams like plain tin. Neither will they rattle during high wind storms. They never need repairs and last as long as the building. And last :jot e.xpensi. For f url ? 'ormation apply to local dealers or CORTRIGHT METAL ROOFING CO , I'HII.AMKI.rHIA. PA. Herald and World $1,60, L.VIEITV -Ind Sales Stables. ? FRANK EPES* but ? DACHAU \^ Ai AT ALL H< horse* and veliicle at reasonable ronipt aa. teutiou given all ontc - ?>ervlre guaranteeil. Wt solicit your patton kg ^^ Fourth st., Phone 80. T. rV. VAUGHAN, Manager A Bold and Liberal j OFFER. Pickett Water Ia sold under a posi? tive guarantee to im? prove your condition when everything else fails. $100 will be paid for any case of stomach or kidney trouble Pickett water fails to relieve $100 will be paid any pet son who can drink Pickett water accord? ing to my instructions without being benefit ted. I will deposit an amount equivalent to your R. R. fare and hotel bill for 60 days, same to be forfeited if Pickett water don't do that which it is guar? anteed to do. Come to Farmville and try a course of Pickett wa? ter. CHAS. B. PICKETT. T. Frteman East. AHan Epa* ISBN S f?* EPES & EPES, Ali Ml. WV OFFICES: Farm.ill* and Blackstone. Vi Prac ? and Supremo*'' i''1 o' 'r ginia and United States Courts. I irhardson buildiaf. Henry E. Lee J. Tayiob THoarauw Crewa. Va. St Vt Lee & Thompson Attorneys at Law Farmville and Ck CoOTTa-Prince" Edward. Nottoway and ?* joining counties. PrompCatasiition to buawew Collections made and promptly ramittad. WATKINS A BROCK. -mORMEYSATLAW,? FARMV1LLK. VA. Practice in Court* of Prince Edward. Cumbsr and. Buckingham. Nottoway and AmHss. mm United Statea Court at Richmond. . __,? Especial attention paid to cases in bankrupt \lr C. FRANKLIN ATTOKNBY-AT-LAW, PAMPLIN CITY. VA. Practices! in Appomattox. Prince Edwardaj" Charlotte counties. Supreme Court of vw? and U. 3. Courts / i S. WING. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Green Baj, Prince Edward Cocnlj, fi ?sTCoiRTSi-State ar. :