Newspaper Page Text
?? jfJgT ONE CENT A WORD. Wanta. For SaJe. Lawt, Found-in fact .,? and a? ad?erta?ementa lnasrted in ^coiumnforONECBNTa word, each mMrtion. witri a minim nm chara* of t?n JiVta. SUmataraa counted aa part of ad , rf. immsst. tu thc aura ber of insertions desired ? tuted ?t the tune of entering the ad Vuaement. it wSI be continued at the TJ^rate until noUcc to discontinue ia I rtomied. ?4 TO LET Furnished houae for July and Au- : *" -' ?- ! and |.lea*ant. all modern ,?rden and chickena, if deaired. gasaaatble. C. W. Stone 20ft Pim a*.?i _ ans SALA' food surrey, good lae buggy. .nea*, three Mt single hart ??3 <*nd'tion- ' 1>r *' ? h _; .-??enters, white or Va. june : Hoarders, lira. Walter Smith, corn treeti 1 ..-??.. ?. Va. \ few board*-. ,:n Karmville. B tad in a ?i Fat m i.-r mill aa fur ?tina a W. J. Barrow. . mc bef< ? irrow. apt :?? ' Mable upstairs room on ible for office. G. at Robeson. ..... ... ?. . . ,, Hill. Cen. Agent. Bedford nich 2 ?ii Fourth street suit fa turing aita. Apply to W. T. terms. feb 4-tf '.?..] buttermilk at Creamery , ? r trallon. janUtf The Evolution o* Booster Bill VI.?He Decides to Buy a Home W*en Bill Blue had to buy of yora spirit sore, e., be it understood, m aa he could. home merchant went. To a ? i house he sent. nat we have here," said "Arc robbers, but they can't rob me." - the local tradesmen blaze. "That rule will work both ' Tl US. WHY. WELL ILL Iras he has his fill." ioma, He said: "By Jack! I e ,t may COME BACK." nc onger roam, tha Booster" buya at home. . |?| hju .-i ' killin*, \ntis satan, lt will : OH pour .! hy thc- ai ' ind ion will Fork kkillii;. made of : pto! eomblni d with to cnn atarrb, ( ? ad in two min? t/here and ? ? PERSONALS IND BRIEFS. Notes of Happenings and People lou lilt. The Men' TlsaM ni.w may take it. way Ai/ charge whate'er i' pleaae? The worid ia living on rr<-?e grass And nice, fresh country Mas. minc Mai are at home iroin their sehools. And now for til" genuine, i Ki tinie green apple M:s. Woodson and Mrs. N of Chi are visit: the home ol Mrs. li L. Anderson. Hon Robert Turnbull looks as though the air of Washington had a tonic touch about it. ?Willard's'' pony carries two an 1 comfortably. to tote only ooo. Mr. and kn, of Wasliing ? iting DOBO) li' you want to sell things fir* ?i the Herald and thi W. A. Land, of Black been visiting In Farmville ? . -rraw > int maybe jron ? them, end you did "bern " well. E.1II1 .1 wc a/11] wait until tn ;:i mir own \. Hon ot rills take up the suggestion of the Herald and work for thc I". S. build? ing. Did yon say it would be cold all ?ammer? <>r did you predict the wann weather and now are saying. I told you Not enough rain, and yet what tl" we know ot the amount of rainfall that is orld's ? iiui.imy?, - Hlackiston, of the Nounal faculty, will have a rear off and will prosecute lui- studl< um bia. New York. With the coming and goln| commencements crowded into pace We :ii; "Komi "how \ correspond' l ? ur rural mail an automobile. That's progress with a bli I". We d rising liv the lng of thc Normal hell, and who will wake us now that it ringi alarm clock starts us with a jump, and we prefer not to benin tin- da] a jumping. cd. <>uen. nrln etan o*1' nor Mann, attended the Nor? mal commencement. Mn compaaled him.and they R of the institution A ni Taylor, was one of the graduates, 1 Mrs. Hooker, the lady principal of ( the Normal, will have ol the , Rockbridge Alum Springs during the summer. She hopes to have with out uem mr the benefit "I ..^ health. I We had been advised that Howard Could would devote her Virginia farm llture, but now we are told thal lh< Will cul > will ?rai , All Paraville a ill that Miss Mlnoi salty. Shi inio mir ! ?? will remain thor; Prom thi il ' look' 1! 1 th. Nounal fo had broken camp, but in I torium on Bunds; I that the army was ll than we had thought Prom the newspaper rei that the fire insura I is imine ince ex ' fig irmvJUe. We ? . not to be meddHng in tho j, pf public I that '??"or rn al faV ? gua- b :ion to n In an li tatton of her nw she will be educational, social and religion ngratalate ii r, upon I ind follow her tl field with OS fi The terrace to the south of the N. ec W de ?,t riof>,is clipping. Miss Pattii Watkins has i et urned' her school wi North j Carolina. Mrs. R. A. Winpo an! Mule daugh ; fer arrived Monda) from Texas, she has been <rs. S. . town? i; isn't an auto . bul ll "gets then st the Graham. of Hampden cora il on Tuesday. Of a large class who gradua* our h h. Mr. Willis Laacaster re. est hoi doubt about it ThU a pel of the driver of it"- town team, and ll In fine And in this I ? falling o f, and DO donni ? water mark. Winston Leneave and chil dren who have been visiting in this plac for si Portsmouth, Ohio, to reside in the Mr. Chas. I>. McKinney, s hading , ? aili Sd In Fannville today. Mrs. will nceonrpany him. Mr. H. i iom Rich? mond on Tuesday and will leave for the mountains of North Carolina, be hoi lu" strength. I Germania V entei min? ed a number of her I day afternoon from four to six The evening was enjoyed by all those :.t. A veteran larmer told os thi er day ilia' the best crop ol : co lo- was planted mi the i- ut ,|u!> ap who hs ''ed. ? room on Main ?i bowling a*li \. i . being ri : will be occupied by a firm from SOUtl ton, wimsc bus!; mah .1 ; Normal* graduates of this ? ?ury of the Normal League, and cation of some poor deserving girl Noble (banty t: The Not nial gradi;. ? -I tbe Board ol Trustees from the public Incident to their gi lion. Mr. Walker, of Westmoreland ilona of the number remain* lo them honor. We watched four young children passing one of the yoong LOWa thal bas been left unboxed md tiree ol the four gave U a vig? orous shake. There is no more hope if that tree than there is of getting i g.1 ? kn comet. We are glad to have Mr. and Mrs (?'. i). Oreen permanently loeab heil p . ;>lant riiey have been busy with the work >f renovating and refurnishing the and it already shines out a and atti ? mi Hie thal vhlch Th' tew drink! ll nee the ? Irinkini We congratulal lett ou an Inert I ramon! building for Fain.viii. to it and re will soon ha\ ? urg encampnv mvllle ant General to bag erland, hs rom I1 I valuable :>ng been one . ot the if the neighborhood in s I in Southside Vtrs. to our Dearth of m UUle (air). Lucy, the infant daught"i of Mrs .las Vs . Fretwell, died ai the home of her mother on Saturday, and on Sunday the little body was taken for burial to the Johns' family bury? ing place in the county of Amelia, and now rests by the side of the who had gone just before. The grief stricken mother has Un? loving and tender sympathies of ber many friends, and will find her lining comfort in the thought that it "is well with the child " lieitb ol Mn. Ilrulsbiu. Rice Depot. Va." June 7. lo Mrs Mary A. Bradshaw wa- call? ed to ber eternal home on Sunday, May 16th, The the the Ifth. This dear old i ir full guish All thi? ng a bright through all emt Her life sigaatton ? tlon to those who knew : Por thiri ks had li the home of Mr. .1. W. V. lng the widow of a ri ChlttllK atc. 1 by them as a mot! to know h? How hard it is to say "Thy will be ? ? know that "He doetb all things well" and find comfort in the promise of a home i tomb where we will meet our loved ones never more to part. one Who Loved Her \ Note ot Thanks. I v isb to thank my fri [Ile, Va, tor their it. a substantial way. !t :i h hope, eneouragem ut to go forward with a strong' termination, and may change to victory, if not, however, you win have the assurance that von bAVC helped to smooth.- the rugged ay to th' While my affliction cannot he cined in weeks or months, it takes years, I am not Braged. ! an. f' Have r and hone >et io land on the I full itltude, I am Yours truly, ? oil, MI.Ws IMUWI'KKITV. \ irginlans Isa awaheniatg on thc Sn'' Ju ISSI tlie first oil well in the woiid wat drilled m Pennsylvania and thai small lune iu the ground which might alu. ; by a man's hand, was the sou. which has flow. ,.,u so rich that from it has been ?massed the most stupendous foi sorld ST know n. West Virginia, which is merely a chip off the old block, w [th a quired prt I I sn Minni oil and gas into gold for while Virginia, ihe mother BtS lachlan, ha. .nae forms ;;i supine! scrubby growth [nally iike an ? ,1910, .V ; pro lueed is struck by ?idications han: gnizable I i l The striking of oil ginning of pro- any ?ommunity. Its influence is far caching. There is no line of ? will not stimulate. Tt al lew and lucrative employment to a ? ittracting many and var from abroad. ?n. ..f Virgil. irmvtlle I f our ?fae family of Mr. Vaid anted him and Mrs. W. P to loin her husband there I DKAVH ol- A. A. HASKINS. (Continued from page one ? of a Stuart and the daring and the. dash of sn Ashby, and as citizen he wore the "white plume of a blameless life." On his last Tlsit to Farmville to I a meeting of the Hoard of Supervisors, of which he was long an honored and useful member, he sat for a time with two army com r with them many of the incidents of the war, and !>? - they separated he said with an emphasis and earnestness of which the writer now so vividly re? calls, "We are all growing old and the time is not far in the future when we must join the great com? manders who have alrea ' In the Herald of that wei tion was made of this interview and thia warning of our now dead friend How little did we think that the ng of at !? | il the num? ber Should so soon follow to Jo r inmaiideis ol' whom he -poke. But we enjo; thought and comforting hope that ,ng has . will begin the resting under it will know no fadlt t or falling of any i Among those who attended the 1 were all the officers of the county with whom hi sociated through the years and who know of his worth as a servasa of ?Thane others sadly I from the last reunion of the survivors of what li'' recognized as an nndylni 'nie often being mentioned with tenderness and Ile will 1 from the offs Edward, from which he mo? ed. from i : from ? niily circle wh< loyal and loving husband, and foin: fal,viful father. They have b him in tin- s,,n ?f Virginia, in of which lie was ready not only to suffer, but to die. while the spirit has gone i who to the age in which he lived the model head of a family, Hie faithful friend, the kindly neighbor laeful and patriotic Citisen, Hie hnmbli an and tin soldier who knew no fear. .1 tar? rant.'1 Illiliwa I or \\ it -j. Wm. Daub; well known well dril ?illy drill) on the fi people in thi* section. They have had the valuable perieni work and when be bad tl d produce it In satisfactory qnantltli will furnish thc best ol i their wink to any who such senrii ? sum natl In 'he leading d at Fleming a Clai "i suffered habitually from con stipation. Doan's Regulets retie? ed and strengthened the bowel that they have been regular ever since" A.K. Davis, grocer, Sulphur Spring , Tex. Las us Poplins, Organdies and ? !? Bilks al Fleming m Pis A lol ladles' low' I doz. pairs al Thin i* the lise With .Many V ii ni viii ? People. I' are I with a 1 The and Ibllity. In the nie: ? ? you mus; Hoan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid >nbt Paraville W. ii Palmore, Main rom sharp I brough the small of my rhich sble to nu.. kidney Pills at ami hroug re re? ad no symptom attack. I gave a public to this effe have ela am ; bing then said. Hoan's Kidney Pills lenna For >'ew York. ?i's_ h pork is fine eatin" b that the little to! 0 much of || at a time; and Herald and N. Y. World J 1.60. SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS Os thc Sunday School Ltsaon by Rev. Dr. Llnscott for the In? ternational Press Bible Question Chub. (Cayr**. ISIS br SW. T. S LiMCOtt. DD) (Copvoaot. 1?10. by Rrv. I. S. I.nist.w. D.DJ June 12th, 1910. tl'/ipvrifht. 1910. h> H.v - I l?l> The Canaaltish Woman. Matt, xv: Golden Text?Oreat ls thy faith; be lt unto thee e\en as thou will Matt. Ri ll i Verse 2! Why had Jesus conn to the coasts of Tyre and Sidon? (Sea Mark Til: 24.) Why is proper rest ss important a duty arv work? (t.) Yet. m.u give any evidence that Qed has always loved all nations alike, and that to-day. all men. white .md Mach, rich and poor, goally dear to him? 11 i Why did this woman ask to bavs men v on her, when tho . iter? To what - for a .me effectual, unless we ? feel tb - our own'' eater suffers " art ual troubles or those who < ? ? did not sr, or pay i vhy is it that O a similar manner with ? rues. (I.) Wliy did the discip ? him to answer this woman P It'd the) do well, or 111 ii fcrlng with Jesus* plans? i is there to believe that God l nts * man to a specific work, so thal it is wro.ig for him to ster I help in oome other good work? (ll.) If what II ?? be taken ii'erally, that h. in person exclusively to the house of does that narrow, or limit, bis mission to tue who'. ULM Which helps tie -cneral cause of God most, one who attends itTfctlj own particular work 'ii,, rest to others, ?'r the ene who I read himself over all the work? n:;.i Vi Q ? iii'-' needs, and with a soul filled with Ipfnl feeling, what reason in there to believe 'hat Cod alwaj on? (14.) Whj is it that Ged often rs to those whom he (15.) Why was not this cnuraged with tl us? (16.) When God hides himself for a time from the faithful soul, what is his nurpose, and what should be the atti tude of such soul during the darkness? (This question may have to be an? swered in writing by members of the club.) (IT.) Wini: < | . ..? of this v -? like io have ns debate the I with him ni 'o our hom Otto "ns. il vi Yerse 28 ? Give a reasoned to whether Jesus' m ? I this woman much more than if ll.! her kindly, and ? the first. . i to wheth? er inch faith, as this woman had, ls hie for everybody, and, If so. how may it be acqui mi for Sunday, June 20ih. Hld The Parable of the Sower. Matt xlii:l-!< IftJJ *' Lflsr lICTIFICaTE Of DEPOSIT. . <lat?<l Marili ir, and tw?n lost ni stolen. N an that I willap|ilv ta saul hank fora duplicate gf same and all i irn?t nm tn junolO-U. At the Store of We have ju IT from the Northern market consictii LINEN SUITS in all colors ami styh voils, - and mohair. A fine line of waists, underwear and silk hosiery. Trimmed hsts in all shapes an pf this n's effect v show you 24 different styles in Oxford I of the very lat Ung FRIDAY, -JUNE 3 we will ru: I IVE DAYS ONLY. ods that wert1 bought right SPECIAL FOR THIS SALE ' and we will sell right. Your patronage will be highl) appreciated. The Store of Quality. Simon Laskey. -