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Cumberland Planing Mills fj.WID STUART Prop. When in need of Kiln Dried ?eiling, Dressed Boards, ling, Mouldings, etc., DAVID STUART, Cumberland, Va. m, a.. G. CROSS is with ree and will ' Qflyou._ rOWN DIRECTORY ?.. Harrow.. vail.J. R.Martin. W T. Martin. Dr.W. J. Gills. E ; (KBa.WaaawfMtt.Mi B. A'.. E. darrow. W. C. gan. W. T. Doyn. \s C ?e. W. M. Duval. Walker ?finerr-W C. Fallwell. E. L. Eranihert. W. H. E. Barrow. W. C. tt.Dr.W. J.G ?Jj^-E. !. KiamhCTt. Pr. W. J. Gilla. J. R. * R. Martin. E. L, Erambert. Tt H. E. Barrow. W. C. Fall land. ?Jr. k, ... P H C. Rice. ? I'. Lipscomb and J. W. . Focus, ter-1'. A. Ti COUNTY DIRECTORY. Hon. George J. Hnnd ^ and Circuit CourU?Hor i ounty and Circuit Court* - I.. Dupuy. IX Watkins. ? ? ct. J. L. t H. W. Fuuua: I M. Holladay; beckett H Walton. ?. A. A. ? llAll.KMAD ' No. 40 Mon. ? r. M. A. M. ?1.23 10.56 i 10.42 10.14 6.0? filia 10.07 ?.04 !'.5l I iMrRae 5.18 ; . Rai? 4.50 Karmville'lv. 8.00 4.30 r.a. a.m. a.m. ? inly an information, time : ? unnections not guar aaal F. B. Grigg. G. P. A, N&WMI?stem Schedule in Effect , imo. LEAVE FARMVILLE DAILY. NORTH AND EAST. No. 6. No. 4 No. 8 ?*?.?. UUi a. aa. 3:12p.m. rH AND WEST. Mo.7 No. 6. No. 3. ?.<* a. m. 5:49 p. m. 12:47 p. m. Roanoke. Bristol. Bluefield, oati. Sleepers to Bristol ^ .'<Car. i x and local stations. Car to Roanoke. Pullman ?I burg to Cincinnati, Roanoke R hnoke to Bristol Cafe Ailliamson. I urg, Koanoke and intermed ' urg and intermediate sta ts at Petersburg for Rich \, % il Richinonil. Norfolk ! ..... ?,, Norfolk, and Richmond Norfolk, Richmond and it iona. Pullman Parlor '; mond and local sta 5> -? of taking a trip YOU want ??'. fatwa, reliable and correct fc.. routes, train schedule., the r .. v.,,,. Write and I, . for the asking, with one i M. F. BRAGG, Trav. Pasa. Agt. :. "' Roanoke. Va. Karmville. ,0l"l^ RN RAILWAY th, MO. ?i are publi.-hed .arantev.1. 1 - all points i . ? . -. . Iiurha raf. Mgr Glass Fruit Jars and Rubbers ALSO EXTRA TOPS Stone Jars From 1 to 8 Gallons. STOKES & DAVIDSON. ir Have You A Telephone ? Are you deriving all the benefits from it that you should great many people do their DRUG STORE shopping over our phones. Our delivery service at your mand from 6:30 a. m. to 10 p. m. Wa cater to family trade and solicit your drug account. Two registered druggists in charge. FREEAR & GARLAND, Druggists. So Convenient and Satisfactory Wc have numbers of customers, in the count: .is in town, who have found convenience and satisfaction in telephoning' their orders to us. They've told us so. We have an exceptionally complete stock for you to from. Suppose YOI' phone us .t trial order and see hon plan suits you, see how promptly it is delivered to you anil atrip "downtown" or "to town" these bot from us hy 'phone are exchangable or returnable where until ANDERSON DRUG COMPANY Both Phoni FARMVILLE, VA. USED UNIVERSALLY COKTRIGHTsHINGLES WHEN Cortright Metal Shineles were fret introduced (24 years apo) you had '?onie excuse foi hoing sceptical: 15m m If yon are sceptical it ran only he because you d m thc fact' in the case. They are used today from the Atlantic t? tbe Pacific for all kinds of buildings, nader all conditions. They arc fireproof, stormproof: never leak and la-^t as long as thc building itself without needing repairs. For further detailed information apply to LOCAL DEALEM or CORTRIGHT METAL ROOFING CO.. 'HlLADrXl'HlA. TA In Bad Fix "I had a mishap at the age of 41. which left me in bacn fix," writes Mrs. Georgia Usher, of Conyers, Ga. I "I was unconscious for three days, and after that I would have fainting spells, dizziness, nervousness, sick headache, heart palpitation and many strange feelings. "I suffered greatly with ailments due to the change of life and had 3 doctors, but they did no good, so I concluded to try Cardui. "Since taking Cardui, I am so much better and can do all my housework." mCARDUI j 41 The Woman's Tonic Do not allow yourself to get into a bad fix. You might get in so bad you would find it hard to get out. Better take Cardui while there is time, while you are still in moderately good health, just to conserve your strength and keep you in tip top condition. In this way your troubles, whatever they are, will grad? ually grow smaller instead of larger?you will be on the up-grade instead of tlie down?and by and bye you will arrive at the north pole of perfect health. Get a bottle at your druggists' today. I. W. Harper Whiskey Ripe, Mellow Delicious at FARMVILLE DISPENSARY SPECIALIST M. W BAXTER -OPTOMETRIST? FOURTEEH YEARS PRaCtlCal EXPERIENCE Headaches and Nervousness a Specialty. Glasses properly fitted?Prices reasonable. Latest instruments and methods. Consultation FREE and Invited. Permanently Located FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA. Offices: Vhite Drug Co. OFFICE HOURS-io * m till 5 p m Kt uta dav, thl-ksdat batu* SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Facts About the FIRE Of APRIL 17, '10 Sunday, April 17 Fire destroyed H. H. Hunt's Photo? graphic Gallery and damaged the Barber Shop of M. H. Mt Namee. Monday, April 18 Companies notified of loss. Tuesday .April 19 AdjllStl Wednesday, April 20th Friday, April 22 Settle .ithout discount. This i ry ma? terially increased our t If our your policy there is no ? r worry?we will protect your Better Insure Today?There Will Be Another Fire E. R. BOOKER General Insurance Agency Phoar 147 FARMVILLE. VA. CHICHESTER S PILLS W-~~ THK IMA MONK UK \ Ml. A 7t\ I..II..I A.L)oiirllr?Kl,|l T /A X RS.g t k|.rtar.-t?T'? l?lKi.....iTTlrun.|/A\ li^SC^ I'll!* in Uri \V/ ? W*i "? \f t?w| Tal>r po nlkrr Hut afjur " - Af llni.l.t. \ .1 M III l IIIK.TFB?! ~ niAj|<?\r? hk\m> en i ? SOID BY LWLiOOISTS EVERYWHERf. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Head of Public School System in Virginia Letters. Science. Law. Medicine. Engineering LOAN FUNDS AVAILABLE to needy and deserving students. 1-10.00 covers all costs to Virginia students in the Academic Departments. Send for catalogue. HOWARD WINSTON. Registrar, may 13 2m. University Postoffic, Va. I*rlc?s of Ice After Ma* U Ice will be sold for one cent * pound delivered, \% cent a p>und or 40 cents per KM) pounds at plant. WHOLESALES at plant for cash .;<IU pound-s, $ Lon. ton $5.t>0. 100 pound ticket book 7.*><?.. 15c off If cash is paid driver when book is delivered. 500 pound books $3.25 cents off i! catii is paid driver when book is delivered. Above books good for any amount over ten pounds in multiples of five. SM pound booka $1.25 with 25 cents off if cash is ^aid driver mama L?i"k is delivered. 1,000 pound book $4.50 with 50 centa off if cash is paid on first of month following date of sale. Above hi I for 25 pounds or any multiple thereof. Ton books with 50 pound coupons $8 parable first of month following date of sale. Buy a 250 pound B for $1.00 cash and get 25 pounds of ice for ten cents. No ice delivered on Sunday. Ice will old at the plant until teri o'clock Sunday morning. All Ice books charged must be paid on the first of the month following date of sale, or t' ? of Ice will be discontinued. Phone 41. If not answered cal] Xo. 14. w. a m?mw Are You Looking for a Position? We can offer you good Paying Employment that you will enjoy and at home. Write to-day Address LThe Bntterlck Publishing Co. I Butteriest Building, New York. N.Y. I PORTER CHARLTON. Who Confessed to Murder cf His Wife In Italy. I njaa*' ' *th Charlton Confesses Murder. Porter Charlton, the husband of Bira. Mary Scott Castle Charlton, I body was found stuffed in a tran which was taken from I.ake I Italy, recently, was arrested I stepped from the steamship Prim < s Irene in Hoboken, N. ' Within a ha.t hour he had confessed to the ii. of his a Charlton at first denied his id. but after boluc given the "third d' gree" he ;? nat he was th' husband of Mrs. Charlton and BM signed statement to tba Jiobokfl The ? text of Charl i :-:t woman In ni un Jo had I. V ? ? vial a in. I would ? d lor a started again. "1 took a mallet whirh I bad to do boom boneehoid !? I ? trunk from ' ,0 ;l small hoard 1 !>-miiin"d at Mai: iad left tba folk ni^ht and went to Como, and from wu. r. I took the met [rena three da r was an on' ; ing apartn At thc suggestion of an attorney whos. nred shortly al tm ala arrival at the police station Charlton added this nontncHnt to hia statement ?l hav. been Inforaaed that C. K Ispolatoff has beep implicated, and I wish to state that this gentleman ls absolutely guinness. I hav. to make and don t wish to." Charlton will probably be taken bark to Ital) tor trial. The body of Mrs. Mary Scott Caa tie Charlton was found packed in a trunk which was taken from Lake Como tear the village of Moltrasio b) fishermen on June 10. The woman with her husband. Porter Charlton had occupied a villa on the lake front. leased h\ them some time before. At the time the woman's body wa covered Porter Charlton could not be found. Mitchell Lost $1000 Ring. While engaged in a game of "bathing suit i il Atlantic City. N. J., with President Samuel B. Gomp. American Federation of Labor. Frank Morrison, secretary of that pow erl ul labor organization, and otb. the bench, .John Mitchell, one of thc tire council of the federation and former head of the mine workers' un ion. lost thc |1000 diamond ring pre ! to him by his admirers aft. t|em? nt of the big Pennsylvania mim sit ike Captain (tooran Berks, a vet eran "lind the ring and t* eejved a $H"i bill from the labo who was overjoyed at r> ring. Mitchell arrived here with c,< ;; Morrison and other labor lead, on to attend the a uncil ol' thc build>r md metal worke: portmenta ol tbe federation. $15,000,000 In Fake Cure*. annually poure ? ..... ? . 'hat for th: sum ? Calf Bern With Two Heada. .inning set I HEINZ PAID LAWYERS800,000 Stanciifield's Princely Fee For Defending "Copper King." KNOWN AS LAWYER'S LAWYER One-Time Democratic Candidate For Governor of New York Holds Record as Recipient of Huge Fees. lt WI that John H. Stanch field, ol New York, has ? i "i from Fritz Augus? tus Hi aa ever re : :n B c rimlnal ? Mr Blanchfield was special counsel foi Heinze when the Copper King" pat on 'rial on chain's of over certification and misapplication of the funds ot the Mercantile National bank Of that institution. Fighting tiki ? majcii for Heinze's ?ai Mr staachflekj n i oreti it, afHr a masterly suniujing up. As ;. ? talaera, St ^ho is anon lawyer." easily leads recipienta ot biij legal feen, aneh an samuel rjnten er. William Nelson CromweU and Judge James H. Dill, who bit a lucra? tive civil practlve five years ago to become a judge in th?' court of errors and appeals in New Je Heinae said it cost bim $l.(H to secure an acquittal, besides the enormous amount lost in depreciation of securities on account of his I His case had been before thc courts for more than two y< I Mr. Stanchfleld, wi, from EJmira, recent!'. I a fee of more than Jim. nco in the aettli ? for tb' I of thc sugar tm in 1900 Mr. Btnnchneld wa nor. Four for work al Albany ne was paid Henri) MOO,. Ineuraacc int* re ita In foa l< cord for aa c corni < om Willi ii Cromwell, ii ' general i that the sum ran areli toward a mil about $700 iel L'ntermeyer, for ser ? ,1 in bringing about a m< Conaolldated Mining : !:.. I'tah C,i|i|i. I rom ? ? of it was in 0 -aid to hav |1, tor settling the affairs of i ny. SENATOR M'ENERY DIES Louisiana's Representative In the Up? per House Passes Away. United Btntea Senator Samuel Doug? las Ml lani J died at his home' in Nw* Orleans of acute Indigestion. Governor Sanders Will Succeed Him. (Jovernoi Jared Y. Sanders will attC the late Senator McEaery in the senate, according to the party leaders nntbered al Baton Rouge Tin islature is in session, and Sanders' ele-'tion la being arranged for. Lieu? tenant Qorernoi Lambo mont will suc ? U ' THUNDER RAISES BODY i ?_? Vibration Results In Recovery of Drowned Boy. The body ol Kobe it \ i years of age. who was drowned In tbe Susquehanna river ai ilai j Pa, on Saturday, has bean re< < a mile below the point where he met his death. Prank Bear polled him from 1 the water immediately alter a heavy thunder storm. I Coroner H Ri anya the shock of the thunder is responsible , for the body appearing on the au I thus early. To Start For North Pole. The lp Mainz which will Saturday for t Islands, carrying Count /.e-| ; prellminaiy North Polar expedition has anchored alongaidV the Imperail ! yacht Hob' many. where she William. It is piai I dlrig Ible balloon hon ? n and Captain Lau will in\. ?? pos sibilit:? loon flight Cloudbursts In Kentucky. at $1 found: stand Man Meets Strange Death. ; .....