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farmville Herald. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY A. L. Hart, Owner and Publisher RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One Copy Oue Year.$1.00 One Copy Six Months. lt ?we Copy Three Months.2.V Entered at the Poatoffice as Second Class Matter. All Communications and Money Should be Addressed to THE HER abLD. FARMV1LLB. VA. FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1910. KAJT (X?N<iHEfiS. On Saturday evening last, at 11:30. the curtain was lowered, the gavels sounded and the 61st Con-, gress of the United St. into histor) The closing hours were crowded with business of importance. much of which should have been attended to in the earlier days of the body. Tbe President with his cabinet was on band to sign the bi'ls as pal ed, and the galleries were crowded to their capacity for holding. "Un? cle Joe" reviewed tbe work of the hotly and pronounced it "well done," threw bouquets generously. but had no one tossed at him in return, tbe usua' resolution ot eonV tom the minority not being forthcoming. Saunder^ was placed on a com? mittee of investigation to mani lort to th< ion. which is equivalent to notice to tlie "Parson" tnat he must still wait and live on hope with the usual allowance thrown in. The space at our command forbids a cursory review of the work of the body, but must ac pei milted to say that having again shamefully .ted the public roads of the country, while spending peoples money rcchjeealy, tue sm of oinis aion is such that there should ba no forgiveness on the part of the voters. This one neglect should be BOfficienl td itself to shut the door of return to each and every member. * To say that this is not tbe? ing need of the people is to talk nonsense lint since tile Cannon was spiked we must unite with tbe unhorsed 'Czar" in saying, "well \ow for the honeyed worda (or thc ad with the bope ot sugar in the gould' A (HIP OF THU <>l.l> BLOCK. Teddy, Jr., on bis wedding tour, took in Chicago and under an anenmed name-. And why" Mc must have known that hi ladanvwere weil known by feat ture to every newspaper man in tin 'hat the dodge could not :u!iy worked. The only explanation is found in the fact that "like produces like," and like the father must be atrennona and sensational. Explain! itry limply brought him more prominently be? fore the reading public. The big. burly bruisers will meet on Monday at Keno where family matter^ arc adjusted, and that Mon? day will only be "blue" to the peo IO low money on the fight Neither the white man nor the blnel man will be much hurt and both ol them will emerge (rom the fight (?) with pockets bulging with mon ey. Barnum was right, this countn Is crowded with folks who I. be hu rn hu I.-. When we listcMied to Major Hemp bill telling the Hanipden-Sidtiey boy of the ide>al newspaper it never oe curred to us that thi would ever again give an account o a prize tight, and >? re ? nd all roughs and toughs have been employed and no doub od PfU to report the bout 0 the bruisers to take place on Mon day. The greatest of preachers, Pan of Tarsus, however, warned are hers to take heed hst at te preaching the Gospel they might'li castaways. We lift our hat to Mrs. Theodor Roosevelt, Sr. During the* "strer nous" rounds and trying ordeals sh has borne herself with matron! modesty and the reserve of a tru woman. The faithful represent; tive of the true American woman. If Governor Hughes is going o the bench it ia time he was quittin the political game. The nation sick of 5 to 4 decisions on the mal :' grave rubi ic concern. lined b LODGE'S MAKE's MM After five months of na? tion Lodge finds that ti are caused by the farmers. He aa them with rushing up the, price of eggs ion per cent., of ba? con Tu percent , of ham one-third, of flour half as much again. .Mr. Ald? rich, Mr. Lodge, and their manufac? turer friends, who have done alli they could to aid the consumers by raisinp the tariff and enabling him to pay more for everything he- buys, are indignant at the way the farmer has acted To read the Lodge report you, would judge that the farmer ia roll? ing in wealth. He must have been' piling up his ill-gotten gains like hay-mounds in the fields." And for this five-months' investi? gation (?) the people were made to pay $65,000! A farce of the first water, a travesty intensified, a joke colossal' Stone tbe farmers and let the frenzied financiers have (M The people asked for bread and re? ceived a stone Why not gather the rock* trom the mountain sides and the valleys and pelt the pilferers from place and power? Mi Roosevelt will visit Cr. Taft at Beverly, and this we wen surprised to read. But ti hasn't tak.n place yet. 1 velt. Garfield and Pinchot,, have met and Mr. Taft wasn't asked to join them. We are porsoaded that the. storm clouds are gathering and that I I] meeting will not scatter them. THE RAIL ROAD BILL. Mr Taft is said to be- delighted with the yew rail road bill, which was passed in the closing hours of Congress This is said t<> be its ebie; feati "The chief effect of the tull is to .'hen and make more efficient the- machinery employed in the Fed? eral regulations of rates The commission no longer needs to wait for the filing of a Shipper's '"Hi plaint betoi.. taking action. Of its own motion it may review and sus? pend any and all rates when increas ? made-. The burden of the proof that the new rates jue fair and reasonable is imposed on the railroads. And pending any appeal to the nen Conn ot Comm. ? the United States Supreme Court all shippers must he tully prol THU NEW PRINCE Ol %V Xl EB. Yoong Princ-e Edward Albert christian Patrick David, heir-apparent to the throne front Britain, wa ira old da>. and his royal father made him Prince Of Wales in honor ol the day no doubt with all the traditional "ensigns of honor, the girding on ol I a sword, the- delivering of a cap and placing it on bis head, with a ring ' on his finger and a golden statt in his hand, according to ancient ena ? tom." Voung Edward got his aword ..and golden staff-and tin- tin.s trice: frrrimes of the Welsh coronet rather more quickly than his father. The latter, though Queen Victoria died January 22, Iddl, and King Kdward mounted the throne at OMS did not be come Prince of Wabs un . til November Hth. Th^at was a wait of nine and one-half months. Yoting Kdward had to wait but 4:1 days. The title of Prince or Wales doet .not belong to the heir to the throne . by right He becomes Duke of Corn . wail the moment bis father bocomei king, but the latter is under no eddi . gation, save hy ancient custom, te make him Prince of Wales. The titi* dates from the year when ii was conferred upon tl... young pidna who afterwards became Kdward ll This Edward was born at Camuvoi ls in Wale-s and was lin of Kdward I. it seems an easy process by whk-i kings are made, but the question 0 ? concern to the people is whs of the king after lie has bten made FALSE XLXKM. 1 Mr. Roosevelt is reporte-d to hav n expressed himself as tired of n r much publicity. If it were anyon 'han Mr. Roosevelt we shouli , ??' the report as reasonable an probable. But the expression doesn i"incidewith Mr. Roosevelt's cor duct in consistently and pei e ly doing something to keep him ,. self in the public eye and as th central figure of a world-wide put lidty. Mr. Roosevelt is not tire v of publicity, or he would pm e course best calculated to give hii I. relief?Petersburg Index-Appeal. That's false alarm Mr. Roost velt feeds and fattens on publicity and without it would shrivel an n die. When the street loafer tire 8 of loafing, the "best girl" of crear 'S soda, the "int-rest.-" of pi I- upwards and Cannon of pow.-; then may the litor of t drinks three juleps and then saws off abruptly. Of course we are re? ferring to juleps made of Virginia mint. lt may be that tlie deacn made his experiment in South Caro-j lina with a concoction ol dispensary. licker and palmetto and penny'rile That, of course, is a different pro? position_Petersburg Index-Appeal.! The good "Deacon" only meant; to say that he only drank three mint! juleps between the hour of reaching home from church and the dinner hour. HKKALDIM.s Mr. Taft is pleased and the rest of us must be. Labor should spurn to ask for or ??' ial legislation in its fa? vor. Beverly Bay and Oyster Bay are now the rival capitols of the Na? tion California lost the fight but re? tained its fair name. The Postal Bank may he alright. but we were laboring under the ini ?n that we had already banks enough and the great need was for money to deposit ni the banks (edd storage is coming in for full shale of the .blame for high <. living. Why not freeze them out' A reckless majority in Co may send Mr. Saunders hack home, but the vet. ra will -end him bark to Washington With the- girls all gone to BnrOpC 'nug Index Appeal looks lonesome. Millions for irrigation, but not on cent for pttbltc highway improve? ment. The fools are not all and some of them serve i?i the "dear people " Henry was in bad com? pany, ? Cimes-Dispatch. but bc- did feast on fine things. Garfield spent the night in the Roonevell home. Ballinger in dan? gar. "O, that mine enemy would write a book." WCll. the- "bunter," my of all wild beasts, is busy about it Mr. Taft's boy driving an auto ran over an .Ame; |< , and de-atii may ensue. Reno is the stetm center of the world just now. There are BOOTC fools gathered there than on any like space beneath 11 Attorney General Williams would do away with thc- school examin \ ern, and in this he is right. The tax payers have no money to wasts on aupecmumera .1 c. Mot been mi A H. He has long ina -- ? f the- art of money making. Baltimore bni reddced the Dumber of its . . hut th.- license tax has been I to that the revenue amounts to the colossal sum of $l,6<f.O04 ''-I Holme paid hia lawyer 6800,006 to keep him ont of jail. The Zeppelin air ship wa< wreck? ed, but no p;i as injured. ? i the ra iii i "The tariff ba .mud not guilty by a jury ot its special plead? ers." "A fellow feeling mttkl wondrous kind " AIRSHIP LANDS ' BURDEN IN TREES First Passenger Gratt Falls Without injuring Occupants. > The airship Deutsc hland landed ii ? the tirane hes of a clump of tre i y Iburg, Germany, in the TeutobUrget , fore Bl Kers or cree was injured. The airship was | damaged The Deutachlaad left Ihisseldorf fo' an excursion Intended by Conn' Bop pelin to demonstrate that it could Ix i navigated under unfavorable weathei f conditions. t A stiff breeze was blowing when the ? craft left her moorings. She sai!< over the towns of Kiberfield and Solin gen, lift, cn miles from Dusseldorf. am then apparently was driven by th. wind In Cns direction. n This place jp seventy miles nortl D of Dusseldorf, and the airship i l) here flying with the wind. When ovi d the cit> tli. pilot attempted to brim t his craft about and after some ma - Delivering b< SdCd for Munster. This course was held for som. but eventually the Deutachland wa forced back on her track until aha sra i (j again above the town. o To ohse-rvers lt appeared that tw? it of the airship's motors were disable and that oniy one was workit . '- erly. After Jockeying in the air wlthou d Power or stability to land safely, ei m forts Wi ip and. apparent! _ beyond -or's contr tschlnnd settled toward th) finally landing in a dump of tl Dickinson Going Around World. ? If the feed gets short before the pasture is ready, it is better to buy more. There ia no economy in cutting down the- teed at freshening per? iod. Sow a good acreage of oats and peas. All that is not eaten green can be harvested as oats-pea hay. Go alow the first days of plow? ing; it will make a gain in the end. During the firet days of plowing the collars should be raised often to cool the shoulders. In some cases it may be neces? sary to dissolve some Kpsom salts in the food for hogs. When you hurry about milking the cow feels uncomfortable and ami up on you a little. That! hurts the cow and hurts you as well.' A sour manger ia the abomina? tion ?>f a really good horse. The] man who forces a horse to eat out of such a vile place ls sure to be the loser, and will sometimes loSS Ihe horse with intestinal disorders, including colic. TWICE-TOLDJTESTIMONY. FniansRIe Peoadc are Doing ail Ihasy < ui lor I ataOCI Snffere;!'.. Farmville testimony has been pub? lished to prov.- the merit of Doan's Kidney Pilli io others in Karmville who suffer from had backs and kid? ney iljs I -iffer doubt that the cur.s made by Doan's Kidney Pills are thorough and lasting. we prodoi i med proof meiits from Farmville people ing that the eui ago a>.. permanent. Here's a Farm? ville . I E. L. Kia ni bert, Farmville, Va., I s Kidney Pills for backache sonic- time ago and the proved satisfai tot y in evet > i Bomber of my friends bnvs procur-, ed this remedy at Fie. hi a.- (Mai? lling Store and have receiv-; from its use. I gave a public statement recommend? ing Doan's Kidney Fills in 1 SOS, and at this tim" am glad to - waly mid regarding them " For sale by all dealers. Price 50 lilburn Co.. Buffalo New York, sole agents for the Unit? ed States. Remember the name_Doan's and take no other. The First National Rank. FarWu.i.f.. Va.. June27. 1910. Thc i ? declare*! the usual ?etni annua! ?: hree per cent (freeoftax) payable- July 1 will he maded. V. VAIDF.N. Caahier. THE CANTON PURE RYE is one of the finest straight whis? kies made in Maryland. It is old, mellow and full proof. We also ' recommend the Hopkins Choice, the German Club and the Paca; these are blends of fine old straight whiskies. Sold at the Farmville Dispensary and all first-class hotels and family liquor Stce, ULIMAN. BOYKIN ft CO.. BALTIMORE AT THE STORE OF QUALITY Special Sale on all Ladies Wear You will find in this department all trrades marked in plain figures one price to all, actually 25 per cent lower than manufacturers cost. We have the kind of bargains that will make it positively worth whlie for every wo? man economically inclined to visit our stun- and examine our skirts in Voils, Panamas and Serges. Shirt SH the newest effe< ? in Oxfords and high top in all all styles and leath? ers. Underwear that can be only gotten in the larger cities, such as Princess slips, made of the finest ma? terial. Combination suits made of the best che- ked muslin, underskirts in black Taffeta, Silk and Heather? bloom. Beautiful long Kimonas and Tea Jack Our Millinery Department. 100 sample Sailors purchased of one of the largest milliners concerns of Baltimore, worth fJom $1.00 to tl.50. Must be cleaned out at 50c choice. The latest in Trimmed Hats at a great loss, reduced to one-half value. Other things too numerous to mention. The Store of Quality. Simon Laskey. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF DESIRABLE HOM* in *m&. 'i Rail way. ir I .11 par ?n fron' When In Town CALL AT Llewellyn Bros. 214 MAIN STREET, and see their large stock of HOME MADE HAND MADE HARNESS. We make our harness ourselves out of carefully picked stock, therefore can guarantee their LASTING QUALITIES. If we haven t just what you want we will make it while you wait. Equipped to do all kinds of repairing neatly and promptly. IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THK CIRCUIT 1 Coort of the County of Prince Edward on the 2*fth day of June, 1910. Branrh Hudson Plaintiff. against Mattie Stokes* Hudson I >efendant The object of this suit is< to obtain a divorce a vinculo matrlmonii by the plaintiff, Branch Hudson, from the defendant. Hattie Stokes Hud? son. And an affidavit having been made and tiled that the defendant Hattie Stokes Hudson is not a resident of the State of Virginia, it is ordered that she do appear here within fifteen days after due publication hereof, and do what may be necessary to protect her interest in thia suit. A copy?Teate: HORACE ADAMS. Clerk. Watkins t Brock, p. q. july 1?4t. A Bold and Liberal OFFER. Pickett Water Is sold under a posi? tive guarantee to im? prove your condition when everything else fails. $10O will be paid for any case of stomach or kidney trouble Pickett water iails to relieve $100 will be paid any per? son who can drink Pickett water accord? ing to my instructions without being benefit ted. I will deposit an amount equivalent to your R. R. fare and hotel bill for 60 days, same to be iorieited il Pickett water don't do that which it is guar? anteed to do. Come to Farmville and try a course of Pickett wa? ter. CHAS. B. PICKETT. WATKINS & BROCK, -ATTORNEYS AT LAW, FARMVILLE. VA. -Pr-inirr in Courts of Prince Edward. Cumba* and. Buckingham. Nottoway and Amelia, an Unitod States Court at Richmond. Especial attention paid to cases in bankrupt? \\T C FRANKLIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, PAMPUN CITY. VA. Practicea in Appomattox. Prince Edward an Charlotte enuntiea. Supreme Court of Virgini and U. S. Courta G#s.w.Nr? ATTORNEY AT LAW, Green Baj, Prince Edward Coogly, Tl. PaT Cot'KTs:? State and Federa J. Taylor THosirso Crewe. Va. Karmville. Va. Lee & Thompsor Attorneys at Law way and a 1 Fruit Jars Fruit Cans Rubbers Preserving Kettles -AT Paulett & Bugg'j. Fruit Cans WAX STRINGS Fruit Jar Tops AND RUBBERS. We are ready to supply you. Chas. Bugg & Son. BORROW MONEY mot owning thth amt lifting a mortvr.:; ? THREE I I .vith nearly eight thc lout N" ? money neil lei call. Writ.- ii- hew HMD ' and entire- plan will he MM. Ar.v amount anywhere in the Sta WILLIAMSON BROS RICHMOND VA 19 CHtHllie COM' A New Preparation WINDOWPANE Makes stainedfulass windows out of PLAINJ GLASS It shades or blinds, breaks the view ADMITS MORE LIGHT enriches appeal As-k for inforn Cheap and Durable. R. G. Bristow HOME DECOR/ Uri Third Bfrttt _ LIVERY % And Sales Stables. * FRANK EPES lenhors't" BARJMWAY I I lt M AT ALL HO) W I bona* and vehi< le- DA] ' at reanonable : tention given all ord> - T. IfV. VAUGHAN, Manage