Newspaper Page Text
CENT A WORD. if V'o'jnd- in fact ? U inaerteel in \ r a word, each r hara'of ten t stares counted aa part of ad ?j tb. asama** of insertions desired i ot entering- the ad ? will r* continued at the botice tc discontinue ia n tTe<! Belgian Hare*. On* calf. Several cow* in milk. Woodson Venable. Om thousand dollars Farmville mh> ^Pl'b' te Herald. _ . ?nd red oak railroad tiea ' Fut particular?, addre-? ??> r armvUte. Va. jane 24?tf. , c.v. K?-?xl?nce on High atreet, 205. now '*Ja i? w Richardson. PosaesMon Aa *1 API ; >,rutblc- june 24-tf. at from three to six every fresh butter muk at the june 17 tf. _. u g m on HiKh street, elev atlks, electric Ihrhta. Gooa jnton. june dwellina; on Second atreet. F. S. Blanton. r<?,m tenaaneuts. on Oak CM Rotten. surrey. good ton buggy. ? harness. AU ; _ House situated in a e near a cool spring. Fresh ni abundan< ? Mrs- John A. Clark. Farm fy cow fresh to the Venables. fmiU.mmm. pt kin. Estima . ? <uid buggy paint ins a may 20?tf. Second avenue-. _ ai'1 *? ,f r fortable upstairs room on I for office. M Robeson. I Dtntk street suit Apply to W. T. feb 4-tf The Evolution of Booster Bill IX.-How Many Bill Blues Have We? Cc B Blue's knocking was so bad ?ed out everything he had. grew wise and muttered "Stung!" er Bill" a new song tung. Blues have we here ?>. and try the town to queerf ? one. then, like Bill, pray %a>? the error of your way. astXttV I -uns hi. own place down ?han the town, i lift up dees his best ^'up hil fortune with the rest. 'n law: WE GET "* "????? cut. Time pays the debi Jr* shed ..-?? r.e lt Wcll fill Ee a "Booster Bill." weight suits for Very cheap. At k'c. insurance?Dr J**? tele otic Oil i e pal ? round. All druggists >-ak, run-down "off?"?Ju9t a iver. Burdock nver and stom on, purifies the lng, Organdies and f-ieming ?* Clark'*. ' PfHi Have Cnred Me. lotation from a tl. Wink ler, of l traded a se t rouble. My md pained me. I ?at .ill strength and ? ,i ?ith dbuy ?niel swim and \ . > ec i tonk I ilarly and am ll and feel lil have all Di ucl / * 1 GO PERSONALS IND BRIEFS. Notes of Happenings and Peipie You Km Harmless. IK? Aerial Family Dad is on the barn roof launching a balloon. With wooden w-'ngt beneath his arm* I 'TH soar son. " Sis has turned her parasol into a Bsmeawi ? And tieri th ? cat on with a string am! -*> i> it's ' . mn ok cate." Brother wiih his aeroplane is on the garden wal!. And ma is spreading feather beds to cate tb rn when they fall. ?Chicago Newe. Mr. Stevens, of Orange, grand? father o! Mr. McIntosh, is visiting him. lt makes no difference as to the size of the job, we are prepared to execute it at the Herald office. Mr. L, A. Smith attended the Haptist encampment at Ocean View last We-, k Snow, a former member of, tlie- Xeirmal faculty, is hart tn teach in the- Summer Normal. m.lay tor Richmond, where she will be the 'ailie- Rea nie.? Mr. Ki inst Jones, wno has been i a; Buckingham Courthouse, has moved to Alta Vista, whet pened a law office. Mrs. C. M. Walker will go ? Yellon Sulphur, and lui Knests Mis. Mattie Lee Walker and Walker. The evenings will soon u- longer, ami you can't afford nen to have the Herald as companion alter jin laboil of the day are ended. in the olden day ''eben1) bonnee" ? .kerned among the good thiugu of life, but who hears cjf cherry bonnee now-a-d. Jn the world of nature after the Mora cornea the sunshine again.' And the same.' is true in the world or men The local liappoving worth re? peating to your neighbor is worth ?ending Into tbe Herald Do so and secant our thanks in advance If you rise nov-a-days with tba ilawn and work until the sun dov/0 you have done full di and you retire ie teed tired eoeni Drop in and look at the new ma chine at wen k bot lu- tort not lo talk to tile operator His whole time is occupied and time is ? Whenever a strang tarting to drive ai<out town most of un would remine) him or her to utke in Normal, but no attention is ealled io the High School. The old seedling peach tree* are cm dot" t: I, and Uh- fruit s ene of them is most easel* lent. m a|i|?lc- j. good as of yore. Hr. C. a Price and family have moved into the- new home, and Mi. A. If Hurd willi his family now OCUPJ the place- made vacant by them in the home- of Mr. C. C Tow? an. All of ns are grateful when the shadows of evening fall on a day of burning sunshine, and yet with each going day we have lost so niue of time that which we cling lo so tenaciously and value above price. iddan darkness gathered in \ on Friday after.m of last week, and tor the- time ii looked as thong! there' would he a hurri? cane, but tli*? rain came down the clouds rolleel hy. The next time you ine-et with a stranger win) has come to us with the purpose of buying a home, don't you play pessimist and drive him ?.way. Wa nave n glorious country whether you hal I 'lin it Mi? not. As there is not to be' any ob? servance of the Fourth in Farm? ville, suppose you run over to Chase City and learn how they do things since "Bob" West bas be? come a citizen of the town, and the Progress is using an enlarged 1' The man who begins a Job and I stops before completing it is reck- 1 oned a failure. What is true i of that man is just as true of the other man who begins to advt and then quits before the end has been reached. A fire is rarely heard of in the 1 country where the projierty is in- I sured. This strikes one as reck- < onj are rich enough l to do without ; UoB of in? surance*. And thc -fong H ) Mr? Ileura Hall, of Richmond, is ? v. Mi N B Davidson is iddil I South Mi. Ii iwberry cordial - the ? urned fri iii her Behool work in North Car? olina. Wouldn't be surprised to learn that Mr. R. ll Walton was top? ping tobacco have heard no farmer com? plain of the ciuality of this sea ? !ieat. Wednesday evenini meet? ings are well attended though the weather is scorching. The Normal hell sounded again on Wednesday morning for break? fast, and it made music in the air. Mis6 Carrie Bland, who has been attending school in Portsmouth. Va., has returnee! to bet horne- in Bock isgham. Mr. John L Burger is having a handsome residence built on one ol the choice lots bought at thi cent sale of the Venable lots. The entertainmenl which the la tiet of the Presbyterian Church had planned for the 8th of July, has been postponed. Many suggestions are being made as 'o the site for the government building, but we have to catch the hare before cooking it. Some people jump when it thun? ders, and sit unmoved when the lightning flashes Hut the thunder never did hurt anybody. Yes, Main and Thin; afreet* ars kept well cleaned, and yat some people/are careless enough still to throw waste paper on the sidewalks The one trouble about all Barri* ages is that the bride has I "goodbye" to the home etrcle. Friends may smile, but mother sheds Read over the receipts at our postoffice, compare them with oth? ers, and you will know that Fai Hi ville ll entitled to a government building. The squares in the I'li.-ic Kdward Hotel garden upon which grew the earl] vegetables, are dov beini pared for <>i her < i ops Mo 11 time allowed | Comfortsb pieced ai convenient In the eemetsry, affording pli ass < i ? Who walk out tu the city of the dead Cumbei land ? ctfuPy ask? ed to gi and build a ?arndani to Raines, lt ita admit, and yet a degree of sell Tnixe-d a/lth most lnrnian transactions Mrs. George E fox -t-.w to the Herald Friday, choice specimen! of cabbage and cucumbers The COOum bers wen- the- first of the- season from local gsrdeBUl BO :?" know, hg law Lindsey, who '? school in Richmond, li^ been os a visit to her old home friends In this place She left Tuesday for Wi lin? ville, where- sh>- will be with friends for the remainder of the vocation The "special delivery" letter is said to be sneers mods c.i sending with money Many ar? am! the- government in no nisi sponslble Register your hit value || thc sate- and sane The- I'n-sM terian ladies of Burke? ville realized $206.00 from their en? tertainment of la<t Friday, and dur? ing the- reeeni past have made $J. 100 to he need In the building of a ?sase. ? ; un bright end the iiir bracing Main street was Crowded, but we do not know that buyers and in in- hoped that everybody gol im The dispensary receipt Saturday amounted to 1526.40, das In part to the fact that the Norfolk ind Western had paid its empli md the money from harvest was in land. And the bee- 1 and -efreshing. Mr. J. w. Haselgrove was in town on Saturday and gave out good lews from the farm. Wheat all cut, some tobacco in top wing. rruit maturing and "all's well" He added, "all good nen are born >n the farm." The noblest p -ion known among men. People are dying from the ef ? while 'ight i may be exe- but , I md di fully. | j Miss Rosa Williams- ha from a visit to friend lia. Mr and Mis J A a; home again I conni Mis. Ann Atkins :, P-urmeister and daughter, Wilheli den, Germany, aie ai M ley's. Mr. Horace K Penkey, of Harri? sonburg. Va.. h?3 been a visitor this wi. k \t Hi- home of Mr. and K W.Garnett. Ward, the chef, is on deck again, but the kitchen is a 'arge and airy one and the work is done under comfortable conditions. Mrs U-lia Pierce, formerly of the county of Buckingham, now of Flor? ida, is wita her sister. Mrs R. W Garnett, for the summer monti Mr. Hatcher Coleman, of N way, is now siiperinti neting the building ot the- macadam to Wil borne's bridge in place of Mr a t Brown, who was ordered to Spott sylvama Mr M. M Lampe, traveling mana ConseUdated Me-rcantile Co , is personally eosdnettng R. w Garnett A. I Mr. Lampe is known as the world's Ki',at?'st bar \LSHIT-i <?\ "Two limul* That Beni SS on-" The home of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Cox, on Buffalo Street was the scene of an unusually brilliant home wedding, when ou the- evening of the 2'ird their daugh< ly/, be? came the bride of Mr. Jami of Big Stone Gap, Vu. Friends of the fan. I ti;n ting parties had been Invited in numbers, and when thi theied there- itu- soft and many-col? ored lights fell upon BS nindi >?! ami chivalry as ever met to do honor to a social function in the history of Farmville. The goddess of fashion had. with SSQttlsltC dictated the- dn-ss of the maidens. in eoloi- .1- d' (teats a- those with which Nature paints the Ups of the lily, or makes beautiful the The matrons in gowns nore ?ub due-d, and yet of finest fabric and finish, moved about in stately and dignity, while- the- cavaliers, in fut1 dr - as gallant and Chis Valroni as wei.- ths knights of old The Rev, W. K. Hill, pastor of the family, performed the eeremony The attendan- Mr W H. Polly, of l'-ig Stem. man. and the bride's twin in- Cox, was maid of bonot Miss Edna II. Cox, cousin of the bride. i cic-smaid. The br;: waa of duchess satin, with pearl and chiffon trimmings, and her veil of tulle tell from a Coronet of orange blossoms. The bride's father gave her away. She carried a shower bon quet of lilies of the valley and WOTS the- groom's gift.a sunburst of pe-ai ls and diamonds. Both the maid of honor and bridesmaid wore pink Breve de chine gowns, and carried I. Prance roses The Dower tu page-s wore white costume-.s and the I as froi ked in pink. Mrs Joseph V Crate played the wedding march. Masters Frank Of tatt and Shirley Baughman Miss Ruth <'ox. yonnget ter ot the bride, was rlngbssrer, and iii ti*- Misses Dorothy Walton ami Helen Poy held the ribbons. Among others of the Mends who '.cresent W| Berkeley, aha though ia her Hal ie ins, ii sven offer ores chair and stood and BOVOd about with I of the gm The lower floor of the hone) made- radiant and beautiful with pink iind white sweet p--;is graceful!] fringed with terna The presents were arranged on ta sond floor, and pre? sented an array of sparkling cut Shining silver and articles of house-hold utility which gave- delight to the loefcerson and elicited eiithu eommendatlon. The gift of the groom was a sunburst of r and diamonds, the perfect work of the perfect artist. The refreshment dainty and delightful. In the dilling room Misses F.lizab'-t h Jar? man, Martha King Bugg. Lucile Bald Sin, Mary Putney, Virgilia Bugg, Lil lian Mugg, Alice t. Richardson, Kate Uox dressed in white with pink ribbons, served, assisted by Mrs. A. a. Cox, Mrs. eBssie C. Jamison, Mrs. R. V. Baughan. Mrs .Ti oon, Miss Courtney Cox. Punch was terved In the reception hall bj ?\ and Eleanor Jam son. ?ng the gui Mrs. MN Mftttt and children, of Huntli . m-Salem, N. C sn and children, of !. >urg, Jamison. cial chain ofFarmville. but congratu tions go out from family and friends since assurance who know him best that the- winner ? prize is a young man of ster? ling worth, manly and tn chan of habit and coursgeouf spirit, "honest and capable." In such keeping the home and community-treasure is safe, and good wishes and high hopes go with the wedded pair to the new life, which opens before them. The of the birdiing has died out the old home, the- school room has lost an inspiration, Fai mville feels for a vanished hand and listens for: M tiiat i< hushed, but the moun tains will feel the thrill of a new life and be stirred with new har? mony. Mi and Mrs Nesbit left Ol west bound train ot the Norfolk and - rn, aud after an extended wed? ding tour, embracing Atlantic City and other points of interest, will r. turn to make a brief \isit at the Farmville home, and then go to Big Stone Gap, the place of permanent residence PINCHOT CAN'T BE CANDIDATE former Forester Ineligible For Governor of Pennsylvania. NOT CITIZEN OF THE STATE Movement of Independents to Nomi? nate Rc-oseveifs Friend Falls Flat When lt ls Learned He Has No Vot ing Right In State. The reports ? indicating that an Independent DJOVS nient had been started there to nomi nate Gifford Ptnebot lor governor ol I'ennsylvania fell Hat when Mr Pin chut himseii declared that he did not claim and had not established a ie gal VOtJs| ate. The report from Pittsburg I ?Tee t that independent Repuhli un! Demo* ruts in mat section had i upon nominating ht*-. Pine-hot tor governor boca dissatisfaction witta th>- results of the u at Allen? town, when C. La Kuc Munson cpiit the race, and the- He publli ai. vention at Harrisburg. Mr. Pine lint, the- tonne r ter of the- Unlti Towers, the lOwM Of his lather. W. PlnchoV "Mr. Pinchot. ? report from Pittsburg that there is ri ii Indi pi movement there to nominate you tor governor of Pennsylvania. Hav? heard of lt?" he i "I have Lbm former for reply. Hu you have a voting reside: Penna] Ivania'7" ?'M- la in New York " he it was in New York but I am at liberty now to chang! 'Where lU*WOn vote last?" "In New Tot iv "When did you vote in New York loatr "At the last election, last Novem ber." Mo yoe daim a legal residence In Pennsylvania?" 'I do not." "If you were nominated for gover nor and could establish a legal re-si dence, would you accept?" "I wont talk about that. I bare nothing to say on such subj The- clerk of the- county commission? ers ot Pike county, of which Milford is the county seat, also declared thal Mr. Pinchot had no legal residence there. He declared that Mr Pinchot to 'he best of his knowledge, had never roted In Pike county and COI talnly had not in the last nine years. on this point. The movement reported from Pitts burg was based on the assertion that Mr Pinchot had a legal voting reel dence with his father at Milford, Pa., and. therefore, was i ligihle to the gov? ernorship The plan announced was to hold a meeting Ol Independents. Dem? ocratic anil Republican parties in Car? negie hall. The nomination of Mr. Pinchot, it was said, was to follow. lt was asserted that Pinchot, who ls a trong Roosevelt advocate, would have the backing of Colonel Roosevelt in his campaign. Gifford Pinchot's father. James W. Pinchot. lives at Milford. Pa., his home there being known as Grey Tow ere. lie is now retiree! from business. Gifford is a descendant of French Hu? guenots who Bottled in Pennsvlvania. The plan was to ask W. H. Berry of Cheater, te ba thc- candidate for Bsd probably the re former. H. < | Phil? adelphia, the candidate for lieutenant governor. When a colt is dropped it should re nourishment from the dam within the fl was v. up. Conn. _ SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS Od thc Sunday School Lesson by Rev. Dr. Linscott for the In? ternational Press Bible Question Club. (C.r?.?fci ISIS br ham. T. S Ltsasass, DD) CCcvyntbt. I'jIii. bj He?. J. S. Linaialt. ii IX}, July 3rd, 1910. .-.... ti i? I) i Pictures of lom Matt. Goldi a Text - The Kingdom of God ls not meat and drink: but tighteou* ness and n the Holy Chest. Kc-m. xiv. 17 (l.i ii bow many pal* Ml tin- Christian church small at its beginning? How many are there in thu world today who profess to be Chris? tians? | How many nominally Cbristiau nations are there to-day? Hi Whet is the extent of the influ? ence of Christianity ts-daj upon asor* e- philanthropy, commerce ?!< ' c. i in what respects does the goa* ' h convert, the same aa it bas tnttSsnced tha world? a It?What is the inf! of ieaven upon bread? c7 i What is the influence of tb* grace of Cod anon -i human bein?; who receives it? (S ) What are the conditions io be observed for putttai leaven Inta bread, and what are the rsmdltk be observed for putting th (iod into a human heart? itt.) This woman put the leuw-n into "three measures of ni' il ian thu grace of God be received at alt. If lt it- not taken into the body soul, and spirit? Why or why (10.) WU1 the day e\ec some when the "whole" of humanity will ht "leav? ened" wifii the gospel? If so. wtten and hov? (11.) Verse 44- What is th treasure of the kingdom Of beat earth? (13 ) Whst is the field in which lies ? thia great treasure? (13 i How do men find this hidden I Why dot ? d ns to in fer thiel sremust - - ? the tie ;,1 m a Inch thia 'ind'' i i.v| \ ? raes 18 ll What lom .i mine than tnytbl u Bal la it. when found which ei\e- linn .ill eN. (17.1 Whe B .i Ssas tincls "iii. i?Mti IOU min h ls it wortli n" I ls. i Whit is the one gu OS Wilie ll abseil ! r8? \: is iii what rea -.ic hintr the gospel like fishing ? *"?-? duty it ? net? (21.1 When according ti . .xxl and ii sorted? I tho tod who at the end of tho world, arlll divide the wicked from the rood" - How min :1 be gi\e-n i.ian. In th his belief, (24.1 What will be the standard for estimating good and bad mtn, at the end cf the world? (Thia question may have to be answered in writing by members of the club.) i Are we to take Jesus verdi ."?bout (he furnace ot Ira late arhich ihe- wicked will Ix ea-t. or in sra anet the) I ? ST S bl toed i?% un. nun arith his ordinary natural fa. u Why? et Bundey, July lath, 1110. Review ol : There is tion of the country than il tho * to he incurable For a ure at man] ftt s d'-> pronounced it and lied loCSJ I'll)- 1)V wtly failing to > loesV treatment, prom in< arable ciarrh io constitutional dieoest and therefore requires constitutional treatment. EIsll ed by F. .1. Cheney a.- Co . Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional c ure on the market. It is taken Internal? ly la doses from 10 drops to . spoonful, lt acts directly on the blood and mucous surface of the system. They offer one hundred dol? lars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address F. .1 CHENEY d CO., To? ledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for con? stipation. A Few Short Weeks. JUr. J. S. Barten, Kdwardsvllle. 111., writes: "A few months ago my kidneys become congested. I had severe backache and pain across and hips. Foley Kidney Pills promptly cured my backache and corrected the action of my kid This was brought about af - using them for only a few short comm- :d by all Drug I ? - urns or bruise is used.