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White tm** /ersian Lawn . . Extra Value Half Price. m> of fine Persian Lawn worth up to 35c. ,69 YDS to sell. First to Come Gets the Best. CHOICE 12 l-2c. Yd. I A. Baldwin & Sons. A. V. WADE will be found at \Y. T. Blanton's Jewelry Store with a FULL LINE -of Confectioneries Fruits, Stationery Tobacco and Cigars A Soda Fountain ? i WDl use Girth's Cream Exclusively. are indebted tc me will confer \or by com? ing forward at once to settle. TUNS, VASKS ind all kinds of Building Material fe Cement Block Houses. Fences i If. A. Slocombe &|Co's oms ancTaee us. ? rfully tfiven. ?** ISM Davidsons Ston FARMVILLE VA. KELLY RUBBER TIRES ir old buggy ll make it LOOK LIKE NEW '"vail. Son & Ct HIGH PRICES FOR WHEAT will amount to but little unless you save a part of the proceeds from its sale. Better save now for the time when crops are poor and you art* unable to work. We pay interest on Certificates of Deposit. Come in and talk it over. WALKER SCOTT, Cashier. The Farmville Commercial Co. INCORPORATED COMMISSION MERCHANTS and dealers in General Merchandise. We carry a Large Stock of HEAVY GROCERIES, 1>KY GOODS AMD HARDWARE Special prices made on goods bought in large quantities. The Farmville Commercial Co. IF IT'S FIRST-CLASS workmanship you want? If it's superior judgment? If it's to know how in any particular pertaining to the jewelry line, you need take no chances. THK ROSEN JEWELRY COMPANY KNOW HOW and do first-class work for patticular people. Our stock is the largest and most complete. All articles sold engraved free of charge. Special orders in our line will receive prompt atten? tion. It's our aim to please and satisfy every customer. Respectfully, ROSEN JEWELRY CO. FOR SPRING FEVER Dr. WHITE'S SPECIAL TONIC Sold only by White Drug Company BK SM MMOMB ???!<> IIS>???? IIHW 1 1865 1910 " Company Contract Cost CONSIDER WELL the three above essentials before placingjyour v Lifo Insura: THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA HAS ALREADY DONE THIS FOR YOU If interested state your age and kind of policy desired and 1 will gladly furnish you ? sample policy for your consideration and comparison of my ' Company's Contract and Cost Vj&z/p&^-i Agent Farmville, THOMASA. BOLLING BRICK S MAKER ( ONTRACTOR WI' BUILDER. k Work, Tean.- -v Hauling, ilssWi?lilli Every i. t \a :i the sity. B?. Fvmvl NEWS OF PRINCE EDWARD H From Darlington Heights. .lune "J7th. -We are Borry tc. I of Mr. Walker Putney's loss hy fin-. OHS learn and stripping room, two buggies, two wagons and a mola ii ill. Ths Lilllie-.-, Missionary Sufi.ty iuc-t at Spring Creek Church Ls uiic--t Workers' Society l;a ! an int. resting inseting at Mr. W. A D's Saturday night M:s>> Lss WahatOT, ot Fann? ville-. and Mr. bradshaw, of are thc- gs)?tl of Mr.- .1 .1 ton. Mr. and Mrs Frank Allen spent - itunlay night with Mi I Fruin Beter?. ?lune 28th. Prince Kdward hal ll as Cumberland Mr. W K Chappell brought us a hunch that mtaXStirt il I feet, 4 inches in lengtl: ch ar of the rc Mrs. Daniel Dunn and children "??ids. who have spent tie week with their father. Mr. Thos W. Jones, Itara today for thol home Of Kunenburg having hec-i: called tu ilu- |.. of her mother and little nephew las w.-ek, has returned leaving tl much improvc-cl Mrs. R. B. Watts will hav. her guest this STOtl Mrs. .IF Wno and daughter, of Knoxville. Tenn. Mrs. T. .1 Davis, of Farnivill Sunday aftc.-r a pleasant visit to he brother, afr. (. W. Redd Mr. Horace N'ewiomb. who ha i.d n ii it ?? sick, is Improving. 1 Kaine*. Rc \ .1. Il DoTtl filled his \at nppointment st Browns Churc ? Intoi ssttng sermon to a largi ? B hunif.-it and SOO, Ol Col umina, s ?.. spent Baturda Sunday with her aunt. Mrs. Blanton, Miss Mary Orange, ol Farmville Vivien i'. sells' oik>-! wv are report thai le Hlanton is on the Mr. and Mrs. E. . M Hrs. J. iv Blanton ene Mil Margaret Davis and Mr Morton vi: lg the home of I Blanton on last Sunday. Mrs. \ the hon of Mr. C. .1 ri and M Henry Hlanton on la-i v Kia ton . -w that a: ,u months iround her home agai Preen sic-pp u i June 27th_One of structive storms for many Ked this neighborhood la . be right h. The i damaged a great deal, both bv th*- wit.d and hail. 1 suppose I could have gotten severn] hundred bushels of apples t whiten off the ground after the storm was Many trees were uprooted aud t.rokc-u off, while a ripe piece of field and only i -and- i much i broken. all right. i I era] years In the Philippine (sli Mr. Ira D. forbes, our R. F. D carrier, has been quite sick foi eral days, and Mr. Fulton Maughan, arrylng the mail The Sui" trict says that thc- Buckingham Su? pervisors will unite with Prince Kd? ward in making the much needed re? pairs to Wilborne's bridge. nly all of the land owners liv? ing east of this place have signed "options" on their lands to a com? pany which proposes to bore for oil. From Kice. June 28th.?The entertainment at the high school Friday night for the h'-nefit of the Baptist Church greatly enjoyed, and the nice sum of $> realised. Mr-. Jennings and (laughter. of visiting relath Th.- M ms Holyeross of Pump tin, are visiting at Mr. Willie; Har Mr. Willie- Walthall is quite sick at the home of his brother, Mr. K. P. Walthall. Mr. W, d Mason, srho has i.n ecuite sick, is very much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Robertson, of Nottoway. sp.-nt Saturday and Sun? day with her -i Nan ihsw, innis Wootton, of Famnille, spent a few days with friends here last sn Mr. R W. Sow.-rs, of Knoxville. Tenn., who was called to bis fathers de in Crewe, stopped hers Monday to se-e#his sister-in-law, who is quite sick. Mrs. X. D Bradshaw. Melva and Mattie- I returned from Richmond where they have been visiting redan Miss Bessie Hubbard, of is spending the we"k with bel grandmother, Mrs. Martha Hubbard Miss Mattie Bondurant left Tues day for Bristol to attend the sum mer normal. Mr. Robert Bass, of Richmond, i :.g his aunt. Min. Fannie Car i.-i Maud Bradshaw visited he aunt, Mrs Nannie- Marshall, a par of last week. Mrs. W. D. Mason visited her sis Mrs. Hancock, in Appomattox last Wednesday, There was a ball game last Sat urday afternoon between Rice an I tend) Rive] Thu it ii t ; I 5 in favor of i i assn BsksJmusdauan. .lune L'Tth Mary and A| piing Moss returned borne Richmond on last Friday. Mr. Beverley Moss, of Rlchmom old honie at thi Mr. F. B. Shoemaker was take to Richmond on the ISrd hy Hi Mitchell Ul ated on for a) pendicitis ile was accompanied t> and brother. Tin- Buckingham base ball teal gainst ito- cid inn foal on the Buckingham on th 15th. Tl Bold Hill. Mr. and M .u at Lynchhun Han of this place. hs i Po ? child. If. Barrel and ? v. Tin will I !'s r sy, of Dill wyn, has bei ill during the past Wt Mrs. W. B. Pratt, who Mon at Sweet Brier Institu ling the summer ki The meeting of the Boat ?iii will I at i poor house farm on the 4th of JaJy. Hue lingham owns a good farm a&J the Board meets there once a year to inspect the working of things. Circuit Court s tho Tuesday after the 2i: I I is July, but ne cer? tainly whether th.- : tho aaa o at that time or not. report blanks for making tho munal report for the- ar ie erks Of the | The .nual set bo held ii bas ig ti? res, W Va., ime wit li ionics and FtiII Harris, ..: Pammi:- their on at Mr. c. o Hai B. B. Hunt an : Ma bel, of Clifton Pu -j re? latives in this neighborhood. Mrs. C <> Han zo** on a visit to her daughter, Miss Ir? is Richmond. Miss Maggie Chilton expects to return home soon after spending several months la our midst Mrs. H C. Moore and sons, Sam? my and Jamie, spent last week wita ? relatives la the neighborhood. Fruin l.uii.-nburg. June 27th__A most beautiful mar was celebrated at Lunenburg Courthouse on the ttfd, at the Methodist Church, Alien Miss Ma~ nys McGuire fates, daughter of Mr. ?I I. Vat'-s. clerk of Lunenburg, be? came the bride of Edwin Lawrence Kendig. The ceremony was perform? ed by Rev. Mr. Dud ha in Miss Hel? en Yates, sister of the bride, waa maid of honor, and MISSUS Klva asst Killian Kendig attendants Dr W. D. Kendig, brother of the groom, was best man and the ushers were: Hugh Womack. W K Nelson. | P. BtOkee, N. S. Turnbull. Dr H. Lew? is and Scott Irby Mr Thomas Wil? liams was Baster of ceremonies. Tho wedding march was exquisitely ruo dered bl Miss Bthel TOOne, Of Rich? mond, and Miss Annie Be-11 s sang "Oh Perfect Lov< '.urc-U was beautifully dc.rated In I pink and white- and showed that skillful hands had touched it asst made it altogether lovely, The cut flowers seemed to smile s happy welcome t<> every guest and hist them enjoj the >n. Dr. and Mrs. Kendig took thc train st Victoria for a bridal tour to the summer rseorta our best wishes go with them and SOB .rtuso may lavish many rich blessings on them, Rev Mr Meade preached at the Kpiscopal Church, at Victoria, oe day. Mrs. Kvelyne TOOUO, of Richj mond, is visiting her sister, Mrs. .1. L. ! Kathle.-ne dills and Mists Bailey are visiting Mrs T. D. Bragg Preen studdert. June 17th. Mrs. James Armie tead, of Farmville. is ?pending a week with her daughter. Mrs Lewis Crawley Her friends accorded her a warm welcom< fo ha loni of this aelgl Mr. Jami's Hui Ashland, r, Mrs. Heir; Wal? thall I Margaret Mn, Mor? ton, of Farmvil: d MTS li A Baldwin, ol Farmville, and M A Balda la and little daugh i Mrs. J. L. Bwoops last Th.* Misses A 1 in the ? Annie Palmor- i- visiting her I la the- hon, lest week. ? Oloako, is Jut. I Lou" nmer Hampt aught in tin years ago and made a great many friends . William Hon N*?rts Carolina, spent a few week with her sister, SSS. i't think that I be .'e casv ,u" es ha\- Olnt i rn