THE FARMVILLE HERALD HONOR FOR THE PAST, HELP FOR THE PRESENT, HOPE FOR THE FUTURE. voL xx. FARMVILLE, VA.. FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1910 NO . 3 I SUMMER NORMAL. ; mi Hon Bl COHN 1 I XNn t si I I l BEatUOKS I r Tl ian Waa An 111 i ni" w.ik bosae. Norna! will end to ? .? on , I . undi -xaiii Aad while a Bool work ;s that ,e ? ? ??., ii by the and faithful work* tba! all -' adent Ila with a *>ad heart. ? body of ? :.. - :? .. >>iiited. The at |Cf tlian a here c that tin ? : e Wring to know that I *ne the Normal girls till bc* ?ith us again. And that given to cleaning up. . g up and in making 'he glad greeting we will 'heir coming. rsrmville and the Normal, one i ii hie. now and for all i r IBB H i)i:i*?riirvgs. ne hundred dollars were Creamery for June . production were ' v UktssB, 231 lbs, * W. J B G. Garnett. ? ur hundred and of butter - li thal ' says and Gurne Icks : ? . .? c- th ? ? 1 ar The rall, and the for them 1 I a committal ' i'burch. Mr. Wai that he* has ;. Dr. Win .. contributed by He and vie ? Mrs. Barnwell ' el ls reported ?i liberally also, and ?f Mr Archer ' Wlaatoa the needs ' .; were brought ir people and l ? ;ired. iberal response!' ?al gives evidence lathy for the be I a readiness in all.1 If need be for ' I Replying to aa , issue and head , 1 most heart ?' town council rgeant to have tl] qualified tax '? ii lc* as to who ? c.", thus making 'san in every ? dsrment would be I and certainly no ] or hard feeling < jch steps. ' Citiren. i j ""^ *" ! ?. I. ITartd 91.00 ! NO GRAFT AT EDWARD'S BUR-! 1 Al.. mus Bamsaaaaaaaj lo il?Ma\Mf ->al givni. King rSdwai atloa $201 ?boara in the supplementary financial - ad todaj ImmadJati he funeral bill -??nt in aggregating $1,500,000. King George was BO amazed at the' stupendous total that he tonk the extraordina baring th? bills rigidly serntlniac tly to And yat 1202 of grab if not of | .' the* Col - tits bim. i . iii** i .mi i Editor Herald: ? The* fected and arhd volved have a right to critically ana \isting conditions and to make a logical explanation of i. I believe a few hints, suggestions, facts and figures will appeal to a good board of man? agers elected to legislate for the whole people'. The subject, taxation, har* always been one of vital concern to every good citizen and corporation, and of special interest to the "man be? hind the gun," the man that pays his taxes, the burden bearer of eve? ry municipality It is the universal opinion of all tax payers of this city, who have had these matters properly placed before them, and who have given the same their care? ful consideration, that the offices of sergeant and treasurer should be consolidated. In the writer's opinion and in the opinion of many, it is only on* man's work, and one man can. and will render this service satisfactor? ily and efficiently. Under the new assessed valuation of property and the ever increasing business of the dispensary, these offices will, in the neaf future, cost more than $ per annum, provided the revenues are collected. We.uld not the present treasurer ii if not him. some other rjood SsitlOB and give it his whole time and at? tention for just one-half of this ? cnn i;."id tova thc sum of $1,250 pc What dor what ir figures: this anion setfj :, per cam oa $25,000 o . by tli? elimination .. solldatlon the bond* s : will pia* ? ? - third. ? rt ;? rity of tl 1- m>r this arortbj by business ariel tb inking : the* right to ask that tl ? . If the whole ;. and the moti\e. a b town, by tl for the* p I ask who i tainly not a candidate for tall We,ubi be* too apparent and selfish, hem objection satisfactory to a tax pay ii coald be offer S i by a good p: D. Did you ? ar of any well BOTerned municipality that lid not look after and rarasVieat This duty should be im : upon your treasurer. This matter, councilmen-eloct, is ittracting the attention of the man that honestly contributes his pro rata part of a just burden of tax and I hope it will be your pleasure to consider this question, Its advisability and its practical bility. Seme one wilj advance in opposi? tion to this suggestion that the . ?harter of the town requires the two officers. The charter says: 'There shall be elected annually j ly thc council of said town, a town t. clerk tre-asurer ind street commissioner." 'it does iv tha the geant ind trea- ;; and the sam* Ti folly with the charter ele^t one man for jergeant-tr-as Tax Payer. "ls Li/e Worth Savin*?" Mrs. Mollie McRaney, Prentiss Miss., writes that she had a severe :ase of kidney and bladder trouble, md that four bottles of Foley's Rid? ley Remedy cured her sound and veil. "I heartily recommend Foley' Kidney Remedy to any sufferer of sidney disease. It saved my life." Jold by all Druggists. _ TO FIRMIIEJOO FELLOWS. Ct .MP,KUI.\\l? 004 RTHOI H 1 Ri DAV, At (,t si i .TH. Mci-.ce Bj Tba Baaat, iww i^h ead ot'ie*r Diraralon*. The Farmvill lieut Odd Fellows will go to c um? bel Uauci Coarthooae on the water and Weetara, od Friday, the a Hay of -hade and la The* boa ? ream, a ba er vd will enliven ti. the Hi* J 'arem ell S? mon. Rev ta, Ocklahoma. who has been occa pying the* Presbyterian pulpit for the pasi four **d his farew. .n on last Sunday morning. He a-aeted no time in saying good? bye, but gave as his parting advice the earnest charge to "search the Scriptures" As is known to our readers. Mr. Anderson is a son c>f Prime Kdward, born and reared on' a farm and early trained to do with his might whatever his hand;-, found to do, and the good habit has fol? lowed him to the pulpit Nee man is more in earnest and BOM more consecrated to the ter's work. Those who have been privileged to hear him while with ira heard him "gladly." and left be hind him an influence' that will go on working though the Ol the preacher has died emt on the summer air. And we are glad to know that he has enjoyed being with this people, meeting with them not only la the* sanctuary. but in their homes and at their of business. He dropped in at the Herald office, gave the work? ers a word of good cheer, and now that bi I** bark to his dis? tant field of labor the Herald will follow him and be will keep in touch with the land of his fath ? to have* a . him now and iM Irford lo Wait. Of the* large printing co try ex; of a "Sommer) of Vir| : his company the- publi a.>rk. to which she promptly saul. "1 was in a hurry and could n't wait OB Of the las*; Thc* Herald inands promptly, fully and satisfactorily It stands ready to do the same for j <. .m- bi Rall I atti?, Mr lien nip] land. : town ob IfoOday, c-alled at the Herald office and gave an in g item of news from th** mtv. ii**, ii. aaaodatloa arith Mr. Phil nippen, BATO recently bought some 1.400 ?*. nowa as the Thornton tract, two miles ri the village, whicli will be terraced and converted into graz? ing ground for cattle. It will re quire seven miles of fencing though on one side the river is a natural barrier. A Westerner visited the farm cent ly and gave as his opinion that it would graze 1.000 cattle, but Mr. Flippen will be satisfied to be- . gin with 300. There are 500 acres af river bottom, which is a great grass producer. Sud are of genuine in- i to the people of this section, i rhe time has come when we should i make united and determined effort i ror freedom?freedom from the ] Armour yoke, and that of all man- 1 Ber of combines. ? ii ai Hay Fever And Asthma. Bring discomfort and misery to many people, but Foley's Honey and ' far gives ease and comfort to the ! suffering ones. It relieves the con- i sestion in the head and throat and , 8 soothing and healing. None gen-, line but Foley's Honey and Tari n the yellow package. Sold by all ? Druggists. c t Harald and N. T. World $1.$0. ? IHE UKI SERVICES. at thi: >ii:thoih.nt tHUUH \udi mee ard Bteoeuj oem in i'ii* kev. \\. c. Caasf Behan, D. ;?.. if Wiachea r i. Ki. the held inch build | v.ell tilled with an apprei FarmvHra au ?y the Kr : I ill of mai if 0 3] ii it " The the 'singleness of aim," "uiiity with .iv." and "universality ' elaborated and enforead with gre ar and w it ti a charm of manner and of diction that held th** audience in pl* bondage from opening ' word. With every advar.* ? whether cdealing with the bBarana above* or the earth beneath, new attestation had been given to the absolute accuracy of tba tures. The one thought pervading the whole, from QaaMsBBl to Revela? tion, was found in the fact of sin In the world and a Saviour from sin. The authors, composed of kings and shepherds, herdsmen and fish? ermen, professional mea and law? givers, lost nothing of their indivi? duality as they wrote, and yet pre aarrad marvelous unity with strik ing dr. \nd the book is uni? versal la its scope, adapted to every age and kindred, and tongue, re? sponding to the soul-wants of man today as it did when the morning stars first sang together and Bagel songs awoke the sleeping mebielies of the mountain I ? Noble* sermon, and just such as is needed in this day when an Ba? la find no room in ala library for the Wbrd of a ? ?':Ur i all larm, Bleak Hil!. Prank from ni- I omi.* at a late* hour aa resting ly under the care of the f ami Iv? an. Dr. D. W. Hooper and Roanoke T Mr - has been a frequent visitor to Farmville, and our p* will . hear of this accl ?rat, but are glad to hope tin will soon be on duty again. w* line* Oraansanee <>u The Subj oct ? The coal wagons are on duty again, and wherever they make de- I liveries into bins opening on the side walk, they leave black and offensive tracks behind them. As this debris is walked over lt sticks to the fee*t and is scat? tered far and wide. This is an un? qualified nuisance and should be Eibated. It should be made the du? ty of some one, either the party de- ? livering or the party receiving, to ] arnak away the black droppings at ? ince. i If an ordinance on the subject, . .inposing a fine, is necessary, then * let it be passed. The Herald call? ed attention to this matter last < season, but the nuisance is being ( ?epeated. Farmville should tole- ] -ate no black spots. I It should be kept clean from cen-, ] ter to clrcumfrenco, from end to i ?nd. The Herald ls In the watch ( ower and will be certain to sound; i he alarm. 'i ADVERTISING A eCTTY. .?il Raaatfaa af Das Mela a Expa taaaast. The Indianapolis Star says "Th year round for a pei lotting Hes manufacture*!s. but also ding to tl fhmllj a ing ah) live in. Bpnlgn ? towna eif loa have baying in Kan and ?int are now turning to And still Farmville luipe* to grow without an town of its size in Virginia if not in the South, and yet the outside world is not being reminded of the fact. Farmville appropriated $5o" the* Summer Normal, and in doing so did well. Why not devote at least that amount annually for the purpose of advertising? Three hundred girls with us for a month mean much. but three hundred more of permanent residents would mean Incalculably more. Ravi the I n vii ari un Bale*! and Let ah wiro Cam Imap! it. To Virginia farmers, their wives and daughters:?The honor of your presence ls requested at the seventh annual session of the Virginia State Farmers' Institute, to be held at the Academy pf Music in the city of Petersburg. Va., August 9th, 10th and 11th. 1910. A special and new feature of . I of the Institute is that ' a part of the program will be giv? en to the ladies, who will discuss Domestic Kconomy and how to make the home life of farmers and their and families more comfortable and satisfying. Several prominent have promised to address the members, and it is hoped that the i*ii:i in Uiki: .'..'?n*?. aid has been enjoying a i on makiri are coming to the* front i and with manj - that*:, ? -til another that a ric lights, wat ? bought bj the* town, and the goo? ri im? am In the charge of i >f Comm . onnail, e-ho I :t compensation All aken on larger lld be ex Ce*H tO th without pi' Farmville is growing and it3 growing needs must be met and supplied. The tax payers of the town will think ? matters and make suggestions of their own. A Word ?f Thinks. To Our Friends:?Not being able i to respond to each one who has i come to us, either in person or by letter of tender sympathy, in our i hour of deepest sorrow, I beg to i take advantage of the courtesy of the Herald, and through its columns i Lo express to one and all the heart- i reit gratitude of a grief-stricken mother and her children. Mrs. J. C. Barnwell. * _ c A Valuable Contribution to Virginia Histor). The Herald begs to acknowledge * i copy of a "Summary of Virginia I History," which has been compiled ? with care by Miss Sallie Bruce ( Dickinson, who has given to the rvork, not only loyalty, but love as r evell. The finished product is the result t it many years earnest effort, and >ffers to teachers and students a t lelp of genuine value, while all i hose who are Interested In Virginia t history will turn the pages with in erest. It has been published In ( ?onvenient pamphlet form of some 1 13 pagers, and is sold at the reason? able price of 25 cents a copy. VOlIKi; WEST UIMEB. K\( 1TI\(. HACK IN UM'I.ATKtt. Kim- Boya, ?.;rl.?. Men marni H Pltl ? 1 ? ''. Vcc.u l*-I !?v 'tie i iiiiivjii ? Baaaslsl Wit Harald launch It will be- ihe* slogan for Farmville s for the u .1 value h . ?<< *,iing with the Her nigh aim and its determina induct au etiterpt I ' mag nano fui m* as a univ* ..nong the ? ' -'ruction. a of a plainness .'id is always ia leran and one-third BB the keys made of the beet quality of ivory. The extension noni with music rest adds much to ? mfort of lae musician The action is of the most improved sort ?the French double repeating pat? ter:., the strings of imported Ger? man wire, three unisons with over? strung bass. Trimmings nickle throughout. three pedals in? cluding muffler. This piano is on exhibit atWhite I?rug Company's Store for the most critical inspection, and it is absolute? ly guaranteed for ten years. Other valuable prizes will be an? nounced from time to time Whe> May KnUw. white person of good repute, rheirrh, lodge or other organizatioa la eligible to enter this content Sand in your name on a nomina? tion coupon, then hustle, that's Jil No one connected In anyway wita I.*- Herald, nor an immediate rel? ive of his will be allowed to vote ia tha contest. ? How to (int Votes. >nd in your name on a norn na tin | conara found in every issue rf the Herald. The first one r*v eive*| mr each contestant ant lier to I ttl votes. nd. by getting suV will be ?: in anoth* i iimn of this paper. | Aa by will be made Manag anani ot For the purpose of making this ? ab? solute!; fair to all. the Herald haa ac ia who v*. ill have entire charge of the I . ighly re r-i-m rtlle I , The Publi* . .ld knows or to ?a ant ? ration to : big one. and will spare ne ta make it a live Ik the tin r Work be bough ice now. 1. Subscribers are eau" ?d to take a receipt for all money llren to contestants. Kala 2. All money for subscript? ions must be paid to Miss Gracia ^aundera, contest manager Pule 5. Contest Manager's signa :ure must be affixed to votes he? arne are of value In contest. Rule 4. Ballots cannot be bought, /otes tan only be obtained by lrirn subscriptions, prepaid, or by ?utting the nominating coupon, or ree voting certificate from each >a.>er Rule 5. No employee of the Her ild or a member of his family will ie permitted to participate either ss . nominator or a voter in the con? an Rule 6. Candidates will not he cstrlcted in securing subscript o any territory, but may secu'-j hem In any place In the world. Rule 7. Contestants or nomina ors may secure as many Free Vot ag Certificates as possible, and vote hem each week. Rule 8. Only one Nominating 'oupon entitling each contestant to ,000 votes will be allowed. Rule 9. No votes will be allow (Continued on page five)