THE FARMVILLE HERALD H'i\ubject a contemporary nys. mtnent of cities by com upercediug the cuiu i costly system of con? go,, council and aldermen. The method as exempli? fied an<* a such that ci Weai has a modified form ion system and it ? turning to the old i nathod not on n ?.. .*.!'*? aid. raalag * 'ri-: r* iiSon for ii this new method is {?^j it a;>l>eals to ones common ** Journal is right inn-Vr of business men; no num -.11 from any class of have their own affairs tc attend to can give the affairs of Um time aud attention they denial.. The sensible way is to work of rn city in the hinds of men who can devote their to it. for the streets, looking l rs and the property of a city are beginning to demand ind more expert work l Univ in tlie Qpea <">uii try. writer has this to say on ?itiiitry reared man hts kbit of tbe broader view. The I and the far horizon of hit childhood have given him a broader vision And the mental vis? ion has corresponded with the phy i a; H* who has looked widely or high to mountain ikes quite the same 'lace, or pmblem as . who has had to squint to (et a glim;*.- of the sky. "I have* never known a man of rank in the world of attainment who *as not pl ad that he was reared in the country, and I have known many .**tted that they had not had that benefit. The country il 'lace for life's chief - tlae, childhood. It la the pla<> where life strikes deep UM whose home is in trj grows In the habit ot drawing 1-s-eons from nature and in the criaix of his life he harks back to tho?*? habits." NaMaa. the Farmville tobacco market Ol Monday. Aug. 15th ill of primings, having twc ***** a day at 9 and 2 o'clock. J W. Hubbard, act. secy. ?n-r.-4 '.*? Public. ? chance to help a all at the Herald Office ind cast votes for some It will be appreciated! NH\ mi IDYKRTI8ES. ? nt business man of (plaina why he adver why he uses newspa > it purpose as follows: -?? in the newspapers I am not ashamed of ny work and to let about myself, my stock; because I ntelligent class, and papers, and 1 bo? ng my bal talk to mote ipers at a * in less time and able price than irayj because my ? -mg has atec returns for . ?? cause I aa not too -? it in medium or to .t is attrac 1 know my ad. is I by every one In I the paper | A l?AV AT PKUSI'I <1. ' Pie***x?llt. PmUftful. IV(A-.p*WleU?1 Mill lYnrtfrossive Preasp* lt ?m th** privilege of a npre ? ve* wf the Herald to s;n n.l last .-a'unlay at PfQBH 'I he *ame old charm gath; . thoa tbe p*ace. the flowers una-r th-> leader, tueeughttul e'are ot Mrs V H r.lenn bloeem as brightly as of A dinner at that home is still ? nt of the genuine Southside flavor, with the two-day-old cider added. New buildings are goiug up in th* taran depot agent, tl y* ? with no desire to | Ma looks hat ie> and i out-rat, Dr. Altoy I nur.ity >d. I ian Chap* I a IlH)ije*l e gardens are all g. but "Jim" Harris Hai' And thoa, the farmers arouiid the village ar* pe; ing too. No croaker Maoag th*m and crops all fine. Mr. Henry r.lenn. not long a farmer, leads off with hot and cold water in his residence, and in no wise dependent Ol a little darkey to run to the spring others will follow the good exam pie and soon add city convenience's to country comforts. Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich Venable will move into the town in the fall, having bought a comfortable residence, and look forward with pleasure tee being in touch with congenial and companion able neighbors. Na good can come to Prospect that Farmville will not rejoice la ?lie.wjis to Oreler. srs. Hillsman * Co., has teated the agency of the Am* Ladies Tailoring Co.. and are pre? pared to show you the lat. samples, take your measure with the promise ot perfect style and fit Call on them now. seWt the best and secure the 10 per cent dis ce>unt by ordering before Augti-e ? Walk uni Statue. A plowman who furrows a sin gie acre is said to travel eight and a quarter miles. And he not only walks, but holds and guides. All hail to the "man behind the plow!" The uncrowned hero of earth, the unappreciated benefacto [ ot mankind, the unselfish supporter of human life. LIEHTHINBJULLS HORSES. THKKK VALUABLE ANIMALS ?totck. St*l?le> aiwl <>?nteir?ts e?f Nia-vell P'il Uriel Dmtroynil. > During a severe electrical storm which passed over a part of this section last Wednesday afternoon, the stable of Norvell Pollard was struck. Mr Pollard, who lives ten mile*-* from Farmville in Buckingham coun ty, mat away from home at th? but as soon as Mrs. Pollard discovered the stable on fire sh? ran to it and threw open the doors Three horses, however, wei* dead, having doubtless boen killec univ by the shock of the light tiing. The building and entire con tents were a total loss, which Mr Pollard estimates to be t If0C and $800 with no insurance Ann ?*?,?Ttaylor. Mr. \V. F. Armes. of Lunenburg and Mrs. Virginia Taylor, of Me nerrin, were married at the Epis copal Rectory, the Rev. Dudle; Boogher officiating, on Wednesda: morning In the presence of onl; a few friends of the contracting par The Herald beta to offer con gratulations ar.d good wit I I*.ill! Si ..:i ?>,??! Ill , "1 found PUU a prompt and speedy eui I ? and kidney troub me for mar months. I am no l Of e; nt health which I i Sold by all drui Baby won't suffer tiri mln%t< with croup if you apply Dr. Thoma F.clectic Oil at once, lt act magic. Herald and N. T. World $160. GOT HIS TEN OULLARS. A LOM.. UARK WALK. N'?l s*, Mutti Afmul of the Dsrk \?> \\ its Ilia-liUie- I. A patty nt friends met in the Herald office on We*dnesda> niug w he* tko number be? gan to make sport of the -editor's dread of being alone in the* nos* of night, adding that he '?wouldn't walk to the Cuuitterlaud -a ithout an escort Tin the ii 1. "If ron han courage I will statt at ol High imli ? ? titual toll l\e*'it un his jeni of daden which had i.n damped on the track, from one of which fe-.-ulteii a precipitous ,le*si ?-nt deiwti a tea-foot embankment, the tramp Buttai and without bodily hurt. The Mooee reached, eaBoeaeemenl of the fact was made by phone sag-* to the Farmville* offtOO, and boarding a bumper of a pi freight train, the* daring pedestrian ?il he>me at the hour of mid? night, ten dollars richer and ready freshing rest. \e*Xt " DeOtt e?f a Vmor?ble* Lil\ Mrs. L. T. Drunieller died at he-jr home near Farmville at :; a. m.. W-edn-esday, and was buried from the home of her son. Mr. \V. R. Drumeller, on Hast Second street, Farmville. at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, the Rev. K. T Dad man of the Metheidist Church, and the W. K. Hill, of the Pre-sby t.*i lan. officiating, the interment be? ing made in our towa eesoterj She is survived by her husband and several children. Obit mary \otu>*. DM at Memorial Hospital, Rich? mond. Va.. July 19th. 1910. Annie May, youngest daughter of Thos. ! N. and\ Minnie L. Carruthers, age ? one year and four days. .Neatice tn ('?ftafQettau-t*. For full Information concerning the Plano Contest please call on Contest Manager at the Farmville Herald OH SCALE OK VOTES IX CONTEST. For one year's stabscripliian. lOOfl votes. For two year's taalwcription. li,* 500 Vl>te*. For three y-aa-rs* sab*ori4>Uena, a.* 3(H) votes. Fear four jeans* ?ul*?>n. 5,* OOO vate*. Kt?r five years' Htahsecriptitaa. 7,* 0O1J VUtM. For eight >wars' ?*utiNu>rk*i'iiei*. > of Oraaga* Keysville Railway ('n thi 1- occasion and after feasting to thei I- h*a all n paired to the spacious parlors an were further entertained with mot s> charming music by the ladies. ie Nothing was spared to make th evening a pleasure and with one a cord all present were happy 1 have met on this occasion. SUNDAY IN lHt LhLhLHLb. IDEAL >( MMEK \\ I IT HER Oemt*a*n)jmm*ma and Cuspel Preaching. ll T litaham. 1> I' at the Presbyterian Church at the morning hour of worship, and to the delight ot his old fl Dadlej ??? th.* Bpiacopal C .' \ ? rad at the Methodist, and the being still on lii ? th ? -alva tn punishnie-iit. bo) l lng ni the prover of faith. . well atlee li bonld be ed to the spiritual uia-lift ot the .ille. who though divided by denominational light under the one Ch rial-' ban:. A Catholic priest n re-nth -tantism. has this to say on the union existing b> the different branches ol the Protes? tant churches "Aneither difficulty 1 had to hon ? *> ine-e't and overcome bef.*i tearing T*r tl ll Heat hm was the dlf ?*iwe*e!, Proteetaafl At first these dil fe*! ? | me bink, but after a careful and unpre judical examinatiem I was convinc ed that the fundamental unity be-i tw-eee the Proteotaal bodiei ia a greater aud a more vital one than that Manoa the Roman Catholic orders. "In other words, L found that the differem:e*s between, say. the ? terians and the Methodists, or Kpiscopalians, are* less than be-' tWOOe the Jesuits and th** Francis-1 can? or Dominicans. I discovered with amazement that while the Ro manists of all orders have an out ward union through the Pope, the Protestants of all names have a more fundamental, vital and satis? fying unity in Christ and the Bible* " WatiT For Country Hi>fnt*-*e. If it be true as stated in tho Progressive Farmer that water can be supplied to country homes at a .! from $100 to $.'.'M) theti the 1 large majority ot our farmers should not be content to be without the comfort and very great convenience And it U added that the bath room may be added for $40. This many may regard as a luxury, but the water must be reckoned as a [necessity. In these days of scarcity . of labor, especially house help, all 'labor saving devices are more and ; more essential. There was a time in the history of this section when the small dark 'les were kept growing and fattening by moving to the spring, and toting hot rolls and cakes from the kitch e*n to the* dining room, but those * days are gone never to return. In ihe absence of the run-abou 'spring must be brought to the house for the house can't the spring, f _ Not CM u?tJ>. Hui tin* Mad. In la.-*t weeks Herald it waa .1 that the Farmville Odd Fel lows would go to Cumberland Court? house on the 19th of this month, but since then lt has been learne 'that a train could not be had fo 'the 19th, and so the outing has been postponed until the 23rd. And lt ls hoped that other or? ders may be induced to Join the Farmville brethren on that day. The Venable Re?f-rvatie>n. i Progress is the watch weird on the land.- ove. looking Farm I ville. The saw and hammer make - music, the plows are moving and , the crops are maturing. Where the lettuce grew a fin* i- crop of corn is now growing. Th< - truck patches are all promising while the tobacco is the best in thc - neighhorhetod. In the meantime th s hogs are grunting and growing too. r Where houses are not going ui i- the lands are being cultivated, am d that means no drones in the hive, it It is not on!y interesting, bu Inspiring to walk across the mea e dows and over the hills of thi > Farmville suburb, every acre c :o which will yet be devoted to tow uses. VDU.IMA NEOKO KILLED. Pinn- d D.>?ii \u Maaal * lhafl Vt Prt?vi leMICf. i:. |. lorlek Rej whose' home was in this Iowa an elevator shaft of the Impe ial hotel, at Narrag:. Pri/vidence*. R I . oe Sunday and was instantly killed Reynolds was working his way through .-clitiol. and lateadad this fall ? | impton Instit | This boy won a good name while employed at the k drug .ufnie-l*. . I burial, ai ? ? JU VlnU RD Till. RIGHT SPIRIT ?mg. my p -t-ubscriptious, kind ?ki saul LJ I subscribe, my preKty maid?" ten years, *ir." she said TU*. Collier, nf >|,.n AtiitiM* Her "A wise woman once saki there three folli-es of men which al? ways a op used her. The first was climbing trees to shake the fruit down, when, if they would wait long enough, the fruit would fall itself The second was going; to war to kill each other, when. If they only waited, they would die naturally, and the third was tbat they should run after women, when if they did not do so. the women would be sure to run after them." IFS. If you want to know about the Contest call on or write the Con? test Manager. She knows. If you are going to eater this race, the best time to eater ls right now. If you owe the Herald any back subscription, pay up now and get votes. If you are already taking the paper, pay up for another year, it means 1.000 votes for whom? soever you want it to. If you have never taken the Herald, begin now. Give us a trial. If you are In doubt about en? tering the Contest "forget Lt." and "come In?you are wel? come." I Midsts of liMiflMatloa. There ls a little girl In Farm? ville, who has seen the flowers of three summers, and who revels in the luxury of an afternoon drive Not having an auto of her own. nor a horse and buggy, she simply stands by tbe wall rings an imagin? ary phone bell and orders her team from an imaginary liveryman. The response ls a ready one. for she promptly mounts an arm chair, and places a smaller one to the front, reins the obedient steed and of! she goes. she halts at imaginary stores stops at imaginary homes and ie warmly received and graciously en? tertained, and takes In the beau? ties of field and forest with gleam? ing eyes and heart palpitating with Joy. The picture is a pleasant one and presents in striking and im? pressive vividness a girlish gie* more genuine than to be found on richly cushioned ohariot of royal? ty. Happy the child stirred by God given imagination. Colt) Kidney Pill>. Tonic is quality and action, quid ' tn results. For backache, head ache, dizziness, nervousness, urlnai; ?"Irregularities and rheumatism by all druggists. I They Have a Definite PaOfOOa, Foley Kidney Pills give quick r< lief in cases of kidney and bladde l ailments. ^e Glaser, Terr Hau- ells the result In he suffering for man years from a serious case of kit trouble and spending much mo; . called cure*, I foti: Mis the only mediclr t that gave me permanent cure. am again able to be up and r to my work. 1 shall never hesita ? to recommend them." Sold by a if druggists. Herald and N. T. World $1 ?0. MU IIITEKES1JI C0ITES7. \\IDF-\-W\KF < i?\TFSTAVrH OAUMHL ?tftoas From tlie Manage*** t. this announce? ment of the and so far lt ly a large list and names continue I gun work with d**tftniinatton aa-i v it li the* aid of frie-nds a large iiuin:- bo n th ?ir fa* All you have to do ll to "hus Don't forget to clip out tho weakly ballots and send them* in . Each ballot counts ten fr-so votes. Ask your friends to save them for you; test your ability to ?OtBIO subscriptions, and remember that the contest manager is always ready and glad to help you. Wake lp. Are you going to let golden oppor tunity close her door on you? Or are you going to take advantage ot the opportunity to win a handsome piano, or other valuable pr Haw (jan You \\ iii That's an asy qustion to answer.. Send your name to the Contest De? partment of the Herald. This en? trance gives you 1.000 free vote*. Then show your ability to work reg? ularly, cheerfully and faithfully Get subscriptions and see how fast and high the votes will roll up to help you. You don't like to ask help front friends? Why? It is a compliment ; to a friend for another friend to value his friendship to the exteat that he is not afraid to ask his aid. ; The friend who gives the subscrip? tion gets something well worth his 'time, as well as exhibiting the spir I it of good cltisenship in his inter - ! est for you and this worthy enter? : prise. I A Mat of Thtase Nomiia-at-eri ia tho Herald Conteat. Following is the list of those norn i inated in the Hetald conte-rt Nob j inations are steadily coming in every i day. This list does not mean all who may enter. It ls not limited. Every week will increase the list, but lt is best to DCm KARLY and WORK EARLY The standing of votes will soo* be published Several have already a score. Miss Pattie Hubbard. Rice. Eulalia Bradshaw, Rice. Susanne Baldwin, Pamplin Minnie Rice. Farmville. Mrs. S. W. Watkins. Farmville. Mis E. R. Booker. Farmville. Paul Beckham. Farmville. Mrs. Charlie Crute, Farmville Walker Beott, Fannviile Mr- .lames Lancaster. Farmville. Mrs A. M. Barrow, Farmville Rattle Bugg. Farmville Miss Carrie Kyle Farmville. ? Mary Baldwin. Farmville Miss Willie Meiore. Farmville Minnie Blantein, Farmville. 'Miss LiMie Davis, Farmville aulef.t. Farmville. Miss Bessie Paulett, Farmville. Miss Mildred Richardson. Farmvilla I Elizabeth Richardson. Farm? ville. vis. Farmville Mrs. .1. R. Martin, Farmville Miss Louise Adams, Farmville I Carrie Morton, Farmville Miss Bessie Verser, Farmville. Joe Garland, Farmville Mary Tucker, Farmville . Mrs. Jim Davidson. Farmville r Misses Grace and Locket Walton, I Farmville. Mrs. T. K. Layne. Farmville M't-s Nellie Miller, Farmville* Farmville. *- Miss Julia Paulett. Farm Carrie Bliss, Farmville. i- For Quick K8M Fr*?m Mn j. Asthma and summer bronchitic ie take Foley's Honey and Tar. It t quickly relieves the discomfort and ld suffering and the annoying symp te toms disappear. It Bathes and ii heals the inflamed air passages of the head, throat and bronchial tubes. It cpntains no opia no harmful iruifs. Refuse i tutea. Sold by all druggists