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90 MILLIONS CENSUS GUESS Population Wi I W t: Known Until t;:.:;r. THE COST IS $!5,0C0,000 Over 1800 Clerks Are Busy Compiling Return* From the Seventy Thou? sand Districts. ?rill know their own bj the thi fl out until ? ? i have * i I -irand ' nuni ? pop tatton, but ba da "really and truly" that h ba < OUld ascertain ap? proximately the number of people sance of his announce m^-nt to the public. This could ba don** by means of the preliminary couul of the schedules which ls made necessary tor the pay? ment of the enumerators for their ser? vices. The enumerating districts for cock supervisors area are numbered, and it is intended that ea< h of them should contain 100 names. As soon as these are received tba} are turned over to counters and a virtually active statement li tims made poealble* 1'p to date the in mort than of the Toonil distrii ts have been count' The piocess is moving forward ra? pidly, and when it is completed the population ot the United Stat**s could be easily determined by tooting up Hie totals arrived at. Mr. Durand is not having the figures totaled a. d he say9 that it is his purpose not to do not curious as to the out ? ome Of his work Nor will he make a piedi- tion as to what the result should be. It is known that the census offi? cials generally fall la with the idea that there aiv about 10,000,.I people in th- I 'nit - Between thc census of lK9o and that of 1900 there was an increase of about 13.000.(mo. and only a slightly larger increase would now be neoes sary to bring the figure up to the 90. 000.000 mark. This result ls arrived at by a purely arithmetical calculation, and not by any confpilation of the fig? ures recently taken. The first announcements will cover only enumeration figures, and these will continue for the next two months and a half. The sociological and indus? trial figures will come later and will be announced as a rule in special bul? letins prepared by the bureau Itself. So far about $6,000,000 hate been expended upon lt, and it is probable that the total cost will be about $15. (ifH.fioo. Of this sum $12,000,000 has bten appropriated by congress. Big Revenue From Nsw Tariff. The Payne Aldrich tariff law has produced in Its first year a revenue greater by $70,000,000 than the sum collected in any year In the country'! history, except the banner year 1907, according to treasury department fig ures. The second year of the operation ol the new tariff began Monday. During the first full year, endlns Saturday night, the total ordinary re ceipts, including customs, ordinary In ternal revenue, corporation tpx ant ini-( ellamiuis. aggregating $i>78.850, 816, exceeded disbursements by %20, 114.03* These ordinary receipt! were great er by $15,000,000. approximately, thai in 1907, and the 1907 receipts exceed ed those of any other year on recori by almost $t>0,000.000. 1 While there was a deficit of $58, 734.:*'?:, in the ordinary operating ex penses in the fiscal year ended Jum 30. 19ti9 th?re was a surplus of mon than $20,000,000 in the year ending ol Saturday The corporation tax revenue wai $27,090,934. which is only $207,OO< less than the amount assessed. If thi government were reimbursed for tb? Panama canal expenditures of $S5. 283.019 during the tariff year by pro reed* of the sale of a part of the au thorlzed Issue of Panama bonds th< treasury working balance, lt ls claim ed, would b<* Increased to $150,000,000 Army to Have 87.000. The enlisted strength of the regu lars of the army during the pres ?ent fiscal year has been fixed approx; match at n under the ar rangeroent of estimates by Major Gen eral Leonard Wood chief of staff, and approved by President Taft. j General Wood's plan is to use th* army oppropriaiion tor soldiers and materials and make reductions in oth er directions. The new chief of staff wants ar army of fighting men equipped foi business and says he is willing t( make sacrifices in other ways to ob tain it. Refused Kiss, Shot Girl Twice. Ruth Richards, aged eighteen years daughter of a farme. al Warren Cor lara. M. T.. ls lying dangerous'* vounded from bullets fired into her noutb and left lung by Frank Ranney. if Buffalo The girl and Ranney went riding to (ether. They quarreled. Haney said. md he accused the girl of attempting ? bieak their enga*<e.n<*nt to marry or a rival. Hair '> Put *u around Um girl's neck and i an I when she re lOT, first in ;i; the lung. iboottng the giri, afraid to t.-ii ber family, < rawled to lier ? to 1xmI pori and gav ip to tue police. Brambles Stripped Baby. Kin ? driving with family mt was buried to a dump of blackberry When picked up the baby was nak? ed, but although the thorny bushes bad : ?tripped Of i's clothing, there were , but a few scratches and bruises upon dy. 96.071 People In Reading. Rending. Pa. has a population >f according to figures enumer? ated for the thirteenth census made public by COMOS Director Durand.! This is an increase of 17.110. or 21.7 per i.'tit over ItOO, tthtm the popula-: lion * Tin- population of Allentown. Pa., uiiiH.-I lor the thir teentfa Hill is an incre ?. !?; CT or M.I POT < em over 1900, when the population was ;i."?.41 ij Cut Child Bride's Throat. Ten dayl ago, Marie li so. a thlr I girl, was taken to ?.ii Gary. Ind.. by her parents and was forced to marry Joachim Da Wedneeda? H<"' appealed to Mayor Knotts, saying she was forced to marry and she did not wish to live with her husband An hour after? ward Daviso met lier on the street and out her throat with a razor. She is dying at the Mercy hospital and Da? viso is In jail. Drops Dead Returning From Funeral. Dr. Abraham S flaudenbush. aged sixty nine years, a physician of Read? ing, dropped dead of heart disease in tbe Philadelphia k Reading railway station at Pottstown. Pa He ' was returning from th* funeral of bis i preceptor. Dr. Henry Groff. of Har . leysville. He was walting for a train and just before falling called to his wife. I feel that I am falling" Death ; was Instantaneous Joe Gan*. Dying, Reaches Home. Joe Gans. former champion light? weight pugilist, returned to his home in Baltimore on Friday in tbe last stages of consumption from Prescott. Arlsona. where he wetit several months ago ia tbe hops of regaining his health. Oans. realising that he could not live much longer, started for his home In Baltimore to se his mother before he died. Slays Wife, Shoots Himself. Frank Walklnshaw. a brother of ? V. V. Walkinshaw, director of pub ? lie safety of lorain. O. shot his wife - dead and then turned hts revolver qi I himself. Inflicting a wound from wb,tch ? he may recover. Mrs Walktnahaw - flied a petition for divorce a week ago, Gave Wife Too Much Medicine, i Fiank Gollls, of Coplay. Pa., mle ? taking the physician's directions, i gave his sbk wife an overdose ol medicine Whlje the illness was naor '' Val, th*> overdose hastened her death, -, which resulted In a few hours. i - The Dewey Back at Work. ? The drydock Dewey wa* placed tn commission at Manila The collier ? Alexander was docked. i ? GENERAL MARKETS . PHILADELPHIA ? FLOUR firm; . winter clear. $46 4 25; city mills fancy, $6.50$ i: 75 > RYE FLOUR ste-ady. at $4?4.10 pei - barrel WHEAT quiet: No. 2 red. new, t?4 ? iff 99V 'HN quiet local, 7JV4C OATS quiet: No. 1 white. 471*? 48c; lower grades I " POULT' '.ens. 164? ? 17c; old roost* tressed . steady: choice fowls. 18c.; old roost , ers. Ile. RUTTER steadv extra creamery, I 31c per lb. EGGS stead] 28c; nearbv 22< ? , POTA r 'per II barrel, as to qualitv. Live Stock Markets. : PITTS lt: a BtocV Yards) ? CATT1.K stead; JT.r.^7 60 prlnu * BHISflP finn; prime wethers. $430 ti 4.50; * mis and 1 ommon $2(63 lambs St SOC "? veal calve Hods firm; prime heavies f-un? 'Minis, $9.30*9*1.35 heavy Yorkers $9.4<><?i9 45 Pght Yorkers, fttt/rHO; pi^ $9 6i@9 70. roughs, $7@7.50. Fatally Shot Chum. Y. ls a djiag at ? 1 tally Inflict Hamlin pena had a rifle ? AT THE STORE OF QUALITY SPECIAL SALE on our ENTIRE STOCK Men's and Ladies' up-to-date FURNISHINGS luring the month of AUGUST, at a BV6 per cent saving. We must clean ip our summer stock to make room for. FALL GOODS. Put av ittend ? - for you and i . it) pla id Window Displays The Store of Quality. Simon Laskey. C. C. COWAN FURNITURE DEALER LICENSED HM HALM HR AND UNDERTAKER. FLOOR COVERINGS. Just received a Big Lot of RUGS and DRUGGETS. LARGE STOCK ot Furniture ot ALL KINDS. PHONES: STORE 179. RESIDENCE 178 rn>*D. L. Tr?yloi'i rnidence 221. ARNOLD'S *W BALSAM Cholera Morbus by WHITE m CO.. FsrmvlHs. Vs. THE CANTON PURE RYE ii one of tbe finest straight whis? kies made in Maryland. It is old. mellow and full proof. We also recommend tbe Hopkins Choice, the German Club and the Paca; these are blends of fine old straight whiskies. Sold at the Farmville Dispensary and all first-class hotels and family liquiur stores. ULMAN. BOYKIN A CO.. BALTIMORE. ures Scab or Mari ge rC\iis ft'Sores on alf Live Stock Destroys all1 Disease Germs Kl LLS ALL KINDS OF LICE AND PARASITES, Wt Have IL in Stock White Drug Co. a fr ANY MAN !! WHO IS AFRAID TheTank can not Lip the man who fears ,r, ? Ince so it I f nd 1 worthy fed you m., LTgood baaing justify. A tnt* who even with limited capital' Bi THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK [ FARMVILLE. VIRGINIA. UNITED STATE-, DEPOSITORY. IL,,??ip--?gfl^?!rgOC?n mC-^SBCsl Reasons Why YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR GROCERIES -AT Laynes Grocery. 1. Because you get nice, fresh groceries. J. Because better goods for less money. S, Because your goods are delivered promptly FREE OF CHARGE. Next door to Richardson l-'Cralle. PHONE 181. Mainstreet. NORFOLKIand RETURN EXCURSION Aug. 17, 1910 via Norfolk and Western Ry. Special train will leave Farmville 10:42 A. M.. $2.25 Round Trip $2.25 Returning leave Norfolk 7:00 P. M., August 19th. Corresponding low fares from other stations. See flyers or call on agents N. Sc W. Ry. W. B. BEVILL. Gen. Pass. Agent. The New York Life Insurance Company will consider placing the Agency lot Prince Kdward County and adjoining territory with the right party. Address C. M. HEUBLEIN, Agency Director, Richmond, Va. Buffalo |V%Co. [FARMVILLE, VA. Maaufadurm ol all kiatt ol Lumber and Building Materials. We are prepared to furnish at short notice and at lowest prices, all mate? rial that go into a house from tbe sills to the ridge pole,*and will be glad te furnish estimates on any job, large or small, upon application. W K KF.Kl' CuNSTA\ rL Y <?\ HAN l? Bash Shingles Hand Hail Doors Laths Newels *) Blinds Moulding Singletrees Siding Porch Columns Plow Beams Ceiling Balusters Handles Flooring Brackets Frame*. Write Us For Prices. .-Pf A CC "** ******>. Cr****. rUWKU WC ?, rsvMc, Va. This Beautiful Piano and Other Valuable Presnts to be Given FREE To the Winners io the Herald Contest OXFORDS EVERYTHING IN MEN'S, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S OXFORDS AT COST FOR CASH. L. J. Verser & Son. Have You Tried it J There is a bottle of Cardui waiting for yob ?* drug store. Have you tried it? If not, we urge yuu to do so, hefore your troubles have obtained such a hold on you, that nothing will drive them out Even now, it may be nearly too late. But try it any? how. If anything can help you, Caiuut will. It lias helped in thousands of cases, where other medicines had been tried in vain. Why should it not du the same f jr you? ?? CARDUi J 45 The Woman's Tonic "My daughter, Octava, would have been in her grave today, had it not been for that fine medicine, Cardui,'' writes Mrs. Laura Lawrence, of Drennon Springs, Ky. "Nothing I tried helped mv daughter, until she had taken Cardui. I had sent for the doctor, when I thought of your medicine and got a $1 bottle. When she had taken four doses she became all right I often recommend Cardui to my friends." Your druggist sells Cardui with full instructions for use on the bottle. Write to- Lefter Jillian Dept.. Otttuuoota Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tow tor Special Instructions, tat ?t-pa?e book. "Horns Treatae* tot Wornt*." feat tnt.