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harm ville Herald. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY I. I . Hart. Owner Mild Pu* RATE.--* OF SUBSCRIPTION Oae Gof] OM Vear..#1.00 One <-'op> Siv Months. 50 One Copy Three Month***.U> Petered at the Postoffiee as Second Class Matter. All '.smmunications and Money ?tould be Addressed to THE HER ALD. FARMVILLE. VA, FRIDAY. AUGUST 12, 1910. ?JORI IH\N A FIGHTING CH \M I Evidence /accumulates that the Democrats of the country have more . tnan a fighting chance to control the next Congress, and having made that advance it should go on with 1t e a-Mr | dency. f Insurgei. and even in Republican strongholds such as Pennsylvania, independents are massing for vigorous light. Kv en Roosevelt no longei and they come, or go and ti and the President is being laughed at in the house of foi mei friends. And at a juncture like this, and with prospects bright and brighten? ing, will Demoeracj make some fa? tal blunder, or do some foolish thing? and is the Da?oe racy of Virginia ready to do it-, full share of the fighting? it a fighting organization? Are those who make the rank ami i impact ly joined'' Do they tout: d a common I Have 11 a) a leader arno Inspli annoi be factorily anawi family gathering. Hi treble, but a con? ference of Virginia Democrats is Mal. To BO un? rest in the ranks is to tins.* ayes sun. Thc "machine" may bs a il bal to simie Democrats vf Uta state it is a horrid nlgbt-ms Tba *'ring" maj bs fiction, but to inn, irritating fact. The poor man may bari In Virginia politics, but poor men Of Virginia don't think Important amendments to the I titutlon aw* to !?? roti al i lection, and no mn'. opie A Senafi r, recently resit neena riolated bl of office, partisans: fpr party pur .id >earrangs nt le.: of ti and lng re ? ; of voting willi Bul ? W ll NI I ' t - I I ? i man ' folios onie bolt* will forfel? and t only of all lar ' : . but all right ing nun of all part ll ally constituted tribunal and to dis its mandates ue a outlaw. To such light as the Su ont OH tbe subject of part loyalty, close your eyes, Mr. Bryat and go it blind. "Order is heaven's first law, andwlthout order there can be I party, no civilization, no Christiai AN INDEPENDENT NEGRO PAW Fifty negroes, representing thirl States, met recently to organh an independent National negro pa ty. They poured out vials of wrat on Roosevelt tbe author of Brown ville, Taft for removing neg' ficials on account of color, and tl P. as aiders and abetters < the Jim Crow law and Otho South? ern outrages. Loni a.i their friends and will in Ihe future row their own Their courage is admirable, but what of their judgment? Sowing und to reap the whirlwind.'' Th* and sane reply to their mid-summer madness is to, blot ont the amendments. And this is the next step. And let tl ? tn vcr forget that lt "isn't race prejudice but race knowledge They had the ballot and prostituted it t<> lowen] HMO. Nothing remains ti, bs done but to take it away from them. Rut that a few negroes still have a voice in Republican Nation? al conventions. the amendments would be wiped from tin statute honks ni the ? ni 11 the next Con*.'! HKRAI.IHM.s And here comes thc Norfolk Vir? ginian-Pilot on Monday too. (Had to see you. Always glad to BOB yon "Uncle Joe" ls having fun His fighting days are over. Bunyan in prison twelva rears had but. two books in his library, the Hilde and Fox on Martyrs, and *hen he came out he proceed' ed to write a book which will live and be read when ex-president El? iot and all he ever wrote or saul are forgotten. With the Hobo colony work is a disgrace. . Except in the "chain Mr. Henry Watterson recommends buttermilk as a beverage Lei him ci.ine to Farmville, only gallon here. "Democrats ara watching a min itnl ainl the other OB the White Hoi:- 11 tit?ni Her? ald. And tin Baltimore gets the "tail end" of thing- Evening Sim ter last than not at all. Tar not guilt .nuntin plea ninon criminals .nuts. ibty of the news Nebraska haw* united in a scheme Ito advertiss thc tact that the State has other resources than Colonel Brynn." And Brynn will take care of himself. The Herald had s.thing I* on the subject nf slums in iis last .md now the New York Wold ip." bad. Insurgents Ipsurged some i" Kan .nd Iowa. i ? ;i?'innrle emin-;. bed lull' ?."liing Sun. / Nu Insurgency in Maryland, a Republican, tun Nation? al election thi number of ii . Crippen and bolds I Wis.. Look out. Danger al ? habit! i. aid ??. ?i to dlSCttSS ll Sir I . rn cf T ( ment costs annually $ oin .1.. *ild bpply to th l detUng with ti u>t tba I ? axiom, "An ounce of prevention i . a puuiiti of i country i much law-making and ton lit tie law-enforc k Vii ginian-Pilot. n n The Norfolk Landmark intimate j that when the Confederate Vet i, erans meet in that city in E ber they will grow fat on " ?? Why not substitut< for th o ozone? ?" "Instead of seeing Naples, lt ht come to a case of smell the Bait more harbor and die."?Baltimoi Sun. And yet the Evening Su I the Baltimore water smel v bad. matter who "struck Bill Patterson," somebody knows wi: hit a governor of that name. R<x>se\elt continued the act in the minin des of Brook? lyn. Let the D ? >rk Can a row beat swim? 1 ? but in t! ? ,mg Sun. Not folk sells so many cantah it never has any left to * Blind Senator Core sees others as others do not. and as they do not see themselves, a "giftle poa/ that The Norfolk Virginian-Pilot BUf that all the voters of Ohio unite on Harmon. Couldn't do bet Misrxkc SOMEWHERE, "The name ol Fourth of July uggliest man has neve: ' published " Karmville Heiald. Nu. brother.'he came in from Prince Edward, and our neighborly feeling and consideration forbid our mentioning it."?Chees City Pioi_-] Our worthy contemporary is in erfcir. for the uggliest man among ? il Prince Kdward died .ind this is the blsto the taking off. In the early eighties two brothers left Karmville one afternoon for their home, one holding the reins while the other Slept soundly in j the bottom of the wagon. They met in the road by a ? of the "Free state'' ot Lunenburg, who was driving into town mount? ed mi a lnad ol' tobacco. I! once called a bait, | -.agon halting too, whew upon, th* nf old Lunenburg addreanlni unknown fellow m.nial said. ' I'll i ulla is that you are ' man in Pi im ? promptly taken, the money [mt up, when thc * diiv.-r quiet!] amused his ng brother with the remark, "Wake up, Dick." aa tbe lt ? of the awaken Ithout !. ?'rile mo: The death nf the Ill-favored broth .?n followed, and Sines then Prim ? has had no man." Charge it to SOflM other county. Prince Bdwnrd plea*: guilty. MAEOR QAYNOH stun. Standing on the deck of an liner and about leaving for a tour ahmad, Mayo York. by a discharged em? ily, ulm ftA fust, "He deprived nie of hr?*ad and in* ? hospital and the would-1 * Court or <;.gia 1 that it :n to sell ' nab Press, With respect to coun? terfeit booze, it is exactly tin Slr P'av Qi in i a prill Situ! ? <,i\.*s Ttmelj Warnings t lia \ . 1 Him di ? Cltiaeo I \u*.i i > i 1 '? .il No. 1 * will warn you Well kid* d out I thick, red, ill-smelllnj mont and in * from dull and ll you :n you of Kidney d cure them Herri s ville proof: William H. Bun ??'? St., Farmville, Va s ago I was greatly troubled I* - kidneys and ly kidney *? unnatuial and 1 felt : arny. I fi is nally heard about Doan's Kidne> Pills, and procuring a box at Free ar A. '* using them. In a short time l wai " entii At tha' time 1 e gave a statement, publicly mending Doan's Kidney Pills and am now glad to confirm every won ls I then said in their favor." ,_ For sale by all dealers. Price B( cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo e New York, sole agents for the Unit n ed States. ls Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. CHICHESTER S PILLS Bj#^w Tilt. Ill U1IIMI IIRANn. A SCLQBYWflbljISTSEVMMERE You Seek PERFECTION! We Have It in all kinds and jrrades of Nursery Stock Whether you need fruit trees, bern- plants or hedges; whether you wish ornamental shrubs, bulbs, roses or perennial bedding plant Have Them All and our prices are correct. dicit your patronage. Greens Nurseries, Fannville, Va. IN THE CU I OF THK (li * Court of the County of F'rince Edward on the 27th dsy of July. IMO: Dita K. Mann. J. K. Mann sim! Geo. M. OtWO*-. I aintiff.1 against Capps. Ann\ S. Ward. J. H. Wan). A. lt. IV i-V Kliza L. Wilkinson, Walker Wilkinson. M V CkrdweU, Win Car.lw.-ll I I) Price, li. ? I'rir... !.. M. Prise, Wat ?wen. lila May Price Mabel B. Plies*. Anna Hatchett. Kuth Hatch ivy arl Hatchett and (leo. Hatch? ett thc last six be ott infants under the Defendants Th.*ii nt ia to make partition of ..nd about the town iity. Virginia. a n aa lots Non. 1, 1 a d K in a certain ? :;nary Tract." v a survey of said estate, dated February. 1889. and .1 de an.l tiled th.r v ir yuna, it ii* ordered ? r, . and do what ' i heir interest in thu-* A c. | HORACE Al J. Ta*. july I ?UNTY i andi John ,V. . ? fendant am tract of Cnn iand lo Car mtrsct and a And an atfi.ia vit having been made John Nash, i not a resident of the State of \ ir Ifinia. il within ' and do ty be necessary to protect hi- lal ' .rther ordered that ce a week for f.i'ir in the I* arm a newspaper pah* n thc town of Farmville, and that a copy be posted at the front door of the Courth ?lo. that lieing ! i ? lay after this order ?? W*tt A to**" Tl K n. GARRETT. I Wm. Lai jul> I WATCHES! JEWELRY! While permitting Mr. A. V. Wade to occupy a portion of un hort while, I wish ti public that I am also still At the Old Stand %s:th a nen! JEWELRY, ETC., I am and al workmanship. NV. T. BLANTON. 317 M KELLY RUBBER TIRES Put on your old buggy will make it LOOK LIKE NEW -SEE Duvall. Son & Co ?> Randolph-Macon College Fox MLM. ASHIAKD.7&. lOT'l %t* *..... Walrus Roofing IS RELIABLE. Few people can tell anything about tbe ijuaJity of th. called rubber roofing, have : i who sells it to them, and the deal? er bas to rely upon the manu? facturers. The mauuiaciur.-rs of Walrus Roofing making rooting for thirty They have had exper enough to teach tl.em how to make it, and they are altogether reliable, bo that you can count on Walrus being what it is represented to be. We stand liv-Jiliul Kvery Koli That We Bell WHEN V<U WANT ROOPIHti Ul V W VI.Ill S Paulett & Bugg* When In Town CALI. AT Llewellyn Bros. JU MAIN STREET, ami see their large stock of HOME MADE HAM) MADE HARNESS. We nuke ow I ree out *.r?fully picked stock, therefore can gnnrantee their LASTING QUALITIES. If we haven t just what you want we will make it while you wait. Equipped to do all kinds of repairing neatly and promptly FADS FOR LADS 'HIGH ART Thi good elothi wno both th-" illar-prudent naturally st iek fa Yo': ?he's fasti That's why young men turn as naturally to this town hill. Richardson ^t Cralle STOP'AT Flan's Hotel and Restaurant When in RlCUIOMD Whlkk Yor Will Find First ("lass Skkvick Rooms 75c. and $1.00 OYSTERS AND STEAKS A SPECIALTY NEAR FIRST ANO BROAD STREETS RICHMOND. VA. Also a lot of men'*- ?*. children s Men and Roys Summer a? dotting, Bargains for ' BORROW MOMA ?olidating tl into Iii. pay off to call. Writi and entire ; ' WILLIAMSON BROS RICHMOND VA ? CMIMBI A New Preparation WINDOWPANE Mm*mmtkmmkmwmt*m*********mmmtmm Makes stair PLAIN GLASS It shades or Mind ADMITS MORE LIGHT enrii: for inform Cheap and Durable. R. C. Bristow 104 Third H Liver? And Sales Stables. \ flBlv FRANK EPES .-un i --* RAKOA WAI AT ALL [Hi '? hones and vehfc - at reaixuirtlile prices. Pi on given all order* t your patrol Fourth st., Pboni J. IV. VAUGHAN, Manaaer ! VIRGINIA POLYTECNIC INSTITUT* BIACKSBURG. VA. 'v td ? iiRhts in - (JtlCULTURAl. \\**E>1& iOntYror Count fi ' '' .~g il ut ii winn -' nina ***n.*'aai>m** tmtkm atti ottter tr***, hoard, wawi?.- _ fe a*diealatt?n.:.. * "4 ' -riaia itodenta. % ., lar**1 i-arina opaea Ww******. 2t?t. 1910. D ? M '' ??- uij< SUPPLES ..amttrm., ap*. O. mam**** Heralti and S. i. World ?!???