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A'NNOUNECMENr CHAS. M. STIEEF, Manufacturer of He Celebrated Stieff 4 Shaw Pianos lUR PATRONS re a new or second jrotl can save money ll pti ea and terms. ? from us and .vivi* deal Vl-r* Cha?. M. Stieff, - : St, Richmond. Ya. IGHTEt. M?n?g-?r ia B CRIDL1S. Silt. MtBtart New Store Old Stand friends and patrons know that I am back at my OLD STAND I VI IKKl.Y NEW ?hanking the public for their itronage in the past ng a continuance of it, Very respectfully, A. V. Wade. PRONOUNCED BY ALL THE BEST iHEVHERD'S CREAMS! Received daily and sold only at the STORK OF . . :happel co., where the bestjfountain (?rinks are dispensed. rRNS, VASES f? all kinds of Building Material to Cement Block Houses. Fences rlMl? at A. Slocombe & Co's ? .rr building com* and'*ee ua. ?titiuu- cheerfully fifen, 9%*t Mints Davidson's $tor? MRMVILLE VA. Foley Pills Nv* ?t They Will Do for You will cure your backach* ?cn your kidneys, coi ary irregularities, buil m worn out tissues, an -ate the excess uric aci *es rheumatism. Pr< ?* Bright's Disease and Dis Ni and restore health an er'Kth. Refuse substitute! HIGH PRICKS FOR WHEAT will amount to hut little unless you save a part of the proceeds from its sale. Better save now for the time when crops are poor and you are unable to work. We pay nterest on Certificates of Deposit. Come in and talk it over WALKER SCOTT. Cashier. NEW TURNIP SEED 6-V\RIETIES-6 " ??? Sole agents HKSS' POULTRY AND STOCK POOD Bring your "difficult formulas" and prescription. 2-REGISTERED DRUGGISTS-2 White Drug Company -;?I---!--:-- i?:-.i.-4^-N-i-.-p" 1. W. HARPER _ U. _A.. _ l~.-J?_ I -, The Prince of Fine Whiskeys <ej Admittedly BKST for generations past; bater now than ever. For sale by FARMVILLE DISPENSARY. IF IT'S FIRST-CLASS workmanship you want? If it's superior judgment? If it's to know how in any particular pertaining to the jewelry line, you need take no chances. THE ROSEN JEWELRY COMPANY KNOW HOW and do first-class work for particular people. Qur stock is the largest and most complete. All articles soki engraved free of charge. Special orders in our line will receive prompt atten? tion. It's our aim to please and satisfy every customer. Respectfully, ROSEN JEWELRY CO. 1865 11000 131V Company Contract C?1F ?AONSIDER WELL the three above essentials before placinglymir w Life Insurance. THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA JL*\S ALREADY DONE THIS FOR YOI'. If ihteresteii state your age and kiHd ol pAtf desired and 1 will gladly fun is i you a sample policy for your consideration and comparison of my Companys Contract and Coft v/*^**y^-\ Agent Farmville, Va. J THOMAS A. DOLLING BRICK S MAKER 1892 TO 1909 li AC H)H AN! My specialty la Brick Work, Teams for Heavy Hauling- Excavating and Or?diug. Kefe.ence: Every i u?ineefc mau St the city. Bot 236 FarmvUI? Pl one No 12? I[WS OF PH EDWARD AW From Karaka Mila. Augoat I Last Thursday was a ala day in tin* history of Kensville. being celebrated as "home-com lg" day. and in tba interest ol' farm ig. People Charlotte, Lun nburg hu tt Prince Edward poured BtO the town in great number rowd being estimated at from 1 . ni' to 2,nun At I 1 o'clock aa lany as could crowded Into I lOre'l large warehouse Ul listen to m from Governor Mann, Hon. i li Adams and T. O. Sandy. The heme of the speakers was better netiiods in farming and making arm life mon* pleasant and profita ile A bright future for rural life n Virginia was predicted. After he speaking dinner was served to he hungry multitude. The steam? ily stew and other edibles frere ii* ibundance. The afternoon waa'a round of va? ried forms of amusements?a baby ihow, running race Mr. and Mrs Pennell Redd were awarded the prize as being the handsomest mar? ried couple. Prizes to the prettl snt girl and best looking single cou? ple were given. R E. Pettui took the prize for bringing the largest number on one vehicle, he bring? ing 6 4 men. women and children on a wagon drawn by glx gray horses. At 4:30 Green Bay and Keysville crossed bats. At the ending of the eighth Inning the score stood 7 to 6 in favor of Oreen Hay, but owing to a dispute (Ir.en May refused to play, and the game wa* forfeited tu kersrlllc From Feliten. August ), -Mrs. Bowen Watti abd Mrs. Will Campbell, who hav< t aaa on tba |lck*list for mmbc tum? ut again. Prof. Harry Watkins and family Ol Mississippi, are on a visit . eral weeks to his mother at Mr. J P. bolton's. Miss Ida Scott anil Miss Louisi Owin -ind others with Mrs. J. J Oven as r.apoirne, are dispo.tin. themselves 41 Ocean View for a f? v Jays Mrs. Willie Jones, who has beei risking Mrs. Kate Jones and Mis Eunice Allen, has returned to he Iwime in Norfolk. Mr. .Ino lt Allen ha* complete! his 11. w dwelling house and lt add much to the beauty of the village. Rev. Mr. Pressley commenced protracted meeting at Mt. P. Saturday Ile lg doing some fin preaching and we hope for mud good to he linn" Mr. J. R. Allen made bushels of wheat to the nen uni- seeded, and with no extra prt paration. Fn un ' August 9?The picnic at th Baptist Church last Friday wi greatly enjoyed and a large crow attended. Rev. T. J. Shipman and fami of Meridian, Miss., and Mr. J. V I with their parents. In. and Sb tpman. Til* ,,. Rich? mond, are visiting Miss Lena Frank. M - I..irs.. I.i.cketf. Mle* Hat i Jen? ni l.t-t with relate iottley has returned from a flail to relatives in Unalla, Mil Walthall. ?l,ott Mli Norton. .nula Wall ?'urned ;: Bondurant returned home from Em ittend - immer Mr .1 ? lit, I I rom Hiih Bri.U?-. Am of Prince Kdward. who ? hi a visit to her uncle. Mr. Oeorge Scotr. i et urned home Saturday. Mis. Sidney Paris is wit li Mrs Addlemaa who was taken to Rick mond Sunday evening for treatment Dr. Smith and her husband accom? panied her. Little .lane Crawley Wat well enough to accompany her mother ti. tOWB on Monday. Miss Ellon Ligon is home after spending a month at Kniorv. Mr. Davis pr.ached a -plendid Ml moa for us Sunday, and Rev. Mr. Hill, of Farmville, will preach for us next Sunday evening at the .-;? udder! school. Mrs Joe I'rute and children, of West Point, ate visiting Mr. J. Wyatt Crate Mr. George Adams and Mi? ine Palmore were married in Wash? ington on the Hui En route (rome tiley will attend the farmers' meet? ing In Petersburg. Mr. Adams is th- demonstrator for Cumberland. We are glad to say Miss Ethel Smith, who lias !.n somewhat in? disposed, is much improved From AWI ene. Aug H Mr. Willie Prlddy ten? dered the gentlemen of this neigh? borhood a delightful stew cook? ed by Mr W A. Baker Those who attended report a pleasant day. Miss Mamie Rice, of Richmond, is spending h^r vacation with her pa? rents of this neighborhood. Miss Lula Dixon, of Charlotte, is spending some time with her par? ents, neaj her.* Mrs. Samuel Franklin ls getting on nicely with her broken arm. Mrs Tom Perkins and Mrs. John Wells, of Danville, are spending a few weeks with their mother. Mrs. R. H. Morton. Mrs. John Allen, of this place gave a delightful entertainment in honor of her cousins, the Misses Perkins, of Danville. Amusement: were kept up until late, refresh ments were s>*r\**d. and all retired t their homes saying theyhad spen a pleasant evening. Rev. J ff. Dixon, wife and bab; are visiting their father. Mr. Johi Dixon. Mr. Lill Dixon had the ratsfor tune of getting his house burnell ol last Thursday evening. The fire 1 lappoeed t<> hara begun aroun th.* stove pipe. Mr. Dixon was froi home, and Mrs. Dixon sick in be. at the time. A colored man livlm on the place carried Mrs Dixon t the orchard and there she lay o the bed until a better place could b provided for her. The colored ma saved a part of the furniture. En rything was lost that was In the di nlng room and the cook room Mi Dixon lived at the home of Mr. Joh and Miss Mattie Womack. So the suffer from the loss as well as th occupants. Mrs. \v B. Franklin and chi dren are visiting relatives In th neighborhood. Mr. Franklin ? join them about the ! .".th From Darlington Height*. \ugust 9* Mi Waatkei shiv was t'ie guest of Mr. V. i Wais. n and family fl dc until Saturday. < aptain and Mrs. S. W. Wat', ii Bpenl Sunday with Mr. and Mr James Elliott. The lawn party at Mayrene Vi quite a success. "High Point," Prince Edward c unty, for thirty-one years the hot of Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Dillon, w the scene Saturday evening last 6:30 o'clock, of a very attractl .-remony. when their es ..uuKhter. Mary Stuart Dillon, vat united to Mr. Ro'and Jefferson, i htngti n. lr C Tl ny was performed i?\ r , \v a. in maniage hy her brother. ||r. lam Dillon, of Norfolk, and abe tended bj I EHanbetfe Dillon lillie l'n .1. of Washington of hon* mao Ir. William Albeit w.-re M \'iiue Ver? non Po Mary ?a Dillon, Lot Wats, n The ry, .1 T D : H. Bwnn, M. 1> Harris. T. li Dillon an 1 H. 1 ara, Dillon. Lui. ? * - looked li* of White embioi satin. | nor were beautifully gowned ia Ugkl iiiue n Tin- brideemalda hite organdie. S^. A reception followed the ceremo? ny. Mr. and Ml i depart? ed on the early Sunday morning train for a brief honey-moon trljr in Kastern Virginia. The bride's travelling suit waa ot natara] colored pongee with hat and gloves to match. Mr. Jefferson is I! the late Qeorge W, Jefferson, of Cam? bridge. Md., and Mrs Annie M. tollington 'rio* groom is now engaged at Di? rleton Hendqnnrtera, Railway Mail Washington -alter Bent ember lat, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson will be at home at 1711 North Capital Street Washing? ton Qneeta from a distance were: B V Harvey, of Danville,Mrs. C. A. Pate, of Washington, Mrs R K. Blankenship, of Lynchburg, Miss Duval, of Lynchburg, Captain and I W Watkins, of Farmville, Mis*, Lizzie M. Driver, of Stuarts Draft. Mr. and Mrs William Andrew .md Mss Minnie Ontee, of Loui.-ville. On., Miss Abbitt. of Ap pomattox. Mr. and Mrs .1. 1.. Dil? lon, of Norfolk. Mr. Bruce Ander? son, of Chatham. Mrs. .1. A. Love, Misses Lottie and Iva Bruce, of M*? herrln. and Mr and Mrs R. N. Fou? ler, ot Farmville. From Mt-odiWt. Aug. fl We had a surprise mar? riage last week. Miss Anne Palmer, who was visiting her sister. Mrs. J M. Crme, left on the early train Wednesday with Mr. G. C. Adams, of Cumberland, and was married in Washington at 4 o'clock the same day. Miss Palmer ls a very attrac? tive and popular young lady, and ia the daughter of Mrs. K. R. Palmer. She has many friends here and ia South Carolina where she has beea principal tn a high school for maay years. Mr. Adams is a man fine qualities, and a nephew of the well known King Adams, of this county. After an extended bridal tour they will be at Cumberland for a short while when they will leave for South Carolina where Mrs. Ad? ams will take up lier school work again. Ihe Rev. W. E. Hill, of Farmville, Will preach at Studdert in the school building Sunday afternoon at 4 o'? clock. From Cumberland. 'dj-JUF Aug. 10 Hen and Jones*, of Lynchburg, are visiting Mi sa Fannie Foster, of this place Mrs Oilmore Minor, of Rich? mond, is spending the month of Au? gust with her parents here. Misses Winnie and Maude Stuart are visiting their grand-father, Mr Wright Barber, near Farmville. Mr. and Mrs. Briskoe and daugh-^ ter, of Baltimore, are spending some time with Mr. J. M. Vaughan Miss Rebecca Vaughan will leave today for a visit to friends In Rock bridge county. Mr. David Stuart left mi Monday for Boston, I Misses Lizzie and Ruth DeBerry, of Blackntone, are visiting Mrs. j. R. God Services will begin Ht All Salnt'a Episcopal Church Thursday. Aug. 11th, preaching in the morning and continuing through to Sunday, when Rev. G. K. B. Smith will begin a series of day services at Tear Wal? let, which will end on Friday, the Ifth of August, and a series of night services will be held at Cen? ter conducted by Rev. Mr. Hill and Rev. J. H. Davis, of Farmville.. These will continue through tkaf