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Newspaper Page Text
Cumberland Planing Mi pAVID STUART Prop. Kiln Dried 1 Beards, DAVID STUART, VOSS is s.hh me ind ORV '.. * .. .. *. .i I v ' ;:. Bar imbert. ;OUNTY DIRECTORY. rue J. Hond Ccurts?Hor and Circuit I -int. t. J L. . Railroad 1 41 M IM , :i n.49 11.12 ? . 9.21 V * * K ulalie 5.14 S.14 Raine* 4.50 7.46 t armville Iv. 4.30 7.30 A. M. A. M. - .icparturea aind connections F. B. Ona*. G. P. A. NIWNortalkSaWesteni Schedule in Effect ? EAVE FARMVILLE DAILY. N"?KTH AND EAST. No. 6. No. 4 No. 8 ra. 1* a. m. 3:12 p.m. *,SX p.m. H AND WEST. No. 5. No. 3. tW p. m. 12:47 p- m. i Koanoke. Bristol. Bluefield. Cincinnati. Sleepers to Bristol .-. Cafe Car. um ami local stationl.. Car to Roanoke. Pullman hhurg toCinciDoati. Roanoke ta Bru-tol Cafe Roanoke and i.itermed and intermediate sta i'etersburg for Rich ?*.*?. Richmond. Norfolk -folk, and Richmond -. Norfolk, Richmond and -.tations. Pullman Parlor . Uu-hmond and local sta - Ot taking a trip YOU want fare*, rehab'* and correct ? '<-. tram ?*...? hedu le*, the . km* ?.<?. Write and - for the asking, with one '?lera. m. r. -snits. Trav. Paaa. Aft. Roanoke. Va. ?ttrent, Karmville. WTHERN RAILWAY th, 1910. ? ? ti jr uren are published ' are not guaranteed. ND Imam Burkeville.' With pullman. For all points Danville, Greensboro, ? intermediate stations. ? at IVanville with main lina 1 vnchburg and Washing*. ? Greensboro with trains nd weat thereof. Pot all points south am: I'arlor car to Danville. ?- with pullman to Atlanta k-'iim. Through coach Purham and Raleigh Va. '?< > except Sunda*. Local ville. ND-Lea*e Burkeville. daily. Na 18. 6-26 A. M. ea **nr N<^;-::?.P-i?- d?ibr. Na. 14. Kx" "J Al! for Richmond. ?**tW." v ^2**** u ??"> pullmans and day jT N ' -? 17 and IK day coaches only. M- YORK RIVER LINK * I > P. M. Mondays. Wednea *?? ? Baltimore, Philadelphia, wl sansts North and East. S. E. Bvscem. D. P. A. ?alu St.. Richmond. Va >-Cary. S. H. lUrdwich U. : P '*? ~ Paaa. lr?f. Mgr "aahinrun,. D. C. Economy is a Duty not only thal the In * din $1 m. The Peoples National Bank FARMVILLE, VA. GLASS JARS Pints, Quarts, Half-Gallon's. Also Stone Ware -AT STOKES & DAVIDSON'S. Frail -naur -ii=n rililg:l| . The 1?i:st Madk M When asking for t Se. CIGAR ttin-g the BUCK, QRANDORDER, ROYAL ROBE; LA YANA When asking for a 10c. CIGAR FLOR DE NETHERLAND. El El M HANDLED BY AU CLASS DEALE1 M U?i **tm ?=li mg! So Convenient and Satisfactory We have muni* era, Ia the .. usstry -.>< well ea in town, who have found convenience ind satisl.K tkji in te)eph< their orders to ns. They've told so. W* hare an exceptionally complete stock for yon to from. Suppose YOU 'phone us a trial order and tee bow this plan suits you, see how promptly it is delivered to yon ami atrip "downtown'' or "to town" these hot days. Pun* from us hy 'phone are exchangabte or returnable where unused. ANDERSON DRUG COMPANY Both Phones 56. PARKVILLE,lVA~" RIGHT OVER WOOD SHINGLES CORTRIGHTJI? OLES caji be laid without fusa or bother right over the old wood thin*lea. changing the top ot your building instantly from a fire catcher to A FIREPROOF ROOF that will laat at Jong as the building itself and never need* repairs. For further detailed information, prices, etc., apply to W LOCAL DEALERS or CORTRIGHT METAL ROOFING CO . MILADKLI'lIIA. I'A. Axfords" a?.^a************?) EVERYTHING IN MEN'S, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S OXFORDS AT COST FOR CASH. L J. Verser & Son. Herald and World $1.60 HELP if Llewellyn Bros. HARNESS A Complete Line of Saddlery. fifi Best for Style, ^ X Fit and Comfrrt ? REGAL SHOES FOR WOMEN The women of this town should tee out new F all styles in Women's Rep .1 Shoi?. If \ ii ordered an ex? pensive pair of shoes from a fa New \oik cusW rn bootmaker, you could not obtain a daintier style or better fit. The exact fit of Regal quarter sizes insures perfect comfort and long service. $350 $400 $500 W. J. Hillsman & Co. A New Regal Model <^f*ftemw*ef4fi COUPON n This coupon entitles the Contestant to IO FREE VOTES' ? The Herald Contest X N >t g) > 1 after Sept. 23ni. VA%*AaaiaAaAaAaA?AaAaA>j *w m^fwrAWaWW tt*WvWwWWwaWmWWtW f^mWaWM pORCP tuart PORCP COLUMNS * ?era. Ipfciari. Taraea Wark. ai UaOUm at aa kteia. r*aan U nm. C?, tasmyrttt, ? a. T. I WON'T DINE WITJUGiliie Wcuidn't AUenc Banquet Unlsss Senatoi Was Excluded. CLUB WITHDRAWS INVIlATIOfi li Hresioei. Mi lure i La vt i . thing, he d * ? *? :. ? refused t?; wini Lorh. .u the lilli;. has been in the limelight i club dlnui r Mr. Roosevelt angrily de ? in tiiat i DU ld n't very emphatic in bia ? * ? loud for at earth I Mr. - ot ao aueh ti. ."istoi! that Lorimer be in; reit lia.: publicly with him an.I there then al He could do that oi Lave the (olonel out of lt. Of a conference that was miRhty brief, the Chicagoan! dadded tt lg* to Senator Lorimer: nd Roopc i,e table with yea Om invitation to you is therefore wita drawa." The colonel was satisfied when u-. saw this message and took occasion to reiterate his absolute refusal to have anything to do with Senatoi I .or inier. Three Die In Fire on Battleship. The North Dakota. UM ol tin* larg i.l mos) powerful battleships of the Halted Staten navy, had a fire in her fuel oil system while In Hamp ton Roads Va Three coal j of the flreroom crew were kt!! eight othei enlisted mei. wen li The acrid' tn i of the fuel oil appa No 1, which is used to Bitp| ihe coal supply Tl the fire Ha 0 ascertained Kn ?fl,eera of the departmen' however, believe there was a leakae* In t! mi that the oil wa= i? nlted bj sparks from the furnace. The viet j ?' * Bl were removed lo the hospital ship Solace, f ?o the reese! has ? The dead are Joseph Schmidt, of Forte; Robert Gilmore, coal pas ?. R. I, and Joseph ;' Grand Rapids, Mich, to 'he oil fuel system >* North Dakota ls tha first of tbe ?hat has n curred tn the nary oil as an auxiliary fuel waa in I. "lined a few years ago. Under the I the navy the oil ls t waducted through pipes to a settling tank, which is located In the flreroom. This 'ank ls for the purpose of allow ie water to be separated from ?he oil. From the settling tank the ?ll ls forced through pumps and then sprayed on the liva fire under tha boiler. The oil fuel enables a battle ship to get up steam faster than by the usa of coal alone and- also affects an economy In the coal consumption Falls to Fly Acroaa Iriah Channel. Robert Lorraine, the actor-aviator, failed to cross tha Irish channel by sixty yards. He left Holyhead. Eng., and traveled sixty miles, being out ot sight of land for mora than forty miles, and then, with victory apparent? ly tn bis graap, fell into the aea. It was not known In Dublin that he was going to make the attempt. Yachts? men In tba bay saw an aeroplane da ?candtng from a great height. It blt tba water aoout alrty yards from the shore neur IV Psil-ov light hon** Lorraine ??>? 'hm when ha got ant In tbe <d**r> ? \ ? e ?: i : able baxa. He bad no e tiouMe wi b Bia engine. After bo ta?J covered ona ? wires l ? ? Uoyd W. I waa sup '? til who t. ? .id. ? of Mr. Bowe of a violeut i. "rk. Meat Packers Indicted. J ogden Anr I d Morris four in ti irust, ad by a - - train) of tn. ol tho i bills ? a an ? ? I t tades His Batty Ko. Ply. A Russian wuiuaii living i.*-ar Win Blpvg, Man. ga^e i.i.ih tf. twtai .litton to bis family that ne promptly ? . for a pig. .<? t., tbe attention of the author;' I the father to can el the traUe, which he had made ovei tbe bitter protests of the mother. It is probable thal ? fam? ily will be deport..! it offi? cials point wing a la the divorce laws. The woman will he deported because of an unpardonable ad of her hus? band, though public sentiment favors letting bat remain and chipping away tbe husband Postmaster Dies In Jail. 4 Death ended I Oi William T Brigg! KMttOMUrtat of Hartford. H. J. in the county jail at Camden N J. Brlggl wt. wa:- twenty mx vears "ld ? *.) om week ago on a ? of helng $1800 short in bis ac r Ile cont' rdlna to the ?:ties. and said ht bad speat tha lr. fast living He was commit Jail in default of HMM bai'. Bgf was taken with deflrtai : .fiir.lay ll. * Eight Persons Drown<r*1 K'ght i*' near ss 'he . ii 'lie South t.?on rivi follow iB| ? (I'jwti^inr it rHM. aatimated at tan lat Eight Drown In Philippines. Lieutenant Whitmore, of the eats* ?tabnlary: two corporals and five pri? vates were drowned while crosdng th* Rio Angno Grande In tbe Philippines. Will Meet In Richmond Next Year. The Atlantic Deeper Waterways as? sociation accepted tlie Invitation of the aouthern delegates to hold next year's convention In Ri< bmood. Va. GENERAL MARKETS PHILADELPHIA ? FLOUR weak; winter clerr. $4fc4 25; city mt.le fan? cy. I6&8.4U. RVK FI.OT'R ?teadv at |4*J4.10 per band. WHEAT ? . led, new? $1. CORN steam; No 2 vnlow, local* 66fao7c oats qniet: No 2 white, ll lower grade*, 3.c. POULTRY. Live steafly: hens. 16? 16V4c ; old moates s, ll1,4012c Dress? ed firm; choice fowls, Ile ; old roos? ters, 13c BUTTER firm; extia creamery, 13c. EGOS steady; selected, 30 0 32o.; nearby, 26c . webern, 26c POTATOES quiet, at 50c?$1.5? pee barrel, aa to quality Live Stock Marketa. PITT8BLRG U tuoi, Stock Yarda)? CATTLE highei choice $7 2607.60; i prime. $7 20 SHEEP tower, prime wethers, $4 25 1 ?-tri"; cull* ami com ump $.*&3; veal tahe> $*' (gil lambs, tttft li,e, I n. | -Ti adi Vcrle ; $' ? t* tin*. 991* o $$>' a $> f."*?.