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0+t~r-t-, ad 1 ... mville. V*. ? ? . for rer * I ' ? ? ?ept . rm. A'adv ? ? ? k at tht apl. 2 Dr. Paulus A. Irving 5ICIAN and SURGE Cl HOURS 12 TO 2 P. M. I 182. RKMDENC t Pu v -ns IX OOKTBbTI t* ?ubscriij.ions 500 mort . I* given than for re? laid up old subscriptions. ?wins scale is for re I old subscriptions. Add tor new subsetip t'ear'l subscription, 100-j ? a:s' subscript i. subscription. I, ir years' subscription, I, a years* s rn, 7. **t years' subscription 10, ? years' subscription, 20, ?Cant i!.*v!(iii>. ? careful that post of I and date are on eacl on blank given into of lam the exact date of se ?j-scription is on blank, i ; ..ssible to count on thi *?' prize offered. H\(, TO FAIIMMI.I.I . ??ru Corned B Arrow. Thirty pec u load of s< ? Band on Main stree D front of the big ten 1 P. M.. on Pa i'ark, FRIDAY. SLriEM <)"?* night only. I I I X Y. World $1.?0. PERSONALS H BRIEFS. Notes of Happenings and Peupte You hnr.n. roam A od ant..**. m'?*?il along, lt tnt*. . il Vm home When' gue*, wrong. I they will "c Mr. I ;ts all Satin ' I ll. Tin. ' W. B. F * ing in tl. Ha i - * in Richmond, a delightful trip returned home ?niinc kind W! Ul and ade." fortu ff.OQ oi* I !.?? Normal. tin- Normal glrla ..f this phone th their h..ines and \ a whiff from a hoi on a .:? town a: lOtlfled t: I A. V. W ii the int is with us ? Mph on lati Sand i in the h It \t -? that thc felic -a to talk about. Mi Samp called at the ! . gret being that his visit ? ? rief. The Normal girls will have to get the hustle on to keep pace with a ' fifteen-year-old Maine maiden wh: "drives tho oxen, studies latin and ' runs a saw-mill." "Willard" had his first experience aa escort of a fair of Flo? rida on last Saturday aftern a horse-back outing. "Man> returns." One of the largest and best tobac? co growers of this section said hie tobacco so improved on the hill during la "at he cut hut t little i Squirrel irleat in that itew to b< served In that next Pickett picnic Remember the day, and carry with you wife and chll dren and best girl. f The prfemium list for the Fair ii '- now ready for distribution. Get t r copy, consult lt and go for thc t prize you most covet. An opei ? field and a fair fight. Mr. A. C. Moore brought to thc lld office a hen's egg whicl weighed 4 ounces, and says he ha - that la) - ahovt twe at imposing parada pion ? * ? If yen; I ? ? doa n (..v. n ii ). ? : long du not conflict with the eight ni Monda; morning charged ^ ith fighting and law. A mother prc bab) it, bul lin- : *i In One month and ni ind tb Home Coming ? 1910. While b tion ? to in * ? latte) * . worth tin ut-tle on ni ? ht* ? .?ll to III walk ing ? ninia; ?i. and now toe mt la mid winter with wa and no wiai.s on. Guardian ina Th. ructloi And I wait. Dro] in a; n patty an. rklng of I t pair mac I When the 0O1 . binn aili H? ? aid office, and tod! gloom the job press.-s will tak on the double quick, and energie put to sterner test in tl. an even better Herald. The programme of thc i Sidney opening should have i [ ed in last week's Herald, and 1 would have been our i have published it. 1 is a live corruapondent at Hann den-Sidney and theNormal. Lc us hoar from you on the subject. And now Mr. W. H. Hubbard, c Rice Depot, ls drawing the reit as he affirms with confident the "noblest driving horse of a this section" and then he add "the madam and the children at afraid of tbe animal, and I have tb luxury all to myself." This t* of best driving horse must be anaw ed on the track at the Fair, ao li the owners of roadster for t et mai b'-n. (1 ) ?f N ?r ll I, n e it and W. | ? - In i are known ps I ? at In a.! article hint ? President Johnson's 1 i waa i. tly In a .- Norfolk and j he escaped unr. I car. - Ha\> ? nnd Merni to intro * ? that i un, and no plumb the line. Irving will be found in thia L. I . t looks natural him walking Herald I d Mr. 1). C. Bickers, who now . of the B to Virginia I I ow his pi * * ..u ih- ? Third I?r C. I! ing a and u. qnicb bright words, "1 did not I * ..liing yon mj ?< dam bad boy,' foi with lt." ajoyed bj ul .li I "God * I .Saturday that didn't swing from the but from the country With tweet cider in 'em. The King Bee of them all found its way to the home of Mr. W. H. Richardson, who lovea sweet cider and "simmon and now and then a glass of Ice-cream soda. Rut though he has been growing tobacco since early manhood haa yet to take 4h "chaw" or first puff at pipe even a fragrant cigar. R. C. Cridlin. travelling sentive of Chas. M. Stieff, makers of the celebrated Stieff and Shaw Pia? nos, is in town for a week. desiring to secure a piano from the factory and at fac price, should see him before purchasing. Terms easy; old in etits taken In exchange. Ad Herald and N. Y. World 11.60. ?pii tSA BIBLE j STUDIES THREE rEMFTINa ttUESTIOH& Matthew 22:1: . 18. ? Cf T K 1 . and * , .. I. and ?tia ta sw, and rv; ? e willi * .posed multl 'n th?? ? .thy of pie from tl I ultu in his* weald have llfflcolty In having bil edition nn.i to put him ? lither thal if Jems shook! answer amt lawful to give tri* i .ii-.i ? r .fter him; I ? superstitiously, the Idea that they, as God's Kingdom, must i tithes ? thly Kingdom?that it would he Irreverent t under compulsion. We notice bow artfully they endeavored to ensnare the r by comp! u npon his* truthfulness, saying. "Master, wa know thal thou art true!" Xot only so, hut tbej sought to lntpre?w upon him their latlon of him as n Teacher?that he would teach tbs light, tbe Truth, at any cost. Aud so they said, "Th | the way of God In truth!" And further, they fortified their position by saying, "We know that thoa regardest ? parson of men!" .. treacherous compliments were Intended to ensnare him, but he tly answered, "Why b Why do you veil your bass designs under g.; me tho tribute money." This was, literal: -tobo paid. They handed bim a dentin- . corre? sponding In value to about "Whosa ls this Image and superscription?" They answered rei.lied. sr unto Caesar the things that are I a. -ur's nnd unto God tbe thia*) Ko wonder the wily Pharisees were troubled to ' te c-atch him in his wordsl On the contrary, they vere (aught, for all ?.f i ??irv remarks stood to his credit in the minds of Ihe rom OMI Next, tt.e Badduceea, the * tier by . "lie of their sick questl. ti-- s ri In turn niurried BM woman and all di.*. be did To which of them will *he bo wife 1 ri tbs warreetlonl They did not ask, Ts which will she bs write ht I or Purgatory or eternal torture. f..r neither Jesus nor toe li Hitch teaching, 'rh.- pi ighi tbe n and lt was against this ' ? I aimed t: tion. N..te the majesty of the err, not kn..".; Scriptures, neither tho power <.r God!*1 Von do not understand the scripture teaching respecting such qm lg In your question thc* great Divine power which, nt thai ad will straighten out all the difficulties of tbe situation. Then tbe Great Tea. her pro eeeded t<> inform them that sn. h as would (gradually) attain te tbs r. oh n-i would get a complete raising ? th condition*. would "neither marry nor bs given In marriage." hut WOK I ar? the angela Thus tbe sn* i and nnanswei thal l fell flat nnd their Ignorant Next, one of the Doctors of tbe Law sod entrap tbs Lord ii of the relative important * . 1 oe of ni! to two, ac- <? Law il ?? "Thou shalt love tl*..- Lord thy <?<?(! with ell tbej heart, I ail thy soul. and with all thy mind ' 1 eat (chief And the second ls like unto lt ? ..r as thyself. On commandments bang all the Law and tbe Prophets." What could the Lawyer say b ?'thing left to - th ye of the Ifesslaal I ea. her then queried, "Hov- ti inn: Lord, saying; The Lord saul nato mi Lord, Bil righi hand till I mnke thine] footstool 1 If David ? of coarse tbs .|u.-sti deep for i . could answer all of their questions, bul aol answer his n. tifully ? rdlng to the ll. sh. ? of the lineage of Im viii, bnt tbat Gc les wt i ? folly accomplished tn ih of tbe flesh- that ne lay dowt Ifldally, nnd was raised from the dead to the plane of glory, honor and Immortality, "far above angels, prlnci] be was ?avid, hm ? .., rd in that David will receive through him, in due l inrrectlou from the dead, bat also th >>f participation In the , -ncr of W hose earthly life ls to be tbe restitution price for I David Thus it is written, "instead of f abc iii thou * S: \l. CONDI - none, unsecured J.039 52 ka for next day's none 1.900 00 aa asst ? vate hankers .IAB11.1' pm amount paid for sand tam M : i.rj '?* ? ? : - ' 7.59S1S ? ? ? un n Wt ? -ewnlinn money borrowed ToUl " * 41.487 04 nald Mella*. caahier. do solemnly memos that the above is a true sta tamer,' .- C-ounty ot' land. State of Vinrinia. at the clou* of business on - day of Set a* I*"1 of my DOMALD M" R I oro. Director*. ? *.,>*erland: before me by Donald V "I have been soni- ive, jut Doan's Regulets gave Just tho esults desired. They act mjldly ind regulate the bowi My." ?George B. Krause, 3oG Walnut \ve., Altoona, Pa. HAVE YOU Seen That Barler Ideal Oil Heater -AT Duvall. Son & Co's.