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g^1^^ ??--: JOS. E. GARLAND a E. SCOTT MARTIN FRANK U*TON INSURANCE THAT INSURES" ^?S^MS^HHHBHSSBB^HBHIHBBHHHHBIHHBBEilHBiHIHBI^^^''''*********'*******'****^^^^^^^^^^^ REPRESENTING COMPANIES WITH TOTAL ASSETS OF $349,085,834.00 GARLAND & MARTIN CO. FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA successors ro PAULETT-VENABLE-GARLAND-CO., INC., and E. S. MARTIN & CO. M u ? ri i tu H \ % fore the need ol education on these ? is every-* ? Another lecture will h.- given next Saturday night OB "Rational Remedies." Practical il.-monsi ra? tions Of how !.. glTS -.rn pl- ments in the home will be an ln ..- Um lectu The, tin Baadaj from all parts of the country. Th-- su.> ject of the "Judgment Day" mea ycij nd, it was shown by undeniable proof from crlpture that the Judgment Dav? in 1X4*1 \ D Prophetic ? '"?nt typ.'s I how aork would be > would be held, and When it shou'il begin. Seeing thai we ave tiring slat] this side of tin- opening of the .luilir went court In Heaven the Impor? tance of th.- accepting of plan of salvation was strongly urg The of this week will take up ? of Revela? tion. On Sunday, the 18th, only two .-s will h.- h.ld, 8 an.! r. m. The subject! of "Pagan Rome" "Papal Rome" and the "United - in Prophecy" will be o rr .1 at the Sunday Chart* WlJ1 I * slili ind bi KriMii Liiaenharg. 12th K.-v. i W. Max? well, of the Presbyterian church. preached > series ol sermoi la !?> large ami appreciative congregations, with ?.i i There wen io the church tl ? Kev. C. T. Thrift is now holding a protracted m* Church and much inte? rnal The Presbyterian Aid Societ] End e it? tain mont Baturday night and realized n good am..uni for the church. *?""-' o and ed with ti* ind hon-. tmpletlon and is a fine building, as are also the VD .* ? making it . of Ann Smith have r hoi ?ime wit! . Mien and dam: Bragg. I Ililli Di ; L 14th_Rev. Mr. Booglier, of Farmville, preached a very ac n from the text, .k ye of Christ," on last Sunday evening at the Stoddert Behool house. We expect Rev. Mr. Smith to preach next Sunday eve? ning, also at night during the com? ing we-k. Miss Lucy Parrot, who has been ng the Misses Ligon for -ral weeks, left for her hom- near Charlottesville Friday. Miss Ellen Ligon left Mond.. Charlotte county, where she will vi-, it relal miine Smith and Hannie have returned to th- Normal. Tom Blanton is hom- after - in Prince Ed Mr-. Talmore leaves this wk to tai-.- b IT position at the Sw?t , Brier Ins; it ut-. Mi .1 Wyatt Orate an 1 len Ligon attended Conference al ketone last weah. Mr. Len Simpson, who terms with i.Mr. Ligon, waa married today to m ss Fannie Batee, ol Prince Ed Rev. Mr. Fm- Ming. KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL Health is Worth Bavtag aad Besae V nun ille People Kimw Hom l<? Sive lt. Many Farmville people take their in their hands by neglecting th- kidneys when they know ? d help, sick kidneys are responsible for a vast amount of ring and ill health, bot there is BO need to suffer nor to remain in dang-r when all diseases and and pains due to weak kid can be quickly and permanent I) ca Kid? ney Pills. Here ls a Fannville citi ommendatlon. W. Main St., Farm ' I have us-.I Doan's Kidney Pills and know that tbej are an excellent remedy for kidney Complaint. Although 1 Wi iii a serious condition, my trouble me unite a little annoyance at ? one h \ of Doan's Kidney Pills, procured al Preens k Garland's tored my kldni norma] con.lition and mad- id? hi every way. J hav- BO hesitation in recommending D Kidney I'ills to other kidney suffer Ul I know that they will bring' lita." F.-r sa'e by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foeter-MUbura Co., Buffalo N-w York sole agents for the Unit? ed States. Remember the name?Doan's_ and take no other. skin itching 13 a t< OB scratch the Doan's Ointment any skin lng At all drug std A s'.ecific for pain?Dr. Thomas' tlc Oil, strongest, cheapest lin A household remedy in America for 25 years. [ 1 ? ! laintifT*. ?ga P. Chi>p?. Anni* ll. nf an tn under < in th. -nee Edward ? hm in A .* HORACE ADAMS J. Taylor Thompson. ?ept. t?4C ? ... j W01M ?i.eo To Marj B. Beeg-jBr, Lawas I Burger, Itobesi Dova* Burger, William I linc.- Banger, Jaanes BfBBNMr Binder, loha Lvttt Burger, Mar* Bits Morgan Bad hu wbaai it mi) chic'tii: ? You are hereby notified of the Intention ol the state Female Nor? mal School, a State Institution char? tered by the State of Virginia, which is authorized by the laws of this State to condemn land and other property for its u?'.-, to apply, and that it will apply at 12 o'clock M. on the 2^nd of November, lilt, to the Circuit Couit of the county ol I'riii..* Kdward for the appointment mmlesloners to ascertain what win I.- a just compensation for the fee Simple Intered or estate in a parcel ot lund and other property oi which Mary B. Burger and chtld . ?* tenants of the freehold, and winch i> proposed to be condemned for th- u-".-. oi ll:. male Nounal Behool, and to a* ard the damag--, .it any, resulting to 'the adjacent or other property of Aiier, or to the propelij ol any Other p>-rs.ui, beyond the peculiar nts that will accrue to such propel ct iv-iy from ti struction and operation Ol said in? stitution s wink. The owners, location and descrip? tion of said land and property which is proponed to he oondemned, and th- particular nature of the con? struction and operation propooed will fully appear hy r-t-r-nce to Iii- petition, and exhibits filed there? with, tor th- appointment of corn filed in th- Clerk's office oi th- Circuit Com t of Pi Ince Kdward count) on tlie !ah day of Beptember, 1910, by th- said insti? tution, to whi. b) Iliad- ;i> lol; Said parcel <>t land Intended to .K-n is a lot .ii the town of Farmville, Virginia, and et bound d Spruce lot number '.-T, of Cham Bpi nee Street la a northernly direction a boul tit.'*., n. thence on a line perpendicular to Spruce Sti ? bout HSH ft, on a per? pendicular line in a southei nly <ii t hence on a per? pendicular line in a WOSternlj di? ll lo the h-ginning and I fore, colil;, ? 1-4 sq. ft, estimated, bm it is th- sam- pro? perty mentioned and described in th- will of John Doyne and devised to Mary k. Burger and her chilli.'ii. and ll the sam- pro ? mid anded on the rhe N'orti bj th- property ol I- Normal School. An that Robert Do of Virginia ? ? Circuit ' ? * county of Prince Edward, in tl.. Virginia, on the I'2nd day of November, lft 10, to show cause, if any they can, why i shall im grant* p. q. A lt B] n Met it WiiLs. When ' -ino you take system and makes you f igoroui ths That is whal kidney Pills do for you, in all cases of back.-v . lacha, nervousness. and gene' Bd by any disorder of the kldnevs or blad? der. Sold by all Druggists. Dyspepsia ls our national ail? ment. Burdock Blood Bitters ls the national cure for lt. It strengthens stomach membranes, , promotes flow of digestive Juices, i purifies the blood, builds ycu up. Were You Satisfied WITH YOUR LAST SUIT? If not I CAN PLEASE YOU. I guarantee to give the BEST GOODS, Fit and Work sold iu this town or it don't cost you one cent. I Take All The Risk. You Benefit by lt Winter samples now ready for your inspection. My prices are bard to beat. My $25.00 Suit Cannot be Equalled. J. G. WELLMAN, The Tailor 121, 3rd St. Phone 249 Your kidney trouble may be of I .anding, it may be cither a- | cute or chronic, but whatever it ls ', Foley's Kidney Remedy will aid I you to get rid of lt quickly and re- I store your natural health and vig- i or. "One bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy made me well," said J. Sibbull of Grand View, Wis. Com? mence taking it now. Sold by all Druggists. Mrs. Jacob Wllmert, Lincoln, 111., found her way back to perfect healt and writes: "I suffered with kid? ney trouble and backache and my appetite was very poor at times. A few weeks ago I got Foley's Kidney Pills and gave them a fair trial. They gave me great relief, so con? tinued till now I am a"aln in per? fect health." Sold by all druggists. HeraldVnd N7^Tworf(T$1.60. Reasons Why YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR GROCERIES ?AT? Layne's Grocery. 1.1: J. Bom. promptly 1 ? r to Richardson A Cralle. PHONE 181. Mainstreet. Herald and World $1.60. s*01 IOC_\Q\-l^ HOME, SWEETJHOME Have You a Home ? If Not Let Us Tell You How You Can Get One fl HAVK YOU an old debt on your home? I,et us tell you how MR i' to MI it off* It will be ho easy you will be surprised Arr you building vi hon???'.' If ko, get our plans and term* Have you aoBM monty you wish to invest with gilt-edge security behind ii allow (rood interest on -ame. We loan money on first elma* real ratal.* substantial security. Btyrrtttaert awd btemttortart oortHa-lfyfri t,, i ott on ai (,/? ii rit> inc {ntl j,,,?!,,, Writ*, lum Farmville Building and Trust Company Farmville, Virginia OFFICERS B.I E. Wall. 1 W. Treat DIRECrORS-H. K. Wall. aile. m0 VI ? ? ?*? i/m testy W. T. DOYNE FURNITURE DEALER LICENSED EMBALMER AND UNDERTAKER. A v k of Furniture, Mantels, &c. Burial* In loam or country Pboi ??? ' State Female Normal School. SEPTEMBER 7TH tuation ooncernii J, I.. JARMAN, Pbjdbidi