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farmville Herald. J. L. Hart. Owner ami Pu RAT. One (?>ii\ OM ti'"'.W.00 One Cam} <*t\ Months. M Ono 0>ii) i Um.- > intered ai as Sect .Uer. All CoBmunl .1 Money Should be Addi ALD, FARMV1LLK. VA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER28, 1910. ?nu: i\i?:timum DEMO* RATS -I ii \m.ssi;k. The Herald never jussi ed inch an animal deni . a, or an in Th:^ mot:. :.tinned ad of of tl er pollti And so Lo be nothing ;? tot to hold D it. And what nu led ii I Demeter; ? 'I1..1T-U r usn] -n Re? nnel Let Hoopei as a allier In R can ii. Hi lt t: tl allgl ment that has do soul beyond off!? loo machine ry. He the long d ? ?ak in th * iMi. Kx] * ind iii tory show that, ? r apo what prii ?? it univ i ? factional support of the Republics pan - -mil neal OVe: .*iy jk eible evil of government, il the elevation of base men. I tmea the lowering of public me;. li/.atii moral growth and Impnls Hon ian, would I P?\n |Ull Tei: as their mot *ou be | i6ni would Indi at a t>*ai nil prl frying pan li I ?! order, li ? * that State who respect law, and i gai-': !" war to the kui' and the knife to the bill against t unholy ! combinatt but to play stroud fiddle at a ll al is tu ma -. cord. and you will find that his is only skin d??p. And this is cul.aily tine of that other neitl nug .;ure known as a 'I crat. If t! to lorin a putable political organizal all uniii' in the save I alth." Hut 1 we are not ready to coi* let the regulars, men who .i ami drlvi 0. i's and their all no n pendent of th. Church to belong, or your political I and ii ron f them take up your hat and quit besure to leave the too. ator Daniel wai in his own Channing ai. way, "I am a I1 from to plume, all the way up and the way down and all the through and all the way round, was a Democrat pure and sii ir is worthy tbe nam' THI HW Of THK RICH When it costs $20,000 to b? Governor of one State, J17,(mu of another, 142,000 for a sea Congress and JIG,000 to mak. unsuccessful race for the gov( ship, verily it may be said, ' but the rich can afford it," that this is the age of the rich The bank account and not 1 is the standard of measuremei pded to men, and this la not wondered at when Hughes, th. fernier and now Justice in the est tribunal known to earth, blushingly Fays, "I can't suppi ' a year." In this connection it ls W? tuaie ihe tu.rds ol a great for had hit I all the | and me woil.l. | or any p.irt of U. ambi amii who had I ? ' build.' publi. *.ugi.t of beginning ?1 the big! ? in, we nil him b I n. inian ing th.- Influen ould thus triumph : ? vould ? I hi cw 1; n<- formi .1 his cabinet ranks of the poor, ami the 1 ? . of the phill bund bring - character and dre on t* lt thal .1. .1. Hill, tbe , and that to be K its pi ? th.- l'niv* hut m . man n R. is worth $200,. a year, unless DUld make of all Btu ts who might be brought undei _ his infill.-!!..- "I wills." ;? - And ' .; Mr. Tal' ?r 1912. ? h big <?'*. .' th.' wai Of th.' ari- al whi . uh brought him int him to t! HI HM.DIM i. Who ? Beverly" and in u tc, otli- ' nuptial Contracts. ?? i\U- Main.-." [1 done- -fiotn thu ii. . 0.0.1 rat da layUght *f9~ of the "powers that !?? Justic- .lohn, of Richmond, f< .??nt iii (! ?ling that the "lie is first blow. ' Ss ring fodder at Savannai ll<r>n sa tltlmore Evening Si he leaving t r u n .i'g. ?laid div: initially. No 'mytl contributors to and. imi- it a roi rom dozen to control the senate. J he will round them up from nlnd present r,u ? ta "flaming to: crowing light into tho darkness and monopoly"?that i u i i ajj game may be the better played. Let the Fifteenth amendment " He isa with its progenitors in nple. storm which sweep e. oYi.r Mr. Taft ls 53, and has RAN. Rratulated by the King of Engl but tho good wife wasn't at L to make the cake. > that ,t in Good wishes. Dr. Wilson, I an what are you going to accom srnor- of good in a "boss-ridden and 'None poratlon-ruled State?" and When added to the milk in 1 man. mond jt i8 caiiea- "aqua pura,' Drains u hag abQUt u thQ old color II ap" flavor of the "Joems." to be a Te- The "scholar in politics" is high- be tested again, and the oy< un_ the nation are fixed on Dr. W srt on Mexico iycd 100 of freedom, and has dedicate ,11 iq I Shaft 14o feet tail to commem writer the fact? * ^ the Tn. i' rintinm utions thai . circa * ing he; ?'liing succeeds lik?- sue? * pd thli ?nd the Til and i Johi full ?* that e Coll" What d" . inion York ? our 1 T. R ? nulne ior blind:. than a fault. * "The milk would CUltlVal .it of sp -a the I the them in pla< bllity, muddles hiIki ded in ?nun- and 1 time I loai |; ontlnued * m. Mr. W. i). ll* Mi. J. A. Young tin Mr. Cord, n Young, who by a train : mr. Mond Mr, q am imioml Monday 'after visiting b . Mr. am Mi ting i'"laii [?. M I ?? Mottley will will attend the Normal dui. coming winter. Dg, an 0. u. Hubbard, the bm * ollowlng i W. 1 Hu'.hanI. .1. R I W. Rrai . I'.. .1. Olgers, Mm. McNul T. H. Bruce, .1. T. Clarke, Hem lldt, H. NV. Walthall. W. W. H. Hubbar tary, W. \v. Bradshaw. is" ind i of per the m Arr-tn um. B, (?: Ile, youn. : was n bodist Church, to V the " I Mrs. W. 1!. lt th and only iple left immedii ;* via Farmville for Wash; a cities, and th con- at Curdsville, where Mr. Garnet and,'a prosperous merchant. The bi ome '* one 0l tne brightest and 1 . girls of this community. but - Wh-n Merit Wins. When the medicine you 1 i cures your disease, tones up : system and makes you feel be ilich- atronger and more vigorous than 1 but fore. That is what Foley KU aud Pills do for you, in all cases backache, headache, nervous: loss of appetite, sleeplessness , t0 general keakness that ls causei f any disorder of the kidneys or l 7 ? der. Sold by all Druggists. llson. ymmtrnm-?-~ -?. d a SUPPLES 'Z. Sl-fBi Flttlnf. HiUs tUM* ******* ll ..-<..?.-? tatratmtj un* ca. ra.**/*.*. *a fdr mm. Treatment Thit G?? lt I ? if it ? ur faith oiild ln Ispute we Ung about I eads, D of . 11 it will do for you. In .. - s.faiaja'5 - ? - - * ' - ? * 4 Hotel and Restaurant 1 Rooms 75c. and $1.00 OYSTERS AND STEAKS A SPECIALTY NEAR FIRST AND BR0A0 STREETS j RICHMOND. VA. 5 New St ore Old Stand I wish my friends ami patrons iwlthat I am".hack at my OLD STAND STOCK ENTIRELY NEW. Thanking the public for their age in tl snd soliciting a contitniancefof it, d I am, Very respectfully, A. V. Wade. THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Equiped with tl >l trmsl modern machinery and skillet workmen, wishes to announce U the public that it is now pre parc: .il kinds ring WHILE YOU WAIT. Simp -'oe Store. This ad. is worth 10c to you. Arc You Looking for a Position? We can offer you good Paying Employment that you will enjoy and at home. Write to-day Attdrtss The Bntterlek Publishing Rutter Irk Building. N?w York, r The Best Time Eve r AT THE Farmville Fair and Races OCTOBER 25, 26, 27,28 Free Attractions Daily Thousands of Dollars Given Away in Prizes and Premiums. MUSIC BY SUPERB BAM) FOUR BALOON ASCENSIONS Tournament prizes aggregating hundreds of dollars. For information in this depart? ment apply to Major J0 3N R. MARTIN, Chief Marshal. Corn and Tobacco Premiums worthy your best Consideration. Everything For The Comfort and Pleasure of Visitors. Bear in Mind ? "Home Coming Day," the First Day of the Fair, Tuesday, October 25._ For Premium List and full Information apply to J. L. HART, Secretary. Needles, Shuttles and Bobbins for use in All Makes of Sewing Machines. CHAS. BUGG & SON rr C. C. COWAN FURNITURE DEALER LICENSED EMBALMER AND UNDERTAKER. FLOOR COVERINGS. Just received a Big Lol of RUGS and DRUGGETS. LARGfc STOCK nt Furniture ol ALL KINDS. PHONES: J STORE*. 179. RESIDENCE 178 D. L. Tr?ylor"t residence 221. -4 BORROW MONEY note (Ve- i rous of owning their own going un of fRffrlRKi ;, *mv jrht years to ty off the loan. ....ney not rat. ..ailed Any amount any wi,. WILLIAMSON BROS 9ICHMOMO VA. t Cll?w|m CO* v t H.T . LAVERY I And Sales Stables. maw. p* ?** **?****.% fi l*%~v *J _I FRANK EPES hardawai AT ALL HOU^f -H...I veli itreaaooal en all order, ead. we ; ymir | ' Fourth St., ['hoi*. J A New Preparation W1ND0WPHA1NE PLAIN GLASS It shades or blinds. bre?M ADMITS MORE LlGHi enriches appear:' for inforn Cheap and Durable. R. C. Bristow HOME DB