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Newspaper Page Text
CHARLES R. HEIKE. "Man Higher Up" In Sugar Scandal Sent to Jail. HEIKE SENTENCED TO PRISON AND PINE Convicted Sugar Trust Officer Must Serve Eight Months. ap" in of ex * nating ii tin A A FATAL EXPLOSION Mother and Fcur Vhildren Killed b> Gasoline Blowup. by nn OX Thi* ( . and two ? i i it in | MARKIEO ON TRAIN Elopers Have Minister Tie Knot Be? tween Stations. An - mari on a in bo * nan I forn:. as the train Wi '.ng ai; ? BUTCHER VICTIM OF BULL Dies as Result of Being Gored by Sav age Animal. ?:rday at cut lng as the result of the injur on tha; Roll was driving the bull to the .1 turn ed on him -oe'..ed down, ont ?ar v rf and he - tract shot* tte death. Child Dies From Whisky Jag. pt out whil'? i > NO REASON FOB DOUBT. i SI I 'm i In ? I to any iiji * ? ? lng. At ail di i | ? Un Dyspepsia ls our national ail Burdoek Blood Hitters is the national cure for lt. It strengthens stomach membranes, otes flow purifies the blood, builds yu up. R^Q?-Sftoe The New Red Cross Dress Boot so many women are wearing Slip your foot into it and you i rcnli/e in a moment why lome of our customers could scarcely wait until the Ked Cross Fall styles were ready. In thc Red Cross Shoe get absolute comfort in just thc style you vant. Let ? in this, one i f our smartest Learn how pood it ' High Shoes $4 50 and $5.1 fords $3.50 and U Fleming & Clark. THERE IS A MERCHANT ?IX four Town Who Sells UP-TO-DATE CLOTHES FOR. YOUNG MEN. ' lt, in the The [>st dressed men patronize him turn for their ? this merchant on of wW pro\. (retiring well fitting ply ibis wisdom and you'll ml their economy in the way they 1 hold their sh;.: | The Store of Quality. Prices from tilt to 120 Simon Laskey. Herald aud N. Y. World $1.60. I I SUCH SHALL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Galatians 5:15-26.?September 23. "// irr Ute in the 8fhrit, lit ut fi Itt spirit." ST. PAT": al mun. not merely n th. ' '^upht hi* ? sd aside w way, in i his ?nany -:nt?;. main :nny draw raluKble lessons from th.* ? Kern Creature, I life ri ., New truce f..r i v In but will i ? | I p of i in order that D ? the flesh. I ?inl . lasdrlouai idolatry, witchcraft, hntr. wr warn .v.'H, thru ' All ? I them, If tl Itv: bot their minda I rted, turned around, nf th.' holy Spirit and a ill ? ?ii in ? fault nnd 1 ever f I * me back Int My be But if any I I I sill, with ii penltenl ! inherit the Kingdom of G make a fn their llvinc: If i! ? .1 us Into n tin-.: nnd thistles, ns ? f tba fruitage of th*- fallen flesh, be d In the opposite direction, hi : which to tin- narden of Um i Ifhtfhl fruits of thc Spirit should more nnd tn in our hearts, I rna and tiona "f ont I ... garden un- all the fruits of the ly planted In man and which have become vitiated tt.: ia implanted ind would ten elop lo faithful law." , laina thal tooee who - have d the flesh with the ; bars roten tartly agreed that they will liro . ?f the If WC live I bleb has quicks But it eau perfect na onlj If we ure le.i I ..-ilk In Ita . ? We may hu * of the Christian li" vanity. [| and envying! than la feoerally supposed lt .- the Spirit of our Master, lt will mean thal Inel ' ? honor and Immortl ' . the faithful at tl ..- of our s.* ? 9 AND AFTER ALL rn The ability to sustain exertion, even under adverse conditions, is the true test of the value of any feed ? in other words what you want is Results?as judged by the condition of the stock and the one crushed feed to keep stock up at the very hardest kind of work and insure a full day, day in and day out, is Como Horse and Mule Feed Our original combination of Ground Alfalfa and sound, sweet selected grain products Unfermented ? Unsalted ? Unadulterated Coitt leis than Oat* - ii much tafer than Corn whole or chopped ? goee further than any grain or feed. Made by The Como Mills Company St. Louis SOLD BY Farmville Commercial Co 3t & i.i I ? ia told and N. Y. Word 1.60 Sell Your Old Gun? ibuy a J^enungtoa "We believe that many mei Double Barrel . lila acqtiaintotl with w< the chance to buy a tlie i rice of th PAULETT & BUGG. Let Me Be Your Druggist. H.ninir | i, formerly ll. C ma:; my aim is to please. J. A. GARLAND, IAIN' STk ?mnma*^m*mtOmhmmhm\ f-gfl YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED To make u time durinf our nursery stoek. We want to show you tlie growth our Mi inner on "worn out Virginia* land." We willi! GREEN'S NURSERIES, 1 MILK SOUTH Ol JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SUPPLY OF FRUIT JARS. Come and examine our stock before buying. H. E. Barrow & Co. ai_ iBc =]E OLD GREEN BOTTLE THK FAVORITE STRAIGHT OLD KENTUCKY WHISK! It Is Sure To Please You. Farmville Dispensary. =ir=;-rrmt^^=3SI_H==-lt-3 ?=* IT CIVeS TH! MST RESULTS. UGHT . *"?-TW*SMITHSONIAN TRUSS the :.\i)iv WHITE DRUG CO., Farmville, Va. . . IMaintilT ! 1,'fendant . obtain a 'ii ? '? ttl.HACK 1 The Tinder Box. Matches hine Dot y?' Mtef un iu carinia rarai districts ot A ll Herald an.J N. T. World fl.(JO HAVE YOI Seen That Barler Ideal Oil Heater -AT Duvall. Son & Co's. DISSOLUTION NO'