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PRONOUNCED BY AIL THE BEST ?HERD'S CREAMS . ed .' i:*y ?I' Ol-' CHAPPELL CO., -i "fountain uv dispensed. rUNSVASKS and all kinds of Building Material for Cement Block Houses. Fences i altai W. A. Slocombe & Co's. ..? andeee us. ? -rf u!ly given. I Oner Misses Davidson's Store FARMVILLE VA. Foley Kidney Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor? rect urinary irregularities, build tp the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre? vent Bright's Disease and Dia bates, and restore health and Itrength. Refuse substitutes. ATTENTION'!! tied that our former \i><>ut the] Fire," desired impression, sis and [ Mer? chants ire increasing, IN INSURANl ! state and Stock] Owners among the BEST ?: at a little I BOOKER Oeneral Insurance. Agency Mgr. FARMVILLE. VA. jn Name. . .. .; DI 8 D Jo i tat 1011. rfc of the ti - .. *. . THE PLANTERS BANK OF FARMVILLE FARMVILLE, VA. CITY AND COUNTY DIRECTORY There principal I legriee; ability to serve and willingness to I' The ability of tV mization ami system which liave as their cliief object, tl.. f.-it hauling service that study and ex;* In th. IO small f.>r the a" nothin. too great for I il the Planters Hank. Cotrespondenee or conferences im RESOURCES ONE-HALF MILLION IX)LL-\RS OFFICERS H. A. STORKS President H. C. CRITK vice-President \BKER SCOTT Cashier R. S. WARREN ? tant Cashier I* 1865 1910 j Company Contract CpiF I poN'siDFR WELL the Ihree above essentials before pbcingfronr j c: ONSIDBR WELL the Ihree above essentials before placing;--..ur ?ife Insurance. THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA HAS ALREADY HONK THIS FOR VOU. If interested state your IgC and kind of pol -\ and 1 will gladly fun Ls . you a sample policy for your consideration and comparison of my Company's Contract and Cosl Agent Farmville, Va. ? Hoards Dairyman Says: "The best and n i.!e marke' .. hay and r, that a fanner can fi: ly is tue return, when transformed irv ire, but the reflex effect on tl* Make your cow a market for your feed?her product will be taken care of 1 The Farmville Creamery. *f>>r ? RdsenegkBrewing Co. Richaiond, Virginia NEWS OF PiCt EDWARD III 11 .in i''i.i.-ii. ? 1!< --Alter the st..lin ? th.- .alni. Fm t h i ? ? *. hlrlifflg i but the \ isit ini? young ladles hav? ing n ? their homes our (?.uiitniinit'- *-<l lo its normal condition) and j. things are all quiet Mr. Alien Jones lui ing sereral days with relaUvi ?lk. Mi Thursday t.? <-nter upon her Mr. w B. Chappell of A'* spent Sat unlay night at Mr. Wm. and Sunday with With Mr X. w. B Mr. Tyler preached a forting sermon to thi people la-t Bund ii ls visiting in ike and Lynchburg. of ? Mr. H. M. Ws Miss nora Barkadale who has I I.n on the sick i ImproYlng slowly, bul i still > bed. k .ailed at Mr. J. War iu'.'K and lefl little Margaret Clair 0 like her. i Hm Liligiimm. ?urned I on the i Ith of - ? ii Her. v * i I ? I . Dr. and Mr. Marstilla pi Mr. William Lewis was bitt \e at his hom marie and not having effective antidotes at hand and gome time having elapsed ? ? ? ' \vh hi ' ? m Willis Mooni .:inville a: ditton, and uni. * oTer I arl ot the road will hal Farm ile tller tablishment at Dillwyn, and ve farmers are hoping 0 will he good thei* From Sheppards. Sept. liol..?The fal hots are busy days cutting tobacco and corn, saving hay. filling silos and doing ?its of thr Ce.ii g.. Carter is still the cham? pion tobacco ra leer, with ira tot nd. Quite a lot of Mr.Forbes'tobacco will make "pound and I..- ha-- a splendid crop ime "BOOM County Spec? ial" with four and five good ears to the stalk. This is tin- variety furnished hy our corn demonstrator. Nortel Pollard, willi,* Bailey, kl* nith. Wiley Cillispir and Char .uiglian all aspect to fill their iliis week. This way ot mg feed -trike-, nie et being alright, a- ih.i.* certainly must he more nu? trition in the green stalk or hay could possibly be in the dry product Then too the stalk is uti] td of only the bindea, The cream business appears io be profitable and 1 would not be sur? prised if in a short while that th.-re will h.- two more "milk rout"*-" from this neighborhood. There are two now, one run by Henry dills. and thf other by Mr. Itenno. The many nt' Mr. ("har? li.* McCraw sympathise with him in his sorrow. Mention of his :... r.a.. ! I*.-.'ii made. Mr. lleCrai ? mi' time our popular deputy iherlfl .on after reaching . ? 1 man, .! He . fara ily ai man] Eton of N'.'W ? 'lunch. | will sow ? Ititi in Pio? nt Whlsi * ''k. and a good many pe .pie .itt.*:. : nt that tho win Fi om Buffalo. Mr. lohn Do .' H Dinwiddie conn' mville No ol. 'ker Hut:: in Appoint ill in -il to the Buffalo Kl treat lureka Mills. with her par villo. spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. M. W. Chappell, who has b-^en quite sick with chills, but ls now con ?nt. Mr. R. H. Garland, of High Point, letted friends here last ?.liter M. W . f ling with last I the high ... * l ? day .i ifni duet t ''has, 'itch from Simm Ml ? -?neb ?'?lui the winter with her son in California, Mr. Vivian French has ac* t litton in Richmond. y Mollie Byerley left Satur? day morning for her school in Hen rico county. Mr. Kdward Byerley has moved nily to Farmville. Mr. Jo.-l Jon.--., from Lynchburg, was the guest ol Mr. H. G. Garnett ">-k. Mr. and Mrs. A. F Howard paid a flying visit to Mr. Il C. Carnett last week. We are glad to report that Mr. ?fohn B. Phillips is convalescent. Kev. Hawes IV Clarke preached at Clove Church Sunday night. and May Clarke uri. whero are attending sobool. Ml Ke.le || tlie guest of J. M. Hlanton and Maynard French. Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick 1) Wood son spent Saturday and Sunday with her pare: Miss Kan*- Oarnett has been vis? iting bl I'S. H 1>. We Mill Mount." Mr. R. Q. Garnett is wefting on with his dairy and is adding to his cows whenever he sees an opportunity. Mr. .Lib n Ky. | ia gland, is rlsttlni W Good? man. who has ? ly. Mis k C ? tgbUI B has 0* ** vi-it ber old b J. M. Phillips has just re? turned from a visit to her dau| ?:? rnard Bonlfant, of Powha? tan. I i ..ii Dillwyn. 2ut h. '! ??? the Seven! Partner's farm, i'la; linne with una! The Irew du E waa well fll He-ulth was tit. The the ^, fol I wilt cold ii the ? At ed the 1 'of selatioa. with tl -tate igin and Immortality. nday, the 2oth, I held, ll a. m. 3 and 7:u0 p. m. Tho Sabbath. and for Whom Mi day in the New Testament, and Who Chang. bath, will biibjects to be p. $1,000.00 reward ts offen one text from the Holy Scriptures aut ing the observance ot Sunday as sacred day. to A